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Ingen vidare kväll direkt. Ute ur miljonen med 99 vs KK och sen sumpade jag en 5-6 andra turrar där jag var ITM i två.


Var chipleader i en 18K-turre på FTP med fyra bord kvar, men lyckades donka bort nästan hela stacken mot den enda vid bordet som kunde skada min stack med TPTK mot ett floppat set. Ruggit dåligt av mig där.


Sen vann jag två av två satelliter till FTP 750K och hade efter en trög start där jobbat upp lite marker när detta händer:


Full Tilt Poker Game #7500465013: $750,000 Guarantee (56134520), Table 297 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:16:39 ET - 2008/08/03

Seat 1: wen88 (3,533)

Seat 2: srtman (6,057)

Seat 3: pekingdream (8,228)

Seat 4: StanlyGoodspeed (4,618)

Seat 5: H8fulB01 (9,748)

Seat 6: victorytobee (2,404)

Seat 7: Hakflem (4,180)

Seat 8: gretamy12 (7,000)

Seat 9: golf5050 (3,895)

wen88 antes 25

srtman antes 25

pekingdream antes 25

StanlyGoodspeed antes 25

H8fulB01 antes 25

victorytobee antes 25

Hakflem antes 25

gretamy12 antes 25

golf5050 antes 25

srtman posts the small blind of 120

pekingdream posts the big blind of 240

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Hakflem 10 of HeartsAce of Spades

StanlyGoodspeed folds

H8fulB01 folds

victorytobee folds

Hakflem raises to 630

gretamy12 folds

golf5050 folds

wen88 folds

srtman folds

pekingdream has 15 seconds left to act

pekingdream calls 390

*** FLOP *** Ace of Diamonds2 of Spades9 of Diamonds

pekingdream checks

Hakflem has 15 seconds left to act

Hakflem bets 770

pekingdream has 15 seconds left to act

pekingdream raises to 7,573, and is all in

Hakflem calls 2,755, and is all in

pekingdream shows 6 of HeartsAce of Clubs

Hakflem shows 10 of HeartsAce of Spades

Uncalled bet of 4,048 returned to pekingdream

*** TURN *** Ace of Diamonds2 of Spades9 of Diamonds6 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** Ace of Diamonds2 of Spades9 of Diamonds6 of Diamonds8 of Clubs

pekingdream shows two pair, Aces and Sixes

Hakflem shows a pair of Aces

pekingdream wins the pot (8,655) with two pair, Aces and Sixes

Hakflem stands up

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 8,655 | Rake 0

Board: Ace of Diamonds2 of Spades9 of Diamonds6 of Diamonds8 of Clubs

Seat 1: wen88 (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: srtman (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: pekingdream (big blind) showed 6 of HeartsAce of Clubs and won (8,655) with two pair, Aces and Sixes

Seat 4: StanlyGoodspeed folded before the Flop

Seat 5: H8fulB01 folded before the Flop

Seat 6: victorytobee folded before the Flop

Seat 7: Hakflem showed 10 of HeartsAce of Spades and lost with a pair of Aces

Seat 8: gretamy12 folded before the Flop

Seat 9: golf5050 folded before the Flop


Ett så kallat praktexempel på hur man ska spela AXo

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Bra jobbat, den är du riktigt värd.


Grattis! :-)


Tyty :)


Har även denna helg supit skallen i bitar fre/lör, så just nu känns det segt med ett sent grindpass men det måste gå.


Insatellitad och klar till Ipoker 250K och Sunday Million, tror jag skippar de tidiga turneringarna (Party, Warmup) för att satsa på de senare. Har ingen aning om vad mer jag kör, men av de stora så blir det definitivt FTPs 1.5 mille och troligen Cryptos söndagsturre.


Ska nog köra igång ett litet satellitpass om en timme, sen sova, sen klonka.

