cd_Gothenburg Postad 22 Juli , 2008 Rapport Postad 22 Juli , 2008 Sleepless är ett av kontona som har används av fuskarna enligt UB pressrelease: "March 2008: Six player accounts are confirmed to have participated in this scheme. No accounts were deleted at any point, although some account names were changed multiple times. The following account names are known to have been used in the fraudulent activity: NioNio, Sleepless, NoPaddles, nvtease, flatbroke33, ilike2win, UtakeIt2, FlipFlop2, erick456, WhackMe44, RockStarLA, stoned2nite, monizzle, FireNTexas, HeadKase01, LetsPatttty, NYMobser, and WhoWhereWhen". Kontot anses tillhöra Russ Hamilton då det, enligt uppgifter erhållna av en insider, är registrerat på hans adress. Så här säger Barry Greenstein efter ha intervjuat Russ: 1. I don't think I missed what Adam and apefish are accusing me of. We know someone cheated in the sleepless account and Russ must know who that person is, but I couldn't get it out of him. I am assuming that Shaqtack is the same person or is connected. I don't think their are bands of cheaters who didn't know each other. Going into the interview I thought I could prove that Russ controlled the sleepless account, but coming out I only know that it is a person Russ could tell to transfer money out, if it isn't him. What you guys didn't seem to understand is that I have information that you don't. I talked to someone who has gotten transfers from sleepless when they asked for money from Russ, so I didn't need that information from the fred account. When I said the fred account was unimportant, I meant it was not a cheating account, it was just Russ transferring money to people to play, and there was no reason to expose anyone on that list -- unless of course, we found out they were already on our list of cheaters. 2. The cheating method wasn't supplied by Russ. It came from the Annie Duke interview a few days earlier. Barry Citera
cd_Gothenburg Postad 22 Juli , 2008 Rapport Postad 22 Juli , 2008 Vad kommer att hända med UB i framtiden? Lyssna på det här radioprogrammet: Hoppa över de första 45 minuterna. Episode 32 "Serge Ravitch, professional poker player and former lawyer is also featured on the program discussing some recent developments in the Ultimate Bet cheating scandal". I september sänder "60 minutes" sitt program om skandalen. Då är det tydligen denne Serge Ravitch som är huvudperson i reportaget. Citera
Matfrid Postad 1 Oktober , 2008 Rapport Postad 1 Oktober , 2008 Russ Hamilton named as perpetrator in Ultimate Bet cheating scandal ”Världsmästare stal 420 miljoner kronor” nu vaknar pressen, som i stort sett (eller fullständigt) ignorerade Absolute Poker-skandalen. Citera
Matfrid Postad 2 Oktober , 2008 Rapport Postad 2 Oktober , 2008 Russ Hamilton named as perpetrator in Ultimate Bet cheating scandal ”Världsmästare stal 420 miljoner kronor” nu vaknar pressen, som i stort sett (eller fullständigt) ignorerade Absolute Poker-skandalen. Ett sådant minimalt intresse det var här då! 420 miljoner kronor... ingen som reagerat? Hur har Aftonbladet lyckats få siffrorna så fel? Jo, de upprepade en felaktig uppgift från Igamingnews, där 6.1 miljoner dollar råkade bli 60 miljoner. Det var en enkel sak att se i fackpressen att den siffran var helt åt helvete. Aftonbladet gjorde med andra ord en kupp. Citera
bananuz Postad 2 Oktober , 2008 Rapport Postad 2 Oktober , 2008 Som nån annan sa, att folk fortfarande spelar på AP eller UB övergår mitt förstånd. Bra att skiten kommer upp till ytan på lite bredare front. Citera
baller Postad 2 Oktober , 2008 Rapport Postad 2 Oktober , 2008 420 miljoner kronor... ingen som reagerat? Siffran $75 miljoner nämns även här, dvs den typ av belopp har figurerat på flera ställen: Siffran $6,1 miljoner är den siffran de hitintills har ersatt spelare med, se paragraf 1 i KGCs uttalande. Det är olika saker man pratar om antagligen. Citera
cd_Gothenburg Postad 3 Oktober , 2008 Rapport Postad 3 Oktober , 2008 Det första är en stämning i domstol mellan två företag, och det andra är det belopp som utbetalats till lurade polerspelare. 60 minutes TV-programmet 60 minutes version av historien skall tydligen sändas den 26 oktober. 60 Minutes Story on Ultimate Bet Scandal May Air October 26th Posted on 29 September 2008 In addition to the buzz around the seizure of 141 internet gambling domains by the Governor of Kentucky, an upcoming story by CBS’ “60 Minutes” has also been the center of discussion at the CAP Euro Barcelona event. Poker News Daily has learned that the story by “60 Minutes” should air on Sunday, October 26th, just days before the general elections in the United States. The program will likely cover the user scandals at Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker, which have made headlines across the poker world in recent months. The story by the longstanding news magazine will focus on the scandals that have rocked Ultimate Bet and may include the POTRIPPER issues at its sister site, Absolute