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eisendieta119 äter lax 2011


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Full Tilt Poker Game #10938323680: $1K Monday (80022688), Table 8 - 3000/6000 Ante 750 - No Limit Hold'em - 3:16:42 ET - 2009/03/03

Seat 1: eisenhower1 (540,891)

Seat 2: Aaron_Hacker (272,680)

Seat 5: Masterhp (519,001)

Seat 6: swd805 (52,702)

Seat 7: jpapola (251,122)

Seat 8: 1Mastermind (233,667)

Seat 9: bigdogpckt5s (284,937)

eisenhower1 antes 750

Aaron_Hacker antes 750

Masterhp antes 750

swd805 antes 750

jpapola antes 750

1Mastermind antes 750

bigdogpckt5s antes 750

swd805 posts the small blind of 3,000

jpapola posts the big blind of 6,000

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to eisenhower1 10 of SpadesAce of Diamonds

1Mastermind folds

bigdogpckt5s raises to 15,500

eisenhower1 calls 15,500

Aaron_Hacker folds

Masterhp folds

swd805 folds

jpapola folds

*** FLOP *** 3 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds5 of Clubs

bigdogpckt5s bets 31,255

eisenhower1 calls 31,255

*** TURN *** 3 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds5 of ClubsKing of Clubs

bigdogpckt5s has 15 seconds left to act

bigdogpckt5s has requested TIME

bigdogpckt5s bets 50,000

eisenhower1 has 15 seconds left to act

eisenhower1 raises to 493,386, and is all in

bigdogpckt5s has 15 seconds left to act

bigdogpckt5s has requested TIME

bigdogpckt5s folds

Uncalled bet of 443,386 returned to eisenhower1

eisenhower1 mucks

eisenhower1 wins the pot (207,760)

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 207,760 | Rake 0

Board: 3 of Diamonds5 of Diamonds5 of ClubsKing of Clubs

Seat 1: eisenhower1 collected (207,760), mucked

Seat 2: Aaron_Hacker folded before the Flop

Seat 5: Masterhp (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 6: swd805 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 7: jpapola (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 8: 1Mastermind folded before the Flop

Seat 9: bigdogpckt5s folded on the Turn



Bara jag som inte alls gillar varken pre eller turnpushen?

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Bara jag som inte alls gillar varken pre eller turnpushen?


Vi har massa historia bakom oss som gjorde att jag spelade så på floppen/turn och jag gillar spelet.


Pre kan jag hålla med dig. Lite tveksamt spel där.

Tankarna va väl att jag gärna spelar honom i pos men inte ville ha in det pre. Vet inte hur mkt du har spelat mot bigdog men han är oftast cpaggro men i detta läget ville jag inte ha in det pre. Men det är väl en vek/spewig linje kanske..

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fyfan vilken pissdag, 12-16e i tidiga 50fo stars, 50r ipoker, 50r ongame, alla med första mellan 12-17k. typ 30e i 150fo ftp med


har lite igång men inget intressant


edit ftbubblade 100fo party med


Busta precis på ft bubblan i min sista chans att jobba in en triple crown:(


3 turrar kvar, alla är roliga så ska inte deppa ihop!

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Skickade in pass och en kopia på en räkning till neteller. Tog bara 4-5 månader:-P Nu är det bara att hålla tummarna att det blir godkänt!

Strula som fan med scannern.. den dela upp räkningen i 5-6 bitar lite hur som helst. Löste det med en kamera istället.


Höll på att spela in en video förut men var tvungen att pausa för att stänga av några program. Missclickar och lyckas avsluta videon.......... TILT


Inatt kör jag 01-03 turrarna, fast skippar de minsta för att hålla lite bättre fokus. Är lite sliten efter många pass senaste tiden och lite sömn.

