Jag tänker mer "nästan alla blir relativt sätt rikare med anka än vid politisk auktoritet". Så även om man är utilitarist borde man vara anka. Bara egoister som idag gynnas av politisk auktoritet som borde vara för politisk auktoritet, typ Kim Yong Un, Gudrun Schyman och Bert Karlsson. Inte de maskerade i Limhamn.
Tycker du övertolkar det.
Din tolkning:
Han säger man ska söka det
Min tolkning:
Han säger man inte ska undvika en naturlig dos av det. Dvs, inte bygga hus av blyväggar för att minska strålningen. Imo haka inte upp dig på "necessarily" och texten efter, det kan vara att han menade "necessarily" på något som innefattar massa annat och det som hans skrev efter. T ex strålning, luftburna partiklar etc.
Sedan är väl inte frågan helt avgjord än?
Skulle vilja säga att vissa vaccinationsprogram är bra, vissa är mindre bra, men att summan av alla antagligen är bra. Där bra är enligt wellbokens definition på bra. Men på individnivå kan det fortfarande vara dåligt beroende på omständigheter. Jag vägrade vaccinera mig mot svininfluensan, i efterhand är det inte något jag ångrar och jag är fortfarande övertygad om att min heuristik var bra för mig.
Nja, råttor som inte äter SLV-kost verkar bli lite "immuna".
Min robot har blivit rätt bra på att estimera och jaga nu. För att gå vidare till nästa nivå i betygsskalan(från G till "chans till jobb hos google" kommer jag behöva mer teori än jag har nu, men som tur är kommer jag läsa kursen som tar upp det jag behöver.
Men innan jag lämnar det behöver jag jobba på min strategi att jaga. Jag vet att den andra roboten rör sig på en cirkel och vår jägare åker i samma hastighet som den. Så hur ska vi jaga?
Min första tanke var väldigt enkel, estimera vart den kommer befinna sig, se om det är möjligt att gå dit i tid.
for i in range(len(next_est)):
if distance_between(hunter_position,next_est[i]) <= 1.0 * (i+1) * max_distance:
angle_to_target = atan2(difference[1],difference[0])
print 'Found an intercept, in', i+1, 'steps, intercept at', next_est[i]
print 'Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at', next_est[0]
angle_to_target = atan2(difference[1],difference[0])
(indentering blev fel pga copypejst)
Är detta optimalt? Kan man förbättra strategin? Känns som en mer passiv strategi kanske skulle vara att föredra, säg att man försöker hålla sig lite längre ifrån den yttre cirkeln om ny estimering hamnar lite längre fram än planerat?
Lite output:
N= 1
Hunter Position (-10.0, -10.0)
Target Position (0.0, 10.0)
Separation 22.360679775
Measurement (-0.09895845581616951, 10.076500992083593)
Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at (-0.09895845581616951, 10.076500992083593)
N= 2
Hunter Position (-9.349814131534552, -8.681607669755383)
Target Position (1.4672214011007085, 10.31186753622664)
Separation 21.8577299396
Measurement (1.4534957442962584, 10.140381306713298)
Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at (1.4534957442962584, 10.140381306713298)
N= 3
Hunter Position (-8.618045984999426, -7.406689876438282)
Target Position (2.83753958756461, 10.92197250084034)
Separation 21.6141228217
Measurement (2.8591477133821064, 10.92767447741582)
Estimate for next pos: [3.7349211454384665, 12.245698427090661]
Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at [3.7349211454384665, 12.245698427090661]
N= 4
Hunter Position (-7.83575211855578, -6.162135214511113)
Target Position (4.0510650791270315, 11.803650379279048)
Separation 21.5421882615
Measurement (4.035496839033025, 11.777685447448498)
Estimate for next pos: [4.7871850816929378, 13.125295313146411]
Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at [4.7871850816929378, 13.125295313146411]
N= 5
Hunter Position (-7.030762903096745, -4.932138318988751)
Target Position (5.054760988665319, 12.91836761749514)
Separation 21.5569118829
Measurement (5.060722259560026, 12.787460530513592)
Estimate for next pos: [5.6845962031577564, 14.170688924876895]
Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at [5.6845962031577564, 14.170688924876895]
N= 6
Hunter Position (-6.21623454093884, -3.7084375601263724)
Target Position (5.80476098866532, 14.217405723171797)
Separation 21.5833313217
Measurement (5.870860198423261, 14.276708358780036)
Estimate for next pos: [6.2362904745616543, 15.780199483978262]
Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at [6.2362904745616543, 15.780199483978262]
N= 7
Hunter Position (-5.424736794934339, -2.4697159133994764)
Target Position (6.268286480227742, 15.643990497614528)
Separation 21.5599896396
Measurement (6.325329101717318, 15.584561490487372)
Estimate for next pos: [6.4242384318266215, 17.102678624884575]
Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at [6.4242384318266215, 17.102678624884575]
N= 8
Hunter Position (-4.663448084607038, -1.2122026929806238)
Target Position (6.4250791751292216, 17.135773340666937)
Separation 21.4383689053
Measurement (6.416944247888099, 17.084189858194186)
Estimate for next pos: [6.2205890942514763, 18.585806713252047]
Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at [6.2205890942514763, 18.585806713252047]
N= 9
Hunter Position (-3.9552707131234364, 0.07596841774907181)
Target Position (6.268286480227741, 18.627556183719346)
Separation 21.1821276156
Measurement (6.218959642997954, 18.661819154020108)
Estimate for next pos: [5.6781113538609267, 20.087492771955397]
Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at [5.6781113538609267, 20.087492771955397]
N= 10
Hunter Position (-3.317658274548773, 1.4004873410472143)
Target Position (5.804760988665318, 20.054140958162076)
Separation 20.7648098109
Measurement (5.8082240164872125, 19.944996489169387)
Estimate for next pos: [5.0107388852437635, 21.223982671440343]
Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at [5.0107388852437635, 21.223982671440343]
N= 11
Hunter Position (-2.748279547192439, 2.755739297265718)
Target Position (5.054760988665317, 21.353179063838734)
Separation 20.1680987571
Measurement (5.168532121641198, 21.40384353253807)
Estimate for next pos: [4.0669459091333104, 22.462427441518482]
Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at [4.0669459091333104, 22.462427441518482]
N= 12
Hunter Position (-2.2678249346325994, 4.145006501683203)
Target Position (4.051065079127029, 22.467896302054825)
Separation 19.3818642458
Measurement (4.187713636575685, 22.397301425628502)
Estimate for next pos: [2.9783406337717921, 23.289645489301616]
Couldnt find an intercept, moving straight to target at [2.9783406337717921, 23.289645489301616]
N= 13
Hunter Position (-1.879326321698022, 5.562740195910687)
Target Position (2.837539587564608, 23.349574180493534)
Separation 18.4016381662
Measurement (2.9250225833532197, 23.123477743564564)
Estimate for next pos: [1.6114844132757264, 23.824841450374912]
[-5.8807251566684533, 11.501771158182814]
Found an intercept, in 10 steps, intercept at [-7.7600514783664751, 17.064511354093501]
N= 14
Hunter Position (-2.5485238235460628, 6.871584993249295)
Target Position (1.4672214011007072, 23.959679145107234)
Separation 17.5536085023
Measurement (1.4534284263602761, 24.03623030593907)
Estimate for next pos: [-0.05634252743111301, 24.253297586921697]
[-5.3354219176014483, 10.0313786569518]
Found an intercept, in 9 steps, intercept at [-7.8839457411475111, 16.902963650201094]
N= 15
Hunter Position (-3.238812760717029, 8.169429815722065)
Target Position (-8.881784197001252e-16, 24.271546681333874)
Separation 16.4246179759
Measurement (0.21182120206062766, 24.409491368253846)
Estimate for next pos: [-1.3010756638764072, 24.347631974510364]
[-4.7663730635785457, 9.2971916708552946]
Found an intercept, in 8 steps, intercept at [-8.0051858242955749, 17.46662148657736]
N= 16
Hunter Position (-3.9094403105463744, 9.477542459728646)
Target Position (-1.5000000000000009, 24.271546681333877)
Separation 14.988928031
Measurement (-1.374935549965013, 24.192067829453894)
Estimate for next pos: [-2.857786056462372, 23.994794582400978]
[-4.0143211946154125, 7.7533635511882117]
Found an intercept, in 7 steps, intercept at [-7.9237615051617869, 17.230906010916858]
N= 17
Hunter Position (-4.58531804953237, 10.782950166900308)
Target Position (-2.9672214011007103, 23.95967914510724)
Separation 13.2757080161
Measurement (-3.0208353746884677, 24.009862465096468)
Estimate for next pos: [-4.3870806609264728, 23.348870659257969]
[-3.3715177156194613, 6.2749263241739666]
Found an intercept, in 6 steps, intercept at [-7.9568357651518316, 17.057876491074275]
N= 18
Hunter Position (-5.2810784529479635, 12.077870033548036)
Target Position (-4.337539587564613, 23.349574180493544)
