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Allt postat av Beachjohan

  1. Game #826032224: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/09/05 - 23:56:03 (UK) Table "Valdosta" Seat 6 is the button. Seat 1: Beachjoan (£946 in chips) Seat 2: RonJeremy (£589.25 in chips) Seat 3: TW22 (£511 in chips) Seat 4: corndog (£722.46 in chips) Seat 5: Doudou (£131.75 in chips) Seat 6: Quasi123 (£516 in chips) Beachjoan: posts small blind £2 RonJeremy: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [Kd Kh] TW22: folds corndog: folds Doudou: calls £5 Quasi123: raises to £20 Beachjoan: raises to £60 RonJeremy: folds Doudou: folds Quasi123: raises to £516 and is all-in Beachjoan: folds Returned uncalled bets £456 to Quasi123 Quasi123: doesn't show hand Quasi123 collected £130 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot £130 Main pot £130 Rake £0 Seat 1: Beachjoan (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: RonJeremy (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: TW22 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: corndog folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Doudou folded before Flop (didn't bet) ****HAND ENDS****
  2. Ja jag spelade ATs som en mus. Killarna var mer puckade än jag trode. Var lite rädd för han bakom som tidigare spelat hårt. Ville inte få en reraise i ryggen. Trode han framför hade set. Vilket kändes som det ända möjliga. Men han var en tomte.
  3. Jag hade sett något liknande. Men satt och spela 6 st bord men tyckte killen verkade hyffsat skum. Hitta 2st i pokertracker Game #818854264: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/09/05 - 01:13:35 (UK) Table "Cypress" Seat 5 is the button. Seat 1: Fritzi11 (£239 in chips) Seat 2: Wallyayay (£409.50 in chips) Seat 3: Kavna (£459.31 in chips) Seat 4: corndog (£769.50 in chips) Seat 5: Macaronis (£520.25 in chips) Seat 6: Beachjoan (£494.50 in chips) Beachjoan: posts small blind £2 Fritzi11: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [2s 9h] Wallyayay: calls £5 Kavna: raises to £10 corndog: calls £10 Macaronis: folds Beachjoan: folds Fritzi11: calls £5 Wallyayay: raises to £100 Kavna: calls £90 corndog: folds Fritzi11: folds ----- FLOP ----- [Th 6s 8d] Wallyayay: bets £309.50 and is all-in Kavna: calls £309.50 ----- TURN ----- [Th 6s 8d][3c] ----- RIVER ----- [Th 6s 8d 3c][Ac] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Wallyayay: shows [Ad Ts] (Two Pairs, Aces and Tens, Eight high) Kavna: shows [7d 7h] (A Pair of Sevens, Ace high) Wallyayay collected £838 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot £841 Main pot £838 Rake £3 Board [Th 6s 8d 3c Ac] Seat 1: Fritzi11 (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Wallyayay showed [Ad Ts] and won (£838) with Two Pairs, Aces and Tens, Eight high Seat 3: Kavna lost Seat 4: corndog folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Macaronis (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Beachjoan (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) ****HAND ENDS**** Game #819150534: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/09/05 - 02:03:56 (UK) Table "Cypress" Seat 6 is the button. Seat 1: andy889 (£380 in chips) Seat 2: Wallyayay (£1292.08 in chips) Seat 3: Kavna (£576.76 in chips) Seat 4: corndog sits out Seat 5: REDDYKILL (£656.72 in chips) Seat 6: Beachjoan (£473.75 in chips) andy889: posts small blind £2 Wallyayay: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [6c 7h] Kavna: calls £5 REDDYKILL: raises to £10.99 Beachjoan: folds