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Allt postat av Bikern

  1. Friberg Doubles Through Gold Gold raises to $400,000 from late position and Erik Friberg calls from the button. The flop comes 9:diamond:3:heart:2:diamond: and both players check. The turn is a 10 and Gold bets $1,200,00. Friberg moves all-in for $1,500,000 more and Gold calls. Gold shows A:diamond:Q:heart: and Friberg turns over 10 8:spade: . Gold needs an Ace, Queen, or diamond to eliminate Friberg. The river is a 3:club: and Friberg has doubles up to $7,500,000. Gold is currently hovering around $31,500,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  2. Tyvärr som det ser ut nu så blir det nog inget finalbord alls för sverige!
  3. Han måste haft färgdraget ja. Men inte A8 då hade han ju vunnit?
  4. The Golden Boy Jamie Gold raises to $300,000 from the button and Erik Friberg calls. The flop comes down Q:club:8:heart:2:club: and both players check. The turn is a 6:spade: and Friberg bets $400,000 which is called by Gold. The river is a 3:diamond: and Friberg check calls the $1,000,000 bet from Gold. Gold shows J:heart:6:club: and Friberg mucks. Gold now has $35,200,000 and Friberg has $3,400,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  5. Det bör vara exakt 87,73 Miljoner, minus 10000 för han som stoppade dem i fickan.
  6. Magill Lays Down Pocket Tens John Magill raises four times the big blind to $400,000 under the gun. Action is folded to Dan Nassif in the big blind, who moves all-in. Nassif has Magill covered. Magill thinks for a long time, capping his card, taking the protector of and then recovering them. He finally folds pocket 10's face up on the table. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  7. Leif Force Pushes Leif Force pushes all-in for his last $2,200,000 and everyone folds. Force has pushed all-in twice since the dinner break and has not gotten any action. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  8. Lee Defends Blind Paul Wasicka raises to $300,000 from the button and Richard Lee calls from the big blind. The flop comes 7:spade:7:heart:2:spade: , Lee checks and Wasicka bets $400,000. Lee raises to $600,000, and Wasicka calls. The turn is the Q:club: and Lee moves all-in for his last $2,400,000. Wasicka folds and is left with $7,500,000. Lee is now up to $4,500,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  9. Superfunk du låter som den spelberoende nissen som jag vet du är!!
  10. Kim Takes One From Cunningham Doug Kim raises to $300,000 from mid-position and Cunningham calls from the button. The flop comes down A:heart:J:diamond:6:club: and Kim bets $400,000. Cunningham fold and is now sitting with $13,500,000 and Kim has $4,300,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  11. Fin tröja!! http://www.pokervoice.com/pics/MatusowLecture.jpg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  12. Slow and Steady Action has been slow since play has resumed. It is reported that Table 1 has only seen one flop since they have returned. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  13. Gold Takes One From Cunningham Jamie Gold raises to $350,000 from late position and Allen Cunningham calls from the button. The flop comes down Q:club:8:heart:3:club: and both players check. The turn brings the 2:heart: and Golds bets $400,000 and Cunningham calls. The river is a 6:diamond: and both players check again. Gold shows Q:heart:10:club: for top pair and Cunninham mucks. Gold is up to $32,000,000 and Cunningham has $13,800,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  14. Tilted Kilt girls http://www.pokervoice.com/pics/TiltedKilt2.jpg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  15. Players Return From Break With 12 players remaining the blinds are $50,000/$100,000 with a $10,000 ante. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  16. Beror på hur stor blåsa du har....
  17. Skall ändå vara vaken tills Bolidens rapport idag 08:30....satte halva BR i köpoptioner i Boliden...LOL
  18. Vad annars, då slipper man ju plugga till tentorna iallafall...
  19. Saken blir ju inte bättre av att man sitter o försöker plugga till 3st tentor under WSOP veckorna...*suck*
  20. Kan vara så, är faan så trött o yr att jag inte vet vad jag heter!!
  21. Nej... Okey då, en gammal bild på Thorsson i hans ära! http://www.pokervoice.com/pics/WilliamThorsson.jpg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location) tack, gå o fixa lite mat o diska åt mig nu... Kul, rosen! Tror du jag glömt allt skitsnack du drog om mig förut eller?? tror inte det. Så var varsam annars kan du glömma en enda bild till...fixat bilder på svenskarna i 4 dagar nu, utan mig hade de bilderna inte ens funnits, mestadels på Thuritz och Thorsson. Kan säga att man är ruggigt less på forum apor som dig rosen, sorry men var tvungen o säga det.
  22. Nej... Okey då, en gammal bild på Thorsson i hans ära! http://www.pokervoice.com/pics/WilliamThorsson.jpg (Thanks to Robert @ http://www.thehendonmob.com for taking these pictures at location)
  23. Gold With Another One Erik Friberg limps in from mid-position, Doug Kim completes the small blind and Jamie Gold checks his big blind. The flop comes down 3:club:3:spade:2:club: and Kim bets $200,000 and Gold raises to $500,000. Fridberg fold and Kim folds as well. Gold shows A:diamond:9:club: as he collects the pot. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
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