Ving Postad 3 Maj , 2006 Rapport Postad 3 Maj , 2006 Ajdå, tråkigt att höra att det gått dåligt för dig. Skulle du inte kliva ner i nivå? Var det svårt att hålla dig borta från de högre nivåerna? Citera
zeb Postad 5 Maj , 2006 Rapport Postad 5 Maj , 2006 Vilka nivåer ska du köra nu på? Ska du starta om med 1/2 NL typ eller? *Håller tummarna för en gammal HTare att det ska gå fort att komma tillbaka* Citera
HTDrD Postad 22 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 22 Maj , 2006 Då var det dags för comeback. Råkade ut för ett par saftiga bad beats i slutet på april. Rullen från 48k-1k... (tog visserligen ut 10k) och dagen efter gick datorn sönder... Hade inte känts helt fel om dator gått sönder en vecka innan... Spelat ett par gånger live efter det och spelat riktigt uselt. Tiltat vid varje utdragning och gjort i stort sett alla övriga fel man kan komma på. Nåja, nu är det äntligen dags för comeback. Håll tummarna. Comebackrulle: 1.2k$ Dag1: +500$ Citera
jaroiten Postad 22 Maj , 2006 Rapport Postad 22 Maj , 2006 Vilken nivå spelar du på nu? Med en rulle på $1.2k skulle jag gissa på 2/4, kanske 5/10.. Citera
HTDrD Postad 22 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 22 Maj , 2006 Vilken nivå spelar du på nu? Det blir inget grindande förrän jag är helt gul (förhoppningsvis slipper jag det). Så jag kommer spela så högt jag bara kan. I går spelade jag 1/2 och 3/6. Citera
Skumdum Postad 22 Maj , 2006 Rapport Postad 22 Maj , 2006 hur ska du lyckas grinda när du blivit gul? lån? Citera
Nidson Postad 22 Maj , 2006 Rapport Postad 22 Maj , 2006 hur ska du lyckas grinda när du blivit gul? lån? Inkomst från jobbet gissar jag. Citera
HTDrD Postad 22 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 22 Maj , 2006 hur ska du lyckas grinda när du blivit gul? lån? Nja, om jag blir gul får jag fundera om jag skall sätta in pengar på nytt (eller kanske sluta spela helt). Har ganska mycket sparat av de vinster jag gjort sedan tidigare så det är ingen katastrof om pengarna på pokersidorna tar slut. Dock är det stentrist att jag hamnat i sitsen att samtliga onlinepengar kan ta slut. Det var inte länge sedan jag var på vippen att etablera mig på riktigt hög nivå och sedan gick det blixtsnabbt nedåt. Mestadels tack vare dåligt spel och dålig disciplin. Dålig disciplin är nog något jag kommer att få leva med eftersom det tråkigt nog är ett av mina karaktärsdrag. Om jag skall lyckas med poker får jag helt enkelt se till att bli en toppspelare pokermässigt och inte vara så beroende av de i övrigt så viktiga aspekterna som moneymanegment, tiltkontroll och allmän disciplin. Citera
Skumdum Postad 22 Maj , 2006 Rapport Postad 22 Maj , 2006 i know the feeling.. är ingen disciplinmästare själv direkt. 5 inköp max på nivån! Citera
Macroman Postad 22 Maj , 2006 Rapport Postad 22 Maj , 2006 ...övrigt så viktiga aspekterna som moneymanegment, tiltkontroll och allmän disciplin. Kan nog bli svårt att lyckas utan dessa... Fokusera på enbart dessa områden är mitt råd! Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Nära nära... Var nere och vände nära ruinens brant. Sedan uppåt igen. Kanske kan gå det här. Start: 1200 Dag1: +500 Dag2: +900 Citera
Luap Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Håll hårt i markerna! Du tar dig tillbaka! Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Några händer från comebacken. Pengarna går in.. Jag är 3:a... Gick väl inte att undvika?