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Conspiracy - *LÅS PLZ!*


Om Conspiracy gör fler filmer, vad ska han då spela?  

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  1. 1. Om Conspiracy gör fler filmer, vad ska han då spela?

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Ok, gillar att för en ggn skull lira freeze på UB oxå. Du hittar mig nog i listan ;) Inte så fantasifullt nick direkt :)


gl /SK


Okey :)


Jag har inte spelat särskilt mkt på UB tidigare, men de verkar ha en del riktigt bra turneringar, både rebuys och freezies. Bra struktur oxå!

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Blir dessa inatt...


05.00 FTP 30k gtd, $109

05.00 UB 9k gtd, $109

05.00 Stars 20k gtd, $109

05.30 FTP 20k gtd, $55r


Inte så mkt, men missade ju de bästa vid 02.


Skönt att börjar lira vid 05:00, jag som trodde jag hade märklig dygnsrytm.


Grattis till klonkarveckan förresten=)

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Tack! :)


Kass start idag. Ute ur FTPs 30k med floppad nötstege vs turnad färg.


Ute ur stars med AK vs A9 och 99 allin pf... turnar A men 99 rivrar färg.


Bra stack på UB och startstack i 50r

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Full Tilt Poker Game #3839293211: $20,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (28720738), Table 12 - 150/300 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:46:01 ET - 2007/10/13

Seat 1: garage13 (7,498)

Seat 2: SkellyFactor (18,404)

Seat 3: sportylloyd (11,608)

Seat 4: riverdog99 (16,187)

Seat 5: ATM4Life (14,530)

Seat 7: Uhane (10,475)

Seat 8: HuckleberrySeed (7,004)

Seat 9: 6789suited (13,820)

garage13 antes 25

SkellyFactor antes 25

sportylloyd antes 25

riverdog99 antes 25

ATM4Life antes 25

Uhane antes 25

HuckleberrySeed antes 25

6789suited antes 25

6789suited posts the small blind of 150

garage13 posts the big blind of 300

The button is in seat #8

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to ATM4Life Ace of DiamondsQueen of Spades

SkellyFactor folds

sportylloyd has 15 seconds left to act

sportylloyd calls 300

riverdog99 folds

ATM4Life raises to 1,100

Uhane has 15 seconds left to act

Uhane folds

HuckleberrySeed folds

6789suited folds

garage13 folds

sportylloyd has 15 seconds left to act

sportylloyd calls 800

*** FLOP *** 4 of HeartsQueen of DiamondsJack of Hearts

sportylloyd has 15 seconds left to act

sportylloyd bets 1,800

ATM4Life raises to 3,950

sportylloyd calls 2,150

*** TURN *** 4 of HeartsQueen of DiamondsJack of Hearts9 of Spades

sportylloyd has 15 seconds left to act

sportylloyd bets 6,533, and is all in

kate699 sits down

kate699 adds 16,905

ATM4Life has 15 seconds left to act

ATM4Life calls 6,533

sportylloyd shows Jack of Diamonds6 of Diamonds

ATM4Life shows Ace of DiamondsQueen of Spades

*** RIVER *** 4 of HeartsQueen of DiamondsJack of Hearts9 of SpadesJack of Clubs

sportylloyd shows three of a kind, Jacks

ATM4Life shows two pair, Queens and Jacks

sportylloyd wins the pot (23,816) with three of a kind, Jacks

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 23,816 | Rake 0

Board: 4 of HeartsQueen of DiamondsJack of Hearts9 of SpadesJack of Clubs

Seat 1: garage13 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: SkellyFactor folded before the Flop

Seat 3: sportylloyd showed Jack of Diamonds6 of Diamonds and won (23,816) with three of a kind, Jacks

Seat 4: riverdog99 folded before the Flop

Seat 5: ATM4Life showed Ace of DiamondsQueen of Spades and lost with two pair, Queens and Jacks

Seat 7: Uhane folded before the Flop

Seat 8: HuckleberrySeed (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 9: 6789suited (small blind) folded before the Flop

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Skönt att man blir belönad för tomtespel :oops:


Jag har dock höjt massa händer och purerandom är duktig, men ändå kasst spelat.


