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fyfaaaaan vad trött jag är. varför startade jag till klockan 12 och inte 10 som jag brukar :(


har inte gått så hett ikväll. Lär hitta 7k hålet eller nåt sånt.

Såg riktigt bra ut i de tidiga turrarna men bustade nära bubblan i alla, dock var 320 fon på stars precis efter bubblan så det gav lite pengar iaf.

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sjuuuukt dålig kväll verkligen. Två itms tot för typ 250 lol. Såg bra ut i 34k på ftp och sjukt soft motstånd mtp att det är 24+2 men ändå fint med över 8k till ettan. Gick dock inte hehehe :(


Full Tilt Poker Game #13335447592: $34,000 Guarantee (98600421), Table 5 - 5000/10000 Ante 1000 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:25:25 ET - 2009/07/11

Seat 1: SHOWMAN2602 (109,600)

Seat 2: methtical23 (208,980)

Seat 3: klarren (514,309)

Seat 4: rafltouskiboug (166,910)

Seat 6: MrOceanJr (477,289)

Seat 7: pino1234 (54,617)

Seat 8: Pety26x (236,124)

SHOWMAN2602 antes 1,000

methtical23 antes 1,000

klarren antes 1,000

rafltouskiboug antes 1,000

MrOceanJr antes 1,000

pino1234 antes 1,000

Pety26x antes 1,000

Pety26x posts the small blind of 5,000

SHOWMAN2602 posts the big blind of 10,000

The button is in seat #7

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to MrOceanJr 2 of Spades2 of Hearts

methtical23 has 15 seconds left to act

methtical23 folds

klarren folds

rafltouskiboug has 15 seconds left to act

rafltouskiboug folds

MrOceanJr raises to 476,289, and is all in

pino1234 folds

Pety26x has 15 seconds left to act

Pety26x calls 230,124, and is all in

SHOWMAN2602 folds

MrOceanJr shows 2 of Spades2 of Hearts

Pety26x shows Queen of SpadesAce of Spades

Uncalled bet of 241,165 returned to MrOceanJr

*** FLOP *** 3 of Clubs10 of Spades6 of Clubs

*** TURN *** 3 of Clubs10 of Spades6 of Clubs9 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 3 of Clubs10 of Spades6 of Clubs9 of ClubsQueen of Hearts

MrOceanJr shows a pair of Twos

Pety26x shows a pair of Queens

Pety26x wins the pot (487,248) with a pair of Queens

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 487,248 | Rake 0

Board: 3 of Clubs10 of Spades6 of Clubs9 of ClubsQueen of Hearts

Seat 1: SHOWMAN2602 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: methtical23 folded before the Flop

Seat 3: klarren folded before the Flop

Seat 4: rafltouskiboug folded before the Flop

Seat 6: MrOceanJr showed 2 of Spades2 of Hearts and lost with a pair of Twos

Seat 7: pino1234 (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 8: Pety26x (small blind) showed Queen of SpadesAce of Spades and won (487,248) with a pair of Queens




Full Tilt Poker Game #13335467879: $34,000 Guarantee (98600421), Table 5 - 5000/10000 Ante 1000 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:26:40 ET - 2009/07/11

Seat 1: SHOWMAN2602 (98,600)

Seat 2: methtical23 (207,980)

Seat 3: klarren (513,309)

Seat 4: rafltouskiboug (165,910)

Seat 6: MrOceanJr (241,165)

Seat 7: pino1234 (53,617)

Seat 8: Pety26x (487,248)

SHOWMAN2602 antes 1,000

methtical23 antes 1,000

klarren antes 1,000

rafltouskiboug antes 1,000

MrOceanJr antes 1,000

pino1234 antes 1,000

Pety26x antes 1,000

SHOWMAN2602 posts the small blind of 5,000

methtical23 posts the big blind of 10,000

The button is in seat #8

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to MrOceanJr Ace of DiamondsAce of Spades

klarren folds

rafltouskiboug folds

MrOceanJr raises to 25,000

pino1234 raises to 52,617, and is all in

Pety26x folds

SHOWMAN2602 raises to 97,600, and is all in

methtical23 has 15 seconds left to act

methtical23 folds

MrOceanJr calls 72,600

SHOWMAN2602 shows 9 of Hearts9 of Spades

MrOceanJr shows Ace of DiamondsAce of Spades

pino1234 shows 10 of DiamondsKing of Spades

*** FLOP *** 4 of Diamonds3 of Clubs8 of Clubs

*** TURN *** 4 of Diamonds3 of Clubs8 of Clubs9 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 4 of Diamonds3 of Clubs8 of Clubs9 of DiamondsQueen of Spades

SHOWMAN2602 shows three of a kind, Nines

MrOceanJr shows a pair of Aces

SHOWMAN2602 wins the side pot (89,966) with three of a kind, Nines

pino1234 shows King Queen high

SHOWMAN2602 wins the main pot (174,851) with three of a kind, Nines

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 264,817 Main pot 174,851. Side pot 89,966. | Rake 0

