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Saxat från http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/54/poker-beats-brags-variance/i-got-






I know this thread is probably tltr for most of you so I'll write the "fun" part here at the top! After I found out he was a scammer I talked with the guy for 2hours and 35minutes while recording everything with camtasia. I will post this video here, but first I have to cut out or blur all the sensetive information. Not sure when it will be up, but hopefully sometime today.


This guy was able to fool me for 19 days. I talked to him like 4hours almost every day. I used to think scammers were idiots and that I would never become scammed. I was wrong. There are some smart guys there, and somehow they twist and turn you so you don't really see all the warning bells dangling in front of your head. I found out I was scammed about 10 hours ago. This is my story.


The start

It all starte on the pokerforum Donkr.com. I replied “if you want to discuss poker feel free to drop me a PM with your msn” on a post about HUPLO cashgames. OP replied and some other guy replied. I added both and started talking to both. Bank_1337@hotmail.com (the other guy NOT OP!) talked a ton about the coaching he’d received from Corwin aka Vital. I have never been coached so we talked a ton about the whole concept of coaching. He mentions that Vital will pay him 100-200$ for each student he refers to him. I tell him that I’m an affiliate and that I would like to have the same deal, that way I could recommend Vital to my friends if the subject ever comes up and make an easy 100$ while helping my friends. After all bank_1337@hotmail.com aka “Bobo” has talked very positive about him and even showed me graphs and stats from his own results with this guy. So I get Vitals msn address (vital@cardrunners.com) and start talking to him. I was only interested in the “affiliate deal” at first but he tells me that he’s only got 1 or 2 spots left and after that he will be booked for 6months. I had starting to want this guy as my coach sometime in the future, but now I had to choose like now or never. So after a long discussion I decided to hire him as a coach. He told me that he owed some student of his some money and that I could just pay him the 1000$ for coaching. So, after having added the student (wich was a Danish pokerplayer) to msn and talked a bunch to him I buddytransfered the money to him on an ipoker skin called propagandapoker. Bobo lets me know that he has bought % of Cole South and Ashman. Vital helped him get in touch with the CR manager that deals with stuff like that. I say “good for you, now railing the big guys will be fun” and don’t really think more about it. Vital figures out how much my online bankroll is and tells me it’s just stupid to have much money just “lying around” without much function. He tells me Cole South has 2% left and that he would “Jump on it like it was Angelina jolie” but he already had his share in Cole. He’s selling 1% for 900$ and I tell him that I want the 2 left. He then pays the money to a CR manager and gives me a tracking number. A guy, who’s msn ends in @cardrunners.com, adds me and want my tracking number + some details to confirm the sale. The deal was that I should just transfer the 1800$ to the Danish guy since Vital still owed him some money.


The coaching

First thing Vital wants me to do is adding him on skype (CorwinCR) and play a 2hour-ish session with him on mikogo where I’m just talking about what I think during every hand. He tells me he will record the session on Mikogo and the skype conversation at his end. He wanted to get a feel for my game and know how I was thinking before he could start to change my game. This all made sense to me so I did record the session. The day after we talked a bunch about my play and he actually plugged a few leaks of mine. On my spare time I played vs one guy that gave me trouble on ipoker “Pokerbotv7”. He would get to the turn and river with weak holdings but make up for that with bluffing scary boards. Not the typical player you find at 1/2 HUPLO. So he was giving me a ton of trouble because my playing style at the time was pretty weak-ish (wich makes sense because when the guys at these stakes gives you a ton of action they have the goods a very high % of the time).