andy889: folds Wallyayay: raises to £16.98 Heaven joins the table at seat #4 Kavna: calls £11.98 REDDYKILL: raises to £22.97 Wallyayay: calls £5.99 Kavna: calls £5.99 ----- FLOP ----- [Qs Kc Jh] Wallyayay: checks Kavna: bets £35 REDDYKILL: calls £35 Wallyayay: folds ----- TURN ----- [Qs Kc Jh][5d] Kavna: bets £518.79 and is all-in REDDYKILL: calls £518.79 ----- RIVER ----- [Qs Kc Jh 5d][Tc] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Kavna: shows [3s 4s] (High Card King) REDDYKILL: shows [Kh As] (A Straight, Ace high) REDDYKILL collected £1175.49 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot £1178.49 Main pot £1175.49 Rake £3 Board [Qs Kc Jh 5d Tc] Seat 1: andy889 (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Wallyayay (big blind) folded on the Flop Seat 5: REDDYKILL showed [Kh As] and won (£1175.49) with A Straight, Ace high Seat 6: Beachjoan (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) ****HAND ENDS****
  4. ------HAND 1------ Game #818985294: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/09/05 - 01:32:45 (UK) Table "Cypress" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: Fritzi11 (£304.25 in chips) Seat 2: Wallyayay (£870.31 in chips) Seat 3: Kavna (£361.25 in chips) Seat 4: corndog (£854.50 in chips) Seat 6: Beachjoan (£422.75 in chips) Kavna: posts small blind £2 corndog: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [Qh Ac] Beachjoan: raises to £20 Fritzi11: folds Wallyayay: folds Kavna: calls £18 corndog: folds ----- FLOP ----- [7h Ah 9c] Kavna: checks Beachjoan: bets £40 Kavna: raises to £341.25 and is all-in
  5. ------HAND 1------ Game #817279434: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/09/04 - 22:03:16 (UK) Table "Licorice" Seat 1 is the button. Seat 1: Kinger003 (£396.25 in chips) Seat 2: vidette (£632.87 in chips) Seat 3: Beachjoan (£639.37 in chips) Seat 4: Quasi123 (£502 in chips) Seat 5: monkey66 (£594.25 in chips) Seat 6: Simmo21 (£478.50 in chips) vidette: posts small blind £2 Beachjoan: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [As Ts] Quasi123: folds monkey66: folds monkey66 leaves the table Simmo21: calls £5 Kinger003: calls £5 vidette: calls £3 Beachjoan: checks ----- FLOP ----- [5s 2s Td] vidette: bets £15 Beachjoan: raises to £45 Simmo21: calls £45 Kinger003: folds vidette: raises to £115 Inte alls skoj. Jag kan säga att jag valde det fega alternativet.
  6. plockat ut så jag klarar att leva schysst standard i ett år.. och halvtaskig i två. Pengar som hoppas jag inte ska behöva röra. vänt lite nu dock. Dominerar på hemmaplan
  7. En specifik utgång är sällan intressant. Ofta kan det ju finnas flera utgångar av samma sannolikhet. Vill inte förstöra diskutionen direkt genom att vinkla den. Är ni jättenyfikna och inte kan sova så kan jag svara med pms
  8. Game #811549004: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/09/04 - 03:39:28 (UK) Table "Valdez" Seat 3 is the button. Seat 1: Beachjoan (£418.03 in chips) Seat 2: inyoureye (£513 in chips) Seat 3: moonstone (£622 in chips) Seat 4: Ga_morhua (£372.75 in chips) Seat 5: monkeyb0y (£544.45 in chips) Seat 6: Globas (£442.25 in chips) Ga_morhua: posts small blind £2 monkeyb0y: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [As Jd] Globas: folds Beachjoan: raises to £20 inyoureye: folds moonstone: calls £20 Ga_morhua: folds monkeyb0y: calls £15 ----- FLOP ----- [Ad 7h 8c] monkeyb0y: checks Beachjoan: bets £50 moonstone: calls £50 monkeyb0y: folds ----- TURN ----- [Ad 7h 8c][Js] Här har vi en intressant flop. Kille är mr fisk!!
