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Två lyckosamma händer mot HataB2B?


Full Tilt Poker Game #7408751150: Table Spunsilk (6 max) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 7:52:46 ET - 2008/07/28

Seat 1: DNcrew ($174.60)

Seat 2: dipo1025 ($44.50)

Seat 3: SirJunkie ($100)

Seat 4: Ulrich84 ($20)

Seat 5: Gorans Skora ($43.50)

Seat 6: wxy123456 ($25)

wxy123456 posts the small blind of $0.50

DNcrew posts the big blind of $1

Ulrich84 posts $1

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie 4 of Clubs5 of Diamonds3 of Hearts4 of Diamonds

dipo1025 calls $1

SirJunkie raises to $5.50

Ulrich84 has 15 seconds left to act

Ulrich84 raises to $19

Gorans Skora folds

wxy123456 folds

DNcrew calls $18

dipo1025 folds

SirJunkie calls $13.50

*** FLOP *** 7 of Diamonds4 of Hearts6 of Hearts

DNcrew bets $58.50

SirJunkie raises to $81, and is all in

Ulrich84 calls $1, and is all in

DNcrew calls $22.50

SirJunkie shows 4 of Clubs5 of Diamonds3 of Hearts4 of Diamonds

Ulrich84 shows Queen of SpadesAce of SpadesJack of Hearts8 of Clubs

DNcrew shows 5 of Spades9 of Spades6 of Clubs6 of Spades

*** TURN *** 7 of Diamonds4 of Hearts6 of Hearts5 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 7 of Diamonds4 of Hearts6 of Hearts5 of ClubsKing of Hearts

SirJunkie shows a straight, Seven high

DNcrew shows three of a kind, Sixes

SirJunkie wins the side pot ($160) with a straight, Seven high

Ulrich84 shows Ace King high

SirJunkie wins the main pot ($58.50) with a straight, Seven high

Ulrich84 is sitting out

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $221.50 Main pot $61.50. Side pot $160. | Rake $3

Board: 7 of Diamonds4 of Hearts6 of Hearts5 of ClubsKing of Hearts

Seat 1: DNcrew (big blind) showed 5 of Spades9 of Spades6 of Clubs6 of Spades and lost with three of a kind, Sixes

Seat 2: dipo1025 folded before the Flop

Seat 3: SirJunkie showed 4 of Clubs5 of Diamonds3 of Hearts4 of Diamonds and won ($218.50) with a straight, Seven high

Seat 4: Ulrich84 showed Queen of SpadesAce of SpadesJack of Hearts8 of Clubs and lost with Ace King high

Seat 5: Gorans Skora (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: wxy123456 (small blind) folded before the Flop


Full Tilt Poker Game #7408709223: Table Cross (6 max) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 7:44:23 ET - 2008/07/28

Seat 1: Sumpas ($121.10)

Seat 2: Laimz ($20)

Seat 3: U MUST BE HOMO ($0), is sitting out

Seat 4: Sam Cal ($46.70)

Seat 5: SirJunkie ($100)

Seat 6: DNcrew ($241.25)

DNcrew posts the small blind of $0.50

Sumpas posts the big blind of $1

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie 9 of Diamonds10 of Spades9 of ClubsJack of Clubs

U MUST BE HOMO: haha..quite GAY

Laimz calls $1

U MUST BE HOMO adds $20

U MUST BE HOMO has returned

Sam Cal has 15 seconds left to act

Sam Cal folds

SirJunkie raises to $4.50

Sam Cal: nh

DNcrew raises to $15.50

Sumpas folds

U MUST BE HOMO: always ahead

Laimz raises to $20, and is all in

SirJunkie calls $15.50

DNcrew calls $4.50

*** FLOP *** 7 of Hearts8 of Spades6 of Spades

DNcrew bets $61

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie raises to $80, and is all in

