naiski2 Postad 11 Oktober , 2005 Rapport Postad 11 Oktober , 2005 Öppnade konto hos Paddy som finns på Irland. Betalade med VISA och när man skulle få ut pengar skulle de betalas tillbaka på kortet. När jag begärde det sa de att de inte fått kontakt med min bank och ville ha ett papper från banken med uppgifter. Slickat det ett flertal gånger men de påstår att de inte fått något. Någon med erfarenhet från denna site? mvh naiski2 * RP till SAJT-tråd och Övriga Pokersajter - QoS * Citera
OJP Postad 22 November , 2008 Rapport Postad 22 November , 2008 Hi there, an agent will be with you shortly.... Please keep an eye on our website for news, articles and details of current promos and satellites: Colum: Hi, welcome to Paddy Power Poker. How can I help? PiccaBoo: Why Can't I deposit? PiccaBoo: I have tried several times to deposit with Neteller without success PiccaBoo: PPP is the only site where I can not deposit PiccaBoo: Kind of funny PiccaBoo: Usually it's withdrawing that requires a lot of effort Colum: One moment please Colum: Have you previously used Neteller to fund your account? PiccaBoo: No, I have never deposited PiccaBoo: I really can't understand the problem PiccaBoo: I use Neteller on all other sites without problems Colum: Can you confirm your middle name and your mothers maiden name for me please/ PiccaBoo: My middel name is xxxxxx and my mothers maiden name is xxxxxxx Colum: Ok because you have a balance you will not be able to register a new payment method you, because you need to have a 0 balance. PiccaBoo: OK, but the funny thing is I never deposited so there should not be any original payment method PiccaBoo: Can't you adjust this error? Colum: Yes you won funds through freerolls is that correct? PiccaBoo: yes and I have been playing cash games and SnGs for a while PiccaBoo: I still don't understand why your company do not want me to deposit PiccaBoo: all other sites stimulate players to deposit but it is not possible on PPP PiccaBoo: admit it is kind of sarcastic PiccaBoo: I want to deposit so I can play higher blinds, but I am denied Colum: Yes but you have never used an active payment methods you need to clear the balance that you currently have before you can register a new payment method. Also if you wish to withdraw these funds you will need to provide us with verification of your age as you have never made a deposit into your account. PiccaBoo: OK, so I have to withdraw my balance in order to deposit? Colum: And we must verify that you are above the legal age to play on our site. PiccaBoo: Tell me how to verify this in the most effective way? PiccaBoo: Can I send you an e-mail now as we chat? PiccaBoo: I have drivers license, Utility bill, Passport etc on file Colum: Sure you can email us on, your drivers license is more than enough. PiccaBoo: e-mail sent Colum: Ok once we receive it we will be able to set-up a cheque withdrawal for you and then once your balance is 0 you will be able to register the new payment method. PiccaBoo: OK, I included my Neteller account as I prefer that method to a cheque but I guess it is up to you PiccaBoo: I really think all these transactions were really more complicated than necesary and compared to all my other online gaming experiences this was by far the most time consuming approach in order to deposit Colum: Ok we will reply to your email and provided that all the information is correct then we will email you back stating that you will be able to register Neteller on your own. PiccaBoo: OK, tnx Citera
DrRoland Postad 22 November , 2008 Rapport Postad 22 November , 2008 Synnerligen skumma insättningsregler... Har man satt in pengar en gång och fortfarande har pengar på kontot så måste man fortsätta sätta in på samma sätt. Och har man vunnit pengar i en freeroll så får man inte sätta in överhuvudtaget. Citera
OJP Postad 11 December , 2008 Rapport Postad 11 December , 2008 Tänkte bara redovisa utvecklingen på den bizarra Paddy Power historien. Sent omsiders anlände en check (trots att jag önskat Neteller utbetalning hela tiden) på €26.13 Länge satt den fast på anslagstavlan, men idag när jag hade vägarna förbi min bank fick den följa med. Att lösa in en sådan check visade det sig kosta 200 kr plus 75 extra för att den inte var utfärdad i avsändarlandets egen valuta (pund). Så in på mitt konto sattes det in den nätta summan av 67 öre Så lönsamt var det att frirulla på Paddy Dessutom fick jag skriva på en revers, att jag ska återbetala 275,67 till banken, om det skulle visa sig att de i sin tur inte får checken inlöst av den avsändande banken. Så det kan till och med bli dyrt att frirulla där. Tur att det finns en hel drös vettiga skins inom iPoker att välja istället för superkrångliga, megaomständiga och smått tragikomiska Paddy Power Poker Avråder både vänner och ovänner att sätta sin fot där! Citera
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