  9. hehe alltid gött lite motståndare läser mina inlägg Det var sjukt längesedan jag fick dra ut någon på så orättvisst sätt visst hade ett A varit skoj
  10. sorry eroz. Det var fel hand jag klistra in. Blir lätt så när man grindar 6 bord och försöker pilla på för mycket andra saker
  11. Game #809980554: Texas Hold'em No Limit ($5/$10) - 2005/09/03 - 23:34:24 (UK) Table "Wadsworth" Seat 1 is the button. Seat 1: ramone ($342 in chips) Seat 3: REMIMOSES ($1785 in chips) Seat 4: Wallyayay ($1050.50 in chips) Seat 5: Vindpotea ($2142.50 in chips) Seat 6: Beachjoan ($1576.49 in chips) REMIMOSES: posts small blind $5 Wallyayay: posts big blind $10 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [Ts Qs] Vindpotea: calls $10 Beachjoan: calls $10 ramone: folds REMIMOSES: calls $5 Wallyayay: checks ----- FLOP ----- [Kd Jh 9s] REMIMOSES: checks Wallyayay: checks Vindpotea: bets $30 Beachjoan: calls $30 REMIMOSES: folds Wallyayay: folds ----- TURN ----- [Kd Jh 9s][4c] Vindpotea: bets $90 Beachjoan: calls $90 ----- RIVER ----- [Kd Jh 9s 4c][3d] Vindpotea: bets $100 Beachjoan: raises to $450 Vindpotea: calls $350 ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Beachjoan: shows [Ts Qs] (A Straight, King high) Vindpotea: mucks hand Beachjoan collected $1177 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot $1180 Main pot $1177 Rake $3 Board [Kd Jh 9s 4c 3d] Seat 1: ramone (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: REMIMOSES (small blind) folded on the Flop Seat 4: Wallyayay (big blind) folded on the Flop Seat 5: Vindpotea mucked Seat 6: Beachjoan showed [Ts Qs] and won ($1177) with A Straight, King high ****HAND ENDS**** Edit: Jag kopiera in helt fel hand här från början. Sorry för det. Det var mitt slowspel som var intressant
  12. ----- TURN ----- [Qc 2c 7h][As] TW22: bets £130 Beachjoan: raises to £300 TW22: raises to £769.50 and is all-in Beachjoan: is all-in £139.25 Returned uncalled bets £330.25 to TW22 ----- RIVER ----- [Qc 2c 7h As][Qs] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- TW22: shows [2d 2s] (A Full House, Twos full of Queens) Beachjoan: shows [Qh Ac] (A Full House, Queens full of Aces) Beachjoan collected £1042.50 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot £1045.50 Main pot £1042.50 Rake £3 Board [Qc 2c 7h As Qs] Seat 1: Showbiz (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Toshiwonk (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Skevihue folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: becks7 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Beachjoan (button) showed [Qh Ac] and won (£1042.50) with A Full House, Queens full of Aces Jovisst gjorde jag det! och vilken rättvisa sen
  13. ------HAND 20------ Game #809822274: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/09/03 - 23:12:47 (UK) Table "Licorice" Seat 6 is the button. Seat 1: Showbiz (£103.25 in chips) Seat 2: Toshiwonk (£1139.75 in chips) Seat 3: TW22 (£849.50 in chips) Seat 4: Skevihue (£1165.75 in chips) Seat 5: becks7 (£546.50 in chips) Seat 6: Beachjoan (£519.25 in chips) Showbiz: posts small blind £2 Toshiwonk: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [Qh Ac] TW22: calls £5 Skevihue: folds becks7: folds Beachjoan: raises to £30 Showbiz: folds Toshiwonk: folds TW22: calls £25 ----- FLOP ----- [Qc 2c 7h] TW22: bets £50 Beachjoan: calls £50 ----- TURN ----- [Qc 2c 7h][As] TW22: bets £130 svårt?