Separation 11.3111263792
Measurement (-4.389009751491751, 23.307775304142414)
Estimate for next pos: [-5.616720382142903, 22.426041086267283]
[-2.6600250196889794, 4.9380217022511079]
Found an intercept, in 5 steps, intercept at [-7.9411034726369429, 17.015891735799144]
N= 19
Hunter Position (-5.97822669522853, 13.372043255448844)
Target Position (-5.551065079127038, 22.46789630205484)
Separation 9.10587775515
Measurement (-5.468273160019959, 22.540847810090778)
Estimate for next pos: [-6.4974092073496941, 21.446336635498685]
[-1.9577540400634561, 3.869248701600128]
Found an intercept, in 4 steps, intercept at [-7.9359807352919862, 17.241291957048972]
N= 20
Hunter Position (-6.641895881717495, 14.683699921998851)
Target Position (-6.554760988665329, 21.353179063838752)
Separation 6.67004831414
Measurement (-6.501558932868915, 21.306947783639878)
Estimate for next pos: [-7.2994069066363068, 20.032383309471097]
[-1.2693316674594737, 2.4110845040380227]
Found an intercept, in 3 steps, intercept at [-7.911227549176969, 17.094784426036874]
N= 21
Hunter Position (-7.326686696688059, 15.984454141569923)
Target Position (-7.304760988665335, 20.054140958162098)
Separation 4.06974587927
Measurement (-7.2675168449488945, 20.084468484215023)
Estimate for next pos: [-7.745100671194642, 18.657273080736115]
[-0.5822889428152811, 1.1761850922131991]
Found an intercept, in 2 steps, intercept at [-7.9089756395033399, 17.160639233783122]
N= 22
Hunter Position (-7.9089756395033399, 17.160639233783122)
Target Position (-7.768286480227762, 18.62755618371937)
Separation 1.47364811863
Measurement (-7.788869718697816, 18.491652454037602)
Estimate for next pos: [-7.9097246793592824, 16.981901568428032]
[-0.00074903985594243494, -0.17873766535509006]
Found an intercept, in 1 steps, intercept at [-7.9097246793592824, 16.981901568428032]
N= 23
Hunter Position (-7.8296739610274511, 17.000455096403041)
Target Position (-7.925079175129248, 17.13577334066696)
Separation 0.165569266799
Measurement (-7.979478596112836, 17.136510447139063)
Estimate for next pos: [-7.7692484602267484, 15.637220941451359]
[0.060425500800702636, -1.363234154951682]
Found an intercept, in 1 steps, intercept at [-7.7692484602267484, 15.637220941451359]
N= 24
Hunter Position (-7.7692484602267493, 15.637220941451359)
Target Position (-7.768286480227774, 15.643990497614551)
Separation 0.00683756507574
You got it right! It took you 23 steps to catch the target.
Problemet kommer när vi smaskar upp noiset rejält:
N= 291
Hunter Position (-2.7485720821544199, 19.480276799377087)
Target Position (-7.304760988665793, 20.054140958162225)
Separation 4.59218656247
Measurement (-7.720904326635715, 19.32602202357191)
Estimate for next pos: [-7.9076311970846431, 18.170999242186141]
[-2.4825440899439077, -8.0255922970865932]
Found an intercept, in 6 steps, intercept at [-5.2311161720983277, 11.454684502290494]
N= 292
Hunter Position (-3.1829767994303371, 18.075929071209867)
Target Position (-7.768286480228218, 18.627556183719495)
Separation 4.61837171956
Measurement (-7.484717609388135, 19.706816254293088)
Estimate for next pos: [-7.9743751666951859, 16.753395224325651]
[-2.1414474314044085, -6.5463311775575264]
Found an intercept, in 5 steps, intercept at [-5.3244242308347456, 11.52959789365234]
N= 293
Hunter Position (-3.6400137071055774, 16.678782956795683)
Target Position (-7.925079175129701, 17.135773340667086)
Separation 4.30936495045
Measurement (-8.854320466668382, 16.216400071480958)
Estimate for next pos: [-7.7571435362587859, 15.286474437936292]
[-1.6959601132954063, -5.1510111538540038]
Found an intercept, in 4 steps, intercept at [-5.3359738204009837, 11.527771802941679]
N= 294
Hunter Position (-4.0997315797851943, 15.282516693671443)
Target Position (-7.768286480228224, 15.643990497614675)
Separation 3.68632043758
Measurement (-8.154236396270505, 15.537581581853061)
Estimate for next pos: [-7.2690750661724239, 13.961335973255222]
[-1.3209217349944158, -3.688470644564422]
Found an intercept, in 3 steps, intercept at [-5.4206533147796101, 11.594046049107021]
N= 295
Hunter Position (-4.5953474259553886, 13.898585722479238)
Target Position (-7.304760988665805, 14.217405723171945)
Separation 2.72810704457
Measurement (-7.9681643298683955, 13.501258030610146)