Full Tilt Poker Game #3839606252: $20,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (28720738), Table 12 - 300/600 Ante 75 - No Limit Hold'em - 2:29:26 ET - 2007/10/13

Seat 1: sarge2205 (37,191)

Seat 2: SkellyFactor (41,767)

Seat 3: SallyOMalley50 (24,845)

Seat 4: riverdog99 (43,541)

Seat 5: ATM4Life (12,531)

Seat 6: kate699 (25,955)

Seat 7: PUreRanDOm (20,280)

Seat 8: nathalie111 (5,310)

Seat 9: nhungoc2 (12,080)

sarge2205 antes 75

SkellyFactor antes 75

SallyOMalley50 antes 75

riverdog99 antes 75

ATM4Life antes 75

kate699 antes 75

PUreRanDOm antes 75

nathalie111 antes 75

nhungoc2 antes 75

SkellyFactor posts the small blind of 300

SallyOMalley50 posts the big blind of 600

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to ATM4Life 9 of Diamonds9 of Spades

riverdog99 calls 600

ATM4Life raises to 1,900

kate699 folds

PUreRanDOm has 15 seconds left to act

PUreRanDOm raises to 4,500

nathalie111 folds

nhungoc2 folds

sarge2205 folds

SkellyFactor folds

SallyOMalley50 has 15 seconds left to act

SallyOMalley50 folds

riverdog99 folds

ATM4Life raises to 12,456, and is all in

PUreRanDOm calls 7,956

ATM4Life shows 9 of Diamonds9 of Spades

PUreRanDOm shows Ace of DiamondsAce of Hearts

*** FLOP *** 2 of ClubsQueen of Spades9 of Clubs

*** TURN *** 2 of ClubsQueen of Spades9 of ClubsQueen of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 2 of ClubsQueen of Spades9 of ClubsQueen of Diamonds10 of Hearts

ATM4Life shows a full house, Nines full of Queens

PUreRanDOm shows two pair, Aces and Queens

ATM4Life wins the pot (27,087) with a full house, Nines full of Queens

ATM4Life: sry

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 27,087 | Rake 0

Board: 2 of ClubsQueen of Spades9 of ClubsQueen of Diamonds10 of Hearts

Seat 1: sarge2205 (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: SkellyFactor (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: SallyOMalley50 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: riverdog99 folded before the Flop

Seat 5: ATM4Life showed 9 of Diamonds9 of Spades and won (27,087) with a full house, Nines full of Queens

Seat 6: kate699 folded before the Flop

Seat 7: PUreRanDOm showed Ace of DiamondsAce of Hearts and lost with two pair, Aces and Queens

Seat 8: nathalie111 folded before the Flop

Seat 9: nhungoc2 folded before the Flop

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Torskade en flip mot en shortie med 44 vs KT och åkte nyss med denna.


Inte mkt att göra.


Inte ITM i nåt idag men plussat en del på HU SnGs och vanliga SnGs, så ca $100 back för dagen bara.


Full Tilt Poker Game #3839702051: $20,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (28720738), Table 12 - 400/800 Ante 100 - No Limit Hold'em - 2:44:02 ET - 2007/10/13

Seat 1: sarge2205 (37,691)

Seat 2: SkellyFactor (46,367)

Seat 3: SallyOMalley50 (37,368)

Seat 4: riverdog99 (27,906)

Seat 5: ATM4Life (7,633)

Seat 6: kate699 (35,755)

Seat 8: nathalie111 (9,870)

Seat 9: nhungoc2 (20,910)

sarge2205 antes 100

SkellyFactor antes 100

SallyOMalley50 antes 100

riverdog99 antes 100

ATM4Life antes 100

kate699 antes 100

nathalie111 antes 100

nhungoc2 antes 100

kate699 posts the small blind of 400

nathalie111 posts the big blind of 800

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to ATM4Life 10 of Clubs10 of Hearts

nhungoc2 folds

sarge2205 folds

SkellyFactor folds

SallyOMalley50 raises to 2,400

riverdog99 folds

ATM4Life raises to 7,533, and is all in

kate699 folds

nathalie111 folds

SallyOMalley50 calls 5,133

ATM4Life shows 10 of Clubs10 of Hearts

SallyOMalley50 shows King of DiamondsJack of Diamonds

*** FLOP *** 7 of Clubs3 of HeartsJack of Hearts

*** TURN *** 7 of Clubs3 of HeartsJack of HeartsQueen of Spades

*** RIVER *** 7 of Clubs3 of HeartsJack of HeartsQueen of Spades6 of Hearts

ATM4Life shows a pair of Tens

SallyOMalley50 shows a pair of Jacks

SallyOMalley50 wins the pot (17,066) with a pair of Jacks

ATM4Life stands up

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 17,066 | Rake 0

Board: 7 of Clubs3 of HeartsJack of HeartsQueen of Spades6 of Hearts

Seat 1: sarge2205 folded before the Flop

Seat 2: SkellyFactor folded before the Flop

Seat 3: SallyOMalley50 showed King of DiamondsJack of Diamonds and won (17,066) with a pair of Jacks

Seat 4: riverdog99 folded before the Flop

Seat 5: ATM4Life (button) showed 10 of Clubs10 of Hearts and lost with a pair of Tens

Seat 6: kate699 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 8: nathalie111 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 9: nhungoc2 folded before the Flop

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Jävla skit Beats!