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12 kvar i 100r1a för fet CL


Full Tilt Poker Game #10971813580: $33,000 Guarantee (1r+1a) (81611444), Table 3 - 1700/3400 Ante 400 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:32:53 ET - 2009/03/05

Seat 2: footwedge (171,618)

Seat 3: eisenhower1 (175,506)

Seat 4: tablepiece (46,454)

Seat 7: scrubbyz (144,743)

Seat 8: mendieta19 (123,410)

Seat 9: Colonel Mustard (93,432)

footwedge antes 400

eisenhower1 antes 400

tablepiece antes 400

scrubbyz antes 400

mendieta19 antes 400

Colonel Mustard antes 400

eisenhower1 posts the small blind of 1,700

tablepiece posts the big blind of 3,400

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to eisenhower1 Ace of DiamondsJack of Spades

scrubbyz folds

mendieta19 raises to 8,100

Colonel Mustard folds

footwedge folds

eisenhower1 has 15 seconds left to act

eisenhower1 raises to 22,585

tablepiece has 15 seconds left to act

tablepiece folds

mendieta19 has 15 seconds left to act

mendieta19 raises to 123,010, and is all in

eisenhower1 calls 100,425

mendieta19 shows 5 of ClubsAce of Clubs

eisenhower1 shows Ace of DiamondsJack of Spades

*** FLOP *** Ace of Hearts6 of Diamonds2 of Clubs

*** TURN *** Ace of Hearts6 of Diamonds2 of Clubs9 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** Ace of Hearts6 of Diamonds2 of Clubs9 of Clubs3 of Clubs

mendieta19 shows a flush, Ace high

eisenhower1 shows a pair of Aces

mendieta19 wins the pot (251,820) with a flush, Ace high

mendieta19: ups

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 251,820 | Rake 0

Board: Ace of Hearts6 of Diamonds2 of Clubs9 of Clubs3 of Clubs

Seat 2: footwedge (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: eisenhower1 (small blind) showed Ace of DiamondsJack of Spades and lost with a pair of Aces

Seat 4: tablepiece (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 7: scrubbyz folded before the Flop

Seat 8: mendieta19 showed 5 of ClubsAce of Clubs and won (251,820) with a flush, Ace high

Seat 9: Colonel Mustard folded before the Flop

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lol 78 kvar 100r ftp 54 itm


Full Tilt Poker Game #10971864010: $100,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (80020063), Table 7 - 400/800 Ante 100 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:36:50 ET - 2009/03/05

GamBaLLer21 has returned

Seat 1: P0KERPR0 (14,780)

Seat 2: Evilduke (35,348)

Seat 3: Nawk Soo Cow (11,528)

Seat 4: mendieta19 (33,166)

Seat 5: GamBaLLer21 (15,999), is sitting out

Seat 6: csimmsux (64,905)

P0KERPR0 antes 100

Evilduke antes 100

Nawk Soo Cow antes 100

mendieta19 antes 100

GamBaLLer21 antes 100

csimmsux antes 100

Evilduke posts the small blind of 400

Nawk Soo Cow posts the big blind of 800

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to mendieta19 2 of Spades2 of Hearts

mendieta19 raises to 1,960

GamBaLLer21 folds

csimmsux has 15 seconds left to act

csimmsux calls 1,960

P0KERPR0 folds

Evilduke calls 1,560

Nawk Soo Cow folds

*** FLOP *** 3 of Clubs4 of Hearts2 of Clubs

Evilduke bets 4,800

mendieta19 has 15 seconds left to act

mendieta19 raises to 12,600

csimmsux folds

Evilduke raises to 33,288, and is all in

mendieta19 calls 18,506, and is all in

Evilduke shows 3 of Diamonds3 of Spades

mendieta19 shows 2 of Spades2 of Hearts

Uncalled bet of 2,182 returned to Evilduke

*** TURN *** 3 of Clubs4 of Hearts2 of ClubsJack of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 3 of Clubs4 of Hearts2 of ClubsJack of Diamonds5 of Spades

Evilduke shows three of a kind, Threes

mendieta19 shows three of a kind, Twos

Evilduke wins the pot (69,492) with three of a kind, Threes

mendieta19 stands up

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 69,492 | Rake 0

Board: 3 of Clubs4 of Hearts2 of ClubsJack of Diamonds5 of Spades

Seat 1: P0KERPR0 (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: Evilduke (small blind) showed 3 of Diamonds3 of Spades and won (69,492) with three of a kind, Threes

Seat 3: Nawk Soo Cow (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: mendieta19 showed 2 of Spades2 of Hearts and lost with three of a kind, Twos

Seat 5: GamBaLLer21 folded before the Flop

Seat 6: csimmsux folded on the Flop

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obv 10a på rivern som kosta mig $500:(


Vann iaf betet med ATM8-)

ITM nu i 1k och ligger 3a med 18 kvar.


