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Allt postat av Bikern

  1. William Thorsson Buys Pot Paul Wasicka raises under the gun to $250,000. Rhett Butler calls in middle position and William Thorsson moves all in for approximately $3,475,000. Wasicka thinks intently for a number of moments, before folding. Butler folds quickly and Thorsson rakes the pot, increasing his stack to approximately $4,000,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  2. Erik Friberg och Humberto Brenes http://www.pokervoice.com/pics/FribergBrenes.jpg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  3. David Einhorn Eliminated 18th ($659,730) David Einhorn raises to $250,000 from middle position, Jamie Gold, Allen Cunningham and Luke Chung all call. The flop comes the Q:heart:J:diamond:6:club:, David Einhorn bets $1,000,000 and Jamie Gold raises to $3,000,000. Everyone folds around to Einhorn who pushes all in. Gold immediately calls with Q:diamond:6:diamond: while Einhorn shows the K:heart:Q:club: . The turn is the 3:club: and the river is the 8:heart: eliminating David Einhorn in 18th place. Jamie Gold is now over $22,500,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  4. Ja han springer runt på mina kommandon sedan 3 dagar, det är skoj! Rå shysst snubbe den där Robert.
  5. 1...Jamie Gold...24,000,000...Up $5,450,000
  6. Man vet aldrig i denna crazy poker-värld! Ni får väl se om jag har FullTiltPoker kläder på mig på PAF PF.nu Cruise!
  7. Richard Lee: http://www.pokervoice.com/pics/RichardLeeDay7.jpg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  8. Erik Friberg http://www.pokervoice.com/pics/ErikFriberg2.jpg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  9. men shiit, har du fittsaft i huvudet eller? kan du sluta spama forumet med en massa reklam, jobbar du för fulltilt poker? Läs fakking jävla regler innan du postar nästa gång, OK? kan någon banna idioten.. Ursäkta mig??? Vad snackar du om? Han va ju galen. Fortsätt gärna med bilderna! Jag fortsätter med bilderna om det uppskattas annars inte. Gdaily visst är det okey att jag postar bilderna, jag länkar ju? Enligt era regler alltså?
  10. men shiit, har du fittsaft i huvudet eller? kan du sluta spama forumet med en massa reklam, jobbar du för fulltilt poker? Läs fakking jävla regler innan du postar nästa gång, OK? kan någon banna idioten.. Ursäkta mig??? Vad snackar du om?
  11. Fred Goldberg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  12. Kevin Aaronson (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  13. Paul Wasicka dubblar mot Cunningham http://www.pokervoice.com/pics/PaulWasickaDouble.jpg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  14. Sirous Jamshidi http://www.pokervoice.com/pics/SirousJamshidiDay7.jpg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  15. Mr Cunningham, 13 Miljoner... http://www.pokervoice.com/pics/AllenCunninghamDay7.jpg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  16. Pay Scale Increase, Players On Break There are now 18 players and all remaining players are guaranteed to make at least $659,730. Players are on a 20 minute break as the final two tables are arranged. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  17. Dustin Holmes Eliminated 19th ($494,797) Dustin Holmes pushes all-in preflop from mid-position for $345,000 and Luke Chung calls in the big blind. Chung shows A:spade:9:diamond: , while Holmes flips up K:heart:J:heart: and will need to improve. The board comes 6:spade:6:diamond:5:heart:4:diamond:10:spade: , improving neither player and eliminating Dustin Holmes in 19th place. Holmes earns $494,797 for his finish. Chung is now sitting with $2,145,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  18. Richard Lee Doubles Up William Thorsson raises $260,000 before the flop and Richard Lee re-raises all-in for $400,000. Thorsson calls and flips over J:diamond:7:diamond: while Lee shows A:heart:K:diamond: . The board comes A:diamond:7:spade:2:diamond:2:spade:Q:spade:, giving Lee the pot. After this hand, he doubles up to $955,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  19. John Magill dubblar oxå upp! William Thorsson i bakgrunden. http://www.pokervoice.com/pics/JohnMagillDay7.jpg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  20. Douglas Kim dubblar upp: http://www.pokervoice.com/pics/DougKim.jpg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  21. Thorsson and Binger Exchange Blows William Thorsson raises $160,000 pre-flop and Michael Binger calls. The flop comes A:club:Q:heart:3:diamond: and both players check. Thorsson fires out $230,000 and Binger calls when the 3:heart: falls on the turn. The river brings the K:heart: and Thorsson checks. Binger bets $500,000 and wins the pot when Thorsson mucks. After the hand, Binger is up to $5,300,000 and Thorsson is down to $3,400,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  22. cummingham Eh, okej. Det står Cunningham på CP. nejnejnejnejnejnej Cummingham has taken a big blow in the chipcunts... Mitt sista OT inlägg....
  23. Magill Doubles Up to Cripple Lee On a board showing 7:club:7:diamond:4:heart:A:heart:, with around $1,200,000 in the pot, Richard Lee pushes all-in for $2,500,000. John Magill thinks for a long while before finally pushing all-in for the call. Magill shows A:club:J:heart: or two pair, Aces and 7's. Lee flips up J:diamond:9:diamond: for Jack-high and is drawing dead. The meaningless river is the 4:spade: and Magill takes down the pot to double up to $5,300,000. Lee is crippled in the hand and is down to $490,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
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