Åker in till T-Centralen för att ta 06:58-tåget emot Uppsala, dock så börjar minutrarna ticka och klockan passerar 07:00. "Jaha", säger jag ...


Sedan säger lokföraren att det har varit någon olycka eller något skit i Upplands Väsby så den går inte förräns om en halvtimme (07:30 gick den iväg).


Sedan är det något jävla signaleringsarbete i Uppsala så ifrån Knivsta måste vi hoppa av och byta till en buss.


Ca 08:00 hamnar jag i Guds bortglömda stad - Knivsta!


Stiger ur tåget och det är kallt som fan, jag är trött som fan och bussjäveln är 20 minuter försenad!


Den kommer till slut och jag anländer till Uppsala ca 08:45! TVÅ TIMMAR FÖR EN RESA SOM SKA TA 40 MINUTER!?!?


Vet inte ifall jag vågar öppna breven som kommer i veckan då det säkreligen är kravskatt eller andra dåliga nyheter, eller äta mat då jag troligtvis kommer bli matförgiftad!


Why won't these beats end?!


Mvh, KF

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Jävla skit Beats!


Den kommer till slut och jag anländer till Uppsala ca 08:45! TVÅ TIMMAR FÖR EN RESA SOM SKA TA 40 MINUTER!?!?


Why won't these beats end?!


Mvh, KF


Inte för att jag vill verka dryg, men vad är några timmar i livet när det förhoppningsvis finns massor av dem att ta av.


Upp med mungiporna. We love u anyway.

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Full Tilt Poker Game #3868488665: The Fifty-Fifty (28463335), Table 109 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:36:25 ET - 2007/10/15

Seat 1: Eschnur (2,600)

Seat 2: DonT11 (9,840)

Seat 3: tk420919 (4,760)

Seat 4: ATM4Life (12,665)

Seat 6: mariojr (8,530)

Seat 7: thunderoad06 (1,410)

Seat 8: Bruno529 (8,084)

Seat 9: manymoe (6,821)

Bruno529 posts the small blind of 100

manymoe posts the big blind of 200

The button is in seat #7

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to ATM4Life Ace of HeartsAce of Diamonds

Eschnur folds

DonT11 folds

Eschnur: i folded 55 that other hand

tk420919 raises to 800

ATM4Life raises to 2,200

mariojr folds

thunderoad06 folds

Bruno529 folds

manymoe folds

tk420919 raises to 4,760, and is all in

ATM4Life calls 2,560

tk420919 shows Queen of SpadesQueen of Clubs

ATM4Life shows Ace of HeartsAce of Diamonds

*** FLOP *** 9 of Diamonds2 of Diamonds5 of Spades

*** TURN *** 9 of Diamonds2 of Diamonds5 of Spades4 of Hearts

*** RIVER *** 9 of Diamonds2 of Diamonds5 of Spades4 of HeartsQueen of Hearts

tk420919 shows three of a kind, Queens

ATM4Life shows a pair of Aces

tk420919 wins the pot (9,820) with three of a kind, Queens

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 9,820 | Rake 0

Board: 9 of Diamonds2 of Diamonds5 of Spades4 of HeartsQueen of Hearts

Seat 1: Eschnur didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: DonT11 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: tk420919 showed Queen of SpadesQueen of Clubs and won (9,820) with three of a kind, Queens

Seat 4: ATM4Life showed Ace of HeartsAce of Diamonds and lost with a pair of Aces

Seat 6: mariojr didn't bet (folded)

Seat 7: thunderoad06 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 8: Bruno529 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 9: manymoe (big blind) folded before the Flop

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Sjukt viktig flip i 20r :(


Full Tilt Poker Game #3868598543: $8,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (28922191), Table 1 - 1200/2400 Ante 300 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:47:12 ET - 2007/10/15

Seat 1: rc hoop (55,954)

Seat 2: popotito (91,838)

Seat 3: ATM4Life (132,228)

Seat 4: seb87 (20,632)