Full Tilt Poker Game #10972524953: $33,000 Guarantee (1r+1a) (81611444), Table 28 - 4000/8000 Ante 1000 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:30:14 ET - 2009/03/05

Seat 1: mendieta19 (442,015)

Seat 2: BlackJackLeak (78,230)

Seat 3: Bond18 (237,249)

Seat 4: joshuah333 (19,390)

Seat 5: scrubbyz (376,892)

Seat 7: muckducks (17,446)

Seat 8: YellowSub86 (221,306)

Seat 9: eisenhower1 (114,972)

mendieta19 antes 1,000

BlackJackLeak antes 1,000

Bond18 antes 1,000

joshuah333 antes 1,000

scrubbyz antes 1,000

muckducks antes 1,000

YellowSub86 antes 1,000

eisenhower1 antes 1,000

mendieta19 posts the small blind of 4,000

BlackJackLeak posts the big blind of 8,000

The button is in seat #9

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to eisenhower1 Ace of ClubsQueen of Hearts

Bond18 folds

joshuah333 raises to 18,390, and is all in

scrubbyz has 15 seconds left to act

scrubbyz raises to 36,780

muckducks folds

YellowSub86 folds

eisenhower1 raises to 113,972, and is all in

mendieta19 folds

BlackJackLeak folds

scrubbyz calls 77,192

eisenhower1 shows Ace of ClubsQueen of Hearts

joshuah333 shows Jack of Diamonds10 of Spades

scrubbyz shows King of ClubsAce of Hearts

*** FLOP *** 3 of Diamonds5 of Clubs8 of Hearts

*** TURN *** 3 of Diamonds5 of Clubs8 of Hearts4 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 3 of Diamonds5 of Clubs8 of Hearts4 of Clubs10 of Diamonds

eisenhower1 shows Ace Queen high

scrubbyz shows Ace King high

scrubbyz wins the side pot (191,164) with Ace King high

joshuah333 shows a pair of Tens

joshuah333 wins the main pot (75,170) with a pair of Tens

mendieta19: gg:(

eisenhower1: gl

eisenhower1 stands up

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 266,334 Main pot 75,170. Side pot 191,164. | Rake 0

Board: 3 of Diamonds5 of Clubs8 of Hearts4 of Clubs10 of Diamonds

Seat 1: mendieta19 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: BlackJackLeak (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: Bond18 folded before the Flop

Seat 4: joshuah333 showed Jack of Diamonds10 of Spades and won (75,170) with a pair of Tens

Seat 5: scrubbyz showed King of ClubsAce of Hearts and won (191,164) with Ace King high

Seat 7: muckducks folded before the Flop

Seat 8: YellowSub86 folded before the Flop

Seat 9: eisenhower1 (button) showed Ace of ClubsQueen of Hearts and lost with Ace Queen high

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för vinst i princip:(


fick $8800 men 18k till ettan


Full Tilt Poker Game #10972862199: $33,000 Guarantee (1r+1a) (81611444), Table 28 - 6000/12000 Ante 1500 - No Limit Hold'em - 2:01:44 ET - 2009/03/05

Seat 1: mendieta19 (609,100)

Seat 4: joshuah333 (144,844)

Seat 5: scrubbyz (753,556)

mendieta19 antes 1,500

joshuah333 antes 1,500

scrubbyz antes 1,500

joshuah333 posts the small blind of 6,000

scrubbyz posts the big blind of 12,000

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to mendieta19 King of DiamondsAce of Clubs

mendieta19 raises to 28,600

joshuah333 folds

scrubbyz raises to 81,200

mendieta19 raises to 607,600, and is all in

scrubbyz calls 526,400

mendieta19 shows King of DiamondsAce of Clubs

scrubbyz shows 9 of Diamonds9 of Clubs

*** FLOP *** 7 of ClubsJack of Diamonds8 of Spades

*** TURN *** 7 of ClubsJack of Diamonds8 of Spades7 of Hearts

*** RIVER *** 7 of ClubsJack of Diamonds8 of Spades7 of Hearts6 of Hearts

mendieta19 shows a pair of Sevens

scrubbyz shows two pair, Nines and Sevens

scrubbyz wins the pot (1,225,700) with two pair, Nines and Sevens

mendieta19 stands up

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 1,225,700 | Rake 0

Board: 7 of ClubsJack of Diamonds8 of Spades7 of Hearts6 of Hearts

Seat 1: mendieta19 (button) showed King of DiamondsAce of Clubs and lost with a pair of Sevens

