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+20k sek idag, mest för att jag drog ut bra. Drog bla 3 outarn förr splitt mot smutsfall.


Har också bokat in amerikatt-resan idag, vi blir borta 18 juni-10juli typ, första dagarna blir i washington och sista dagarna i san francisco, däremellan är vi 2 veckor i vegas.




En fråga. Vad ska ni göra i Washington? Typ tråkigaste stället i Usa...

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sdglkjsdanpogsdlkv -25k ungefär, har suttit hela natten mot en 60/40-fisk som vunnit varenda hand, han sprang upp sin stack till 97k på 25/50, sen förlora han några händer, men det mest tiltande var att han lämna med 75k, det ska ju inte hända liksom :(


En av de största potterna, notera min 3betssize.


Grabbed by Holdem Manager

NL Holdem $25(BB) Replayer

SB ($46,347)

Hero ($13,181)

CO ($20,785)

BTN ($11,267)


Dealt to Hero A:club:A:spade:


fold, SB raises to $175, Hero raises to $1,750, fold, SB calls $1,575,


FLOP ($3,550) 9:heart:K:spade:J:spade:


Hero bets $3,550, SB calls $3,550,


TURN ($10,650) 9:heart:K:spade:J:spade:8:heart:


Hero bets $7,881 (AI), SB calls $7,881,


RIVER ($26,413) 9:heart:K:spade:J:spade:8:heart:2:diamond:




SB shows J:club:K:diamond:

(Flop 69.4%, Turn 81.8%)


Hero shows A:club:A:spade:

(Flop 30.6%, Turn 18.2%)


SB wins $26,398

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Satt en firre på 50/100, så jag satte mig där ett tag, fick sällskap av lite halvkassa regs så värdet var bra. Va dock stuck lite drygt 20k innan det vände lite, det satte sig sen lite bättre regs och jag vann några kronor av dom. +33k blev det innan jag la ner.


De största händerna då:



Lite väl spewigt kanske:oops: SB är spädbarnet, som är lagish och CO är fisk.


Grabbed by Holdem Manager

NL Holdem $50(BB) Replayer

SB ($15,501)

BB ($21,691)

UTG ($9,700)

CO ($6,986)

Hero ($24,495)


Dealt to Hero A:diamond:J:spade:


UTG raises to $300, CO calls $300, Hero calls $300, SB raises to $1,800, fold, fold, CO calls $1,500, Hero raises to $24,495 (AI), SB calls $13,701 (AI), CO calls $5,186 (AI),


FLOP ($38,389) 2:heart:A:heart:3:spade:




TURN ($38,389) 2:heart:A:heart:3:spade:7:spade:




RIVER ($38,389) 2:heart:A:heart:3:spade:7:spade:Q:club:




Hero shows A:diamond:J:spade:

(Flop 12.6%, Turn 6.8%)


SB shows K:heart:A:club:

(Flop 87.4%, Turn 93.2%)


SB wins $38,374





Också ganska spewigt. Mot lemonjuice som också är ganska lagish


Grabbed by Holdem Manager

NL Holdem $50(BB) Replayer

Hero ($27,377)

BB ($9,827)

BTN ($12,457)


Dealt to Hero K:diamond:Q:spade:


BTN raises to $287, Hero raises to $975, fold, BTN calls $687,


FLOP ($2,050) J:diamond:5:spade:2:club:


Hero bets $1,025, BTN raises to $2,050, Hero raises to $26,402 (AI), BTN calls $9,432 (AI),


TURN ($25,014) J:diamond:5:spade:2:club:6:spade: (AI)




RIVER ($25,014) J:diamond:5:spade:2:club:6:spade:K:club: (AI)




BTN shows K:heart:K:spade:

(Flop 96.5%, Turn 100.0%)


Hero shows K:diamond:Q:spade:

(Flop 3.5%, Turn 0.0%)


BTN wins $24,999






En så kallad checkraise! Mot Smutsfall.


Grabbed by Holdem Manager

NL Holdem $50(BB) Replayer

SB ($41,477)

Hero ($42,572)

CO ($20,793)

BTN ($10,075)


Dealt to Hero J:diamond:J:spade:


fold, fold, Hero raises to $300, CO raises to $1,300, Hero raises to $3,000, CO calls $1,700,


FLOP ($6,000) 4:heart:6:diamond:J:club:


Hero bets $3,000, CO calls $3,000,


TURN ($12,000) 4:heart:6:diamond:J:club:6:heart:


check, CO bets $3,500, Hero raises to $36,572 (AI), CO calls $11,293 (AI),


RIVER ($41,587) 4:heart:6:diamond:J:club:6:heart:7:heart:




Hero shows J:diamond:J:spade:


Hero wins $41,572

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Turneringar alltså....


