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Allt postat av cd_Gothenburg

  1. Skatteverket jagar nätpokerspelare med blåslampa. Den senaste i raden som åkt fast är en 27-åring från Mölndal. 27-åringen ska betala över 300 000 kronor sedan Skatteverket eftertaxerat honom för spelvinster på drygt 700 000 kronor under 2006 och 2007. Skatteverket drog under 2006 igång projektet Internethandel. Sedan dess har ett hundratal personer, främst män, satts dit för att inte ha deklarerat sina vinster på poker och andra nätspel. - Det handlar om vinster som har gjorts på framför allt pokersajter utanför EU och EES-området. Vinster i EU, hos exempelvis Unibet, Expekt och Svenska Spel, är skattefria, säger Dag Hardyson, Skatteverkets riksprojektledare för Internethandel. 27-åringen från Mölndal hävdar att de bolag han vunnit hos ligger inom EU/EES. Skatteverket är av en annan uppfattning. - Bolagen finns på bland annat Nederländska Antillerna och Isle of Man och tillhör inte EU/EES, säger Hardyson. 27-åringen kan överklaga skatteverkets beslut till länsrätten. Men han lär inte ha mycket för det. - Sedan 2006 har Skatteverket vunnit alla utom ett av de mål som rör internetspel och som överklagats till länsrätt och kammarrätt, uppger Dag Hardyson. Riksprojektledaren är förvånad över att 27-åringen och andra som nyligen fastnat i Skatteverkets nät är så oinformerade. - Det här är långt ifrån det första fallet. Under 2007 eftertaxerade vi nätspelare med 68 miljoner kronor och ungefär lika mycket 2008. Massmedia har skrivit mycket om många fall. Huruvida 27-åringen har pengar att betala sin skatteskuld är oklart, enligt Hardyson. - Vet inte alls hur mycket pengar han har kvar av sina vinster. Systemet haltar lite så till vida att inkomsterna är skattepliktiga medan förlusterna inte är avdragsgilla, säger han. Dag Fransson 031-62 44 83 Pokersajter utanför EU 27-åringen spelade på pokersajterna Eurolinx, Fulltiltpoker, Pokerstars, Sunpoker och Expekt. Bara Expekt hör hemma inom EU/EES. Vinster på de övriga sajterna är skattepliktiga, enligt Skatteverket. http://www.gp.se/gp/jsp/Crosslink.jsp?d=764&a=508311
  2. 60 minutes och Washington Post 60 minutes: Poker Face, The Cheaters http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4639016n Washington Post: (öppna konto gratis) Hunting the Internet Poker Cheats http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/29/AR2008112901679.html Should Internet Gambling Be Legal? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/30/AR2008113002006.html The Mohawk Connection: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/washingtonpostinvestigations/2008/11/at_first_glance_joe_norton.html Cracking the two biggest cheating scandals in the history of online poker Timeline, videos mm http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/investigations/poker/
  3. Det första är en stämning i domstol mellan två företag, och det andra är det belopp som utbetalats till lurade polerspelare. 60 minutes TV-programmet 60 minutes version av historien skall tydligen sändas den 26 oktober. 60 Minutes Story on Ultimate Bet Scandal May Air October 26th Posted on 29 September 2008 In addition to the buzz around the seizure of 141 internet gambling domains by the Governor of Kentucky, an upcoming story by CBS’ “60 Minutes” has also been the center of discussion at the CAP Euro Barcelona event. Poker News Daily has learned that the story by “60 Minutes” should air on Sunday, October 26th, just days before the general elections in the United States. The program will likely cover the user scandals at Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker, which have made headlines across the poker world in recent months. The story by the longstanding news magazine will focus on the scandals that have rocked Ultimate Bet and may include the POTRIPPER issues at its sister site, Absolute Poker. In addition, the rumor around the industry is that “60 Minutes” is teaming up with a major newspaper for the story, which may be just weeks from airing. In its last update on the NioNio scandal that rocked the online poker site, Ultimate Bet listed additional user names that were involved: Crackcorn55, WhakMe, GrabBag123, gravitation, Bgroup, H_Curtis, Twenty 1, WacoManiac, Broke_In_L_A, ShaqTack, BlueBerry101, HolyMucker, 55WasHere, Xnomas, dannyboy55, Indy05, and SlimPikins2. The cheating on Ultimate Bet began back in 2005, one year before its current ownership group, Tokwiro, purchased the site. Also in June, Ultimate Bet was scheduled to begin the refund process for players who were affected by the abuse. The transgressions surrounded the exploitation of an auditing tool which enabled its users to view the hole cards of every player at an online poker table. In May, Ultimate Bet’s parent company released a statement that included the