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Skumt mail från metropolitanpoker?

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Jag fick ett mail från metropolitan poker som säger såhär:


We are currently in the process of changing our payment processor and due

> >>to this, require that all Metropolitan Poker and Metropolitan Casino player

> >>accounts be zero balanced. We apologise for any inconvenience this may

> >>cause.

> >>

> >>As your account currently holds less than the threshold amount of 25 units

> >>(25 GBP/Euro/USD) required to process an automatic withdrawal request, we

> >>ask that you please email Support (support@metropolitanpoker.com)

> >>immediately on receipt of this mail and state your preferred payment method

> >>so that we may action your withdrawal request manually on all funds

> >>currently held in your account.

> >>

> >>This also applies to your Poker Balance.

> >>

> >>You then need to only re-deposit funds on receipt of our next

> >>correspondence confirming the transition over to our new payment processor

> >>as having been completed and continue to play at Metropolitan.

> >>

> >>We hope this does not cause you any undue inconvenience, and look forward

> >>to your continued patronage of our site.

> >>

> >>Thanks very much, and best regards.

> >>

> >>The Management of Metropolitan Poker & Casino


Jag har bara spelat dendär bra signupbonusen där och jag tror att jag sen tog ut alla pengar och drog vidare. Jag var just påväg att skicka mina neteller uppgifter till dom men så tänkte jag besöka deras hemsida först men jag kommer inte in till metropolitanpoker.com

Nån annan som fått ett sånthär mail??

Avsändaradressen är nog support@metropolitanpoker.com


Kanske bara jag som är lite överkänslig, men skulle gärna vilja veta vad ni tycker, kommer ni in på metropolitanpokers hemsida?

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