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Allt postat av Bikern

  1. Gold Still Winning Dan Nassif raises to $400,000 from under-the-gun and Gold calls from late position. The flop comes down 6:diamond:4:diamond:3:heart: and Nassif bets $400,000. Gold calls and the turn comes down the 7:club: and Nassif checks. Gold bets $1,000,000 and Nassif folds. Gold collects the first pot at the final table putting him to $28,100,000 and Nassif is at $4,900,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  2. Är man tävlingsmänniska kan man inte känna annat!!
  3. 5 Erik Friberg 5,905,000 Up $+845,000
  4. Final Table Seating and Chips Players are back from break and here is the final table seating and chips: Seat 1 - Richard Lee $8,465,000 Seat 2 - Erik Friberg $5,905,000 Seat 3 - Paul Wasicka $4,750,000 Seat 4 - Dan Nassif $5,865,000 Seat 5 - Allen Cunningham $18,000,000 Seat 6 - Michael Binger $3,640,000 Seat 7 - Doug Kim $6,190,000 Seat 8 - Fred Goldberg $4,265,000 Seat 9 - Jamie Gold $27,330,000 Seat 10 - Rhett Butler $5,165,000
  5. Nån form av bojkott eller är du bara lat? (fastän det tar exakt samma tid att sitta och reloada deras live update-sida som här) Problematiken ligger i att jag har suttit här i 1 vecka nu och postat nyheter och bilder, och det är faktiskt enklare att posta in allt här än att säga åt alla nya newbies att det finns nått som heter cardplayer.com Sure, uppskattar dina bilder (där har du ju något eget iaf) och updates, absolut inga problem. Men det blir lite jobbigt när det är fyra till som är med och "tävlar"... Jag håller med, fattar inte att de orkar, ingen av dem gör det ju ens med färger som jag!! Jag vill hela tiden gå in och editera deras inlägg, men det går ju inte! P.S Vad GÖR MAN INTE för att slippa plugga till tentor!!
  6. Nån form av bojkott eller är du bara lat? (fastän det tar exakt samma tid att sitta och reloada deras live update-sida som här) Problematiken ligger i att jag har suttit här i 1 vecka nu och postat nyheter och bilder, och det är faktiskt enklare att posta in allt här än att säga åt alla nya newbies att det finns nått som heter cardplayer.com
  7. Leif Force is sent out drawing to an ace high flush to Erik Friberg's flopped top pair of queens - John Magill's parting prediction was that Friberg or Allen Cunningham will win this.
  8. 11 Leif Force $1,154,527 busted *ta bort prisstegen Grand Bark*
  9. Force is Forced to Chop Lief Force goes all-in for his last $250,000 and is called by Jamie Gold. The tension is high until both players turn over K-9. The board is no help to either and they chop the pot. Force is up to $320,000 after chopping the antes with Gold. Gold is at $26,000,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  10. Nära slutet: 11 Leif Force 240,000 Down $-310,000
  11. 7 Erik Friberg 5,060,000 Up $760,000
  12. Nassif and Wasicka Check One Down Action is folded to Dan Nassif in the small blind. Nassif calls, Paul Wasicka raises to $300,000 in the big blind and Nassif calls. The flop comes A:diamond:6:club:4:heart: and both players check. The turn is the 7:club: and again both players check. The river is the 8:spade: and the hand is checked down. Nassif shows K:diamond:10:spade: and Wasicka shows K:spade:Q:club. to take down the pot. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  13. Nassif Turns On Heat Fred Goldberg raises to $325,000 from middle position, and Dan Nassif calls from the small blind. The flop comes K 10 4 and both players check. The turn is the Q:club:, Nassif checks, and Goldberg bets $500,000. Nassif then raises to $1,250,000, Goldberg jumps out of his chair, but quickly folds. Goldberg is down to about $3,400,000, and Nassif has $7,400,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  14. Gold and Cunningham Buck Heads Gold raises to $400,000 from the cut-off and Cunningham calls from the button. The flop comes 9:spade:3:diamond:2:heart: and Gold checks. Cunningham bets $400,000 and Gold folds. Cunningham is sitting with $17,700,000 and Gold has $26,700,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  15. Chop Chop With no raises, Michael Binger and Dan Nassif see a flop of 7:spade:5:spade:4:club: . Both players check. The turn brings the 7:diamond: . Binger fires out $200,000 and Nassif just calls. The river brings the 7:club: and Binger checks to Nassif who bets out $500,000. Binger calls and shows Q:heart:-7:diamond: for 7-7-7-5-5. Nassif, however, also shows a seven with K-7 in his hand. The players chop the pot. