Grymme Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Fick detta erbjudande per e-post för någon dag sedan. Känns ju nästan för bra för att vara sant Hur som helst så känns det ju som om det är en möjlighet som jag inte kan missa. Tänkte se om jag kunde få hjälp med förlsag på inspirerade förslag osv... har en liten tanke om hur jag skall hantera kravet på den "lilla administrativa avgift" som jag lär uppmanas betala såsmåningom,,, men alla kreativa förslag är välkomna. __________________________________________ Dear Prospective partner, Greetings of the day to you.Though you may be skeptical receiving this email as we have not met before,nevertheless i have a business which i believe we can handle together,once we have the necessary mutual understanding so built.I am Mr. Patrick K.W. Chan (Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer) of the Hang Seng Bank Ltd. Before the U.S and Iraqi war our client Gen. Abbas Radhi Ismail who was with the Iraqi forces and also businessman made a numbered fixed deposit for 18 calendar months, with a value of (Twenty Four million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars only) in my branch. Upon maturity several notices was sent to him, even during the war which began in 2003. Again after the war another notification was sent and still no response came from him. We later find out that the General along with his wife and only daughter had been killed during the war in a bomb blast that hit their home. After further investigation it was also discovered that Gen. Abbas Radhi Ismail did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his bank deposit. And he also confided in me the last time he was at my office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my bank. So, Twenty Four million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars is still lying in my bank and no one will ever come forward to claim it. What bothers me most is that according to the laws of my country at the expiration of 6 years the funds will revert to the ownership of the Hong Kong Government if nobody applies to claim the funds. Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to Gen. Abbas Radhi Ismail so that you will be able to receive his funds. MODALITIES: I want you to know that I have had everything planned out so that we shall come out successful. I have an attorney that will prepare the necessary document that will back you up as the next of kin to Gen. Abbas Radhi Ismail, all that is required from you at this stage is for you to provide me with your Full Names and Address so that the attorney can commence his job. After you have been made the next of kin, the attorney will also fill in for claims on your behalf and secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favour for the move of the funds to an account that will be provided by you. There is no risk involved at all in this matter,as we are going adopt a legalized method and the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents. Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue.Once the funds have been transferred to your nominated bank account we shall then share in the ratio of 70% for me, 30% for you. Should you be interested please send me your the following: 1. Full names 2. Private phone/fax 3. Current residential address and I will prefer you reach me on my private email address below and finally after that,I shall provide you with more details of this operation.Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated. Kind Regards Mr Patrick Chan. Citera
rickie Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Orkar inte läsa, nån form av nigeriabrev lr? Citera
vetgirig Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Orkar inte läsa, nån form av nigeriabrev lr? Ja Citera
Brumpa Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 16 Januari , 2007 är väl bättre att killen sätter sin morsa lr nåt som släkting å då tar allting? än att ge bort 30% till en främling.. Citera
all_ur_horses Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Ok, du pejstar ett spammail här..? Citera
majorj Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Vilken tur du har! Lite som att klonka en WPT, eller hur? (Själv brukar jag få mail från någon nigeriansk morbror som jag inte visste att jag hade, men som ska ge mig dolares om jag ger honom dolares så att han kan flytta dolares från Nigeria till nånannanstans.) Citera
Brumpa Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 16 Januari , 2007 ni läser alltså era spam-mail? Citera
The Grand Bark Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 16 Januari , 2007 Hur man tacklar nigeriabrev? Kolla här: Citera
