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Bjöd upp henne på dansgolvet och var en jädra charmör alltså, tack alkohol! Bonden bar är faktiskt ett jävligt bra ställe!


Jag är stolt över dig! Kom ihåg att inte dansa för länge eftersom både du och bruden blir allt för svettiga. Spara energin till senare och viktigare aktiviteter ;)

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8-) 8-) 8-)


PokerStars Game #32795880559: Tournament #200909026, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2009/09/13 19:22:37 CET [2009/09/13 13:22:37 ET]

Table '200909026 126' 9-max Seat #5 is the button

Seat 1: Punkfloyd (4560 in chips)

Seat 2: Ggod (5030 in chips)

Seat 3: Fireonk (2780 in chips)

Seat 4: Teejmeister1 (6485 in chips)

Seat 5: SauderS (3535 in chips)

Seat 6: r@ise me! (10020 in chips)

Seat 7: greenmann31 (2040 in chips)

Seat 8: tonto3 (5160 in chips)

Seat 9: t soprano (5390 in chips)

r@ise me!: posts small blind 15

greenmann31: posts big blind 30

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Ggod Ace of DiamondsAce of Clubs

tonto3: calls 30

t soprano: folds

Punkfloyd: folds

Ggod: calls 30

Fireonk: calls 30

Teejmeister1: folds

SauderS: raises 180 to 210

r@ise me!: calls 195

greenmann31: folds

tonto3: calls 180

Ggod: raises 660 to 870

Fireonk: folds

SauderS: calls 660

r@ise me!: calls 660

tonto3: folds

*** FLOP *** Ace of SpadesKing of Hearts6 of Diamonds

r@ise me!: checks

Ggod: checks

SauderS: bets 2665 and is all-in

r@ise me!: folds

Ggod: calls 2665

*** TURN *** Ace of SpadesKing of Hearts6 of Diamonds9 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** Ace of SpadesKing of Hearts6 of Diamonds9 of Diamonds2 of Clubs

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Ggod: shows Ace of DiamondsAce of Clubs (three of a kind, Aces)

SauderS: shows Ace of HeartsQueen of Diamonds (a pair of Aces)

Ggod collected 8210 from pot

ErnieEls3 is connected

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 8210 | Rake 0

Board Ace of SpadesKing of Hearts6 of Diamonds9 of Diamonds2 of Clubs

Seat 1: Punkfloyd folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 2: Ggod showed Ace of DiamondsAce of Clubs and won (8210) with three of a kind, Aces

Seat 3: Fireonk folded before Flop

Seat 4: Teejmeister1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 5: SauderS (button) showed Ace of HeartsQueen of Diamonds and lost with a pair of Aces

Seat 6: r@ise me! (small blind) folded on the Flop

Seat 7: greenmann31 (big blind) folded before Flop

Seat 8: tonto3 folded before Flop

Seat 9: t soprano folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Går bra i wcoop, siza annorlunda river?


PokerStars Game #32796978612: Tournament #200909026, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (20/40) - 2009/09/13 19:51:36 CET [2009/09/13 13:51:36 ET]

Table '200909026 126' 9-max Seat #2 is the button

Seat 1: rhaelor (4760 in chips)

Seat 2: Ggod (9220 in chips)

Seat 3: Fireonk (4170 in chips)

Seat 4: Teejmeister1 (5830 in chips)

Seat 5: ErnieEls3 (5690 in chips)

Seat 6: r@ise me! (10585 in chips)

Seat 7: Ranbo85 (4760 in chips)

Seat 8: tonto3 (8000 in chips)

Seat 9: t soprano (6985 in chips)

Fireonk: posts small blind 20

Teejmeister1: posts big blind 40

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Ggod [Ac Kc]

ErnieEls3: folds

r@ise me!: raises 120 to 160

Ranbo85: folds

tonto3: folds

t soprano: folds

rhaelor: folds

Ggod: calls 160

Fireonk: folds

Teejmeister1: folds

*** FLOP *** [Ks 7c 9c]

r@ise me!: bets 240

Ggod: calls 240

*** TURN *** [Ks 7c 9c] [2c]

r@ise me!: checks

Ggod: bets 520

r@ise me!: calls 520

*** RIVER *** [Ks 7c 9c 2c] [Ts]

r@ise me!: bets 2440

Ggod: raises 5860 to 8300 and is all-in

r@ise me!: folds

Uncalled bet (5860) returned to Ggod

Ggod collected 6780 from pot

Ggod: doesn't show hand

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 6780 | Rake 0

Board [Ks 7c 9c 2c Ts]

Seat 1: rhaelor folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 2: Ggod (button) collected (6780)

Seat 3: Fireonk (small blind) folded before Flop

Seat 4: Teejmeister1 (big blind) folded before Flop

Seat 5: ErnieEls3 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 6: r@ise me! folded on the River

Seat 7: Ranbo85 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 8: tonto3 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 9: t soprano folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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