Seat 6: The Yid (64,197)

rc hoop antes 300

popotito antes 300

ATM4Life antes 300

seb87 antes 300

The Yid antes 300

ATM4Life posts the small blind of 1,200

seb87 posts the big blind of 2,400

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to ATM4Life Ace of ClubsKing of Diamonds

The Yid raises to 7,000

rc hoop folds

popotito folds

ATM4Life raises to 131,928, and is all in

seb87 folds

The Yid calls 56,897, and is all in

ATM4Life shows Ace of ClubsKing of Diamonds

The Yid shows Queen of HeartsQueen of Spades

Uncalled bet of 68,031 returned to ATM4Life

popotito: ty

*** FLOP *** 4 of Spades5 of ClubsJack of Hearts

*** TURN *** 4 of Spades5 of ClubsJack of Hearts7 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 4 of Spades5 of ClubsJack of Hearts7 of Clubs6 of Diamonds

ATM4Life shows Ace King high

The Yid shows a pair of Queens

The Yid wins the pot (131,694) with a pair of Queens

ATM4Life: nh

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 131,694 | Rake 0

Board: 4 of Spades5 of ClubsJack of Hearts7 of Clubs6 of Diamonds

Seat 1: rc hoop folded before the Flop

Seat 2: popotito (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: ATM4Life (small blind) showed Ace of ClubsKing of Diamonds and lost with Ace King high

Seat 4: seb87 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 6: The Yid showed Queen of HeartsQueen of Spades and won (131,694) with a pair of Queens

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Borde kanske ha vikt, men jag hade höjt sjukt mkt senaste rundorna...suck.


Full Tilt Poker Game #3868715081: $8,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (28922191), Table 1 - 1500/3000 Ante 400 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:58:51 ET - 2007/10/15

Seat 1: rc hoop (41,222)

Seat 2: popotito (82,238)

Seat 3: ATM4Life (106,231)

Seat 4: seb87 (35,028)

Seat 6: The Yid (100,130)

rc hoop antes 400

popotito antes 400

ATM4Life antes 400

seb87 antes 400

The Yid antes 400

The Yid posts the small blind of 1,500

rc hoop posts the big blind of 3,000

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to ATM4Life Queen of ClubsKing of Hearts

popotito folds

ATM4Life raises to 7,800

seb87 folds

The Yid has 15 seconds left to act

popotito: u getting big slick on the BB a lot

popotito: scary

The Yid raises to 32,800

rc hoop folds

ATM4Life raises to 105,831, and is all in

The Yid has 15 seconds left to act

The Yid calls 66,930, and is all in

ATM4Life shows Queen of ClubsKing of Hearts

The Yid shows Queen of SpadesAce of Spades

Uncalled bet of 6,101 returned to ATM4Life

*** FLOP *** 10 of ClubsQueen of Diamonds7 of Diamonds

*** TURN *** 10 of ClubsQueen of Diamonds7 of Diamonds6 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 10 of ClubsQueen of Diamonds7 of Diamonds6 of Clubs4 of Hearts

ATM4Life shows a pair of Queens

The Yid shows a pair of Queens

The Yid wins the pot (204,460) with a pair of Queens

ATM4Life: nh

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 204,460 | Rake 0

Board: 10 of ClubsQueen of Diamonds7 of Diamonds6 of Clubs4 of Hearts

Seat 1: rc hoop (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: popotito folded before the Flop

Seat 3: ATM4Life showed Queen of ClubsKing of Hearts and lost with a pair of Queens

Seat 4: seb87 (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 6: The Yid (small blind) showed Queen of SpadesAce of Spades and won (204,460) with a pair of Queens

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openlimpfisk :):(


Full Tilt Poker Game #3869200554: The Fifty-Fifty (28463335), Table 95 - 400/800 Ante 100 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:50:35 ET - 2007/10/16

Seat 1: kidwhowon (2,809)

Seat 2: woftam (30,376)

Seat 3: lordgebby (26,035)

Seat 4: jdaxter (11,093)

Seat 5: Herbert761 (17,964)

Seat 6: ATM4Life (27,077)

Seat 7: HigHRolliN44 (21,656)

Seat 8: ccp73 (26,449)

Seat 9: Dunes (10,899)

kidwhowon antes 100

woftam antes 100

lordgebby antes 100

jdaxter antes 100

Herbert761 antes 100

ATM4Life antes 100

HigHRolliN44 antes 100

ccp73 antes 100

Dunes antes 100

Herbert761 posts the small blind of 400

ATM4Life posts the big blind of 800

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to ATM4Life 4 of Diamonds7 of Diamonds

