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Liveaments idag slutade mycket fint, kom trea i 1k rebuy på cc för 34k :D Ettan fick 93k så det var hög varians speciellt när snittstacken som vanligt är 10bb.


Ante bustade turren men verkade vara en del plus på cg:t, holla!

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Liveaments idag slutade mycket fint, kom trea i 1k rebuy på cc för 34k :D Ettan fick 93k så det var hög varians speciellt när snittstacken som vanligt är 10bb.


Ante bustade turren men verkade vara en del plus på cg:t, holla!


gratz din firre:)!

hehe jo slutade väl ungefär lika mkt + som du;) Fick ju även äran att busta ditt 1a ink i rebuyen 1a handen!


Nöjd, holla!

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I 100r. Han vann en 100bb-pott precis i handen innan med KK. Jag är rädd för att ni inte gillar detta? Är semitiltad ikväll.


PokerStars Game #30832910989: Tournament #180540274, $100+$9 Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (200/400) - 2009/07/24 22:21:02 CET [2009/07/24 16:21:02 ET]

Table '180540274 9' 9-max Seat #6 is the button

Seat 1: maros12 (42035 in chips)

Seat 2: Do3Do3 (14586 in chips)

Seat 3: qwerty123 (21359 in chips)

Seat 4: obywatel_g (11831 in chips)

Seat 6: Ggod (3490 in chips)

Seat 7: dankness3 (8724 in chips)

Seat 8: nikper61 (10768 in chips)

Seat 9: flpro157 (6343 in chips)

maros12: posts the ante 50

Do3Do3: posts the ante 50

qwerty123: posts the ante 50

obywatel_g: posts the ante 50

Ggod: posts the ante 50

dankness3: posts the ante 50

nikper61: posts the ante 50

flpro157: posts the ante 50

dankness3: posts small blind 200

nikper61: posts big blind 400

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Ggod 3 of Diamonds3 of Clubs

flpro157: folds

maros12: raises 800 to 1200

Do3Do3: folds

qwerty123: folds

obywatel_g: folds

Ggod: raises 2240 to 3440 and is all-in

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Hur är den här synen?


Full Tilt Poker Game #13593257488: $50,000 Guarantee (98954514), Table 31 - 50/100 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:28:14 ET - 2009/07/24

Seat 1: AD_84 (14,802)

Seat 2: Mike McDonald (4,315)

Seat 3: sprstoner (2,380)

Seat 4: 54nTA_Cl4u5 (3,085)

Seat 5: gboro780 (3,478)

Seat 6: CooLJohN22222 (5,785)

Seat 7: blend84 (6,935)

Seat 8: LivePRO21 (4,100)

Seat 9: BlackFours (6,790)

sprstoner posts the small blind of 50

54nTA_Cl4u5 posts the big blind of 100

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to 54nTA_Cl4u5 Ace of Diamonds9 of Spades

gboro780 folds

CooLJohN22222 folds

blend84 folds

LivePRO21 has 15 seconds left to act

LivePRO21 folds

BlackFours folds

AD_84 folds

Mike McDonald folds

sprstoner has 15 seconds left to act

sprstoner raises to 300

54nTA_Cl4u5 has 15 seconds left to act

54nTA_Cl4u5 raises to 3,085, and is all in

sprstoner calls 2,080, and is all in

54nTA_Cl4u5 shows Ace of Diamonds9 of Spades

sprstoner shows Jack of ClubsKing of Hearts

Uncalled bet of 705 returned to 54nTA_Cl4u5

*** FLOP *** 7 of Clubs7 of DiamondsKing of Diamonds

*** TURN *** 7 of Clubs7 of DiamondsKing of Diamonds5 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 7 of Clubs7 of DiamondsKing of Diamonds5 of Diamonds9 of Hearts

54nTA_Cl4u5 shows two pair, Nines and Sevens

sprstoner shows two pair, Kings and Sevens

sprstoner wins the pot (4,760) with two pair, Kings and Sevens

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 4,760 | Rake 0

Board: 7 of Clubs7 of DiamondsKing of Diamonds5 of Diamonds9 of Hearts

Seat 1: AD_84 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: Mike McDonald (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: sprstoner (small blind) showed Jack of ClubsKing of Hearts and won (4,760) with two pair, Kings and Sevens

Seat 4: 54nTA_Cl4u5 (big blind) showed Ace of Diamonds9 of Spades and lost with two pair, Nines and Sevens

Seat 5: gboro780 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: CooLJohN22222 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 7: blend84 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 8: LivePRO21 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 9: BlackFours didn't bet (folded)

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SHIPIT! :mrgreen: Hade precis dubblat mot pitch som bestämde sig för att skeppa 70bb med the old 92o



