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För övrigt behöver jag med stake. Inget att skämmas för. (Hur kan Harman säga nej liksom)

Försök igen efter några veckor på sallad.


har inte tid. Horse 50k eventet är jag frågade om stake på. Är väl om ngn vecka.

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duktig spelare som är oerhört lös preflop, hur agera turn? halv djupa stacksproblem här..


$1000 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, July 12, 18:15:55 ET 2006

Table Just Relax (Real Money)

Seat 2 is the button

Total number of players : 6

Seat 4: konjakovic ( $2156.28 )

Seat 1: DeezNutz3 ( $2460.22 )

Seat 3: honey9 ( $1526.50 )

Seat 6: MiniMitiMo ( $896.33 )

Seat 2: Facial_Hair ( $1555.92 )

Seat 5: SmackinYaUp ( $1000 )

honey9 posts small blind [$5].

>You have options at Quick Bite (No DP) Table!.

konjakovic posts big blind [$10].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to konjakovic [ Qh Qs ]

MiniMitiMo folds.

DeezNutz3 folds.

Facial_Hair raises [$35].

>You have options at Skip Ahead (No DP) Table!.

honey9 calls [$30].

>You have options at Skip Ahead (No DP) Table!.

>You have options at Quick Bite (No DP) Table!.

konjakovic raises [$123].

Facial_Hair calls [$98].

honey9 folds.

** Dealing Flop ** [ 6h, 2d, 5c ]

>You have options at Roughrider (No DP) Table!.

konjakovic checks.

>You have options at String Bet (No DP) Table!.

Facial_Hair bets [$200].

konjakovic raises [$475].

Facial_Hair calls [$275].

** Dealing Turn ** [ Ac ]

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samma spelare som innan, kan vara en avancerad all in push med set av den högre skolan? synar ni? han instapushar i stort sett när jag checkat



$1000 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, July 12, 21:59:13 ET 2006

Table Skip Ahead (No DP) (Real Money)

Seat 2 is the button

Total number of players : 6

Seat 1: Facial_Hair ( $1412 )

Seat 2: wolfdog2121 ( $1338.39 )

Seat 3: konjakovic ( $2716 )

Seat 4: Geoffin85 ( $1023 )

Seat 6: mojox ( $940 )

Seat 5: B_Sting ( $990 )

konjakovic posts small blind [$5].

Geoffin85 posts big blind [$10].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to konjakovic [ As Ac ]

>You have options at Table 100094 (No DP) Table!.

B_Sting folds.

mojox calls [$10].

Facial_Hair raises [$41].

wolfdog2121 folds.

konjakovic raises [$139].

Geoffin85 folds.

>You have options at San Benito (No DP) Table!.

mojox calls [$134].

Facial_Hair calls [$103].

** Dealing Flop ** [ 9s, 3c, 7d ]

konjakovic bets [$222].

mojox folds.

Facial_Hair calls [$222].

** Dealing Turn ** [ Jc ]

konjakovic checks.

Facial_Hair is all-In [$1046]

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måste jag betala av här? ny kille på bordena


$1000 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, July 12, 23:15:02 ET 2006

Table Table 100094 (No DP) (Real Money)

Seat 5 is the button

Total number of players : 6

Seat 4: Mawd321 ( $851.10 )

Seat 5: konjakovic ( $2456.95 )

Seat 3: UMWolverines ( $1603.50 )

Seat 2: xxTUANESxxMAExx ( $1058 )

Seat 1: dmurriet ( $534.65 )

Seat 6: BFS404 ( $240 )

BFS404 posts small blind [$5].

dmurriet posts big blind [$10].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to konjakovic [ 2c Ac ]

xxTUANESxxMAExx folds.

>You have options at San Benito (No DP) Table!.

UMWolverines calls [$10].

Mawd321 folds.

konjakovic raises [$45].

BFS404 folds.

>You have options at Owl Island (No DP) Table!.

>You have options at Reel Lucky (No DP) Table!.

dmurriet folds.

UMWolverines calls [$35].

** Dealing Flop ** [ Jc, Kc, Qd ]

UMWolverines checks.

>You have options at Reel Lucky (No DP) Table!.

konjakovic bets [$90].

UMWolverines raises [$300].

konjakovic calls [$210].

** Dealing Turn ** [ Js ]

UMWolverines checks.

konjakovic checks.

** Dealing River ** [ 7c ]

>You have options at Quick Bite (No DP) Table!.

UMWolverines bets [$700].

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måste jag betala av här? ny kille på bordena


$1000 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, July 12, 23:15:02 ET 2006

Table Table 100094 (No DP) (Real Money)

Seat 5 is the button

Total number of players : 6

Seat 4: Mawd321 ( $851.10 )

Seat 5: konjakovic ( $2456.95 )

Seat 3: UMWolverines ( $1603.50 )

Seat 2: xxTUANESxxMAExx ( $1058 )

Seat 1: dmurriet ( $534.65 )

Seat 6: BFS404 ( $240 )

BFS404 posts small blind [$5].

dmurriet posts big blind [$10].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to konjakovic [ 2c Ac ]

xxTUANESxxMAExx folds.

>You have options at San Benito (No DP) Table!.

UMWolverines calls [$10].

Mawd321 folds.

konjakovic raises [$45].

BFS404 folds.

>You have options at Owl Island (No DP) Table!.

>You have options at Reel Lucky (No DP) Table!.

dmurriet folds.

UMWolverines calls [$35].

** Dealing Flop ** [ Jc, Kc, Qd ]

UMWolverines checks.

>You have options at Reel Lucky (No DP) Table!.

konjakovic bets [$90].

UMWolverines raises [$300].

konjakovic calls [$210].

** Dealing Turn ** [ Js ]

UMWolverines checks.

konjakovic checks.

** Dealing River ** [ 7c ]

>You have options at Quick Bite (No DP) Table!.

UMWolverines bets [$700].



Hur tight var han? Borde inte han ha raisat pre med i princip alla händer som har blivit kåk på turn?


´Jag hade synat och hoppats få se ett hårt spelat färgdrag eller floppad stege med färgdrag 9cTc.

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