  14. ***** Hand History for Game 2643576962 ***** $1000 NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, September 02, 23:22:42 EDT 2005 Table Table 56315 (6 max) (No DP) (Real Money) Seat 3 is the button Total number of players : 6 Seat 2: criscid59 ( $929.75 ) Seat 3: PAMEAVI ( $969.94 ) Seat 5: Stitch01 ( $1854.13 ) Seat 6: Beachjoan ( $982 ) Seat 4: Paronychia ( $1139 ) Seat 1: Wide_Open ( $987 ) Paronychia posts small blind [$5]. Stitch01 posts big blind [$10]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Beachjoan [ Ad As ] Beachjoan raises [$50]. Wide_Open folds. criscid59 calls [$50]. PAMEAVI folds. >You have options at Table 55675 (6 max) (No DP) Table!. GlassCake11: Get 35% of your rake-back instantly. More info at www . rakereduction . com Paronychia calls [$45]. >You have options at Table 59743 (6 max) (No DP) Table!. Stitch01 folds. ** Dealing Flop ** [ 9d, Td, Qh ] Paronychia checks. Beachjoan bets [$150]. criscid59 raises [$300]. Inga direkta reads på killen. Men han vara lite loose som alla är på party
  15. ------HAND 1------ Game #802762244: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/09/03 - 00:22:06 (UK) Table "Tupelo" Seat 8 is the button. Seat 2: Fisherboy (£668.25 in chips) Seat 3: bampot (£1107.75 in chips) Seat 7: Beachjoan (£825.75 in chips) Seat 8: ripper 3 (£216.25 in chips) Seat 10: Handle (£260 in chips) Handle: posts small blind £2 Fisherboy: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [4d Ad] bampot: folds Beachjoan: raises to £20 ripper 3: folds Handle: raises to £35 Fisherboy: folds Beachjoan: calls £15 ----- FLOP ----- [5d 6d Qh] Handle: bets £70 Beachjoan: raises to £790.75 and is all-in Handle: is all-in £155 Returned uncalled bets £565.75 to Beachjoan ----- TURN ----- [5d 6d Qh][Tc] ----- RIVER ----- [5d 6d Qh Tc][5h] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Beachjoan: shows [4d Ad] (A Pair of Fives, Ace high) Handle: shows [Kd Ks] (Two Pairs, Kings and Fives, Queen high) Handle collected £522 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot £525 Main pot £522 Rake £3 Board [5d 6d Qh Tc 5h] Seat 2: Fisherboy (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: bampot folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: ripper 3 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 10: Handle (small blind) showed [Kd Ks] and won (£522) with Two Pairs, Kings and Fives, Queen high Ganska bra odds ändå..! undrar varför han bara höjde med 15?
  16. hehe jag vet! lite spöken i skallen bara sen jag spela där sist
  17. Game # 119668709 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 5,00/10,00 - Table "Polack" Game ended 2005-09-01 04:13:51 UTC Players: gino20 (EUR 2 431,50 in seat 1) Beachjoan (EUR 979,50 in seat 3) MasterLL (EUR 1 774,25 in seat 4) SJH (EUR 772,39 in seat 5) Topbridge (EUR 725,50 in seat 6) Dealer: Beachjoan Small Blind: MasterLL (5,00) Big Blind: SJH (10,00) Beachjoan was dealt: Kd - Ks Topbridge Fold gino20 Raise (20,00) Beachjoan Raise (75,00) MasterLL Fold SJH Fold gino20 Call (55,00) Flop Qc - Ts - 6s gino20 Check Beachjoan Bet (150,00) gino20 Call (150,00) Turn Qc - Ts - 6s - 5h gino20 Check Beachjoan Bet (325,00) gino20 Raise (850,00) Beachjoan All-In (429,50) gino20 Payback (95,50) River Qc - Ts - 6s - 5h - 4c gino20 shows: 5d - Qd (two pairs, queens and fives) Beachjoan shows: Kd - Ks (a pair of kings) gino20 wins: EUR 1 972,00 (with two pairs, queens and fives) Rake: EUR 2,00 Påminn min mig om att aldrig mer spela på b2b.