Grymme Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Ok, du pejstar ett spammail här..? Alltså, tanken är ju att jag skall skoja lite med killen. Därav postningen. Men det kanske inte var tillräckligt tydligt. Om konversationen kommer igång så kan det vara lite roligt att lägga upp den här sedan. Tack för tipset om scambaiters. Många bra ideér. Så, några fler kreativa förslag? Tänkte svara på mejlet senare ikväll. Citera
DrRoland Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Så du tror på fullt allvar att killen kommer att läsa om du ödslar tid på att svara? Citera
avund Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Så du tror på fullt allvar att killen kommer att läsa om du ödslar tid på att svara? Ja om han inte läser de svar han får och sedan svara på dessa hur ska han då kunna lura till sig några pengar? Han vinner ju inget på att bara skicka ut ett mail, utan det är i de senare kontakterna han kommer ha en "smart" lösning på hur han ska lura Grymme på pengar. Citera
Andrew_W Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Känner du verkligen att du vill lägga tid på det här? Det finns ju annars mängder med sidor där sånt här redan har gjorts. Den här har några år på nacken: scamjokepage Citera
psykologen Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Det är väl bara att ge honom falska uppgifter och börja trolla. Jag brukar roa mig mig ibland med att tilta scammare. Citera
Grymme Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Jo, jag vet att det har gjorts innan. Men det kan ju vara lite kul ändå. Och, som någon kille sa innan. Det är klart han svarar om han inte bedömer att man är helt oseriös. Det är ju så han tjänar sina pengar. Well, jag svarade ju lite kort iallafall så får vi se vad som händer. Eftersom jag är jurist tog jag en lite juridisk vinkling på svaret (känner mig bekväm med en sådan diskussion). Well, här kommer svaret iallafall.. ____________________ Hi Patrick I read your email several times. And i must say that i am interested. However am slightly sceptical and i do have some concerns about the legal implications for me and my firm in participating in such business. I understand that it is not completely legal. But can you give me insurances that it will not be caught by tax authorities in my country or yours. Where is your bank operating by the way? As i said, i am interested in your proposal but would like some more information regarding the business and its legal implications in your country and mine (i live in Germany). Sincerely Acek Inghai CEO Excellent river investment (EV+) inc. Citera
maxinhoe Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 17 Januari , 2007 Acek Inghai CEO Excellent river investment (EV+) inc. Citera
Pokershark Postad 18 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 18 Januari , 2007 Det verkar ta lång tid för honom att hitta en sammarbetspartner. Fick exakt samma e-mail för ett halvår sen Citera
Goose_strike Postad 18 Januari , 2007 Rapport Postad 18 Januari , 2007 Hur mycket fritid har du igentligen? Jag ser verkligen inte det roliga i att odsla tid pa san har skit. Skulle aldrig i livet lagga tid pa anns att oppna ett sadant mejl. Det verkar ta lång tid för honom att hitta en sammarbetspartner. Fick exakt samma e-mail för ett halvår sen Skulle gissa pa att de kor med samma brev, finns ingen anledning att skriva ett nytt. Citera
Grymme Postad 18 Januari , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 18 Januari , 2007 Med ett ganska tidskrävande arbete på domstol, träning, gullig men tidskrävande flickvän samt poker så hobby så kan man väl säga att fritiden är begränsad. Däremot har jag ett väl utvecklat sinne för humor vilket inte låter ett sådant tillfälle gå förbi. Men smaken är ju som baken. Bellmanskämten lämnar jag åt de som är hugade åt det hållet. Fick f ö svar från honom dagen efter. skall svara ikväll om jag orkar. Verkar vara mer eller mindre ett standardsvar. Funderar på om jag kan få honom att skicka några bilder på generalen m familj, eller om jag kan få honom att göra ngnslags rättsutredning i tysk eller kinesisk rätt åt mig... _____________________________ Dear Acek Inghai, Thank you very much for your response.I am most grateful that your are willing to support and assist me with this transfer matter.I really appreciate your interest.Considering the issues at present,it became paramount for me to contact you for assistance. These funds were deposited by late Abbas Radhi Ismail and he did not indicate any beneficiary to these funds.I have done all investigations to the effects of his death.As it is,i am willing to entrust you with these funds,hence,i ask that you follow this transfer matter seriously as it needs our commitment.If we work together as one,we should register success within 5 working days as i have all well planned out.You have nothing to worry about as we shall be transfering these funds in-line with all international banking procedures and in-fullfilment of all legal requirements. As a banker and also the originator of this transaction,i want you to