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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t150 (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: FlopTurnRiver)
BB (t3840)
UTG (t5760)
MP (t1490)
Hero (t1340)
SB (t1070)
Preflop: Hero is Button with T, T.
1 fold, MP raises to t300, Hero raises to t1340, 2 folds, MP calls t1040.
Flop: (t2905) 8, T, 5(2 players)
Turn: (t2905) A(2 players)
River: (t2905) 3(2 players)
Final Pot: t2905
Results in white below:
MP has Ad Ah (three of a kind, aces).
Hero has Td Th (three of a kind, tens).
Outcome: MP wins t2905.