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Populärt innehåll

visar innehåll med det högsta anseende på 2017-12-19 på alla områden

  1. PokerStars - $200/$400 (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players Hand converted by PokerTracker 4 8superpoker (BB): $6,995.00 jama-dharma (UTG): $7,582.50 Truelove13 (MP): $9,280.00 Roenepoen (CO): $10,170.00 ggbruce (BTN): $8,745.00 Isildur1 (SB): $4,035.00 Isildur1 posts SB $100.00, 8superpoker posts BB $200.00 Pre Flop: (pot: $300.00) ggbruce has 7:club: 6:club: fold, fold, fold, ggbruce raises to $400.00, Isildur1 raises to $600.00, fold, ggbruce calls $200.00 Flop: ($1,400.00, 2 players) Q:heart: Q:diamond: T:club: Isildur1 bets $200.00, ggbruce raises to $400.00, fold ggbruce wins $1,795.00 "Rags, I had nothing, but he raised and I decided I don't care about the money, I'm just going to out play the guy, I'm going to out play this guy, this hand, I'll re-raise " Coachar både limit och trivia från Rounders om någon är sugen!
    3 poäng
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