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Folk här verkar inte bry sig så mycket om att $1.5M snotts av pokerspelare... så postar igen för bump.



About 4 months ago gaucho2121 (dlpnyc21) and I were looking through our databases. We both discovered a player by the name of nionio was winning ridiculous amounts in both of our databases. He had an incredibly high vpip of about 60/40 and has the steady increasing aggression percentages that we saw in the case of Potripper and crew. His river aggression was obviously the most highest. In 3k hands he was up 300k. We then started scouring though hand histories and came across a decent amount of fishy play. He was cold calling 3 and 4 bets like crazy and just playing like an absolute maniac. He’d make very thin value bets and constantly snapped off bluffs at the right time. Basically his play was consistent of that of a donkey, not a player who’s winning 300k in 3k hands. So I turned to www.mypokerintel.com and looked at his stats. Well it said he was winning 57ptbb/100, or 114bb/100 over 8k hands. We then checked his last played games (www.mypokerintel.comgive you a summary of anyone’s last 14 sessions). In those 14 sessions, he had 13 winning sessions and was up approximately 135k. His one losing session consisted of a mere 2k loss. And those were only his last 14 sessions out of 46! What was even more incriminating was the fact that the last date he played on that account was 9/4, the same week the AP scandal broke. So I searched the name nionio on ulitmatebuddy, which is basically a search feature for ultimate bet players. It said his account no longer existed, which meant that his name was either changed or he had specifically emailed UB and requested for them to close the account.

Soon more and more UB players started looking through their databases and searching through www.mypokerintel.com for suspicious accounts. I mean if it was happening one 1 account why couldn’t it be happening on others? We actually came across several more accounts relatively quickly. These accounts included Flatbroke33, iLike2win, monizzzle, nionio, nopaddles, nymobser, nvtease, sleeplesss, stoned2nite, utakeit2,

and whackme44. Here is a screenshot of their stats from mypokerintel.com http://img222.imageshack.us/my.php?image=niosva5.jpg . All of these players showed the same tendencies that Nionio showed. They had ridiculously high winrates, played the same funky 60/40/whacko style and all stopped playing around September 07. Also, 8 out of the 10 accounts had been closed or had their screen name changed. However, upon releasing these names in this thread (which was obviously being closely watched by UB at this point), the last 2 accounts were either closed or had their name changed We know this because within 24 hours they no longer showed up on ultimatebuddy when searched. These were some specific stats from these players….


The date next to their name indicates the last date they played on Ultimatebet.


Flatbroke33 = 8/11, 65.5 PTbb/100 over 3753 hands- deleted or name changed


iLike2win = 6/22, 37.34 PTbb/100 over 5545 hands - deleted or name changed


Nionio = 9/4, 57.3 PTbb/100 over 8100 hands - name changed to nymobser


Nopaddles = 8/31, 89.6 PTbb/100 over 1508 hands - name changed to sleeplesss


Nymobser = 9/26, 46.7 PTbb/100 over 899 hands - now deleted or name changed, HOWEVER name was still active until I outed it in this thread earlier, it was then

deleted or had its name changed within 24 hours of the post


Monizzle = 11/20, 38.51PTbb/100 over 2265 hands - deleted or name changed


Sleeplesss = 9/22, 98.87 PTbb/100 over 1561 hands - now deleted or name changed, HOWEVER name was still active until I outed it in this thread earlier, it was then

deleted or had its name changed within 24 hours of the post


stoned2nite = 6/30, 129.2 PTbb/100 over 777 hands - deleted or name changed


Utakeit2 = 8/29, 45.41 PTbb/100 over 8046 hands - deleted or name changed


Whackme44 = 8/20, 47.73 PTbb/100 over 946 hands - deleted or name changed



After getting in touch with Nat Arem (N82 50 24) who helped immensely in the AP scandal, he was able to give me some very good info. From the contacts he had from the AP scandal, he was able to confirm 3 things.


-The nionio account was changed to nymobser.

-The nopaddles account was changed to sleeplesss.

-The changes were made on the same day.


Well theres no way it was simply a coincidence that 3 of our alleged accounts turned out to actually be the same account, just with different names each time. At that point it was 100% clear that Nionio was NOT the only cheating account operating on ultimatebet.

After receiving detailed records from of ALL of the play of several of the alleged accounts, it became even more obvious that not only were these accounts cheating, but they were almost undoubtedly being operated by the same person. Detailed spreadsheets were included for flatbroke33, ilike2win, nionio, mymobser, sleepless, stoned2nite, and whackme44. If I could figure it out I would post it, but if you have a gmail account Im pretty sure you’ll be able to access this spreadsheet… http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=1071026f49&attid=0.1&disp=vah&view=att&th=1179bc5fd255aa63&zx=39041ryzaemm . Here is just Nionio’s graph http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/4086/nioxh0.jpg So Nionio had taken over 600k in a mere 64 hours of play then mysteriously vanished. For the 7 accounts out of 10 that we received detailed records on, their total take was over $1.5 million.