DNcrew calls $19

SirJunkie shows 9 of Diamonds10 of Spades9 of ClubsJack of Clubs

DNcrew shows Ace of HeartsAce of Spades7 of Spades3 of Spades

Laimz shows 5 of ClubsAce of Clubs9 of HeartsAce of Diamonds

*** TURN *** 7 of Hearts8 of Spades6 of Spades6 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 7 of Hearts8 of Spades6 of Spades6 of Diamonds3 of Clubs

SirJunkie shows a straight, Ten high

DNcrew shows two pair, Aces and Sixes

SirJunkie wins the side pot ($160) with a straight, Ten high

Laimz shows a straight, Nine high

SirJunkie wins the main pot ($58) with a straight, Ten high

Laimz adds $20

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $221 Main pot $61. Side pot $160. | Rake $3

Board: 7 of Hearts8 of Spades6 of Spades6 of Diamonds3 of Clubs

Seat 1: Sumpas (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: Laimz showed 5 of ClubsAce of Clubs9 of HeartsAce of Diamonds and lost with a straight, Nine high

Seat 3: U MUST BE HOMO is sitting out

Seat 4: Sam Cal didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: SirJunkie (button) showed 9 of Diamonds10 of Spades9 of ClubsJack of Clubs and won ($218) with a straight, Ten high

Seat 6: DNcrew (small blind) showed Ace of HeartsAce of Spades7 of Spades3 of Spades and lost with two pair, Aces and Sixes

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Hur är det generellt sett att bluffa i de här lägena? Känns ju som han har AAxx, KKxx sjukt ofta, och då kan han ju nästan inte fortsätta..


Full Tilt Poker Game #7408859638: Table Kraemer (6 max) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 8:13:58 ET - 2008/07/28

Seat 1: wxy123456 ($0), is sitting out

Seat 2: TEAM_MLJAK ($189.55)

Seat 3: MADGREEK614 ($158.30)

Seat 4: 6_million_ways ($224.80)

Seat 5: UCbananaboy ($38.50)

Seat 6: SirJunkie ($162.95)

TEAM_MLJAK has 5 seconds left to act

TEAM_MLJAK posts the big blind of $1

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie 10 of Diamonds9 of DiamondsJack of Diamonds8 of Clubs

MADGREEK614 folds

wxy123456 adds $20

wxy123456 has returned

6_million_ways folds

UCbananaboy folds

SirJunkie raises to $3

TEAM_MLJAK raises to $9

SirJunkie calls $6

*** FLOP *** 4 of Diamonds5 of Hearts5 of Clubs

TEAM_MLJAK bets $18

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie raises to $44

TEAM_MLJAK raises to $150

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie folds

Uncalled bet of $106 returned to TEAM_MLJAK


TEAM_MLJAK wins the pot ($103)

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $106 | Rake $3

Board: 4 of Diamonds5 of Hearts5 of Clubs

Seat 1: wxy123456 (small blind) is sitting out

Seat 2: TEAM_MLJAK (big blind) collected ($103), mucked

Seat 3: MADGREEK614 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: 6_million_ways didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: UCbananaboy didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: SirJunkie (button) folded on the Flop

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Me like :-)


Full Tilt Poker Game #7408976494: Table Spunsilk (6 max) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 8:36:21 ET - 2008/07/28

Seat 1: DNcrew ($180.15)

Seat 2: yquiet ($98.40)

Seat 3: SirJunkie ($220.55)

Seat 4: UCbananaboy ($51.50)

Seat 5: wxy123456 ($22.80)

Seat 6: MADGREEK614 ($224.50)

