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Jaja, today i learned att diskrimineringslagen "resonerats utifrån ett jantetänk".




Extra roligt att motionen är signerad av samma person som är den största motståndaren till Decemberöverenskommelsen.


Skrev inte att diskrimineringslagen resonerats utifrån ett jantetänk.


Skrev " De försökte ändra i diskrimineringslagen, och pratade om jantelagen för att mycket i diskrimineringslagen resoneras utifrån ett jantetänk, och att det tänket var diskriminerande i sig."


Notera "resoneras", inte "resonerats". Dvs. när lagen tillämpas är jante helt enkelt ivägen. Inte som du försökte ljuga ihop nu i ditt felcitat att diskrimineringslagen är konstruerad från jantelagen..... :rolleyes:



TIL lolzor ljuger, felciterar och använder dåliga källor. Kan eventuellt inte läsa.


Riksdagen tillkännager för regeringen som sin mening vad som anförs i motionen om en översyn av den nya diskrimineringslagen (2008:567) för att också inkludera förbud mot negativa effekter av tillämpning av den s.k. jantelagen i diskriminerande syfte.


De vill ha förbud mot de negativa effekterna som jante har upphov till, då det leder till diskriminering. De vill inte lagstifta bort jantelagen.


Tolkar jag det fel här så bevisar det en sak! Att jag inte borde hålla på med juridik. vilket jag förstås inte gör heller.


BitSIM verkar ganska fräckt. ett smalt mjukt simkort som läggs tillsammans med ditt vanliga simkort och vips så kan du kryptera dina sms och hantera dina bitcoins på vilken telefon som helst som kan skicka sms. typ 2,5 miljarder(?) i u-länder.




Man får lite andra vibbar än ifrån Stefan & Co. Finns så många härliga citat.


We currently top the Ookla chart as the nation with the highest download speeds. If you want to know how easy it is to get addicted to that, you travel overseas and book into a hotel and try to get Wi-Fi, and it is not very Wi-Fi.


The last programme I wrote was a Sudoku solver in C++ several years ago, so I’m out of date. My children are in IT, two of them – both graduated from MIT. One of them browsed a book and said, “Here, read this”. It said “Haskell – learn you a Haskell for great good”, and one day that will be my retirement reading.


Man får lite andra vibbar än ifrån Stefan & Co. Finns så många härliga citat.


Som sagt, hade jag varit arbetsgivare och skulle anställa en statminister och fått in hans CV och stefans CV så hade jag nog skrattat rätt gott åt det ena...


Lee studied at Nanyang Primary School and received his secondary education at Catholic High School, before going on to National Junior College (where he learned the clarinet under the tutelage of Adjunct Associate Professor Ho Hwee Long). In 1971, he was awarded a President's Scholarship and Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Scholarship by the Public Service Commission to study Mathematics at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. He was Senior Wrangler in 1973,[4][5] and graduated in 1974 with first class honours in mathematics and a Diploma in Computer Science (with distinction). In 1980, he completed a Master of Public Administration at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Military career[edit]

Lee joined the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) in 1971. In 1978, he attended the United States Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth. Lee rose quickly through the ranks in the Singapore Army, becoming the youngest brigadier-general in Singaporean history after his promotion in July 1983. Notably, he was put in command of the rescue operations following the Sentosa Cable Car Disaster. Lee left the SAF in 1984 to pursue civilian politics.[6]

Early political career[edit]

In the 1980s, Lee was regarded as the core member of the next batch of new leaders in the People's Action Party (PAP) leadership transition that was taking place in the mid-1980s, as Lee Kuan Yew had declared that he would step down as Prime Minister in 1984. Following the 1984 general election, all of the old Central Executive Committee members resigned on 1 January 1985, except for Lee Kuan Yew himself.[7]

Lee was elected a Member of Parliament (MP) in 1984 at the age of 32. Following his election, he was appointed as Minister of State at the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Defence by his father, who was the Prime Minister at the time.