following: “We would like to thank our customers for their patience, loyalty, and support, as well as for their understanding that we are doing everything we can to correct this situation. The staff and management of Ultimate Bet are fully committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our players and we want to assure customers of our unwavering resolve to monitor site security with every resource at our disposal.” Since then, one of the accounts in question was linked to a Las Vegas owned home of Russ Hamilton, one of the former owners of the site. However, no admission has been given publicly by Hamilton. Over the summer, Team PokerStars Pro member Barry Greenstein and Joe Sebok traveled to Hamilton’s residence. Greenstein came away from the interview feeling as if, by the time the truth was known, Hamilton would not be one of those indicted. A $75 million claim filed against a software manufacturer was the subject of an article by MSNBC with the title “Poker site cheating plot a high-stakes whodunit.” The article, which was published last week, seemed to trump any momentum “60 Minutes” would have had, although the television station’s program is likely to be more visible. The latest move in the Ultimate Bet investigation was the Kahnawake Gaming Commission naming Frank Catania, a former gaming regulator in the state of New Jersey, to lead a formal inquiry into the matter. His website, CataniaConsulting.com, states that he “serves as one of three independent directors of eCOGRA. He served as the first president of the International Masters of Gaming Law, a non-profit association dedicated to the education and advancement of gaming law, vice chair and chair, respectively, of the International Association of Gaming Regulators and past chairman of the Forum of American Casino Regulators.” We’ll have further information for you as it develops. http://www.pokernewsdaily.com/60-minutes-story-on-ultimate-bet-scandal-may-air-october-26th-442/
  4. Vad kommer att hända med UB i framtiden? Lyssna på det här radioprogrammet: http://pokercast.twoplustwo.com/ Hoppa över de första 45 minuterna. Episode 32 "Serge Ravitch, professional poker player and former lawyer is also featured on the program discussing some recent developments in the Ultimate Bet cheating scandal". I september sänder "60 minutes" sitt program om skandalen. Då är det tydligen denne Serge Ravitch som är huvudperson i reportaget.
  5. Sleepless är ett av kontona som har används av fuskarna enligt UB pressrelease: "March 2008: Six player accounts are confirmed to have participated in this scheme. No accounts were deleted at any point, although some account names were changed multiple times. The following account names are known to have been used in the fraudulent activity: NioNio, Sleepless, NoPaddles, nvtease, flatbroke33, ilike2win, UtakeIt2, FlipFlop2, erick456, WhackMe44, RockStarLA, stoned2nite, monizzle, FireNTexas, HeadKase01, LetsPatttty, NYMobser, and WhoWhereWhen". Kontot anses tillhöra Russ Hamilton då det, enligt uppgifter erhållna av en insider, är registrerat på hans adress. Så här säger Barry Greenstein efter ha intervjuat Russ: 1. I don't think I missed what Adam and apefish are accusing me of. We know someone cheated in the sleepless account and Russ must know who that person is, but I couldn't get it out of him. I am assuming that Shaqtack is the same person or is connected. I don't think their are bands of cheaters who didn't know each other. Going into the interview I thought I could prove that Russ controlled the sleepless account, but coming out I only know that it is a person Russ could tell to transfer money out, if it isn't him. What you guys didn't seem to understand is that I have information that you don't. I talked to someone who has gotten transfers from sleepless when they asked for money from Russ, so I didn't need that information from the fred account. When I said the fred account was unimportant, I meant it was not a cheating account, it was just Russ transferring money to people to play, and there was no reason to expose anyone on that list -- unless of course, we found out they were already on our list of cheaters. 2. The cheating method wasn't supplied by Russ. It came from the Annie Duke interview a few days earlier. Barry http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?t=251097&page=16 http://www.ultimatebet.com/poker-news/2008/may/NioNio-Findings
  6. Ongame-klienten fungerar bäst om man har senaste JAVA-programvaran installerad. Detta gäller både för den nedladdade klienten och webklienten. Hämta senaste versionen av JAVA här: http://www.java.com/sv/
  7. Har PartyPoker flyttat från Gibraltar? "Party Poker is a poker room using PartyGaming software licensed in Alderney. " http://online.casinocity.com/poker/partypoker/ När hände detta?