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  16. ????!!!!??? Vad hände här emellan?? Friberg måste ha förlorat ca 2,5 mille i en pot före denna handen.... Friberg Takes One From Gold Friberg raises to $400,000 from mid-position and is called by Gold from the big blind. The flop comes down A:heart:6:spade:5:diamond: and both players check. The turn is the 6:club: and Gold checks. Friberg bets $550,000 and Gold calls. The river is the 7:spade: and Gold check. Friberg goes all-in for his last $1,970,000 and Gold mucks after some thought. Friberg is now up to $4,300,000. Gold is at $28,000,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  17. 8 Erik Friberg 4,300,000 Down $-2,400,000
  18. Kim Takes Down a Pot Doug Kim raises to $300,000 from under-the-gun, Gold calls from mid-position and Friberg calls from the button. The flop comes down 9:club:8:heart:4:diamond: and Kim bets $900,000 and everyone folds. Kim takes down the pot and is now up to $6,600,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  19. Magill Eliminated in 12th place ($1,154,529) After a raise from Fred Goldburg, John Magill moves all-in. Goldburg has him covered, calls, and shows pocket 9's. Magill flips over pocket 5's. The board improves neither player, and Magill is eliminated in 12th place. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  20. Gold Loves His Kings Gold raises to $300,000 from the button and Friberg calls from the big blind. The flop comes down J:diamond:6:spade:3:diamond: and Gold bets $500,000 and Friberg folds. Gold shows K-K as he collects the pot and is now sitting with $29,000,000. Friberg is at $6,700,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  21. Gold Takes Some Back From Cunningham Gold raises to $350,000 from under-the-gun and Cunningham calls from mid-position. The flop comes down A:club:10 7:diamond: and both players check. The turn is a 4:diamond: and both players check again. The river is a a Q:spade: and Gold bets $400,000. Cunningham mucs his cards. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  22. Binger Cracks Kings With Queens In middle position, Paul Wasika makes it $300,000 to go. The action folds around to Michael Binger who pushes all-in for $1,505,000. Right behind him, Dan Nassif calls followed by Wasika folding. Michael Binger shows Q:spade:Q:club: while Nassif shows K:heart:K:club: . The flop brings Binger a set when it comes Q:diamond:4:diamond:3:club: and Nassif fails to improve from there when the turn comes the 8:club: and the river brings the A:spade: . Michael Binger now sits with $3,500,000 to Nassif's $4,300,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
  23. Cunningham Wins a Big One Jamie Gold completes from the small blind and Allen Cunningham raises to $300,000 from the big blind. Gold makes the call and the flop comes down 9:spade:4:diamond:4:spade: . Gold bets $300,000 and Cunningham calls. The turn is the A:diamond: and both players check. The river is a 6:spade: and Gold bets $1,000,000. Cunningham raises to $2,000,000 and after several minutes Gold makes the call. Gold shows 10:spade:8:spade: but Cunningham shows A:spade:K:spade: for the nut flush. Cunningham collects the large pot and has vaulted to $16,200,000 and Gold is at $28,000,000. (Borrowed from http://www.Cardplayer.com Best pokermag ever!! )
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