Full Tilt Poker Game #11645480335: $21,000 Guarantee (1r+1a) (87269259), Table 11 - 10/20 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:34:28 ET - 2009/04/12

Seat 1: marques07 (3,000)

Seat 2: tfasttrack01 (2,880)

Seat 3: timkrank (2,970)

Seat 5: Danizapi (3,100)

Seat 6: PokerDevL (2,980)

Seat 7: efterklok (4,500)

Seat 8: 4RE4JOEG (2,980)

Seat 9: Kuschi1810 (1,530)

PokerDevL posts the small blind of 10

efterklok posts the big blind of 20

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to efterklok Ace of HeartsAce of Diamonds

4RE4JOEG folds

Kuschi1810 raises to 70

marques07 folds

tfasttrack01 folds

timkrank folds

Danizapi folds

PokerDevL folds

efterklok raises to 260

Kuschi1810 calls 190

*** FLOP *** 7 of Diamonds3 of Hearts6 of Spades

efterklok has 15 seconds left to act

efterklok bets 300

Kuschi1810 raises to 600

efterklok raises to 2,330

Kuschi1810 calls 670, and is all in

efterklok shows Ace of HeartsAce of Diamonds

Kuschi1810 shows 10 of SpadesKing of Diamonds

Uncalled bet of 1,060 returned to efterklok

*** TURN *** 7 of Diamonds3 of Hearts6 of Spades8 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 7 of Diamonds3 of Hearts6 of Spades8 of DiamondsKing of Clubs

efterklok shows a pair of Aces

Kuschi1810 shows a pair of Kings

efterklok wins the pot (3,070) with a pair of Aces

Kuschi1810 is sitting out

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 3,070 | Rake 0

Board: 7 of Diamonds3 of Hearts6 of Spades8 of DiamondsKing of Clubs

Seat 1: marques07 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: tfasttrack01 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: timkrank didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: Danizapi (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: PokerDevL (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 7: efterklok (big blind) showed Ace of HeartsAce of Diamonds and won (3,070) with a pair of Aces

Seat 8: 4RE4JOEG didn't bet (folded)

Seat 9: Kuschi1810 showed 10 of SpadesKing of Diamonds and lost with a pair of Kings


2 över o rr stegdrag = nuts mot dig :-D

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Låg en bit över snittstack i $21,000 Guarantee (1r+1a), men det går ju inte att vinna en handjävel.


Full Tilt Poker Game #11649230481: $21,000 Guarantee (1r+1a) (87269259), Table 27 - 800/1600 Ante 200 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:36:19 ET - 2009/04/12

Seat 2: Miguel Santiago (78,137)

Seat 3: FastEddie267 (35,036)

Seat 4: saixball (36,957)

Seat 5: Dantes13 (34,063)

Seat 6: Laff2er (49,048)

Seat 7: DerCommander (12,183)

Seat 8: HeyImDro (40,948)

Seat 9: efterklok (39,033)

Miguel Santiago antes 200

FastEddie267 antes 200

saixball antes 200

Dantes13 antes 200

Laff2er antes 200

DerCommander antes 200

HeyImDro antes 200

efterklok antes 200

HeyImDro posts the small blind of 800

efterklok posts the big blind of 1,600

The button is in seat #7

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to efterklok 10 of Hearts10 of Diamonds

Miguel Santiago has 15 seconds left to act

Miguel Santiago folds

FastEddie267 folds

saixball folds

Dantes13 folds

Laff2er folds

DerCommander raises to 11,983, and is all in

HeyImDro folds

efterklok calls 10,383

DerCommander shows Jack of Diamonds7 of Clubs

efterklok shows 10 of Hearts10 of Diamonds

*** FLOP *** 4 of HeartsJack of Spades9 of Spades

*** TURN *** 4 of HeartsJack of Spades9 of SpadesKing of Spades

*** RIVER *** 4 of HeartsJack of Spades9 of SpadesKing of Spades3 of Clubs

DerCommander shows a pair of Jacks

efterklok shows a pair of Tens

DerCommander wins the pot (26,366) with a pair of Jacks

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 26,366 | Rake 0

Board: 4 of HeartsJack of Spades9 of SpadesKing of Spades3 of Clubs

Seat 2: Miguel Santiago folded before the Flop

Seat 3: FastEddie267 folded before the Flop

Seat 4: saixball folded before the Flop

Seat 5: Dantes13 folded before the Flop

Seat 6: Laff2er folded before the Flop

Seat 7: DerCommander (button) showed Jack of Diamonds7 of Clubs and won (26,366) with a pair of Jacks