MADGREEK614 posts the small blind of $0.50

DNcrew posts the big blind of $1

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie 9 of SpadesKing of Diamonds6 of ClubsKing of Spades

yquiet folds

SirJunkie raises to $3.50

UCbananaboy calls $3.50

MADGREEK614 has 15 seconds left to act

MADGREEK614 raises to $15

DNcrew calls $14

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie calls $11.50

UCbananaboy calls $11.50

*** FLOP *** Ace of Hearts3 of Diamonds9 of Diamonds

MADGREEK614 checks

DNcrew checks

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie checks

UCbananaboy checks

*** TURN *** Ace of Hearts3 of Diamonds9 of DiamondsKing of Hearts

MADGREEK614 bets $60

DNcrew folds

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie has requested TIME

SirJunkie raises to $205.55, and is all in

UCbananaboy has 15 seconds left to act

UCbananaboy folds

MADGREEK614 calls $145.55

SirJunkie shows 9 of SpadesKing of Diamonds6 of ClubsKing of Spades

MADGREEK614 shows 4 of Diamonds6 of Hearts10 of DiamondsQueen of Hearts

*** RIVER *** Ace of Hearts3 of Diamonds9 of DiamondsKing of Hearts5 of Clubs

SirJunkie shows three of a kind, Kings

MADGREEK614 shows Ace King high

SirJunkie wins the pot ($468.10) with three of a kind, Kings

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $471.10 | Rake $3

Board: Ace of Hearts3 of Diamonds9 of DiamondsKing of Hearts5 of Clubs

Seat 1: DNcrew (big blind) folded on the Turn

Seat 2: yquiet didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: SirJunkie showed 9 of SpadesKing of Diamonds6 of ClubsKing of Spades and won ($468.10) with three of a kind, Kings

Seat 4: UCbananaboy (button) folded on the Turn

Seat 5: wxy123456 is sitting out

Seat 6: MADGREEK614 (small blind) showed 4 of Diamonds6 of Hearts10 of DiamondsQueen of Hearts and lost with Ace King high

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Hur är det generellt sett att bluffa i de här lägena? Känns ju som han har AAxx, KKxx sjukt ofta, och då kan han ju nästan inte fortsätta..


Full Tilt Poker Game #7408859638: Table Kraemer (6 max) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 8:13:58 ET - 2008/07/28

Seat 1: wxy123456 ($0), is sitting out

Seat 2: TEAM_MLJAK ($189.55)

Seat 3: MADGREEK614 ($158.30)

Seat 4: 6_million_ways ($224.80)

Seat 5: UCbananaboy ($38.50)

Seat 6: SirJunkie ($162.95)

TEAM_MLJAK has 5 seconds left to act

TEAM_MLJAK posts the big blind of $1

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie 10 of Diamonds9 of DiamondsJack of Diamonds8 of Clubs

MADGREEK614 folds

wxy123456 adds $20

wxy123456 has returned

6_million_ways folds

UCbananaboy folds

SirJunkie raises to $3

TEAM_MLJAK raises to $9

SirJunkie calls $6

*** FLOP *** 4 of Diamonds5 of Hearts5 of Clubs

TEAM_MLJAK bets $18

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie raises to $44

TEAM_MLJAK raises to $150

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie folds

Uncalled bet of $106 returned to TEAM_MLJAK


TEAM_MLJAK wins the pot ($103)

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $106 | Rake $3

Board: 4 of Diamonds5 of Hearts5 of Clubs

Seat 1: wxy123456 (small blind) is sitting out

Seat 2: TEAM_MLJAK (big blind) collected ($103), mucked

Seat 3: MADGREEK614 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: 6_million_ways didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: UCbananaboy didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: SirJunkie (button) folded on the Flop



Sitter ni över 100 bb djupa som du ni två gör här tycker jag det är bra att göra ett försök att bluffa, har ni dock bara 100 bb så funkar det oftast inte..

Sen måste man ju ha en viss koll på motståndarna, veta att de är kapabla lägga händer.

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blir helt yr av alla kort:mrgreen:


Hehe hh blir ju helt sjukt migränframkallande faktiskt :-)


Sitter ni över 100 bb djupa som du ni två gör här tycker jag det är bra att göra ett försök att bluffa, har ni dock bara 100 bb så funkar det oftast inte..

Sen måste man ju ha en viss koll på motståndarna, veta att de är kapabla lägga händer.