Playing against my nemesis

Anyways, so I told my coach Vital that I was having trouble beating this guy and that It would be cool to record a session with him. So again I played a session while talking on skype while he was recording it all on his end to review it later. I got crushed this session, and quit after like 1hour. I can’t remember being owned and pushed around like that ever, and the fact that HUPLO is a new game for me made the situation really uncomfortable. Vital comforted me and told me that this guy could never win against us in the end because he had a ton of leaks. The next day we discuss last day’s session vs pokerbotv7 and he confronts me with a few spots where I’m playing to weak, we also talked about how we should exploit his leaks. With new confidence and new “skills” I’m thirsty for revenge. Vital lets me know that pokerbotv7 is down 5K for the day (his Danish student told him) so now is a good time to strike. So again I play pokerbotv7 and again he kills me at the table, but at least this time I’m making some resistance. The days pass like this, I play a ton of hours on skype + mikogo and he comments my play. Most of the sessions are against pokerbotv7 which I still can’t seem to beat. I even play some 400plo against him when he’s down and it looks like he’s tilting. The old “I’m down so I want to play you higher biatch”-chat is too good to say no to imo. But somehow he won it all back and then some at 400plo. The fact that I can’t seem to beat this guy that has some obv leaks really hurts my confidence. But Vital comforts me and says that “it’s all variance your really better than this guy, it makes me sick to see you get coolerd like this every day.” Because most of the big pots was actually big hand vs big hand, however they all went his way… I’ve chatted some with pokerbotv7 at the tables during this time he’s told me he’s a sweede and he has clear signs of a degenerate gambler. He even wanted me to add him on msn at one point. Vital told me to get his email so he could run it thru the CR db and check out if the guy was a user there. He tells me that pokerbotv7 received coaching from a NLH specialist CR coach at one point.


Between hands

While the coaching was going on I hadn’t seen “Bobo” on msn for a while. Vital asks me if I’ve seen him, but I tell him that I only know him from online. One day while me and Vital was having our daily chats about life, poker and stuff he told him that “bobo” messaged him and that bobo’s mom had died and bobo was really down because he was really connected to her. I try to contact bobo but he logged off quick. Apparently he was just online to pay Vital some money that he owed. I feelt realy bad at this time, there I was complaining about running bad as it was the end of the world and my “friend” has lost his mom. It really put things in perspective. I’m really attached to my mom myself, so I could understand the pain he must be in (I never ever talked about my mom or anything like that to anyone on msn) So, as I felt really bad for the guy, I sent him a PM on DonkR where I told him that he could come live with me for a few weeks if he really. He contacted me on msn the day after and kindly declined.


Moving money

Close to two weeks have past and I have been talking to Corwin for about 4hours each day. We have talked about everything, but lately it’s been mostly related to Bobo and his situation. Corwin asks me if I can help him move some 10K-ish for Haseeb aka Interntet pokers. He’s paying 10% juice if someone can help him out quick. I tell him I can’t move money that fast but I’ll check if some of my friends are up for it. I tell Petter about it, he asks me if I’m sure its Corwin, I reply “of course if not how stupid am I to get coaching from him lol”. Petter still wisely declines. Corwin tells me that it’s no problem; Haseeb got the deal done by using his contacts on 2+2.


The fall of Eurolinx and Bet On Bet.

We talk about the fact that Eurolinx and BOB had closed down. He told me that there were a few guys on CR that got hit really big. CR was teaming up with leggopoker and they had put together a team of lawyers that was going to investigate the possibilities of suing Microgaming. This was still in the early stages so he told not to talk about it. I know that a Norwegian pokerpro got hit really hard in this thing so I asked if I could let him know. Corwin told me it was ok and I gave EirikS Corwins contact details. A few days later I see EirikS trying to gather enough money, to buy %s of aejones and Ashman, in a private part of the Donkr forum. One or two days later Corwin is explaining to me that EirikS had a done deal with aejones about buy %s and chose to not proceed with the deal at the last minute. He was complaining about how bad it made him look when he was giving away aejones msn to idiots.


Moving money 2

I have had this guy “Eric” at my msn for about 2-3 years now. He’s a CR member and we have been discussing a ton of poker. He’s a very successful mid to highstakes cashgameplayer. So when Corwin needed another transfer on behalf of somebody know, I gave set him up with Eric. I have been telling Eric about how I’d hired Corwin as a coach.