  8. Du skriver att sevrarna "för närvarande" står i Kahnawake. Har Ongame planer på att flytta till en EU hemvist?
  9. My Brother is a Super Genius February 10, 2007 01:29 AM Anyone who has ever seen my brother, Howard Lederer, on TV already knows he is a super genius. But now I am really going to prove it. We were having a discussion the other day about this whole problem with poker being grouped in with games of chance when it is really a game of skill. Now anyone who plays poker or watches it on TV already knows it is a game of skill. But it is a matter of making legislators understand this. The problem is that the arguments for poker being a game of skill are generally made about long term results. That in the long run the best players will end up winning. These arguments are relatively mathematically complicated and hard for a layman to understand, particularly a layman who, in the short term, has had the best hand beaten by the worst hand and then declares,"I know poker is all luck because I had my Aces cracked just the other day!" So my brother has been thinking lately about to to demonstrate definitively that even in the shortest term, one hand, poker is a game of skill. And he came up with a brilliant demonstration of this: Let's say you have a machine and you program it to understand the rules of poker. But beyond being able to follow the rules you give the machine no skill at all. You program the machine to behave randonly at each decision point during a hand. So, for example, before the flop in Texas Hold'em the machine would fold 33% of the time, call 33% of the time, and raise 33% of the time. If the machine called or raised and another player then raise the same decision would be put back to the machine and again 33% of the time it would call, fold or raise. On every street, every decision, the machine would behave randonly because it has no skill. This machine would never win because it would fold over 50% of the time on any street against a skilled player who figured out to just raise the minimum against the machine every time and put the machine to the maximum number of random decisions. If this machine played a million sit and goes against 8 other skilled players, my brother predicts it would win zero of them. Sit and goes are clearly short term results and this is a good demonstration of how in ther short term poker is all skill. Now take the same machine and program it to behave the same way toward online lotteries (which have been made legal under the Unlawful Internet Gaming Act). We teach the machine to know the rules of the lottery but nothing more. That machine would have no disadvantage against any other player. It would buy its ticket, fill out the appropriate number of numbers and turn it in, just like anyone else. The interesting thing that my brother pointed out is that professional poker players really tend to overestimate the luck element in poker in the short term because they don't realize exactly how skilled their opponents are. Think about the difference between the unskilled machine and an average 10/20 player in terms of what they know. The 10/20 player has a relatively advanced understanding of betting theory and hand selection. Their understanding is not as good as a professional but even so that player is highly skilled. Whenever you have a skill game and you narrow the skill gap between the two players it will look like there is more luck in the short term. Take a sport like baseball, which no one would argue is a game of luck. It is clearly a game of skill. Now put the Yankees against a little league team where the skill gap is huge. The Yankees win every time. But if you put the Yankees against the Dodgers, well now it looks like there is more luck in the short term because the skill gap is much narrower. Now thigns like injuries, broken bats, unlucky bounces, weather all come into play much more in the short term. We all know that over 100 games the better team will win the majority of the games, but on a given day either team might win. Pitting the unskilled machine against the skilled player is like pitting the Yankees against a little league team. Pitting a pro against a good middle limit player gets closer to pitting the Yankees against the Dodgers. Poker is just like baseball in this sense. If there is a huge skill gap, results will reveal themselves in the very short term. If there is a narrower skill gap the results will play out over the longer term. But both poker and baseball are definitely skill games. For this reason, poker should be set aside and ruled a game of skilled that is legislated differently than other internet gaming. My brother really is a super genius. Don't you think so? http://www.annieduke.com/journal.php?journalID=1653
  10. Bra program. Naturligtvis stelt och osäkert, men så är det alltid i början. Öka takten. Kör på. Intervjua alla... Tänk på att man kan göra omtagningar om det inte satt... Ola har ju gjort bra ifrån sig på Eurosport. Så lägg ner nervositeten... Internet TV är framtiden. Kör på... Öka takten!