Seat 4: joshuah333 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: scrubbyz (big blind) showed 9 of Diamonds9 of Clubs and won (1,225,700) with two pair, Nines and Sevens

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KLONK! sen sa YABO att han folda 99 LOL



Stage #1508146769 Tourney ID 4109018 Holdem Multi Normal Tournament No Limit $1600 - 2009-03-05 02:06:17 (ET)

Table: 17 (Real Money) Seat #9 is the dealer

Seat 1 - NESTOFSALT ($30718.50 in chips)

Seat 3 - INTERVENTION ($125018 in chips)

Seat 5 - YABOYSTU ($83477 in chips)

Seat 6 - JOHNNYBELOW ($35148.99 in chips)

Seat 7 - XRIVERISTAX ($38772 in chips)

Seat 8 - NOBADBEATSPLZ ($96742 in chips)

Seat 9 - PHAT_CAT ($20315 in chips)

NESTOFSALT - Ante $150


YABOYSTU - Ante $150




PHAT_CAT - Ante $150

NESTOFSALT - Posts small blind $800

INTERVENTION - Posts big blind $1600


Dealt to XRIVERISTAX [9h Ac]

YABOYSTU - Raises $3900 to $3900


XRIVERISTAX - All-In(Raise) $38622 to $38622

NOBADBEATSPLZ - All-In(Raise) $96592 to $96592

PHAT_CAT - Folds




NOBADBEATSPLZ - returned ($57970) : not called

*** FLOP *** [9s 6d Kh]

*** TURN *** [9s 6d Kh] [7c]

*** RIVER *** [9s 6d Kh 7c] [5c]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

XRIVERISTAX - Shows [9h Ac] (One pair, nines)

NOBADBEATSPLZ - Shows [Ah Qc] (ace high)

XRIVERISTAX Collects $84594 from main pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total Pot($84594)

Board [9s 6d Kh 7c 5c]

Seat 1: NESTOFSALT (small blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS

Seat 3: INTERVENTION (big blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS

Seat 5: YABOYSTU Folded on the POCKET CARDS


Seat 7: XRIVERISTAX won Total ($84594) All-In HI:($84594) with One pair, nines [9h Ac - B:9s,P:9h,P:Ac,B:Kh,B:7c]

Seat 8: NOBADBEATSPLZ HI:lost with ace high [Ah Qc - P:Ah,B:Kh,P:Qc,B:9s,B:7c]

Seat 9: PHAT_CAT (dealer) Folded on the POCKET CARDS

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Äh vafan raila strorfräsare kan ju inte vara fel tänkte jag....

Första näven man ser:)


Playing4Rudy visar ett par i Nior

mendieta19 vinner sidopotten (26,194) med tvåpar, Queens och Nior

Bumcakes visar tvåpar, Tior och Nior

mendieta19 vinner huvudpotten (42,921) med tvåpar, Queens och Nior

Bumcakes ställer sig upp

Playing4Rudy ställer sig upp


Totalpott 69,115 Huvudpott 42,921. Sidopott 26,194. | Avgift 0

Lista: [8s Tc 9h Ks 9s]

Plats 1: ship the chezz

Plats 2: Proofz

Plats 3: chipmystak22

Plats 4: mah84 (knappen)

Plats 5: mendieta19 (lilla mörken) visade [Qc Qs] och vann (69,115) med tvåpar, Queens och Nior

Plats 6: chewygotu (stora mörken)

Plats 7: Bumcakes visade [Qh Td] och förlorade med tvåpar, Tior och Nior

Plats 8: sugardupa

Plats 9: Playing4Rudy visade [Qd Ah] och förlorade med ett par i Nior

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