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HEHEHEHEHE 130 kvar 126 priser


Förlora 44vsA4s i den andra och har 10 bb kvar där nu


Full Tilt Poker Game #13641649099: The Sunday Mulligan (96403147), Table 4 - 500/1000 Ante 125 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:11:10 ET - 2009/07/26

Seat 1: Xsporean (75,712)

Seat 2: SpazIsPlusEV (19,035)

Seat 3: RedSoxFan83 (15,054)

Seat 4: butch_dk (63,925)

Seat 5: Scott Clements (24,639)

Seat 6: eisenhower1 (17,232)

Seat 7: adlgil (19,111)

Seat 8: Eskesne (17,265)

Seat 9: fitzpatrick23 (15,138)

Xsporean antes 125

SpazIsPlusEV antes 125

RedSoxFan83 antes 125

butch_dk antes 125

Scott Clements antes 125

eisenhower1 antes 125

adlgil antes 125

Eskesne antes 125

fitzpatrick23 antes 125

butch_dk posts the small blind of 500

Scott Clements posts the big blind of 1,000

The button is in seat #3

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to eisenhower1 King of HeartsKing of Diamonds

eisenhower1 raises to 2,485

adlgil folds

Eskesne folds

fitzpatrick23 folds

Xsporean folds

SpazIsPlusEV raises to 18,910, and is all in

RedSoxFan83 folds

butch_dk folds

Scott Clements folds

eisenhower1 calls 14,622, and is all in

SpazIsPlusEV shows King of ClubsAce of Spades

eisenhower1 shows King of HeartsKing of Diamonds

Uncalled bet of 1,803 returned to SpazIsPlusEV

*** FLOP *** 6 of DiamondsQueen of Diamonds9 of Diamonds

*** TURN *** 6 of DiamondsQueen of Diamonds9 of DiamondsJack of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 6 of DiamondsQueen of Diamonds9 of DiamondsJack of Clubs10 of Hearts

SpazIsPlusEV shows a straight, Ace high

eisenhower1 shows a straight, King high

SpazIsPlusEV wins the pot (36,839) with a straight, Ace high

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 36,839 | Rake 0

Board: 6 of DiamondsQueen of Diamonds9 of DiamondsJack of Clubs10 of Hearts

Seat 1: Xsporean folded before the Flop

Seat 2: SpazIsPlusEV showed King of ClubsAce of Spades and won (36,839) with a straight, Ace high

Seat 3: RedSoxFan83 (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: butch_dk (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: Scott Clements (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 6: eisenhower1 showed King of HeartsKing of Diamonds and lost with a straight, King high

Seat 7: adlgil folded before the Flop

Seat 8: Eskesne folded before the Flop

Seat 9: fitzpatrick23 folded before the Flop

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bust allt 54 kvar 45 priser


Full Tilt Poker Game #13641746526: $33,000 Guarantee (1r+1a) (99803702), Table 49 - 400/800 Ante 100 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:16:33 ET - 2009/07/26

Seat 1: JosselTheKiller (25,299)

Seat 2: BeepBeepImaJeep (18,075)

Seat 3: CaseQuarter (40,080)

Seat 4: pokerjamers (54,778)

Seat 5: Hesperides (84,820)

Seat 6: eisenhower1 (8,748)

JosselTheKiller antes 100

BeepBeepImaJeep antes 100

CaseQuarter antes 100

pokerjamers antes 100

Hesperides antes 100

eisenhower1 antes 100

BeepBeepImaJeep posts the small blind of 400

CaseQuarter posts the big blind of 800

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to eisenhower1 Queen of HeartsAce of Diamonds

pokerjamers folds

Hesperides raises to 2,250

eisenhower1 raises to 8,648, and is all in

JosselTheKiller folds

BeepBeepImaJeep has 15 seconds left to act

BeepBeepImaJeep folds

CaseQuarter has 15 seconds left to act

CaseQuarter folds

Hesperides has 15 seconds left to act

Hesperides calls 6,398

eisenhower1 shows Queen of HeartsAce of Diamonds

Hesperides shows King of Spades7 of Clubs

*** FLOP *** 2 of DiamondsJack of ClubsKing of Diamonds

*** TURN *** 2 of DiamondsJack of ClubsKing of DiamondsAce of Hearts

*** RIVER *** 2 of DiamondsJack of ClubsKing of DiamondsAce of HeartsKing of Clubs

eisenhower1 shows two pair, Aces and Kings

Hesperides shows three of a kind, Kings

Hesperides wins the pot (19,096) with three of a kind, Kings

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 19,096 | Rake 0

Board: 2 of DiamondsJack of ClubsKing of DiamondsAce of HeartsKing of Clubs

Seat 1: JosselTheKiller (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: BeepBeepImaJeep (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: CaseQuarter (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: pokerjamers folded before the Flop

Seat 5: Hesperides showed King of Spades7 of Clubs and won (19,096) with three of a kind, Kings

Seat 6: eisenhower1 showed Queen of HeartsAce of Diamonds and lost with two pair, Aces and Kings

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bump för whinepost!