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Kul kväll, ute med AA i 3-4 turrar. De flesta på flop mot underpar. Denna är värst, för CL med 200 kvar


PokerStars Game #19516607738: Tournament #99190630, $20+$2 Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (500/1000) - 2008/08/10 - 17:16:29 (ET)

Table '99190630 16' 9-max Seat #5 is the button

Seat 1: sandler1860 (25925 in chips)

Seat 2: ACESUPjimd (61714 in chips)

Seat 3: DAKOTAMAGIC (40793 in chips)

Seat 4: xxxxalexxxx (15900 in chips)

Seat 5: MsTaSlowPlay (7815 in chips) is sitting out

Seat 6: Blockie80 (10910 in chips)

Seat 7: Hakflem (50366 in chips)

Seat 8: AJinOK (36610 in chips)

Seat 9: BestHand=Los (57486 in chips)

sandler1860: posts the ante 100

ACESUPjimd: posts the ante 100

DAKOTAMAGIC: posts the ante 100

xxxxalexxxx: posts the ante 100

MsTaSlowPlay: posts the ante 100

Blockie80: posts the ante 100

Hakflem: posts the ante 100

AJinOK: posts the ante 100

BestHand=Los: posts the ante 100

Blockie80: posts small blind 500

Hakflem: posts big blind 1000

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Hakflem Ace of ClubsAce of Spades

AJinOK: folds

BestHand=Los: folds

sandler1860: folds

ACESUPjimd: raises 3000 to 4000


xxxxalexxxx: folds

MsTaSlowPlay: folds

Blockie80: folds

Hakflem: raises 7000 to 11000

ACESUPjimd: calls 7000

*** FLOP *** Jack of Clubs7 of Clubs9 of Diamonds

Hakflem: bets 14000

ACESUPjimd: raises 16000 to 30000

Hakflem: raises 9266 to 39266 and is all-in

ACESUPjimd: calls 9266

*** TURN *** Jack of Clubs7 of Clubs9 of DiamondsQueen of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** Jack of Clubs7 of Clubs9 of DiamondsQueen of Diamonds10 of Spades

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Hakflem: shows Ace of ClubsAce of Spades (a pair of Aces)

ACESUPjimd: shows Queen of SpadesQueen of Clubs (three of a kind, Queens)

BestHand=Los said, "sick"

ACESUPjimd collected 101932 from pot

ACESUPjimd said, "srry"

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 101932 | Rake 0

Board Jack of Clubs7 of Clubs9 of DiamondsQueen of Diamonds10 of Spades

Seat 1: sandler1860 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 2: ACESUPjimd showed Queen of SpadesQueen of Clubs and won (101932) with three of a kind, Queens

Seat 3: DAKOTAMAGIC folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 4: xxxxalexxxx folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 5: MsTaSlowPlay (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 6: Blockie80 (small blind) folded before Flop

Seat 7: Hakflem (big blind) showed Ace of ClubsAce of Spades and lost with a pair of Aces

Seat 8: AJinOK folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 9: BestHand=Los folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Skönt, man har inte lirat en hand på typ hela Sunday Million, gör ett move och blir blixtsynad av A7o


PokerStars Game #19517255103: Tournament #99180385, $200+$15 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (200/400) - 2008/08/10 - 17:40:06 (ET)

Table '99180385 143' 9-max Seat #3 is the button

Seat 1: ADDENDA (9975 in chips)

Seat 2: miraginox (29300 in chips)

Seat 3: Hakflem (8275 in chips)

Seat 4: cheftell (6700 in chips)

Seat 5: Basisti (12575 in chips)

Seat 6: ruthlessAce (10450 in chips)

Seat 7: FCCASTRO (11400 in chips)

Seat 8: love4faith (18250 in chips)

Seat 9: Spy328 (11000 in chips)

cheftell: posts small blind 200

Basisti: posts big blind 400

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Hakflem 2 of Hearts2 of Spades

ruthlessAce: folds


love4faith: folds

Spy328: folds

ADDENDA: folds

miraginox: raises 625 to 1025

Hakflem: raises 7250 to 8275 and is all-in

cheftell: folds

Basisti: folds

miraginox: calls 7250

*** FLOP *** 4 of HeartsKing of ClubsAce of Diamonds

*** TURN *** 4 of HeartsKing of ClubsAce of DiamondsJack of Spades

cheftell said, "good god"

*** RIVER *** 4 of HeartsKing of ClubsAce of DiamondsJack of Spades7 of Hearts

*** SHOW DOWN ***

miraginox: shows 7 of DiamondsAce of Spades (two pair, Aces and Sevens)

