Incognito Postad 3 Juni , 2010 Rapport Postad 3 Juni , 2010 Har mejlat flera ggr till men ej fått ngt svar om angående en cash out. Verkar inte gå att casha ut via hemsidan, får meddelandet "Sorry, file not found The reason for the error may be that the user is not logged in, the page does not exist or that the session has timed out.If you arrived here using an older link, it could be that the page is outdated and no longer available. The reason for the error may be that the user is not logged in, the page does not exist or that the session has timed out. It could also be that we're simply having a temporary technical problem. If the problem persists please contact customer service and quote this error code: 404. Thanks for your patience. " När jag trycker på "cashout" Känns som att dom ignorerar mig. Finns det ngt annat sätt att ta kontakt med dom (alternativ mejl, telenr)? Citera
litch Postad 5 Juni , 2010 Rapport Postad 5 Juni , 2010 Vet inte om du löst det eller, men så här svarar farbror google när man skriver telephone number carlos poker Señor Google Who we are “Carlos Bingo”, “Carlos Casino” and “Carlos Poker” are provided by Maria Services Limited with registration number C 41481. Maria Services Limited is a subsidiary of and fully owned by Unibet Group plc, a public company incorporated in Malta with registered number C 39017. Maria Services Limited’s registered Office and Business Address: 10 Wesgha Reggie Miller, Fgura PLA 17, Malta Tel +356 2133 3532; Fax +356 2133 3577; E-mail Citera
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