Poker. In addition, the rumor around the industry is that “60 Minutes” is teaming up with a major newspaper for the story, which may be just weeks from airing. In its last update on the NioNio scandal that rocked the online poker site, Ultimate Bet listed additional user names that were involved: Crackcorn55, WhakMe, GrabBag123, gravitation, Bgroup, H_Curtis, Twenty 1, WacoManiac, Broke_In_L_A, ShaqTack, BlueBerry101, HolyMucker, 55WasHere, Xnomas, dannyboy55, Indy05, and SlimPikins2. The cheating on Ultimate Bet began back in 2005, one year before its current ownership group, Tokwiro, purchased the site. Also in June, Ultimate Bet was scheduled to begin the refund process for players who were affected by the abuse. The transgressions surrounded the exploitation of an auditing tool which enabled its users to view the hole cards of every player at an online poker table. In May, Ultimate Bet’s parent company released a statement that included the following: “We would like to thank our customers for their patience, loyalty, and support, as well as for their understanding that we are doing everything we can to correct this situation. The staff and management of Ultimate Bet are fully committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our players and we want to assure customers of our unwavering resolve to monitor site security with every resource at our disposal.” Since then, one of the accounts in question was linked to a Las Vegas owned home of Russ Hamilton, one of the former owners of the site. However, no admission has been given publicly by Hamilton. Over the summer, Team PokerStars Pro member Barry Greenstein and Joe Sebok traveled to Hamilton’s residence. Greenstein came away from the interview feeling as if, by the time the truth was known, Hamilton would not be one of those indicted. A $75 million claim filed against a software manufacturer was the subject of an article by MSNBC with the title “Poker site cheating plot a high-stakes whodunit.” The article, which was published last week, seemed to trump any momentum “60 Minutes” would have had, although the television station’s program is likely to be more visible. The latest move in the Ultimate Bet investigation was the Kahnawake Gaming Commission naming Frank Catania, a former gaming regulator in the state of New Jersey, to lead a formal inquiry into the matter. His website,, states that he “serves as one of three independent directors of eCOGRA. He served as the first president of the International Masters of Gaming Law, a non-profit association dedicated to the education and advancement of gaming law, vice chair and chair, respectively, of the International Association of Gaming Regulators and past chairman of the Forum of American Casino Regulators.” We’ll have further information for you as it develops. Citera
DrRoland Postad 3 Oktober , 2008 Rapport Postad 3 Oktober , 2008 Vet du när det där 60min-programmet kommer att sändas i sverige (Tv4.)? Citera
lolcatz Postad 20 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 20 December , 2008 Hellmuth vinner pot även fast han förlorar showdown Citera
eurythmech Postad 20 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 20 December , 2008 Det där kan vara det överlägset sjukaste jag läst om poker. Någonsin. Citera
owster Postad 20 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 20 December , 2008 Hellmuth vinner pot även fast han förlorar showdown Förtjänar egen tråd, det är ju helt sinnessjukt att det händer tok där igen. Vem i hvete spelar där?? Citera
Displeased Postad 20 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 20 December , 2008 Som pro måste man ju få ha vissa fördelar. Helt rimligt enligt mig. Citera
DrRoland Postad 20 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 20 December , 2008 Kan du inte posta hela handen? Känns ju konstigt om Hellmuth skulle flatsynat på JKK med T2 i limit. Citera
owster Postad 20 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 20 December , 2008 Stage #XXXXXXX: Holdem (1 on 1) Normal $200/$400 - 2008-12-20 04:15:23 (ET) Table: FIR AVE (Real Money) Seat #4 is the dealer Seat 4 - PHILHELLMUTH ($4495 in chips) Seat 6 - DOUBLEBALLER ($7494 in chips) PHILHELLMUTH - Posts small blind $100 DOUBLEBALLER - Posts big blind $200 *** POCKET CARDS *** PHILHELLMUTH - Raises $300 to $400 DOUBLEBALLER - Raises $400 to $600 PHILHELLMUTH - Raises $400 to $800 DOUBLEBALLER - Calls $200 *** FLOP *** [Js Kc Kh] DOUBLEBALLER - Checks PHILHELLMUTH - Bets $200 DOUBLEBALLER - Raises $400 to $400 PHILHELLMUTH - Calls $200 *** TURN *** [Js Kc Kh] [2h] DOUBLEBALLER - Bets $400 PHILHELLMUTH - Raises $800 to $800 DOUBLEBALLER - Raises $800 to $1200 PHILHELLMUTH - Calls $400 *** RIVER *** [Js Kc Kh 2h] [9c] DOUBLEBALLER - Bets $400 PHILHELLMUTH - Calls $400 *** SHOW DOWN *** DOUBLEBALLER - Shows [Kd Qh] (Three of a kind, kings) PHILHELLMUTH - Mucks PHILHELLMUTH Collects $5599 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total Pot($5600) | Rake ($1) Board [Js Kc Kh 2h 9c] Seat 4: PHILHELLMUTH (dealer) (small blind) won Total ($5599) HI: ($5599) [Mucked] [2s 10s] Seat 6: DOUBLEBALLER (big blind) HI:lost with Three of a kind, kings [Kd Qh - B:Kh,P:Kd,B:Kc,P:Qh,B:Js] Citera