Hakflem: shows 2 of Hearts2 of Spades (a pair of Deuces)

miraginox collected 17150 from pot

runner64 is connected

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 17150 | Rake 0

Board 4 of HeartsKing of ClubsAce of DiamondsJack of Spades7 of Hearts

Seat 1: ADDENDA folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 2: miraginox showed 7 of DiamondsAce of Spades and won (17150) with two pair, Aces and Sevens

Seat 3: Hakflem (button) showed 2 of Hearts2 of Spades and lost with a pair of Deuces

Seat 4: cheftell (small blind) folded before Flop

Seat 5: Basisti (big blind) folded before Flop

Seat 6: ruthlessAce folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 7: FCCASTRO folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 8: love4faith folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 9: Spy328 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Jo men i och med du vann för lite sen så har riggen slagit på igen, det håller på i ungefär 4 månader så du vet.




Sjukt vad vissa kan ha rätt. Har blivit fistad en vecka i streck nu med i princip inte en enda pengaplats och en hel skvadron med sköna beats. Har dragit igång fem turrar nu och bustat i en redan, på ett himla kul sätt dessutom:


Full Tilt Poker Game #7701704483: $15,000 Guarantee (58029109), Table 32 - 25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:18:31 ET - 2008/08/18

Seat 1: susu95 (3,450)

Seat 2: eric0311 (2,090)

Seat 3: primemutton (1,740)

Seat 4: usarmyproperty (1,400)

Seat 5: str8pain (5,295)

Seat 6: Hakflem (4,230)

Seat 7: nagoya4 (2,250)

Seat 8: KMO30 (2,780)

Seat 9: BigCountry117 (1,065)

KMO30 posts the small blind of 25

BigCountry117 posts the big blind of 50

The button is in seat #7

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Hakflem 7 of Clubs7 of Spades

susu95 folds

eric0311 folds

primemutton folds

usarmyproperty folds

str8pain calls 50

Hakflem raises to 200

nagoya4 folds

KMO30 folds

BigCountry117 has 15 seconds left to act

BigCountry117 folds

str8pain calls 150

*** FLOP *** 7 of HeartsJack of Diamonds2 of Hearts

str8pain checks

Hakflem bets 300

str8pain has 15 seconds left to act

str8pain raises to 950

Hakflem has 15 seconds left to act

Hakflem calls 650

*** TURN *** 7 of HeartsJack of Diamonds2 of Hearts9 of Clubs

str8pain has 15 seconds left to act

str8pain bets 1,200

Hakflem has 15 seconds left to act

Hakflem raises to 3,080, and is all in

str8pain has 15 seconds left to act

str8pain calls 1,880

Hakflem shows 7 of Clubs7 of Spades

str8pain shows Queen of Spades10 of Hearts

*** RIVER *** 7 of HeartsJack of Diamonds2 of Hearts9 of Clubs8 of Diamonds

Hakflem shows three of a kind, Sevens

str8pain shows a straight, Queen high

str8pain wins the pot (8,535) with a straight, Queen high

Hakflem stands up

The blinds are now 30/60

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 8,535 | Rake 0

Board: 7 of HeartsJack of Diamonds2 of Hearts9 of Clubs8 of Diamonds

Seat 1: susu95 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: eric0311 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: primemutton didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: usarmyproperty didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: str8pain showed Queen of Spades10 of Hearts and won (8,535) with a straight, Queen high

Seat 6: Hakflem showed 7 of Clubs7 of Spades and lost with three of a kind, Sevens

Seat 7: nagoya4 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 8: KMO30 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 9: BigCountry117 (big blind) folded before the Flop


Man älskar ju folk som gör fem raka felbeslut i en hand och som till slut kammar hem en pott på 170 bb.

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Jag ställer mig i samma kö. Fast peppar peppar snart ft i 13,5 GTD på FT, vi får se hur långt jag orkar springa.


Heja heja!


Jag är ialf ute ur allt utom 18K på Party där jag har dubbla avg kring bubblan. Som tur är har jag helt sluppit flips å grejer, folk har tokdonerat marker och jag har vunnit två riktigt stora potter där donksen degat in med två outs och på nåt sätt missat att klonka.

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