PokerStars Game #30833351074: Tournament #180540368, $50+$5 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2009/07/24 22:33:18 CET [2009/07/24 16:33:18 ET]

Table '180540368 23' 9-max Seat #7 is the button

Seat 1: qjuice14 (8650 in chips)

Seat 2: sketchy1 (4395 in chips)

Seat 3: pitch315 (10399 in chips)

Seat 4: Fantomic (6500 in chips)

Seat 5: mcatdog (6900 in chips)

Seat 6: CLRSCR (8450 in chips)

Seat 7: ralloyd06 (4550 in chips)

Seat 8: Ggod (13297 in chips)

Seat 9: KojGysto (13978 in chips)

Ggod: posts small blind 75

KojGysto: posts big blind 150

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Ggod Ace of HeartsKing of Clubs

qjuice14: folds

pitch315 said, "beurkkkkkkkkkkkk"

sketchy1: folds

pitch315: raises 10249 to 10399 and is all-in

Fantomic: calls 6500 and is all-in

mcatdog: folds

CLRSCR: folds

ralloyd06: folds

Ggod: raises 2898 to 13297 and is all-in

KojGysto: folds

Uncalled bet (2898) returned to Ggod

*** FLOP *** 10 of HeartsKing of SpadesAce of Diamonds

*** TURN *** 10 of HeartsKing of SpadesAce of Diamonds4 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 10 of HeartsKing of SpadesAce of Diamonds4 of Diamonds4 of Spades

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Ggod: shows Ace of HeartsKing of Clubs (two pair, Aces and Kings)

pitch315: shows 9 of Clubs2 of Diamonds (a pair of Fours)

pitch315 is sitting out

Ggod collected 7798 from side pot

Fantomic: shows Queen of ClubsQueen of Diamonds (two pair, Queens and Fours)

Ggod collected 19650 from main pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 27448 Main pot 19650. Side pot 7798. | Rake 0

Board 10 of HeartsKing of SpadesAce of Diamonds4 of Diamonds4 of Spades

Seat 1: qjuice14 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 2: sketchy1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 3: pitch315 showed 9 of Clubs2 of Diamonds and lost with a pair of Fours

Seat 4: Fantomic showed Queen of ClubsQueen of Diamonds and lost with two pair, Queens and Fours

Seat 5: mcatdog folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 6: CLRSCR folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 7: ralloyd06 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 8: Ggod (small blind) showed Ace of HeartsKing of Clubs and won (27448) with two pair, Aces and Kings

Seat 9: KojGysto (big blind) folded before Flop


Men buuu här, jag som var så nöjd med mitt spel :D:(


Full Tilt Poker Game #13593640031: $50,000 Guarantee (98954514), Table 31 - 80/160 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:49:31 ET - 2009/07/24

Seat 1: AD_84 (19,912)

Seat 2: Mike McDonald (2,815)

Seat 3: Falcknc89 (4,448)

Seat 4: 54nTA_Cl4u5 (2,640)

Seat 5: gboro780 (8,796)

Seat 6: CooLJohN22222 (4,876)

Seat 7: blend84 (4,345)

Seat 8: LivePRO21 (4,320)

Seat 9: BlackFours (6,610)

Mike McDonald posts the small blind of 80

Falcknc89 posts the big blind of 160

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to 54nTA_Cl4u5 [Ah Ac]

54nTA_Cl4u5 has 15 seconds left to act

54nTA_Cl4u5 raises to 2,640, and is all in

gboro780 folds

CooLJohN22222 folds

blend84 raises to 4,345, and is all in

LivePRO21 folds

BlackFours folds

AD_84 folds

Mike McDonald has 15 seconds left to act

Mike McDonald folds

Falcknc89 calls 4,185

blend84 shows [Th Td]

Falcknc89 shows [Ad Ks]

54nTA_Cl4u5 shows [Ah Ac]

*** FLOP *** [Jh 6s 6h]

*** TURN *** [Jh 6s 6h] [Tc]

*** RIVER *** [Jh 6s 6h Tc] [9c]

blend84 shows a full house, Tens full of Sixes

Falcknc89 shows a pair of Sixes

blend84 wins the side pot (3,410) with a full house, Tens full of Sixes

54nTA_Cl4u5 shows two pair, Aces and Sixes

blend84 wins the main pot (8,000) with a full house, Tens full of Sixes

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 11,410 Main pot 8,000. Side pot 3,410. | Rake 0

Board: [Jh 6s 6h Tc 9c]

Seat 1: AD_84 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: Mike McDonald (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: Falcknc89 (big blind) showed [Ad Ks] and lost with a pair of Sixes

Seat 4: 54nTA_Cl4u5 showed [Ah Ac] and lost with two pair, Aces and Sixes

Seat 5: gboro780 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: CooLJohN22222 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 7: blend84 showed [Th Td] and won (11,410) with a full house, Tens full of Sixes

Seat 8: LivePRO21 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 9: BlackFours didn't bet (folded)

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Såja, haft ett par riktigt najsa dagar nu:)

I Fredags vaknade jag ca 18 av att en polare ringde. Vi bestämde att mötas typ 20 och käka lite tapas och lite rödtjut på La Cucaracha.

