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Full Tilt Poker Game #10258403124: $20,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (77543361), Table 17 - 1000/2000 Ante 250 - No Limit Hold'em - 3:45:34 ET - 2009/01/26

Seat 1: nowerys (18,792)

Seat 2: YoungSupremacy (25,062)

Seat 6: Xsugar41X (72,981)

Seat 7: antesvante (57,738)

Seat 8: thopra (152,005)

nowerys antes 250

YoungSupremacy antes 250

Xsugar41X antes 250

antesvante antes 250

thopra antes 250

thopra posts the small blind of 1,000

nowerys posts the big blind of 2,000

antesvante has been disconnected

The button is in seat #7

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to antesvante Queen of SpadesJack of Diamonds

YoungSupremacy has 15 seconds left to act

YoungSupremacy folds

Xsugar41X folds

antesvante has reconnected

antesvante has 15 seconds left to act

antesvante raises to 4,988

thopra folds

antesvante has been disconnected

nowerys has 15 seconds left to act

antesvante has reconnected

nowerys calls 2,988

*** FLOP *** Ace of DiamondsQueen of Hearts9 of Diamonds

nowerys bets 13,554, and is all in

antesvante calls 13,554

nowerys shows 10 of Diamonds9 of Clubs

antesvante shows Queen of SpadesJack of Diamonds

*** TURN *** Ace of DiamondsQueen of Hearts9 of Diamonds10 of Hearts

*** RIVER *** Ace of DiamondsQueen of Hearts9 of Diamonds10 of Hearts3 of Spades

nowerys shows two pair, Tens and Nines

antesvante shows a pair of Queens

nowerys wins the pot (39,334) with two pair, Tens and Nines

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 39,334 | Rake 0

Board: Ace of DiamondsQueen of Hearts9 of Diamonds10 of Hearts3 of Spades

Seat 1: nowerys (big blind) showed 10 of Diamonds9 of Clubs and won (39,334) with two pair, Tens and Nines

Seat 2: YoungSupremacy folded before the Flop

Seat 6: Xsugar41X folded before the Flop

Seat 7: antesvante (button) showed Queen of SpadesJack of Diamonds and lost with a pair of Queens

Seat 8: thopra (small blind) folded before the Flop

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kul liv, går det att inte dega här?



Full Tilt Poker Game #10258661750: $20,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (77543361), Table 6 - 2000/4000 Ante 500 - No Limit Hold'em - 4:20:41 ET - 2009/01/26

Seat 1: kvnok88 (85,719)

Seat 2: antesvante (96,662)

Seat 3: nowerys (28,184)

Seat 4: bpcguy (24,952)

Seat 5: Atl-Train (64,950)

Seat 6: sparky201184 (84,190)

Seat 7: Xsugar41X (66,871)

Seat 8: hawkjb1 (93,834)

Seat 9: thopra (129,638)

kvnok88 antes 500

antesvante antes 500

nowerys antes 500

bpcguy antes 500

Atl-Train antes 500

sparky201184 antes 500

Xsugar41X antes 500

hawkjb1 antes 500

thopra antes 500

antesvante posts the small blind of 2,000

nowerys posts the big blind of 4,000

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to antesvante [4s 4c]

bpcguy folds

Atl-Train folds

sparky201184 folds

Xsugar41X folds

hawkjb1 folds

thopra folds

kvnok88 raises to 10,220

antesvante raises to 96,162, and is all in

nowerys folds

kvnok88 calls 74,999, and is all in

antesvante shows [4s 4c]

kvnok88 shows [Js Jh]

Uncalled bet of 10,943 returned to antesvante

*** FLOP *** [Qc 5c 8h]

*** TURN *** [Qc 5c 8h] [Kd]

*** RIVER *** [Qc 5c 8h Kd] [Qd]

antesvante shows two pair, Queens and Fours

kvnok88 shows two pair, Queens and Jacks

kvnok88 wins the pot (178,938) with two pair, Queens and Jacks

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 178,938 | Rake 0

Board: [Qc 5c 8h Kd Qd]

Seat 1: kvnok88 (button) showed [Js Jh] and won (178,938) with two pair, Queens and Jacks

Seat 2: antesvante (small blind) showed [4s 4c] and lost with two pair, Queens and Fours

Seat 3: nowerys (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: bpcguy folded before the Flop

Seat 5: Atl-Train folded before the Flop

Seat 6: sparky201184 folded before the Flop

Seat 7: Xsugar41X folded before the Flop

Seat 8: hawkjb1 folded before the Flop

Seat 9: thopra folded before the Flop

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Fan va najs, grattis!! 8-)


grattis svante :)




Snyggt, grattis!