eurythmech Postad 20 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 20 December , 2008 eh, läs den länkade 2+2-tråden Citera
owster Postad 20 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 20 December , 2008 Jo för jag menar det är ju så svårt att manipulera ett foto. Om någon kan be få HH för den handen skickad från någon support nisse så ser vi nog annat. Läs originaltråden först kanske? Ultimate Butt har kompenserat stackaren så de erkänner misstaget. Phil Hellmuth å andra sidan hävdade att Double vann potten när han frågade... DOUBLEBALLER: i won that had with KQ right? DOUBLEBALLER: K K J board? PHILHELLMUTH: yes U did Citera
eurythmech Postad 20 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 20 December , 2008 Jag kommer aldrig kunna släppa det här förrän jag får reda på hur det kunde ske. Det här övergår vida mitt förstånd. Citera
DrRoland Postad 20 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 20 December , 2008 Skulle hellmuth haft QT eller kåk (Om handhistoriken visat fel.) så hade han aldrig flattat rivern på en miljon år. Citera
Dead-Inside Postad 20 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 20 December , 2008 Läste igenom hela 2+2 tråden. Hellmuths chat är det mest retarderade på länge . << Result for Hand XXXXXXXX >>PHILHELLMUTH wins ($5599.00 chips). DOUBLEBALLER: phi;i DOUBLEBALLER: it keeps knocing me off DOUBLEBALLER: saying i missed 3 blinds DOUBLEBALLER: wtf? << Result for Hand 1162171379 >> PHILHELLMUTH wins ($2799.00) with (One pair, aces). << Result for Hand 1162171700 >> DOUBLEBALLER wins ($400.00 chips). << Result for Hand 1162171822 >> PHILHELLMUTH wins ($799.00 chips). DOUBLEBALLER: do you know what you are in for? << Result for Hand 1162172036 >> DOUBLEBALLER wins ($3199.00) with (Flush, queen high). DOUBLEBALLER: any idea what you are in for phil? DOUBLEBALLER: it messed up my stack << Result for Hand 1162172222 >> DOUBLEBALLER wins ($2799.00) with (Two Pair, tens and threes). << Result for Hand 1162172563 >> PHILHELLMUTH wins ($799.00 chips). PHILHELLMUTH: i think i bought 4k PHILHELLMUTH: but not sure DOUBLEBALLER: i won that had with KQ right? << Result for Hand 1162172687 >> PHILHELLMUTH wins ($400.00 chips). DOUBLEBALLER: K K J board? PHILHELLMUTH: yes U did DOUBLEBALLER: so im def up LEON DAE: whiner PHILHELLMUTH: U wanna play or what?DOUBLEBALLER: no DOUBLEBALLER: 5600 pot DOUBLEBALLER: they are gonna credit it to me PHILHELLMUTH: I play U limit, right now DOUBLEBALLER: how the **** can that happen phil?? DOUBLEBALLER: that is such a major error!!!! PHILHELLMUTH: good thing U found it, no wonder we differed about who was w PHILHELLMUTH: winning DOUBLEBALLER: i am just in awe PHILHELLMUTH: maybe U were booted just then' DOUBLEBALLER: no DOUBLEBALLER: they just credited me DOUBLEBALLER: it is so weird G0N3INW1ND: thats embaressing DOUBLEBALLER: they show me showing the hand PHILHELLMUTH: miracle U beat me G0N3INW1ND: what kind of site is this? Doubleballer har fått pengarna tillbaka av UB, vilket mao betyder att det är äkta. Riktigt kul med UB/AP. Citera
Displeased Postad 21 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 21 December , 2008 G0N3INW1ND: what kind of site is this? :mrgreen: Citera
owster Postad 21 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 21 December , 2008 Nu har väl inte detta med den nya skandalen att göra men ändå humor. På sidan 181 av "Your worst poker enemy" skriven av Alan Schoonmaker kommer författaren med ett så här i efterhand väldigt ironiskt citat. Stycket behandlar paranoia vid pokerbordet och om man bör vara räddare för att spela online än live. "Russ Hamilton, 1994 WSOP champion told our discussion group:"Online games are safer than live games" " Haha tro fan han säger det... Citera
DrRoland Postad 21 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 21 December , 2008 Doubleballer har fått pengarna tillbaka av UB, vilket mao betyder att det är äkta. Riktigt kul med UB/AP. Lär ju finns rätt stort mörkertal för den där buggen. Citera
Odrike Postad 21 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 21 December , 2008 Intressanta teorier i tråden på 2+2. Någon beskrev att "buggen" skulle kunna vara resultatet av nya funktioner för fusk. Som tex att fuskaren skulle kunna bestämma att sin hand skulle bli vinnande och ändra sina hålkort innan showdown. Men i detta fall så gick något fel och handens hålkort ändrades inte. En möjlig förklaring skulle vara att de försökte välja ett kort som den andra spelaren hade som hålkort och därför utlöstes buggen och handen ändrades inte. Detta kanske är långsökta spekuleringar. Men för mig absolut möjliga. Jag är väldigt tveksam till att detta är en "oskyldig" bugg. Citera
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