  18. ------HAND 1------ Game #788322624: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/09/01 - 02:41:24 (UK) Table "Cypress" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 2: Beachjoan (£810 in chips) Seat 5: sip up (£552.01 in chips) Seat 6: Dazza2 (£408.25 in chips) sip up: posts small blind £2 Dazza2: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [Ks As] Beachjoan: raises to £20 sip up: calls £18 Dazza2: calls £15 ----- FLOP ----- [5s 4h Jh] sip up: checks Dazza2: checks Beachjoan: checks ----- TURN ----- [5s 4h Jh][6s] sip up: checks Dazza2: bets £30 Beachjoan: calls £30 sip up: folds ----- RIVER ----- [5s 4h Jh 6s][2s] Dazza2: bets £100 Beachjoan: raises to £310 Dazza2: raises to £358.25 and is all-in Beachjoan: calls £48.25 ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Dazza2: shows [Kc Qs] (High Card King) Beachjoan: shows [Ks As] (A Flush, Ace high) Beachjoan collected £833.50 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot £836.50 Main pot £833.50 Rake £3 Board [5s 4h Jh 6s 2s] Seat 2: Beachjoan (button) showed [Ks As] and won (£833.50) with A Flush, Ace high Seat 5: sip up (small blind) folded on the Turn ibland är man säker
  19. ------HAND 15------ Game #787045104: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/08/31 - 23:33:35 (UK) Table "Cypress" Seat 5 is the button. Seat 1: Brann sits out Seat 2: Beachjoan (£461.75 in chips) Seat 4: pkrluntan (£920.50 in chips) Seat 5: Skevihue (£633 in chips) Seat 6: B_o_x_e_n (£1310.50 in chips) B_o_x_e_n: posts small blind £2 Beachjoan: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [Kc Js] pkrluntan: folds Skevihue: folds B_o_x_e_n: raises to £15 Beachjoan: calls £10 ----- FLOP ----- [Tc 4s 4h] B_o_x_e_n: bets £10 Beachjoan: calls £10 ----- TURN ----- [Tc 4s 4h][Th] B_o_x_e_n: bets £10 Beachjoan: raises to £50 B_o_x_e_n: calls £40 ----- RIVER ----- [Tc 4s 4h Th][Ac] B_o_x_e_n: checks Beachjoan: bets £120 B_o_x_e_n: calls £120 ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Beachjoan: shows [Kc Js] (Two Pairs, Tens and Fours, Ace high) B_o_x_e_n: shows [6s 6c] (Two Pairs, Tens and Sixes, Ace high) B_o_x_e_n collected £387 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot £390 Main pot £387 Rake £3 Board [Tc 4s 4h Th Ac] Seat 2: Beachjoan (big blind) lost Seat 4: pkrluntan folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Skevihue (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: B_o_x_e_n (small blind) showed [6s 6c] and won (£387) with Two Pairs, Tens and Sixes, Ace high funderar på om jag gjorde något fel här. Jag är rätt säker på att han inte har stål. I alla fall inte ofta.