Ty boys!:D Ruggigt skönt att rädda kvällen i sista turren jag hade igång:)

Särskilt mtp att jag hade 2.5x bb med 9 kvar.



Nu är tjejen på ett FT oxå!! $4.40 180 manna:D

Igår hade hon typ 3/10 ITM! Kul som fan att coacha, även om hon är en riktigt grinpelle när hon förlorar;)

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Ja pusha, men preflop är katastrof.


Vad tycker du om barrelen? Preflopbeslut är överreklamerade ;)


Hur farligt kan det vara att slå upp utan att titta på sin hand? Inte så många repushstackar bakom (och moss är väl nit) och det kändes bara som ett bra läge. Visst kan vi bli flattade ibland och kan få jobbiga floppar men dör man av det? Jag behöver ju inte slå upp Q8 i nästa hand för att jag råkade göra det med J6o nu.


Nu är mycket av det här rationaliseringar och handen är så bajsig den kan bli men ordet katastrof är lite att ta i? Stor lucka på sin höjd! Det handlar väl mer om frekvens än handen eller har jag fel?


edit: jag borde inte behöva moppsa när en duktig ger mig råd, jag slänger J6 nästa gång.

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Full Tilt Poker Game #10267568078: $18,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (77629539), Table 2 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:25:29 ET - 2009/01/26

Seat 1: DarkHorse19 (5,365)

Seat 2: duskyshark82 (4,870)

Seat 3: sho_stoppa (3,665)

Seat 4: zacman51 (3,245)

Seat 5: midein (3,185)

Seat 6: cheetah56 (2,880)

Seat 7: imabigkidnow (3,060)

Seat 8: antesvante (6,460)

Seat 9: lumpy2332 (7,385)

duskyshark82 posts the small blind of 30

sho_stoppa posts the big blind of 60

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to antesvante Jack of Clubs10 of Clubs

zacman51 has 15 seconds left to act

zacman51 folds

midein folds

cheetah56 calls 60

imabigkidnow has 15 seconds left to act

imabigkidnow raises to 240

antesvante calls 240

lumpy2332 folds

DarkHorse19 folds

duskyshark82 folds

sho_stoppa calls 180

cheetah56 calls 180

*** FLOP *** 9 of Clubs4 of Spades9 of Hearts

sho_stoppa bets 60

cheetah56 has 15 seconds left to act

cheetah56 folds

imabigkidnow has 15 seconds left to act

imabigkidnow folds

antesvante calls 60

*** TURN *** 9 of Clubs4 of Spades9 of HeartsAce of Spades

sho_stoppa checks

antesvante checks

*** RIVER *** 9 of Clubs4 of Spades9 of HeartsAce of SpadesAce of Diamonds

sho_stoppa has 15 seconds left to act

sho_stoppa bets 420

antesvante calls 420

*** SHOW DOWN ***

sho_stoppa shows 7 of Diamonds7 of Clubs two pair, Aces and Nines

antesvante shows Jack of Clubs10 of Clubs two pair, Aces and Nines

antesvante wins the pot (1,950) with two pair, Aces and Nines

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 1,950 | Rake 0

Board: 9 of Clubs4 of Spades9 of HeartsAce of SpadesAce of Diamonds

Seat 1: DarkHorse19 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: duskyshark82 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: sho_stoppa (big blind) showed 7 of Diamonds7 of Clubs and lost with two pair, Aces and Nines

Seat 4: zacman51 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: midein didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: cheetah56 folded on the Flop

Seat 7: imabigkidnow folded on the Flop

Seat 8: antesvante showed Jack of Clubs10 of Clubs and won (1,950) with two pair, Aces and Nines

Seat 9: lumpy2332 didn't bet (folded)

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