The fog clears

The day after I sat Corwin in contact with Eric EirikS contacts me on Donkr and lets me know about this thread (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/19...hacked-568385/) and that Corwin is most likely as scam. After thinking about if for about 1 hour I decide to investigate myself. I contact propaganda support and ask about details on the Danish guy I transferred money to. Before I get my reply I also tell them “I’m not sure what kind of power you guys have above your own customer base, but could you look up the ipoker nickname “pokerbotv7” and see if anything interesting pops up”. When I saw the reply everything came clear. “It’s the same guy…”


Just Money…

I contact Eric and tell him that Corwin is a scam and that I’m terrible sorry for putting the two in contact with each other. I’ll let the msn log do the talkink. The msn log has been slightly edited, pusting the full log would just be a waste of space, I think this post is gonna be long enough!

26/08/2009 9:26:38 PM JoakimSR Eric dont talk to the guy i sent to you!

26/08/2009 9:32:02 PM Eric JoakimSR why?

26/08/2009 9:32:28 PM JoakimSR Eric hes probably a scammer

26/08/2009 9:32:31 PM JoakimSR Eric I hate my life

26/08/2009 9:32:35 PM Eric JoakimSR vital?

26/08/2009 9:32:40 PM JoakimSR Eric y

26/08/2009 9:32:46 PM Eric JoakimSR why is he a scammer?

26/08/2009 9:33:22 PM Eric JoakimSR jesus..

26/08/2009 9:33:27 PM Eric JoakimSR i got scammed for 10,8k then

26/08/2009 9:33:55 PM JoakimSR Eric are you serious

26/08/2009 9:33:58 PM JoakimSR Eric ofg

26/08/2009 9:34:07 PM Eric JoakimSR yeah since it was ur coach

26/08/2009 9:34:14 PM Eric JoakimSR it tough he was the real one

26/08/2009 9:44:30 PM Eric JoakimSR i just canceled my last pending transfer ... saved 3,2k :P


26/08/2009 9:45:07 PM JoakimSR Eric I had NO idea that he was a scammer. Im terrible sorry m8

26/08/2009 9:45:26 PM JoakimSR Eric He almost took 12K off one of my firends as well. He wanted to sell % of aejones

26/08/2009 9:45:29 PM Eric JoakimSR np.. just money...

26/08/2009 9:45:56 PM Eric JoakimSR they make a good job... aejones soudns really convincing


Doin some diggin

I dug around for a few hours and with help of some mighty friends and long phonecalls I got even more information about the guy that I really need. He’s a Norwegain. Which is cool because country borders tend to increase the chance of a guy like this never getting what he deserves. I also know his full name, his address and his phone number. I know where he goes to school and I know who his friends are. I have no idea what to do with this information as I have never been in a similar situation before. But hopefully you guys can help me here.


Corwin logs back on!

After I was about done digging I see Corwin loggin on msn. He had told me that he was going to sweat the WPT FT because his friend (Todd Terry) was in the lead. Now he’s back and starts chatting like normal. I decide to have some fun with him so I loaded up camtasia and started talking to him. I recorded a total of 2 hours and 35 minutes, where I’m talking to 3 of his fake accounts, Corwin, aejones and bobo. I’m going to upload a slightly edited version of our chat session here. I just have to blur or cut out some sensitive details, compress and upload it.


The end

Its not done yet. I need help figuring out the best way to handle the situation.


Riktigt jobbig situation. Tur att han vet vem det är irl i alla fall. Måste vara sjukt jobbigt att hans kompis också blev lurad på grund av han :(


Jag klistrar in cliffnotes från 2p2 för dom som ej orkar läsa allt:






- OP hires coach on donkr.com

- Coach claims to be Vital Myth via his email "vital@cardrunners"

- OP pays coach money in advance for coaching

- Fake Vital actually "plugs some leaks" agasint a guy OP cant beat HU

- OP plays nemesis with new found confidence but still looses

- Fake Vital asks OP if he could help him moove some money for buying peices of nosebleeds players action

- OP hooks Scammer up with his good friend who obliges and does like a 10k ish transfer

- OP asks another friend if he can do transfer first, friend says new coach is scammer and directs him to http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/19...hacked-568385/

- OP does some digging, discovers Vital@cardrunners.com does not exist and entire thing is a scam.

- OP discovers Scammer is ALSO the nemesis who he was palying hu and couldnt win agasint

- OP gets as much info as possible + records a camtasia conversation with 3 of scammers fake accounts


the end

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