  20. Game #970595743: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/08/31 - 04:37:08 (UK) Table "Amber" Seat 5 is the button. Seat 1: Beachjoan (£494.75 in chips) Seat 2: Kovax (£458 in chips) Seat 3: Dav171137 (£595.70 in chips) Seat 4: picchio (£1407.50 in chips) Seat 5: Brann (£819.95 in chips) Seat 6: TW22 (£474.50 in chips) TW22: posts small blind £2 Beachjoan: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [Qd Qs] Kovax: folds Dav171137: calls £5 picchio: calls £5 Brann: calls £5 TW22: calls £3 Beachjoan: raises to £50 Dav171137: calls £45 picchio: calls £45 Brann: folds TW22: folds ----- FLOP ----- [9c 7h 7s] Beachjoan: bets £100 Dav171137: raises to £545.70 and is all-in picchio: folds Beachjoan: is all-in £344.75 Returned uncalled bets £100.95 to Dav171137 ----- TURN ----- [9c 7h 7s][Js] ----- RIVER ----- [9c 7h 7s Js][8h] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Dav171137: shows [9s 8s] (Two Pairs, Nines and Eights, Jack high) Beachjoan: shows [Qd Qs] (Two Pairs, Queens and Sevens, Jack high) Beachjoan collected £1046.50 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot £1049.50 Main pot £1046.50 Rake £3 Board [9c 7h 7s Js 8h] Seat 1: Beachjoan (big blind) showed [Qd Qs] and won (£1046.50) with Two Pairs, Queens and Sevens, Jack high Seat 2: Kovax folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: picchio folded on the Flop Seat 5: Brann (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: TW22 (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) ****HAND ENDS**** Ibland hittar man guldborden
  21. Game #969087063: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/08/30 - 23:46:56 (UK) Table "Vallejo" Seat 1 is the button. Seat 1: Shaa (£812.25 in chips) Seat 2: zack1 (£206.25 in chips) Seat 3: Beachjoan (£448.25 in chips) Seat 4: Ljcool001 (£100 in chips) Seat 5: Ruttyboy (£316.50 in chips) Seat 6: Davi11092 (£492 in chips) zack1: posts small blind £2 Beachjoan: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [3s 7s] Ruttyboy: folds Davi11092: calls £5 Shaa: folds zack1: calls £3 Beachjoan: checks ----- FLOP ----- [2s Qs Ts] zack1: checks Beachjoan: bets £15 Davi11092: raises to £30
  22. ------HAND 1------ Game #968669913: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£2/£5) - 2005/08/30 - 23:08:51 (UK) Table "Amber" Seat 1 is the button. Seat 1: Fisherboy (£784.50 in chips) Seat 2: Superorb (£107.20 in chips) Seat 3: STFU (£828.50 in chips) Seat 4: icecool77 (£533.75 in chips) Seat 5: Mynne (£166 in chips) Seat 6: Beachjoan (£513 in chips) Superorb: posts small blind £2 STFU: posts big blind £5 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Beachjoan [5s 5c] icecool77: folds Mynne: folds Beachjoan: raises to £20 Fisherboy: folds Superorb: folds STFU: calls £15 ----- FLOP ----- [5d Ad Qs] Superorb leaves the table STFU: checks Beachjoan: bets £30 STFU: raises to £60 Vad händer här? Killen är ganska loose men inte kass.
  23. Ja den lästa jag rätt. Ganska ologiskt av honom att spela så med ett monster. Vi har spelat mycket mot varandra och han spelar rätt avigt.
  24. Väldigt långt från målet tyvärr. ***** Hand History for Game 2620720140 ***** $1000 NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, August 29, 22:00:40 EDT 2005 Table Table 36711 (6 max) (Real Money) Seat 4 is the button Total number of players : 6 Seat 1: kingpin1_1 ( $1000 ) Seat 2: Paronychia ( $1926.26 ) Seat 3: chichuckgo ( $3560.55 ) Seat 4: studpool ( $721.81 ) Seat 5: Weeboi ( $1040 ) Seat 6: Beachjoan ( $1000 ) Weeboi posts small blind [$5]. Beachjoan posts big blind [$10]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Beachjoan [ Js Jd ] chichuckgo folds. studpool raises [$55]. Weeboi folds. Beachjoan calls [$45]. ** Dealing Flop ** [ Jh, 5d, 9h ] Beachjoan checks. studpool bets [$55]. Beachjoan raises [$125]. studpool calls [$70]. ** Dealing Turn ** [ Ts ] Beachjoan bets [$225]. kingpin1_1 has left the table. studpool is all-In [$541.81] >You have options at Table 55201 (6 max) (No DP) Table!. Beachjoan calls [$316.81]. ** Dealing River ** [ Tc ] Beachjoan shows [ Js, Jd ] a full house, Jacks full of tens. studpool shows [ Td, Th ] four of a kind, tens. studpool wins $1446.62 from the main pot with four of a kind, tens.
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