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FullTiltPoker presenterar $1000-$2000 mixgame!

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Läste det här idag på Fulltilt... Tydligen ska Phil Ivey försöka dra igång ett highstake bord med Doyle och grabbarna


Phil Ivey: We are going to have a 1000-2000 mix

game on here tomorrow

devilsagain (Observer): HOLD EM TOO?

Swingy (Observer): oh yeah?

Swingy (Observer): thats awesome

dimmy (Observer): holy crap that's sick phil

The_Trench (Observer): ownage to the bonage

Swingy (Observer): doyle gonna play?

kingofchips (Observer): This is the New Bellagio


Phil Ivey: 5 games

Phil Ivey: going to give him a call

game here, why not?

Phil Ivey: see if he will play

Dealer: Phil Ivey wins the pot ($5,999.50)

Dealer: Hand #211210564

Swingy (Observer): cool

dimmy (Observer): isn't that against his sponsorship

to himself?!

Swingy (Observer): from my reading it seems he

really likes playing online

devilsagain (Observer): What games Phil

dimmy (Observer): what about chip?

Phil Ivey: chip to

Phil Ivey: and barry

dimmy (Observer): holy %@#&

devilsagain (Observer): What time does it start??

Phil Ivey: going to try and get the big game here

Swingy (Observer): awesome

porter1 (Observer): sorry to interrupt is it true i get a

t shirt for busttn Allen cunnningnam in the tourny


dimmy (Observer): you do realize I'd never leave

my comp, I'd just watch the entire time right?

Swingy (Observer): gluck with that

dimmy (Observer): you aint kidding are you phil?

just screwing with us moron railbirds?

Phil Ivey: lol

devilsagain (Observer): this site will have millions



Phil Ivey: No I am serious

Dealer: Hand #211211281

devilsagain (Observer): What time will it start

tomorrow Phil?

Swingy (Observer): lol

FakeBritney (Observer): he IS serious

igotskillz2 (Observer): I'll inform

Phil Ivey: have some work to do

igotskillz2 (Observer): RGP

FakeBritney (Observer): whats the biggest single

24hr period youve ever had?

patric5 (Observer): ivey you got the new kanye


clownbasket (Observer): would it be a mixed game


FakeBritney (Observer): is that too personal

Phil Ivey: don't know

Phil Ivey: we will see

devilsagain (Observer): Will tomorrow be the

official start day?

patric5 (Observer): jamie foxes ray charles is pretty

sweet in goldidgger

Phil Ivey: Yeah I like #8


* RP - QoS *

Men när sätter dom igång ?



Ingen verkar veta ? :?


Phil: We are going to have a 1000-2000 mix game on here tomorrow . Alltså imorgon någon tid.


Svaret kanske finns på RPG? Någon som orkar surfa ditt och kolla?


Jo det läste jag också, va mer om någon visste vilken tid eller så jag undrade över :)

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