Bra poäng det där med 100bb, hade inte riktigt tänkt på de tidigare. Sen är ju de där med reads alltid viktigt och självklart en viktig del i beslutet. Tack för åsikter :-)

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De går bra nu :-D


Full Tilt Poker Game #7409063180: Table Spunsilk (6 max) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 8:52:23 ET - 2008/07/28

Seat 1: DNcrew ($184.75)

Seat 2: yquiet ($110.70)

Seat 3: SirJunkie ($456.35)

Seat 4: UCbananaboy ($40)

Seat 5: wxy123456 ($37.05)

Seat 6: ice2601 ($110.95)

DNcrew posts the small blind of $0.50

yquiet posts the big blind of $1

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie Ace of Spades7 of SpadesKing of ClubsKing of Hearts

SirJunkie raises to $3.50

UCbananaboy folds

wxy123456 folds

ice2601 calls $3.50

DNcrew raises to $15

yquiet folds

SirJunkie calls $11.50

ice2601 calls $11.50

*** FLOP *** 9 of Spades6 of Clubs3 of Spades

DNcrew checks

SirJunkie checks

ice2601 has 15 seconds left to act

ice2601 bets $46

DNcrew folds

SirJunkie raises to $184

ice2601 calls $49.95, and is all in

SirJunkie shows Ace of Spades7 of SpadesKing of ClubsKing of Hearts

ice2601 shows 7 of Clubs8 of Clubs5 of Spades10 of Hearts

Uncalled bet of $88.05 returned to SirJunkie

*** TURN *** 9 of Spades6 of Clubs3 of Spades2 of Spades

*** RIVER *** 9 of Spades6 of Clubs3 of Spades2 of Spades9 of Diamonds

SirJunkie shows a flush, Ace high

ice2601 shows a pair of Nines

SirJunkie wins the pot ($234.90) with a flush, Ace high

ice2601 is sitting out

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $237.90 | Rake $3

Board: 9 of Spades6 of Clubs3 of Spades2 of Spades9 of Diamonds

Seat 1: DNcrew (small blind) folded on the Flop

Seat 2: yquiet (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: SirJunkie showed Ace of Spades7 of SpadesKing of ClubsKing of Hearts and won ($234.90) with a flush, Ace high

Seat 4: UCbananaboy didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: wxy123456 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: ice2601 (button) showed 7 of Clubs8 of Clubs5 of Spades10 of Hearts and lost with a pair of Nines


Btw, någon som kan bekräfta att DNcrew är HataB2B? Han vägrar svara på de i chatten nämligen :-P

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Stänger ner nu då koncentrationen börjar svikta lite. Är man inte van att fyrtabla omaha och hålla reda på alla wraps, hålstegar osv så blir man faktiskt slut i skallen efter några timmar..


Jag tycker att jag spelade riktigt riktigt bra idag (för att vara noob då). Jag kan inte komma på någon specifik hand där jag ångrar mitt spel så de känns skönt. Jag hade flyt i de stora potterna och mina färdiga händer fick oftast stå + att jag satte mkt av mina stora drag. Slutade sessionen på $550+ vilket känns jävligt välkommet mtp den senare tidens missöden.


Det känns som jag kommer få det svårt att hitta tillbaka till holdem igen nu när jag har börjat förstå omaha på ett helt annat sätt än tidigare. Spelet är så sjukt mkt roligare och mer intressant, dessutom så sprids spelet jävligt fort just nu och jag gissar att de flesta kommer spela omaha framför holdem inom en ganska snar framtid.


Snart ska jag ner till golfbanan och slå lite bollar på rangen och sen tänkte jag faktiskt gå och kolla på batmanfilmen igen med en polare som inte sett den :-P

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Var typ vad jag kom fram till. Hur ser du på betsize i de här läget? Pott känns ganska overkill, hur små höjningar brukar man komma undan med här?


Potsize tycker jag inte alls är overkill, beror ju lite på hur du höjer med dina andra bra händer. Hade du pottat med en 5a där ska du göra det nu med imo

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