know that the best way in-which we would have these funds transfered hitch free is that which i propose to you.I therefore state that you follow my instructions cautiously.In regards your question,my bank is hang seng bank,hong kong. Please be informed that my attorney shall handle all matters of probate so as to obtain all legal backings that puts you inplace as the beneficiary to these funds.Also a certificate of deposit would be obtained from my bank here, once it recognises you as the new owner of the funds.This i shall forward to you accordingly. Let me bring to your understanding that your only obligation regards our transfer partnership is for you to open and activate the receiving account for our funds upon transfer from my bank.This account you shall open and make functional,thus ready to receive our funds in your name for both of us.I am in contact with a foreign on-line bank where i intend you open and activate this account. The reason for this abounds as the corresponding bank shares the same telex type and opeartes the same banking coordinates with my bank here in hong kong.Hence,the transfer would be seen as in-house and not attract the unnecessary attention of various international monetary bodies. Nevertheless,i want to know you better as the funds involved with this transfer matter is huge and the need for me to be sure sure am dealing with the correct person of Acek Inghai.Therefore,i ask that you make available to me any form of your scanned id (driver's license or passport).Upon receipt of this,i would immediately have you forwarded my id and further informations about our partnership.I know that we have not met before,but with the necessary mutual understanding we so build,i know we would register success. I donot want any complications as i want us to enjoy these funds.Hence,i implore you to hold this project confidentialy as the sum is huge and for reason of my work and security during and after the transfer of our funds. Thank you once again my friend as i await to read from you ernestly. Sincerely, Patrick Chan. Citera
Grymme Postad 18 Januari , 2007 Författare Rapport Postad 18 Januari , 2007 Gick ett litet stressat uppföljningsbrev som jag nu svarat på. Brevet och svaret nedan. _____________________________ Dear Acek Inghai, How are you today?Hope all is well with you and your family.I have not read from you regards our transfer project and this has caused me to worry.There is every need for us to act fast as we donot have much time. It is understandable that you might be a little bit apprehensive because you do not know me,nevertheless i send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. All i need from you is your trust and understanding.Once we have the mutual understanding,i know we would register success accordingly.Please forward to me a scan copy of any form of your id (driver's license or passport) so that we can commence the legal documentations that put you as beneficiary to these funds at the probate registry.Upon receipt of this,i would immediately have you receive my id and other informations required for the success of our project. Let me reassure you that you have no reason to fear as we shall be transfering these funds in-line with all international banking procedures and in fullfillment of all legal requirements.I am a banker and also the originator of this transactions,hence,all is properlly planned.Once you follow me instructions with sincerity of heart,success is certain. Mail me with your position as soon as possible. Thank you once again. Sincerely, Patrick Chan. __________________________ Thank you for your kind concern about my family. My kids are well, unfortunatly my wife is sick and in the hospital since several months. But the doctors say that she has a good chance to recover. I am sorry to say that i will not be able to answer and comply with your requests as fast as you might wish. As a business leader of a small company (some 30 employes) i have a lot of obligations and rarely get time to conduct private business. I do understand your concern about my identity. I have similar concerns myself. I am wondering if your bank possibly have legal advicers with knowledge of european tax legislation? If so it would be reassuring to hear from them, without disclosing my name, how the affair could be conducted in the safest manner possible. Also i am wondering if you possibly have documentation/picture of the late mr Abbas Radhi Ismail. I would certainly be reassured by such picture since it could be shown to anyone questioning wether i am his next of kin. Regarding your request. I do not have scanned copy of drivers license or id. How do i obtain such copy? I am afraid that i am not to good at using computers, it is a thing for the younger generations. Sincerely Acek Inghai Citera
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