Aldrig varit kallare än vad jag har varit sen jag kom hem från vegas. Radar upp 10-20 placeringar men inga klonkar. För det mesta backar jag rakt ut, 4-8k per kväll.. Försöker spela mig ur downswingen men det verkar inte funka:(


Pokerstars.com våldtar mig gång på gång, ska kolla med Dilba om jag kan låna ett konto av henne.


Så nu har jag fått whina lite idag med här så slipper alla på msn höra mitt ständiga whine!


För att öka chanserna för ytterligare en misärgrind har jag dragit på mig en förkyldning som toppas med rethosta!


FAN kom precis på att jag förlorade 30% i ftops main på golfbanan i veckan till vera15. FML


Dags för söndagsgrind!!...

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Bump för whinepost!




Aldrig varit kallare än vad jag har varit sen jag kom hem från vegas. Radar upp 10-20 placeringar men inga klonkar. För det mesta backar jag rakt ut, 4-8k per kväll.. Försöker spela mig ur downswingen men det verkar inte funka:(


Pokerstars.com våldtar mig gång på gång, ska kolla med Dilba om jag kan låna ett konto av henne.


Så nu har jag fått whina lite idag med här så slipper alla på msn höra mitt ständiga whine!


För att öka chanserna för ytterligare en misärgrind har jag dragit på mig en förkyldning som toppas med rethosta!


FAN kom precis på att jag förlorade 30% i ftops main på golfbanan i veckan till vera15. FML


Dags för söndagsgrind!!...


ryktas att Antesvante snott din klonkskills!

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asdlkasdjoldkjdlaj sdlkfj sdlfkjsdlfkjsdl fjksdlfkjsdlfj sdlfksdjlfksjfklsdjf


semibubbla 500fo, handen efter 66vs88 bust.......... bubbla 1r1a Akvs1010 i typ CL pot. Varit med bra i många men inte längre hehehe


Stage #1835254175 Tourney ID 4539058 Holdem Multi Normal Tournament No Limit 600 - 2009-08-17 00:17:17 (ET)

Table: 17 (Real Money) Seat #5 is the dealer

Seat 1 - AGS104 (12,650 in chips)

Seat 2 - PSMONEY (75,758 in chips)

Seat 3 - DFISH (30,760 in chips)

Seat 4 - MEMENT_MORI (25,573 in chips)

Seat 5 - XRIVERISTAX (18,464 in chips)

Seat 6 - XWYWROTX (14,530 in chips)

Seat 7 - GATOR93 (23,181 in chips)

Seat 8 - ORIG_GANGSTA (10,097 in chips)

Seat 9 - JUBJUB5555 (24,677 in chips)

AGS104 - Ante 75

PSMONEY - Ante 75

DFISH - Ante 75



XWYWROTX - Ante 75

GATOR93 - Ante 75


JUBJUB5555 - Ante 75

XWYWROTX - Posts small blind 300

GATOR93 - Posts big blind 600


Dealt to XRIVERISTAX [Ac Kc]

ORIG_GANGSTA - All-In(Raise) 10,022 to 10,022

JUBJUB5555 - Folds

AGS104 - Folds


DFISH - Folds


XRIVERISTAX - All-In(Raise) 18,389 to 18,389


GATOR93 - Folds

XRIVERISTAX - returned (8,367) : not called

*** FLOP *** [Qc 8h 7s]

*** TURN *** [Qc 8h 7s] [Jd]

*** RIVER *** [Qc 8h 7s Jd] [5c]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

XRIVERISTAX - Shows [Ac Kc] (ace high)

ORIG_GANGSTA - Shows [Qs Kh] (One pair, queens)

ORIG_GANGSTA Collects 21,619 from main pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total Pot(21,619)

Board [Qc 8h 7s Jd 5c]

Seat 1: AGS104 Folded on the POCKET CARDS

Seat 2: PSMONEY Folded on the POCKET CARDS

Seat 3: DFISH Folded on the POCKET CARDS

Seat 4: MEMENT_MORI Folded on the POCKET CARDS

Seat 5: XRIVERISTAX (dealer) HI:lost with ace high [Ac Kc - P:Ac,P:Kc,B:Qc,B:Jd,B:8h]

Seat 6: XWYWROTX (small blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS

Seat 7: GATOR93 (big blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS

Seat 8: ORIG_GANGSTA won Total (21,619) All-In HI:(21,619) with One pair, queens [Qs Kh - P:Qs,B:Qc,P:Kh,B:Jd,B:8h]

Seat 9: JUBJUB5555 Folded on the POCKET CARDS

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Full Tilt Poker Game #14074847967: $50,000 Guarantee (100296388), Table 132 - 400/800 Ante 100 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:27:12 ET - 2009/08/16

Seat 1: Al of Athens (10,712)

Seat 2: NexPax (14,175), is sitting out

Seat 3: Mike Kowal (26,340)