Board: 4 of Diamonds3 of Clubs8 of Clubs9 of DiamondsQueen of Spades

Seat 1: SHOWMAN2602 (small blind) showed 9 of Hearts9 of Spades and won (264,817) with three of a kind, Nines

Seat 2: methtical23 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: klarren folded before the Flop

Seat 4: rafltouskiboug folded before the Flop

Seat 6: MrOceanJr showed Ace of DiamondsAce of Spades and lost with a pair of Aces

Seat 7: pino1234 showed 10 of DiamondsKing of Spades and lost with King Queen high

Seat 8: Pety26x (button) folded before the Flop




Full Tilt Poker Game #13335480208: $34,000 Guarantee (98600421), Table 5 - 5000/10000 Ante 1000 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:27:25 ET - 2009/07/11

Seat 1: SHOWMAN2602 (264,817)

Seat 2: methtical23 (196,980)

Seat 3: klarren (512,309)

Seat 4: rafltouskiboug (164,910)

Seat 6: MrOceanJr (142,565)

Seat 8: Pety26x (486,248)

SHOWMAN2602 antes 1,000

methtical23 antes 1,000

klarren antes 1,000

rafltouskiboug antes 1,000

MrOceanJr antes 1,000

Pety26x antes 1,000

methtical23 posts the small blind of 5,000

klarren posts the big blind of 10,000

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to MrOceanJr King of Clubs10 of Diamonds

rafltouskiboug folds

GreedyBull sits down

GreedyBull adds 119,428

jdpc27 sits down

jdpc27 adds 572,715

camelmenthol sits down

camelmenthol adds 361,963

MrOceanJr raises to 141,565, and is all in

Pety26x folds

SHOWMAN2602 has 15 seconds left to act

SHOWMAN2602 folds

methtical23 raises to 195,980, and is all in

klarren has 15 seconds left to act

klarren folds

methtical23 shows Queen of Hearts10 of Hearts

MrOceanJr shows King of Clubs10 of Diamonds

Uncalled bet of 54,415 returned to methtical23

*** FLOP *** Queen of Clubs3 of Hearts9 of Clubs

*** TURN *** Queen of Clubs3 of Hearts9 of Clubs5 of Spades

*** RIVER *** Queen of Clubs3 of Hearts9 of Clubs5 of SpadesQueen of Spades

methtical23 shows three of a kind, Queens

MrOceanJr shows a pair of Queens

methtical23 wins the pot (299,130) with three of a kind, Queens

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 299,130 | Rake 0

Board: Queen of Clubs3 of Hearts9 of Clubs5 of SpadesQueen of Spades

Seat 1: SHOWMAN2602 (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: methtical23 (small blind) showed Queen of Hearts10 of Hearts and won (299,130) with three of a kind, Queens

Seat 3: klarren (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: rafltouskiboug folded before the Flop

Seat 6: MrOceanJr showed King of Clubs10 of Diamonds and lost with a pair of Queens

Seat 8: Pety26x folded before the Flop

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när du skrev detta sprang jag mellan köket och grindhörnan när jag stekte kyckling och reggade turrar. kl 19.59 kom jag på att jag glömt 320 fon :S.

Kyckligen blev grymt bra och avnjöts med svartpeppar och prosciutto crudo samt ett glas mjölk. Har 5k i 320 fon nu efter att ha plockat upp AA när utg fick för sig att ställa 20bb rakt av med KJo, wp sir.


Blev så sugen på att avnjuta en fin middag med ett riktigt gott vin och jkk som sällskap när jag läste det här.. På en glidares vis så att säga.

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Har 5k i 320 fon nu efter att ha plockat upp AA när utg fick för sig att ställa 20bb rakt av med KJo, wp sir.

KJo ligger iofs rätt högt i rangen, inte lågnt ifrån våra värdehänder, så det är inte en jättedålig hand att skeppa med, speciellt med FE:n. Ser dock hur du kan finna det onödigt ur en exploativ synvinkel. ;-)

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heh, fyfan vad dålig dag :) Lyckades dock FTa 50r stars, men sjua där för 5k och slutar runt BE då jag hade typ 300 cashat förutom den :evil:


Menmen, myyyycket bättre än 5-6k hålet som det blivit annars iaf.


Blir nog rätt mycket tidiga mtt-pass under veckan, rätt taggad ändå och sen JKPG och Conspiracys hem under helgen 8-)

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kom 3a i en skapligt stor turre. bustade också en sunday major som 19e med AKo mot AKo ai pre HEHE. Fi slaktade på köpet sin hand. wp gg. Hade en massa andra cashes också så slutar nog en 2-3k upp i alla fall. Allt som allt en jävligt skön grind med en nötig msnkonferens också. Den får vi fortsätta med :-D

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Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em Tournament, 2/4 Blinds 100 Ante (4 handed) - Party-Poker Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com



Hero (CO) (t129081)

Button (t297246)

SB (t156531)

BB (t72142)




Hero's M: 317.93


Preflop: Hero is CO with Kclub.gif, Kdiamond.gif

Hero bets t8000, 1 fold, SB raises t20455, 1 fold,




AA flattar jag alltid här men hur ofta vill vi flatta KK?

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