Efter det mötte vi WPT-Ragnar o hans polare på Odenplan, lirade lite biljard och tog några öl.

Efter biljarden vart det Götgatan och fenix för lite drinkar. Vidare därifrån till Rich, ngn drink där o sen till ngt stekigt sturehak där polarens vänner hade bord. Träffade lite pokerfolk där oxå, rätt lungt och najs.

Sen hörde en gammal tjejkompis som jag inte sett på bra länge av sig och frågade om jag skulle komma ut till Tullinge på fest.

Varför inte? Tänkte jag, men först lite dans och dricka på Solidaritet:)


04:30 ramlar jag in i huset i Tullinge, alla är typ däckade, men snackar ett tag med tjejen och slumrar sen till.


Vaknar 09:30 av att man blir bjuden på jäger-på-sängen och mackor:) Tydligen är det flerdagsfest och jag blir inbjuden att stanna kvar på 5-kamp, brännboll och allmän fest!

Jahopp, bara att gå på det igen då. Drar med tjejen till skärholmen och införskaffar lite kläder, en tandborste och en handduk. Tillbaka till huset, duschar och sen är det på det igen.

Helt sjukt bra folk på stället och jag hade det stört kul! Kom insläntrande här hemma i morse kl 05 typ.


Grind idag!:mrgreen:

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Lol cashgame! Jag brukar beta ut färger på turn så gjorde det med the old åttorna också. River var på känsla (även om jag halvångrade mig under hela tankeprocessen :roll:), han har väl inte en jättestark hand så jätteofta men jag kan nog ha både färg och kåk och inte så ofta folk checkraisebluffar?


Han kan betfolda många damer eller?




Full Tilt Poker Game #13627323051: Table Kyle (6 max, deep) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 10:04:16 ET - 2009/07/26

Seat 1: golani51 ($273.35)

Seat 2: 928095 ($243.15)

Seat 3: 54nTA_Cl4u5 ($470.15)

Seat 4: Holy_Diablo ($200)

Seat 5: doc_1982 ($625.50)

Seat 6: minialleN ($241.50)

54nTA_Cl4u5 posts the small blind of $1

Holy_Diablo posts the big blind of $2

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to 54nTA_Cl4u5 8 of Hearts8 of Diamonds

doc_1982 folds

minialleN raises to $7

golani51 folds

928095 folds

54nTA_Cl4u5 calls $6

Holy_Diablo folds

Holy_Diablo adds $2

*** FLOP *** Queen of Hearts3 of Spades4 of Spades

54nTA_Cl4u5 checks

minialleN bets $12

54nTA_Cl4u5 calls $12

*** TURN *** Queen of Hearts3 of Spades4 of Spades6 of Spades

54nTA_Cl4u5 bets $24

minialleN calls $24

*** RIVER *** Queen of Hearts3 of Spades4 of Spades6 of Spades4 of Clubs

54nTA_Cl4u5 checks

minialleN has 15 seconds left to act

minialleN bets $66

54nTA_Cl4u5 has 15 seconds left to act

54nTA_Cl4u5 raises to $427.15, and is all in

minialleN has 15 seconds left to act

minialleN has requested TIME

minialleN folds

minialleN adds $67.50

Uncalled bet of $361.15 returned to 54nTA_Cl4u5

54nTA_Cl4u5 mucks

54nTA_Cl4u5 wins the pot ($217)

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $220 | Rake $3

Board: Queen of Hearts3 of Spades4 of Spades6 of Spades4 of Clubs

Seat 1: golani51 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: 928095 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: 54nTA_Cl4u5 (small blind) collected ($217), mucked

Seat 4: Holy_Diablo (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: doc_1982 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: minialleN folded on the River

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Brynja Sassoon




29-Dec-2007 SKr 5,000 No Limit Hold'em

Christmas Poker Week, Gothenburg 1st SKr 180,500 $ 27,395

19-Oct-2007 SKr 40,000 No Limit Hold'em - Main Event

Swedish Open Poker Championships, Stockholm 6th SKr 230,000 $ 35,765

29-Aug-2007 SKr 3,000 No Limit Hold'em

Malmo Open, Malmo 1st SKr 138,240 $ 20,163

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