` Hand #31221238-74859 at Alpine (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 22/May/06 12:34:34 X-rated is at seat 0 with $599.70. hotdawggy is at seat 1 with $161.20. jjbravo is at seat 2 with $229.50. strumpan is at seat 3 with $487. DannyKK is at seat 4 with $384. KIndianaJones is at seat 5 with $565. The button is at seat 1. jjbravo posts the small blind of $2. strumpan posts the big blind of $4. X-rated: -- -- hotdawggy: -- -- jjbravo: -- -- strumpan: -- -- DannyKK: As 7c KIndianaJones: -- -- Pre-flop: DannyKK raises to $14. KIndianaJones calls. X-rated calls. hotdawggy folds. jjbravo folds. strumpan calls. Flop (board: 5c 7h Ac): strumpan checks. DannyKK bets $58. KIndianaJones folds. X-rated calls. strumpan raises to $290. DannyKK goes all-in for $370. X-rated goes all-in for $585.70. strumpan goes all-in for $473. X-rated is returned $112.70 (uncalled). Turn (board: 5c 7h Ac 4h): (no action in this round) River (board: 5c 7h Ac 4h 2c): (no action in this round) Showdown: X-rated shows 7s 7d. X-rated has 7s 7d 5c 7h Ac: three sevens. strumpan shows 3c 4c. strumpan has 3c 4c 5c Ac 2c: straight flush, five high. DannyKK shows As 7c. DannyKK has As 7c 5c 7h Ac: two pair, aces and sevens. Hand #31221238-74859 Summary: $3 is raked from a total pot of $1374. $3 is raked from the main pot of $1168. $0 is raked from side pot #1 of $206. strumpan wins the main pot $1165 with straight flush, five high. strumpan wins the side pot $206 with straight flush, five high. Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Jag hade 600 kvar när den här handen räddad mig. Hand #31221286-65416 at Clifton (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 23/May/06 02:17:32 DannyKK is at seat 0 with $340.50. samd20 is at seat 1 with $318. andyhan is at seat 3 with $396. chinagal5661 is at seat 4 with $457.10. harden40 is at seat 5 with $399.20. The button is at seat 1. andyhan posts the small blind of $2. chinagal5661 posts the big blind of $4. DannyKK: Js 9s samd20: -- -- andyhan: -- -- chinagal5661: -- -- harden40: -- -- Pre-flop: harden40 calls. DannyKK raises to $18. samd20 folds. andyhan folds. chinagal5661 calls. harden40 calls. Flop (board: Ks Td Qc): chinagal5661 checks. harden40 checks. DannyKK bets $56. chinagal5661 calls. harden40 calls. Turn (board: Ks Td Qc 8d): chinagal5661 checks. harden40 checks. DannyKK bets $224. chinagal5661 goes all-in for $383.10. harden40 goes all-in for $325.20. DannyKK goes all-in for $266.50. chinagal5661 is returned $57.90 (uncalled). River (board: Ks Td Qc 8d 6d): (no action in this round) Showdown: chinagal5661 shows Tc Ts. chinagal5661 has Tc Ts Ks Td Qc: three tens. harden40 shows Kd Qh. harden40 has Kd Qh Ks Td Qc: two pair, kings and queens. DannyKK shows Js 9s. DannyKK has Js 9s Ks Td Qc: straight, king high. Hand #31221286-65416 Summary: $2 is raked from a total pot of $1140.90. $2 is raked from the main pot of $1023.50. $0 is raked from side pot #1 of $117.40. DannyKK wins the main pot $1021.50 with straight, king high. chinagal5661 wins the side pot $117.40 with three tens. Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Med stadiga 1,5 inköp begav jag mig till 5/10.. Gör inte om det här där hemma. Hand #31221795-73141 at Garfield (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 23/May/06 02:36:25 yeventry is at seat 0 with $446. Shockbrake is at seat 1 with $989.40. Used2beGOOD is at seat 2 with $1383.75. tkc024 is at seat 3 with $885.05. DannyKK is at seat 4 with $981.25. split51 is at seat 5 with $536.75. The button is at seat 3. DannyKK posts the small blind of $5. split51 posts the big blind of $10. yeventry: -- -- Shockbrake: -- -- Used2beGOOD: -- -- tkc024: -- -- DannyKK: 6h 6c split51: -- -- Pre-flop: yeventry folds. Shockbrake calls. Used2beGOOD raises to $45. tkc024 calls. DannyKK calls. split51 folds. Shockbrake calls. Flop (board: 6s 6d 8h): DannyKK checks. Shockbrake checks. Used2beGOOD checks. tkc024 checks. Turn (board: 6s 6d 8h Qh): DannyKK bets $110. Shockbrake folds. Used2beGOOD folds. tkc024 calls. River (board: 6s 6d 8h Qh 8d): DannyKK goes all-in for $826.25. tkc024 goes all-in for $730.05. DannyKK is returned $96.20 (uncalled). Showdown: DannyKK shows 6h 6c. DannyKK has 6h 6c 6s 6d Qh: four sixes. tkc024 shows Js Qs. tkc024 has Js Qs 8h Qh 8d: two pair, queens and eights. Hand #31221795-73141 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $1870.10. DannyKK wins $1867.10 with four sixes. Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Finfint.. Jag hade nog inte blivit stackad här, men han trodde mig helt enkelt inte. Eller så var det hans miniraise som kostade honom hela stacken. Hand #31221795-73629 at Garfield (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 23/May/06 11:33:19 Lucky LITE is at seat 0 with $889. etizzle is at seat 1 with $1209. DannyKK is at seat 2 with $1231.50. DevilFitz is at seat 3 with $769.75. jeffrhodes is at seat 4 with $585.75. Shockbrake is at seat 5 with $928.50 (sitting out). The button is at seat 0. etizzle posts the small blind of $5. DannyKK posts the big blind of $10. Lucky LITE: -- -- etizzle: -- -- DannyKK: 8d Jc DevilFitz: -- -- jeffrhodes: -- -- Pre-flop: DevilFitz calls. jeffrhodes folds. Lucky LITE folds. etizzle folds. DannyKK checks. Flop (board: 7d 9c Ad): DannyKK bets $25. DevilFitz calls. Turn (board: 7d 9c Ad Tc): DannyKK bets $75. DevilFitz raises to $150. DannyKK re-raises to $425. DevilFitz goes all-in for $734.75. DannyKK calls. River (board: 7d 9c Ad Tc 4s): (no action in this round) Showdown: DevilFitz shows 9d Ah. DevilFitz has 9d Ah 9c Ad Tc: two pair, aces and nines. DannyKK shows 8d Jc. DannyKK has 8d Jc 7d 9c Tc: straight, jack high. Hand #31221795-73629 Summary: $2 is raked from a pot of $1544.50. DannyKK wins $1542.50 with straight, jack high. Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 En till hand med 3 spelare inblandade. På vippen att jag lade mig på floppen. Hand #31222289-54746 at Sumter (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 23/May/06 12:22:53 Unagi80 is at seat 0 with $912. DannyKK is at seat 1 with $1018. poker2367 is at seat 2 with $823.75. texaspl is at seat 3 with $949. J_Rod22 is at seat 4 with $402.75. The button is at seat 1. poker2367 posts the small blind of $5. texaspl posts the big blind of $10. Unagi80: -- -- DannyKK: Ts 4s poker2367: -- -- texaspl: -- -- J_Rod22: -- -- Pre-flop: J_Rod22 calls. Unagi80 folds. DannyKK calls. poker2367 folds. texaspl raises to $45. J_Rod22 calls. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: 5s 9s Td): texaspl bets $140. J_Rod22 goes all-in for $357.75. DannyKK calls. texaspl calls. Turn (board: 5s 9s Td 8s): texaspl checks. DannyKK bets $200. texaspl folds. DannyKK is returned $200 (uncalled). River (board: 5s 9s Td 8s Js): (no action in this round) Showdown: DannyKK shows Ts 4s. DannyKK has Ts 5s 9s 8s Js: flush, jack high. J_Rod22 shows Jh Qd. J_Rod22 has Jh Qd 9s Td 8s: straight, queen high. Hand #31222289-54746 Summary: $2 is raked from a pot of $1213.25. DannyKK wins $1211.25 with flush, jack high. Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Jag kan inte klaga på turen (och de usla motståndarna). Men vänta så kommer det ett par badbeats också. Hand #31221632-85573 at Bullhead City (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 23/May/06 12:26:21 PaulG37 is at seat 0 with $1191.50. mbtb22 is at seat 1 with $1015. azndragondf is at seat 2 with $1151. runrun21 is at seat 3 with $1376.75. DannyKK is at seat 5 with $1093. The button is at seat 2. runrun21 posts the small blind of $5. DannyKK posts the big blind of $10. PaulG37: -- -- mbtb22: -- -- azndragondf: -- -- runrun21: -- -- DannyKK: Tc Qs Pre-flop: PaulG37 folds. mbtb22 folds. azndragondf raises to $35. runrun21 folds. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: Js 8c 4d): DannyKK checks. azndragondf bets $50. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: Js 8c 4d 9c): DannyKK checks. azndragondf bets $135. DannyKK raises to $375. azndragondf goes all-in for $1066. DannyKK goes all-in for $1008. azndragondf is returned $58 (uncalled). River (board: Js 8c 4d 9c 7s): (no action in this round) Showdown: azndragondf shows Ks Jc. azndragondf has Ks Jc Js 8c 9c: a pair of jacks. DannyKK shows Tc Qs. DannyKK has Tc Qs Js 8c 9c: straight, queen high. Hand #31221632-85573 Summary: $2 is raked from a pot of $2191. DannyKK wins $2189 with straight, queen high. Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 En dålig bluff per dag är ok. Fast den kändes som den kunde funka. Hand #31687438-8951 at Sevierville (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 23/May/06 15:19:43 roseydog2002 is at seat 0 with $793.50. RaiseWithSiht is at seat 1 with $1087.50. DannyKK is at seat 4 with $1014. Broberts06 is at seat 5 with $915. The button is at seat 1. DannyKK posts the small blind of $5. Broberts06 posts the big blind of $10. roseydog2002: -- -- RaiseWithSiht: -- -- DannyKK: Ah Qc Broberts06: -- -- Pre-flop: roseydog2002 raises to $20. RaiseWithSiht folds. DannyKK calls. Broberts06 re-raises to $80. roseydog2002 folds. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: 7d Jc Ts): DannyKK checks. Broberts06 bets $125. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: 7d Jc Ts 3c): DannyKK checks. Broberts06 checks. River (board: 7d Jc Ts 3c 4h): DannyKK bets $430. Broberts06 calls. Showdown: DannyKK shows Ah Qc. DannyKK has Ah Qc 7d Jc Ts: ace high. Broberts06 shows Jd Kd. Broberts06 has Jd Kd 7d Jc Ts: a pair of jacks. Hand #31687438-8951 Summary: $2 is raked from a pot of $1290. Broberts06 wins $1288 with a pair of jacks. Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Den här var fin som fan.. Hand #31687438-8973 at Sevierville (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 23/May/06 15:29:41 roseydog2002 is at seat 0 with $829. RaiseWithSiht is at seat 1 with $860.50. Zja Zja is at seat 2 with $785. naruto is at seat 3 with $573. DannyKK is at seat 4 with $1153. Broberts06 is at seat 5 with $1458. The button is at seat 2. naruto posts the small blind of $5. DannyKK posts the big blind of $10. roseydog2002: -- -- RaiseWithSiht: -- -- Zja Zja: -- -- naruto: -- -- DannyKK: 9s 7c Broberts06: -- -- Pre-flop: Broberts06 raises to $35. roseydog2002 folds. RaiseWithSiht folds. Zja Zja folds. naruto folds. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: Td 9d 7h): DannyKK checks. Broberts06 bets $75. DannyKK raises to $250. Broberts06 goes all-in for $1423. DannyKK goes all-in for $1118. Broberts06 is returned $305 (uncalled). Turn (board: Td 9d 7h 2c): (no action in this round) River (board: Td 9d 7h 2c Jh): (no action in this round) Showdown: Broberts06 shows Qs Qc. Broberts06 has Qs Qc Td 9d Jh: a pair of queens. DannyKK shows 9s 7c. DannyKK has 9s 7c 9d 7h Jh: two pair, nines and sevens. Hand #31687438-8973 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $2311. DannyKK wins $2308 with two pair, nines and sevens. Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Jag har varit skapligt het idag. Direkt efter min checkraise på floppen ångrade jag mig, men motståndaren var schysst och gick i krig med 77. Hand #31687437-17774 at Yonkers (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 23/May/06 15:58:31 pandan is at seat 0 with $379.50. RaiseWithSiht is at seat 1 with $1374. Josh8888 is at seat 2 with $1069. DannyKK is at seat 3 with $1410.50. Monzo is at seat 4 with $1537.50. Broberts06 is at seat 5 with $1431. The button is at seat 2. DannyKK posts the small blind of $5. Monzo posts the big blind of $10. pandan: -- -- RaiseWithSiht: -- -- Josh8888: -- -- DannyKK: 4h 5h Monzo: -- -- Broberts06: -- -- Pre-flop: Broberts06 folds. pandan calls. RaiseWithSiht raises to $45. Josh8888 calls. DannyKK calls. Monzo folds. pandan folds. Flop (board: 2d 3s 6c): DannyKK checks. RaiseWithSiht checks. Josh8888 bets $120. DannyKK raises to $350. RaiseWithSiht folds. Josh8888 goes all-in for $1024. DannyKK calls. Turn (board: 2d 3s 6c Ts): (no action in this round) River (board: 2d 3s 6c Ts Qd): (no action in this round) Showdown: Josh8888 shows 7s 7d. Josh8888 has 7s 7d 6c Ts Qd: a pair of sevens. DannyKK shows 4h 5h. DannyKK has 4h 5h 2d 3s 6c: straight, six high. Hand #31687437-17774 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $2203. DannyKK wins $2200 with straight, six high. Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Josh fick revansch direkt. Den här handen en av mina sämsta idag. Hand #31687437-17778 at Yonkers (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 23/May/06 16:01:51 pandan is at seat 0 with $354.50. RaiseWithSiht is at seat 1 with $1309. Josh8888 is at seat 2 with $1047.75. DannyKK is at seat 3 with $2546.50. Monzo is at seat 4 with $1522.50 (sitting out). Broberts06 is at seat 5 with $1416. The button is at seat 0. RaiseWithSiht posts the small blind of $5. Josh8888 posts the big blind of $10. pandan: -- -- RaiseWithSiht: -- -- Josh8888: -- -- DannyKK: 9c 9d Broberts06: -- -- Pre-flop: DannyKK raises to $35. Broberts06 folds. pandan calls. RaiseWithSiht calls. Josh8888 re-raises to $175. DannyKK calls. pandan folds. RaiseWithSiht folds. Flop (board: 6c 7d 7c): Josh8888 checks. DannyKK checks. Turn (board: 6c 7d 7c 5d): Josh8888 bets $250. DannyKK calls. River (board: 6c 7d 7c 5d 6h): Josh8888 goes all-in for $622.75. DannyKK calls. Showdown: Josh8888 shows Qc Qh. Josh8888 has Qc Qh 6c 7d 7c: two pair, queens and sevens. DannyKK mucks cards. (DannyKK has 9c 9d.) Hand #31687437-17778 Summary: $2 is raked from a pot of $2165.50. Josh8888 wins $2163.50 with two pair, queens and sevens. Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Större och större potter. Motståndarna har varit snälla idag. Hand #31687438-9037 at Sevierville (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 23/May/06 16:07:16 roseydog2002 is at seat 0 with $575.50. RaiseWithSiht is at seat 1 with $1150. Zja Zja is at seat 2 with $1643.50. naruto is at seat 3 with $855. DannyKK is at seat 4 with $2013.50. Broberts06 is at seat 5 with $1436. The button is at seat 0. RaiseWithSiht posts the small blind of $5. Zja Zja posts the big blind of $10. roseydog2002: -- -- RaiseWithSiht: -- -- Zja Zja: -- -- naruto: -- -- DannyKK: 4d 4c Broberts06: -- -- Pre-flop: naruto raises to $35. DannyKK calls. Broberts06 re-raises to $155. roseydog2002 folds. RaiseWithSiht folds. Zja Zja folds. naruto folds. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: 5d 7d Qs): DannyKK checks. Broberts06 checks. Turn (board: 5d 7d Qs 4h): DannyKK checks. Broberts06 bets $225. DannyKK calls. River (board: 5d 7d Qs 4h Tc): DannyKK checks. Broberts06 bets $450. DannyKK goes all-in for $1633.50. Broberts06 goes all-in for $1056. DannyKK is returned $577.50 (uncalled). Showdown: DannyKK shows 4d 4c. DannyKK has 4d 4c Qs 4h Tc: three fours. Broberts06 shows Qd As. Broberts06 has Qd As 7d Qs Tc: a pair of queens. Hand #31687438-9037 Summary: $3 is raked from a pot of $2922. DannyKK wins $2919 with three fours. Citera
HTDrD Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Författare Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2006 Wow. Det trodde jag inte när jag klev upp i morse.. Hand #31687424-24339 at Campbell (No Limit Hold'em) Powered by UltimateBet Started at 23/May/06 16:48:57 RaiseWithSiht is at seat 0 with $1556. booyahkashah is at seat 1 with $2652. hazards21 is at seat 2 with $3488. frank_tank is at seat 3 with $674.50. EJJ is at seat 4 with $2047.50 (sitting out). DannyKK is at seat 5 with $2545. The button is at seat 2. frank_tank posts the small blind of $10. DannyKK posts the big blind of $25. RaiseWithSiht: -- -- booyahkashah: -- -- hazards21: -- -- frank_tank: -- -- DannyKK: Qd Kd Pre-flop: RaiseWithSiht folds. booyahkashah folds. hazards21 raises to $85. frank_tank folds. DannyKK calls. Flop (board: Qs 2h Ks): DannyKK checks. hazards21 bets $180. DannyKK raises to $500. hazards21 re-raises to $1680. DannyKK goes all-in for $2460. hazards21 calls. Turn (board: Qs 2h Ks 4s): (no action in this round) River (board: Qs 2h Ks 4s 5c): (no action in this round) Showdown: DannyKK shows Qd Kd. DannyKK has Qd Kd Qs Ks 5c: two pair, kings and queens. hazards21 mucks cards. (hazards21 has Qh Jh.) Hand #31687424-24339 Summary: $2 is raked from a pot of $5100. DannyKK wins $5098 with two pair, kings and queens. Citera
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