  11. A New Guide to the Starting Hands in Texas Hold'em Poker. Här jämförs Sklansky's starthänder med datorsimuleringar. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/People/mummert/poker/
  12. F1=fold, check/fold F2=check, call F3=bet, raise När man spelar på Ongame så lägger man bort musen och använder tangentbordet. Det går mycket fortare att trycka F1 för fold än att klicka med musen. Därför går spelet också snabbare...
  13. De mest kända i Sverige är Betsson, Bet24, PokerLoco och Eurobet men var och varannan sportsbetingsajt har ett pokerskin till Ongame. Casino City har listat 66 skins: http://online.casinocity.com/software/software.cfm?id=3733 Ett roligt skin är http://pokershootout.com/ De har specialdesignade Avantarer. Stilen är en 1800-tals saloon med cowboys och cowgirls... De flesta spelar från PokerRoom.com som tyvärr inte tillåter svenskar att spela för real money eftersom Ongame är ett svenskt bolag och de är rädda för den svenska lotteriinspektionen... Jag rekomenderar ändå att ni kollar in Pokerroom.com och deras community som kallas "Pokah". Här följer en Pokay diskution om skins: länk till pokerroom.com Missa inte heller http://fullcontactpoker.com/ Det är Daniel Negreanu's egen pokersajt. Där kan du vinna att bli Daniel Negreanu's lärljunge och få följa med honom och spela på WPT touren... Skådespelaren James Woods och WPT kommentatorn Vince Van Patten driver sajten http://www.hollywoodpoker.com/ där man kan spela mot Hollywood kändisar... Kolla dock in tråden om skattefria sajter innan du väljer skin...
  14. B2B Poker Networks hemsida har ju länge hänvisat till att pokernätverket sköts från Costa Rica, medans licensavtalen i pokersajterna har hänvisat till ett bolag på Malta. Efter ett påpekande från min sida så har de nu korrigerat dessa uppgifter. Se: http://www.b2bpoker.com/page.html?1_1 "Tack för ditt e-brev och ditt påpekande om vad som står på vår hemsida. Vi har nu ändrat texten på hemsidan till det som är riktigt och aktuellt. Allt spel med B2B Pokers mjukvara organiseras och sköts från vårt maltesiska dotterbolag B2B Poker Network Ltd och via deras servrar på Malta. Texten i 24hPokers licensavtal är följaktligen korrekt. Om du har ytterligare frågor eller funderingar kring detta är du välkommen att kontakta oss igen. Med vänlig hälsning B2B Poker"
  15. Sparka Ringholm nu! Kopiera följande inlägg eller skriv ett eget till denna adress: http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/3051;jsessionid=aCjGmbYicC37 Klicka på epost till Göran Persson, stadsministern. "Regeringen vill stoppa utländska spelbolag i Sverige. Det säger spelminister Bosse Ringholm. Redan om ett år ska en ny lotterilagstiftning finnas på plats". Äntligen har man hittat en kul hobby och så vill Ringholm förbjuda den... Poker på Svenska Spel är bra, men det är tyvärr en av sämre pokersajterna i ett internationellt perspektiv. Vi 250 000 svenska pokerspelare kräver fri konkurens på pokermarknaden. Naturligvis vill vi ha ansvarsfulla pokerföretag som hindrar minderåriga från att spela samt hinder mot att tvätta svarta pengar. Dessutom skall det finnas hjälp mot spelberonde på sajten. Av oss 250 000 svenska pokerspelare brukar statistiskt sett 30% till 40% rösta socialdemokratiskt. Om inte kraftfulla åtgärder mot Ringholms utspel tas innan valet så förlorar ni dessa upp till 100 000 röster från oss svenska pokerspelare. Vänliga hälsningar från 250 000 svenska pokerspelare. * Flytt till Poker OT - QoS *
  16. Betandwin poker ingår inte i Boss nätverket längre. Dom äger ju numera ett litet nätverk som heter Ongame...
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