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Jag och en kompis har en disskusion om vad vingspann betyder, vi har ingen ordbok och hittar ingen definition på internet.

Jag menar att det är avståndet från vingspets till vingspets men min kompis menar att de är från ena vingspetsen till dit kroppen börjar. Har nån av oss rätt eller har båda fel?

hittar ingen definition på internet.


Definitions of wingspan on the Web:


The maximum horizontal width in any transverse section of any wing, wings or bulb attached to any appendage.



the distance on an aircraft from one wing tip to the other.



the distance between the tips of opposite wings.



linear distance between the extremities of an airfoil



The wingspan (or just span) of an airplane is the distance from the left wingtip to the right wingtip. For example, the Boeing 777 has a wingspan of about 60 m (200 feet). Planes with a longer wingspan are generally more efficient because they suffer less induced drag and their wingtip vortices do not affect the wing as much. However, the long wings mean that the plane has a greater moment of inertia about its longitudinal axis and therefore cannot roll as quickly and is less manouverable. ...


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