In 1985, Lee chaired the government's Economic Committee, which recommended changes to established government policies to reduce business costs, foster longer-term growth and revive the Singapore economy, which was experiencing a recession at the time. The committee's recommendations included reductions in corporate and personal taxes and the introduction of a consumption tax.

In 1986, Lee was appointed the Acting Minister for Trade and Industry. In 1987, he became a full member of the Cabinet as the Minister for Trade and Industry and Second Minister for Defence.

Lee was the chairman of the PAP Youth Committee, the predecessor to the Young PAP, when it was established in 1986, while he was still a brigadier-general. The PAP had been undergoing leadership transition, and many of its key leaders were aging, with younger replacements scarce. PAP branches were urged to recruit 40-50 members each. Lee envisioned there would be a lot of young people who were "idealistic, patriotic, nationalistic, keen to work for the nation." Lee's goal was to maintain the preeminence of the PAP such that "when the people think about the government of Singapore, if they think about the future of Singapore, then they will think about the PAP". Lee also said that the youth wing would be a channel in which the youth could communicate dissent, in which otherwise they might be "tempted" to vote for the opposition political parties and bring the PAP government down.[8]

Deputy Prime Minister[edit]

On 28 November 1990, Goh Chok Tong took over from Lee Kuan Yew as Singapore's Prime Minister, and Lee Hsien Loong was made one of two Deputy Prime Ministers (along with Ong Teng Cheong). He also continued to serve as the Minister for Trade and Industry until 1992.

In 1992, Lee was diagnosed with lymphoma and underwent a three-month period of chemotherapy. When his treatment began, he relinquished his position as the Minister for Trade and Industry, though he continued to be a Deputy Prime Minister. His chemotherapy was successful, and his cancer has since gone into remission.

Lee was appointed Chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in 1998, and in 2001 he was made the Minister for Finance.

To ease the growing budget deficit due to falling tax revenues from cuts in corporate and personal income taxes and other factors such as the Iraq War and SARS outbreak, Lee proposed on 29 August 2003 to raise the GST from three percent to five percent, a change which took place in January 2004.

Lee also initiated several relaxations of the requirements for Singapore citizenship, notably for foreign-born children of Singaporean women.[9] The changes were made after repeated pleas from MPs and the Remaking Singapore Committee.

In the sphere of domestic politics, Lee played a key role as Deputy Prime Minister. In an interview with the media in 1996, ahead of the 1997 general election, he outlined what the ruling party looked for in its candidates for Members of Parliament.[10]

On the international front, Lee helped build relations with other countries like New Zealand.[11]


BNP per capita i Sverige minskade 2006-2014:

Sju år med negativ BNP-tillväxt saknar motstycke i svensk efterkrigstid. Det finns på samma sätt ingen åttaårsperiod med lägre BNP-tillväxt än åren 2006-2014. Det är ett fascinerande tecken i samtiden att Reinfeldt och Borg tilläts utmåla den sämsta perioden i mannaminne som någon sorts gyllene tillväxtepok. Att kolla upp detta är trots allt inte mer invecklat än att klicka på en tabell på SCBs hemsida och se hur BNP i fasta inflationsjusterade priser utvecklas.


Källor osv: http://www.tino.us/2015/04/det-gar-inte-bra-for-sverige/




SD största partiet bland män i augusti om utvecklingen fortsätter:


Kanske dags för de andra partierna att utvärdera sin strategi snart.




Vitamintillskott värdelöst och skadligt?!





Var på Autoliv och presenterade. Det företaget går bra, riktigt bra. Hade inte riktigt förstått hur stora de var innan jag besökte dem. Idag är aktiv-säkerhet ca 10% av deras omsättning och den ökar den fort... Typ 1 line ska bli 7 liner etc. Verkar vara rätt trevligt företag, om man avser skaffa familj och vill bo billigt på landet är de ett väldigt intressant alternativ.

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