Seat 4: GetPWN3D (9,435)

Seat 5: Black9ines (36,488)

Seat 6: RCrusher (29,745)

Seat 7: Salamander6 (17,910)

Seat 8: AceWPT (5,925)

Seat 9: eisenhower1 (26,524)

Al of Athens antes 100

NexPax antes 100

Mike Kowal antes 100

GetPWN3D antes 100

Black9ines antes 100

RCrusher antes 100

Salamander6 antes 100

AceWPT antes 100

eisenhower1 antes 100

GetPWN3D posts the small blind of 400

Black9ines posts the big blind of 800

The button is in seat #3

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to eisenhower1 King of ClubsKing of Spades

RCrusher folds

Salamander6 folds

AceWPT folds

eisenhower1 raises to 2,050

Al of Athens folds

NexPax folds

Mike Kowal has 15 seconds left to act

Mike Kowal raises to 6,495

GetPWN3D has 15 seconds left to act

GetPWN3D folds

Black9ines folds

eisenhower1 raises to 26,424, and is all in

Mike Kowal calls 19,745, and is all in

eisenhower1 shows King of ClubsKing of Spades

Mike Kowal shows Ace of ClubsKing of Diamonds

Uncalled bet of 184 returned to eisenhower1

*** FLOP *** 5 of ClubsQueen of SpadesJack of Hearts

*** TURN *** 5 of ClubsQueen of SpadesJack of HeartsAce of Hearts

*** RIVER *** 5 of ClubsQueen of SpadesJack of HeartsAce of Hearts3 of Spades

eisenhower1 shows a pair of Kings

Mike Kowal shows a pair of Aces

Mike Kowal wins the pot (54,580) with a pair of Aces

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 54,580 | Rake 0

Board: 5 of ClubsQueen of SpadesJack of HeartsAce of Hearts3 of Spades

Seat 1: Al of Athens folded before the Flop

Seat 2: NexPax folded before the Flop

Seat 3: Mike Kowal (button) showed Ace of ClubsKing of Diamonds and won (54,580) with a pair of Aces

Seat 4: GetPWN3D (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: Black9ines (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 6: RCrusher folded before the Flop

Seat 7: Salamander6 folded before the Flop

Seat 8: AceWPT folded before the Flop

Seat 9: eisenhower1 showed King of ClubsKing of Spades and lost with a pair of Kings

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bust150r AksvsA10 sen denna direkt efter i 50r för en 118 plats med 117 itm


PokerStars Game #31711611666: Tournament #185960879, $50+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (1000/2000) - 2009/08/16 19:23:21 ET

Table '185960879 65' 9-max Seat #8 is the button

Seat 1: GUNNERS_RULE (61296 in chips)

Seat 2: niccc (67390 in chips)

Seat 3: YrrsiNN (35858 in chips)

Seat 4: Snøhvit (12142 in chips)

Seat 5: strflushtome (41054 in chips)

Seat 6: Skawty88 (28908 in chips)

Seat 7: eisenhower1 (27170 in chips)

Seat 8: sl4yerss (61237 in chips)

Seat 9: dindiri (50728 in chips)

GUNNERS_RULE: posts the ante 200

niccc: posts the ante 200

YrrsiNN: posts the ante 200

Snøhvit: posts the ante 200

strflushtome: posts the ante 200

Skawty88: posts the ante 200

eisenhower1: posts the ante 200

sl4yerss: posts the ante 200

dindiri: posts the ante 200

dindiri: posts small blind 1000

GUNNERS_RULE: posts big blind 2000

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to eisenhower1 8 of Diamonds8 of Hearts

niccc: raises 3250 to 5250

YrrsiNN: folds

Snøhvit: folds

strflushtome: folds

Skawty88: folds

eisenhower1: raises 21720 to 26970 and is all-in

sl4yerss: folds

dindiri: folds


niccc: calls 21720

*** FLOP *** Ace of Clubs6 of ClubsJack of Spades

*** TURN *** Ace of Clubs6 of ClubsJack of Spades9 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** Ace of Clubs6 of ClubsJack of Spades9 of DiamondsKing of Diamonds

*** SHOW DOWN ***

niccc: shows 6 of Spades6 of Diamonds (three of a kind, Sixes)

eisenhower1: shows 8 of Diamonds8 of Hearts (a pair of Eights)

niccc collected 58740 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 58740 | Rake 0

Board Ace of Clubs6 of ClubsJack of Spades9 of DiamondsKing of Diamonds

Seat 1: GUNNERS_RULE (big blind) folded before Flop

Seat 2: niccc showed 6 of Spades6 of Diamonds and won (58740) with three of a kind, Sixes

Seat 3: YrrsiNN folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 4: Snøhvit folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 5: strflushtome folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 6: Skawty88 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 7: eisenhower1 showed 8 of Diamonds8 of Hearts and lost with a pair of Eights

Seat 8: sl4yerss (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 9: dindiri (small blind) folded before Flop

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