Estimate for next pos: [-6.5739472383259265, 12.802098746791671]
[-0.95279350741691182, -2.2069170841034502]
Found an intercept, in 2 steps, intercept at [-5.5481409333723004, 11.691668638375788]
N= 296
Hunter Position (-5.1780086781295998, 12.54899101842369)
Target Position (-6.554760988665808, 12.918367617495285)
Separation 1.42544238625
Measurement (-4.51393618356176, 13.810119297674262)
Estimate for next pos: [-6.367376588667752, 12.56493774279067]
[-1.1893679105381523, 0.015946724366980192]
Found an intercept, in 1 steps, intercept at [-6.367376588667752, 12.56493774279067]
N= 297
Hunter Position (-4.7065386900534119, 13.641037892408212)
Target Position (-5.551065079127522, 11.803650379279192)
Separation 2.02218141996
Measurement (-4.840274969381668, 10.928715670316569)
Estimate for next pos: [-5.9039809568265778, 12.047310875949401]
[-0.025713378442791424, -2.5506594324931928]
Found an intercept, in 2 steps, intercept at [-4.7322520684962033, 11.090378459915019]
N= 298
Hunter Position (-4.7213571112328765, 12.171112583287456)
Target Position (-4.3375395875651, 10.921972500840482)
Separation 1.3067772714
Measurement (-4.014070936638051, 10.341825406747606)
Estimate for next pos: [-2.1593102940303623, 10.041993393391216]
[10.84243097545367, 2.8649983741046512]
Found an intercept, in 8 steps, intercept at [6.1210738642207927, 15.036110957392108]
N= 299
Hunter Position (-3.3001365893493411, 12.546655161668513)
Target Position (-2.967221401101198, 10.311867536226783)
Separation 2.25944866138
Measurement (-2.993578745545078, 10.36382147665483)
Estimate for next pos: [-0.74383006853499278, 9.9107472076062919]
[9.3909220190631455, 2.3927867029252692]
Found an intercept, in 7 steps, intercept at [6.0907854297138044, 14.939441864593782]
N= 300
Hunter Position (-1.8756497311854436, 12.90961134486195)
Target Position (-1.5000000000004887, 10.000000000000147)
Separation 2.93376053874
Measurement (-1.7074953994635131, 10.135560127103416)
Estimate for next pos: [0.54018091352963848, 10.03479388555726]
[7.2481521421234323, 0.45666941911844283]
Found an intercept, in 5 steps, intercept at [5.3725024109379884, 13.366280763980393]
N= 301
Hunter Position (-0.4085587461482052, 13.002045330075536)
Target Position (-4.887201754399939e-13, 10.000000000000151)
Separation 3.02971886697
Measurement (-0.9403360312341869, 9.372736149361083)
Estimate for next pos: [1.9685547747956802, 10.452270905914258]
[5.7685712659442228, 0.33693741702799329]
Found an intercept, in 4 steps, intercept at [5.3600125197960171, 13.338982747103529]
N= 302
Hunter Position (1.0589401035331607, 13.087760708998267)
Target Position (1.4672214011002191, 10.311867536226792)
Separation 2.80575774517
Measurement (1.5497175959736773, 10.740602808714547)
Estimate for next pos: [3.0538034926552111, 11.016597565038023]
[4.1493090585176819, 0.021504907412840168]
Found an intercept, in 3 steps, intercept at [5.2082491620508424, 13.109265616411108]
N= 303
Hunter Position (2.5289203610318367, 13.095379276063383)
Target Position (2.837539587564119, 10.921972500840495)
Separation 2.19520906466
Measurement (2.7106962507810684, 10.948841179267587)
Estimate for next pos: [4.0673312865512301, 11.787966576845294]
[2.5424636491767627, -0.18110134195616823]
Found an intercept, in 2 steps, intercept at [5.0713840102085994, 12.914277934107215]
N= 304
Hunter Position (3.9952052452100046, 12.990934848588209)
Target Position (4.051065079126539, 11.803650379279206)
Separation 1.18859780082
Measurement (4.1126702176055066, 11.622548528385998)
Estimate for next pos: [5.0645506134075609, 12.90267768688903]
[1.0693453681975562, -0.088257161699178965]
Found an intercept, in 1 steps, intercept at [5.0645506134075609, 12.90267768688903]
N= 305
Hunter Position (5.0645506134075609, 12.902677686889028)
Target Position (5.054760988664825, 12.9183676174953)
Separation 0.0184935306265
You got it right! It took you 304 steps to catch the target.
Measurement (5.219453694852493, 12.958546334861387)
Estimate for next pos: [5.856247149997313, 14.306344850620583]
[0.68428903734625202, 7.2769447349549949]
Found an intercept, in 5 steps, intercept at [5.7488396507538129, 20.179622421844023]
Där den kanske borde varit lite mer defensiv i när den tror den kommer kunna nå målet... Se 297, 298 hur vi går från 2 steg till 8steg