Ekenstar Postad 2 September , 2009 Rapport Postad 2 September , 2009 Inte så mycket slowroll utan mer dålig koll av gamlingen vid bordet, var väl rädd att döda sin hand eller nåt, killen som hade nästnöten postade följande på 2+2: "About 15 min into level 6 at 200/400-50 I get into the hand with Jack Ury that is reported on Pokernews and should be on ESPN. I raise EP with 67hh to 1100. Jack doesn't really know what is going on- he can't seem to hear, he can't seem to see, and he can't follow the action. How he got to day 2 I don't know. After I raise he throws out 4 black chips, as if he is limping. The dealer informs him (several times) that the pots been raised and he can't limp. He then says "well, I just go all-in" Obviously he can't do that either, so he ends up calling. Before the hand started I think he had about 8-9k and I was sitting around 27k or so. The flop comes 6-6-7 and now I have mixed feelings cause I'm gonna be the bad guy who busts the old man. Oh well, his chips will really look good in my stack. He fires out 1k, and then I say "Hey Jack- lets just go all in- you wanted to go all in before the flop right?" Now, I'm not sure how this really came off. I assume that if I did this to any of you that you would take it in stride and fold most holdings. I felt like I was really taking advantage of him. Not respecting my elders. So, I shove, and then he takes a few seconds and gets his chips together to call. As soon as I see he's actually committed I table my cards and the table gasps. Wow. Flopped the boat on the old dude- Seat nine looks at me and says "You had to be the one" Now I'm not even paying attention to Jack's cards because as far as I'm concerned, I'm a total lock. But I hear him mutter under his 96 year old breath-- "I think your in trouble" as he table pocket 7's for a bigger boat. OMG. The table explodes and I just have to laugh to myself eventually because a spot this sick just doesn't come around very often. At least he didn't stack me!" Citera
Drunken_Penguin Postad 2 September , 2009 Rapport Postad 2 September , 2009 Roligaste med klippet är killen till höger om Jack Ury. Jack: You're in trouble. Dude: I don't think he's in trouble right now... Citera
tamtaram Postad 2 September , 2009 Författare Rapport Postad 2 September , 2009 En massa text Om du ser videon är det solklart att han gör en slowroll. Kolla in tråden på 2+2 (renodoc, som du citerar, skriver där) http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/37/televised-poker/wsop-espn-main-event-day-2a-sept-1-8-10pm-et-573021/ Citera
Ekenstar Postad 2 September , 2009 Rapport Postad 2 September , 2009 Om du ser videon är det solklart att han gör en slowroll. Kolla in tråden på 2+2 (renodoc, som du citerar, skriver där) http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/37/televised-poker/wsop-espn-main-event-day-2a-sept-1-8-10pm-et-573021/ Tar med citatet som rendoc skrev precis innan det jag citerade tidigre: "And, fwiw, I never thought I was getting slowrolled because he played every hand like this." Gammal och borta och hade inte så stor koll på vad han skulle göra eller när, hade Jack Ury haft KK eller 98 där hade han agerat precis likadant tror jag. Citera
Gummo Postad 2 September , 2009 Rapport Postad 2 September , 2009 Tar med citatet som rendoc skrev precis innan det jag citerade tidigre: "And, fwiw, I never thought I was getting slowrolled because he played every hand like this." Gammal och borta och hade inte så stor koll på vad han skulle göra eller när, hade Jack Ury haft KK eller 98 där hade han agerat precis likadant tror jag. Bhä, du har fel, du hittar ju på citaten själv. Gubben slowrollade och märkte kort hela turren. Häng han högt! Citera
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