Seat 8: HeyImDro (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 9: efterklok (big blind) showed 10 of Hearts10 of Diamonds and lost with a pair of Tens




Full Tilt Poker Game #11649307386: $21,000 Guarantee (1r+1a) (87269259), Table 27 - 1000/2000 Ante 250 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:41:06 ET - 2009/04/12

Seat 1: iremmats (24,531)

Seat 2: Miguel Santiago (87,337)

Seat 3: FastEddie267 (30,986)

Seat 4: saixball (37,107)

Seat 5: Dantes13 (38,211)

Seat 6: Laff2er (46,298)

Seat 7: DerCommander (29,416)

Seat 8: HeyImDro (36,498)

Seat 9: efterklok (24,600)

iremmats antes 250

Miguel Santiago antes 250

FastEddie267 antes 250

saixball antes 250

Dantes13 antes 250

Laff2er antes 250

DerCommander antes 250

HeyImDro antes 250

efterklok antes 250

HeyImDro posts the small blind of 1,000

efterklok posts the big blind of 2,000

The button is in seat #7

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to efterklok Queen of HeartsKing of Spades

iremmats has 15 seconds left to act

iremmats folds

Miguel Santiago folds

FastEddie267 folds

saixball folds

Dantes13 folds

Laff2er folds

DerCommander folds

HeyImDro raises to 36,248, and is all in

efterklok calls 22,350, and is all in

HeyImDro shows 9 of SpadesKing of Diamonds

efterklok shows Queen of HeartsKing of Spades

Uncalled bet of 11,898 returned to HeyImDro

*** FLOP *** King of Clubs9 of Clubs10 of Clubs

*** TURN *** King of Clubs9 of Clubs10 of Clubs8 of Spades

*** RIVER *** King of Clubs9 of Clubs10 of Clubs8 of Spades2 of Spades

HeyImDro shows two pair, Kings and Nines

efterklok shows a pair of Kings

HeyImDro wins the pot (50,950) with two pair, Kings and Nines

efterklok stands up

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 50,950 | Rake 0

Board: King of Clubs9 of Clubs10 of Clubs8 of Spades2 of Spades

Seat 1: iremmats folded before the Flop

Seat 2: Miguel Santiago folded before the Flop

Seat 3: FastEddie267 folded before the Flop

Seat 4: saixball folded before the Flop

Seat 5: Dantes13 folded before the Flop

Seat 6: Laff2er folded before the Flop

Seat 7: DerCommander (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 8: HeyImDro (small blind) showed 9 of SpadesKing of Diamonds and won (50,950) with two pair, Kings and Nines

Seat 9: efterklok (big blind) showed Queen of HeartsKing of Spades and lost with a pair of Kings


Så Iremmats är där och rotar också. Hur går det för han nu för tiden?

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Mot mrjimmy


Grabbed by Holdem Manager

NL Holdem $4(BB) Prima

SB ($425)

BB ($109)

UTG ($361)

Hero ($583)

BTN ($718)


Dealt to Hero K:club:J:club:


fold, Hero raises to $12, BTN raises to $40, fold, fold, Hero calls $28,


FLOP ($86) 7:club:9:club:Q:spade:


check, BTN bets $54, Hero raises to $132, BTN raises to $678 (AI), Hero calls $411 (AI),


TURN ($1,173) 7:club:9:club:Q:spade:A:diamond:




RIVER ($1,173) 7:club:9:club:Q:spade:A:diamond:7:heart:




Hero shows K:club:J:club:

(Flop 82.5%, Turn 86.4%)


BTN shows 3:club:6:club:

(Flop 17.5%, Turn 13.6%)


Hero wins $1,170

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Sprang på bra på unibet idag, men spewbacka lite på svs pga några riktigt usla spel mot regs. Nöjd med dagen är jag då det trots allt blev +30k sek.



Mycket hjärta i denna handen, tror cds skulle varit stolt över mig.:mrgreen:


Grabbed by Holdem Manager

NL Holdem $4(BB) Prima

SB ($378)

Hero ($1,457)

UTG ($489)

UTG+1 ($315)

CO ($423)

BTN ($390)


Dealt to Hero 9:diamond:A:spade:


fold, fold, fold, fold, SB raises to $14, Hero raises to $44, SB calls $30,


FLOP ($88) 2:spade:T:diamond:7:club:


SB bets $44, Hero raises to $110, SB calls $66,


TURN ($308) 2:spade:T:diamond:7:club:T:club:


SB bets $77, Hero raises to $269, SB folds,


Hero wins $459

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