The detailed hand logs kept track of everything from each session. I could see the exact time each account played each session, how much they won and other pertinent info. I had instance after instance where one account would sign in, play a short session then sign onto a new screename and play another session, killing his opponents on each account. Literally the time frame differences between one account playing and another starting was down to a few minutes time. At this point UB had been notified of the issue yet was (and still is) making little effort to communicate with the public about whats going on in this investigation. However I had been keeping in constant contact with Phil Hellmuth, the spokesman for ultimatebet. He assured me that UB is in the process of conducting a very thorough investigation. After a long silence by UB, they finally made a public statement regarding the situation. http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?t=149078 . That was 7 weeks ago. Basically that is one of the last updates of this whole thing. I have still kept in contact on with Phil on occasion. He still assures me that they are not sweeping this under the rug but even he cant quite account for the fact that its been nearly 4 months and UB has made little public acknowledgement of this huge scandal. I will continue to call Phil week after week until we finally receive compensations for the money that was stolen from us from those operating the site. I urge others to continue to email and call UB and pressure them to take action on the matter.


A random pic….


This is a graph made by Josem http://www.absolutepokercheats.com/ub.png

The point in the upper-right corner is the UB alleged cheater.


Some facts about the graph:

-There are 870 "normal" players from a variety of sites and limits

-Each of those other players have at least 2,500 hands logged on them

-The graph is in big blinds/100, not PokerTracker's big bets/100.


-The mean bb/100 win rate is 1.528 bb/100

-The standard deviation is 14.08 bb/100


-The alleged UB cheater is winning at around 10 standard deviations above the mean

-The confessed AP cheater was winning at around 15 standard deviations above the mean


I think that 10 standard deviations is something in the order of winning a 1-in-a-million lottery three or four times consecutively - although I'd prefer if a maths expert could be a little more clear.


If I have forgotten anything major please tell me


Känns som ganska överväldigande bevis för att fusk pågått. Jag har aldrig spelat på UB/AP och fattar inte att någon gör det efter dessa skandaler.


Det som oroar mig är att detta förmodligen kommer rinna ut i sanden precis som AP-skandalen. Det är ju knappast i UBs intresse att göra en stor grej av detta då det ger dem massa dålig publicitet. Dessutom skulle det itne förvåna mig om det är folk högt uppsatta på UB som är inblandade.


Förstår som sagt inte hur folk kan spela där. Sen är ju frågan om detta försigår på andra sidor. Är de som fuskar bara marginellt mindre dumma i huvudet så fuskar de ju mer diskret och då är det svårt att komma på dem.


EDIT: Om de ändå kommer undan med det och av någon anledning har tidspress så är det klart de kan spela såhär uppenbart. Man har inte så mycket att komma med som spelare. :(


en annan aspekt är hur stor del av isberget som upptäcks. botar stod ju för 1/3 av trafiken på flera nivåer under ett halvår på FTP innan de upptäcktes. att denna skandalen upptäcktes var också ren slump. samma att omduvoresomjag hittade partybottarna. tror isberget är grymt stort och kostar fiskar och hajjar enorma belopp.

en annan aspekt är hur stor del av isberget som upptäcks. botar stod ju för 1/3 av trafiken på flera nivåer under ett halvår på FTP innan de upptäcktes. att denna skandalen upptäcktes var också ren slump. samma att omduvoresomjag hittade partybottarna. tror isberget är grymt stort och kostar fiskar och hajjar enorma belopp.


Se denna tråd för ultimatebet och nionio http://pokerforum.nu/forum/onlinepoker/43993-misstaenkt-fuskare-pa-ub-nionio.html.


Det är såklart väldigt intressant.


Men lägg gärna ut texten om FTP och Party, det verkar vara något helt annat?

en annan aspekt är hur stor del av isberget som upptäcks. botar stod ju för 1/3 av trafiken på flera nivåer under ett halvår på FTP innan de upptäcktes. att denna skandalen upptäcktes var också ren slump. samma att omduvoresomjag hittade partybottarna. tror isberget är grymt stort och kostar fiskar och hajjar enorma belopp.


Har du några artiklar/poster ang. ftp/partybottarna?


Skulle vara sjukt intressant att läsa då det är något jag helt verkar ha missat


Det är väl allmänt känt att UltimateBet och Absolute Poker är samma företag (Chipleader). Det i samband med ovanstående info är tillräckligt för att man för all framtid skall misstro dem för min del iaf.


Tycker branschen borde ta avstånd från dem de utgör ju bla en del av rankingen på pocketfives och annonseras över allt. Skulle de stängas ute och några tar ställning mot dem kanske några reaktioner skulle kunna komma, händer inget är det ju bara att lägga locket på för dem.


Allt annat vore idioti från deras sida, ingen mening att ge tillbaka eller erkänna något när man bara kan förlora på det.

en annan aspekt är hur stor del av isberget som upptäcks. botar stod ju för 1/3 av trafiken på flera nivåer under ett halvår på FTP innan de upptäcktes. att denna skandalen upptäcktes var också ren slump. samma att omduvoresomjag hittade partybottarna. tror isberget är grymt stort och kostar fiskar och hajjar enorma belopp.


Tror jag också numera. De fuskare som har åkte fast, har gjort det för att de har fuskat så oerhört klantigt. Det är bara de allra klantigaste som har åkt dit och utgår man från att fuskare per automatik inte är mycket dummare än genomsnittet, torde isberget vara GIGANTISKT.

en annan aspekt är hur stor del av isberget som upptäcks. botar stod ju för 1/3 av trafiken på flera nivåer under ett halvår på FTP innan de upptäcktes. att denna skandalen upptäcktes var också ren slump. samma att omduvoresomjag hittade partybottarna. tror isberget är grymt stort och kostar fiskar och hajjar enorma belopp.


FTP bottar har jag missat helt:roll:

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