HigHRolliN44 folds

ccp73 folds

Dunes calls 800

kidwhowon folds

woftam folds

lordgebby calls 800

Herbert761: ?

jdaxter has 15 seconds left to act

jdaxter folds

Herbert761 calls 400

ATM4Life checks

*** FLOP *** 4 of Hearts8 of Spades7 of Clubs

Herbert761 checks

ATM4Life bets 2,999

Dunes calls 2,999

lordgebby has 15 seconds left to act

lordgebby has requested TIME

lordgebby folds

Herbert761 folds

*** TURN *** 4 of Hearts8 of Spades7 of Clubs9 of Diamonds

ATM4Life bets 10,098

Dunes calls 7,000, and is all in

ATM4Life shows 4 of Diamonds7 of Diamonds

Dunes shows 9 of Spades9 of Clubs

Uncalled bet of 3,098 returned to ATM4Life

*** RIVER *** 4 of Hearts8 of Spades7 of Clubs9 of Diamonds2 of Hearts

ATM4Life shows two pair, Sevens and Fours

Dunes shows three of a kind, Nines

Dunes wins the pot (24,098) with three of a kind, Nines

Herbert761: whoa

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 24,098 | Rake 0

Board: 4 of Hearts8 of Spades7 of Clubs9 of Diamonds2 of Hearts

Seat 1: kidwhowon folded before the Flop

Seat 2: woftam folded before the Flop

Seat 3: lordgebby folded on the Flop

Seat 4: jdaxter (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: Herbert761 (small blind) folded on the Flop

Seat 6: ATM4Life (big blind) showed 4 of Diamonds7 of Diamonds and lost with two pair, Sevens and Fours

Seat 7: HigHRolliN44 folded before the Flop

Seat 8: ccp73 folded before the Flop

Seat 9: Dunes showed 9 of Spades9 of Clubs and won (24,098) with three of a kind, Nines

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Kul med 15 pers kvar i 30k gtd. Var ju superkort men men...


Kvar i 14k gtd dock.


Full Tilt Poker Game #3880107554: $30,000 Guarantee (28465713), Table 33 - 600/1200 Ante 150 - No Limit Hold'em - 2:48:57 ET - 2007/10/17

Seat 1: captainkirk24 (26,965)

Seat 2: ATM4Life (17,571)

Seat 3: vanho619 (51,769)

Seat 4: Jjaksarang (275,516)

Seat 5: worldspan (32,279)

Seat 6: Pilkain (10,280)

captainkirk24 antes 150

ATM4Life antes 150

vanho619 antes 150

Jjaksarang antes 150

worldspan antes 150

Pilkain antes 150

ATM4Life posts the small blind of 600

vanho619 posts the big blind of 1,200

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to ATM4Life Queen of HeartsAce of Diamonds

Jjaksarang raises to 3,600

worldspan folds

Pilkain folds

captainkirk24 folds

ATM4Life raises to 17,421, and is all in

vanho619 folds

Jjaksarang calls 13,821

ATM4Life shows Queen of HeartsAce of Diamonds

Jjaksarang shows 8 of Diamonds6 of Spades

*** FLOP *** 8 of HeartsKing of Spades7 of Spades

*** TURN *** 8 of HeartsKing of Spades7 of SpadesKing of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 8 of HeartsKing of Spades7 of SpadesKing of ClubsJack of Spades

ATM4Life shows a pair of Kings

Jjaksarang shows two pair, Kings and Eights

Jjaksarang wins the pot (36,942) with two pair, Kings and Eights

ATM4Life stands up

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 36,942 | Rake 0

Board: 8 of HeartsKing of Spades7 of SpadesKing of ClubsJack of Spades

Seat 1: captainkirk24 (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: ATM4Life (small blind) showed Queen of HeartsAce of Diamonds and lost with a pair of Kings

Seat 3: vanho619 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: Jjaksarang showed 8 of Diamonds6 of Spades and won (36,942) with two pair, Kings and Eights

Seat 5: worldspan folded before the Flop

Seat 6: Pilkain folded before the Flop

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Så riggat detta är...


Jag vann just 14k gtd, $26 buyin på FTP, fick drygt $3000 för det :)


Cashade även i 22r, 33r och 30k gtd $109 6-max. Rätt nära finalbord i samtliga av dom... Sicko :)


Gjorde även en video med snack från att jag bustade i 22r men den intressanta delen av 33r och hela de andra två är med. Blev fyra timmar lång så vet inte hur jag ska göra om jag eventuellt lägger upp den här. Kanske splittar den i fyra delar eller nåt.

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