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?Hur menar du?


"bottägarna" hävdar ju att dom har en fullrings "Nitfarm" och att dom spelar enligt en gemensam strategi. Därav de liknande statsen.

Är väl i teorin möjligt att det är så, men jag skulle ju gissa att dom åtminstone har några varianter av AHK script som automatiserar spelet till viss del.


FTP har endast kommenterat att dom bevakar tråden och återkommer...

(Om inget nytt har hänt senaste dagarna som jag missat)

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Borde inte sajterna kunna fixa någoting i stil med att man måste trycka på något en gång i halvtimmen eller nåt. Någon slags pop-up-ruta typ.

Det måste ju iaf vara ganska enkelt att komma på något för att hindra botar...


Du menar på samma sätt som det antibot-system på forum som har en bild man ska skriva av bokstäverna från? De som funkar så jättebra? :P

Du menar på samma sätt som det antibot-system på forum som har en bild man ska skriva av bokstäverna från? De som funkar så jättebra? :P


Försök få en bot att svara på frågan "Vilken av följande bilder föreställer inte ett motorfordon?" följt av bilder slumpade ur ett bibliotek med tusentals bilder.

Försök få en bot att svara på frågan "Vilken av följande bilder föreställer inte ett motorfordon?" följt av bilder slumpade ur ett bibliotek med tusentals bilder.

Har inte direkt någon betydelse med metoder att försöka göra troligt att det finns människor bakom då det helt enkelt bara betyder att botägaren (eller snarare en lågavlönad student) får sitta barnvakt till botarna och svara på de pop-ups som dyker upp.


Medan alla vanliga användare blir förbannade på de dumma frågor som kommer från pokermjukvaran och byter site.


Jag tror mer på ordentlig kontroll och kännbara straff som går långt utanför konfiskering av vunna medel. Pokerbotar borde in som bedrägeri eller något i den stilen på en vanlig straffskala. Sen är det såklart svårt att klara av i en global miljö, men Svenska Spel borde kunna ha bättre koll och möjlighet att driva process i domstol.


Hm. Vi kanske är på väg mot en framtid med nationella pokersiter som inte tillåter folk från andra länder?

Försök få en bot att svara på frågan "Vilken av följande bilder föreställer inte ett motorfordon?" följt av bilder slumpade ur ett bibliotek med tusentals bilder.

Lägg av nu, det där blir ju för svårt för en del fiskar och tar värde från mina bord!:lol:

Nu är ju inte jänkarna så aktiva längre men den allmänna nidbilden om dem är ju att deras allmänkunskaper sträcker sig till ytterdörren, så inga så svåra frågor...


the sky is falling


We are looking for a few strong developers to join our team (i.e., our NL lab.)


Summary: We have an existing team of three people developing a NL bot. The bot is based on Bayesian theory. For each opponent we assign a probability that they hold each possible hand; each time our opponent takes an action we multiply that prior probability times the conditional probability that the opponent would have bet or called with each hand given their particular situation. When it is our turn, we simulate the hand out resulting in an expected value of a call and raise. To do that we deal cards to each opponent according to the probability distribution we have assigned to them for each possible holding. Then we simulate the hand out to the finish based on a model of how our opponent plays each possible holding.


Over the last 6 to 8 months, we have completed mapping the entire bot (either in spreadsheets, C++, C, pseudo code, or word documents). To give you a sense of where we are�


The preflop is complete in C, but needs to be converted to C++; it both makes our decision and puts our opponents on the probability they hold each possible card given their action, their position, their situation, their profile (the profiling is only partially coded in C but not debugged). Our PostGres connection is complete and working, but we have some more work before we have all the variables we need. Our state processor is complete, but has some remaining bugs.


We believe this bot will be extremely profitable once completed. It has been designed to play $2/$4 to $10/$20 NL ring games and $50 to $200 entry SNG�s. Again, the thinking is complete for tournaments, and it also uses a Bayesian approach. We need to solve for tournament equity instead of cash equity, and we need to include and code features such as M and stage of tournament as they relate to opponent modeling.


Opponent Modeling: Opponent modeling is the biggest challenges for us, as it is in any Bayesian bot. It is also complete in terms of thinking but it is not coded. One unique aspect to this approach is that we need to use data that isn�t readily available in Poker Tracker. Accordingly, we will need to record a lot of data about each decision within each hand. Data collection, management, and analysis are key aspects of this bot.


We are confident we have figured this out; however, the quality of our implementation will be a primary driver of our success. Skills sets that will help here include knowledge and expertise with Poker Tracker, PostGres, SQL, statistics, math, logic, linear regression, and perhaps neural networks (though we aren�t in any way depending on neural networks, which we regard as a high risk implementation approach).


Most Valued Contributions from New Members: Object oriented C++ coding experience and knowledge, database expertise as described above, and high energy & motivation.


Valued Contributions from New Members: Scrapping ability, table hopper skills, NL HoldEm expertise (ring & SNG), experience w/ WinHoldEm, experience w/ Bayesian approaches and conditional probability, statistics and math skills.


Members of our team have developed numerous bots � a few of which have been profitable at modest stakes. This is an entirely new approach based on many lessons learned. While we are confident, we do recognize that we are trying to do something seldom done before. That�s why we want some help.


If you�re interested, know someone who might be, or have any questions, please respond below or send me a private message.

What? Menar du att man kan få trojaner o sånt skit av att surfa på det forumet? jag brukar inte göra det men kollade på bilden som postades, blir lite rädd nu :S


partypoker och några andra klienter stänger av pokerspelare som är inne på winholdem-sidan medan klienten är igång.

Ja, precis efter Rwanda på tragediskalan...

Känner ingen i Rwanda så det här är helt klart mera tragiskt för mig personligen. Du vet väl att majoriteten av pokerspelarna är egoistiska och det stödjer ju faktumet att folk programmerar botar som de vet i sin tur kommer att ta död på onlinepokern.

"Hej vi lirar i en nitshop 6h dagligen, detta är vårt sociala liv pretty much". Men var det inte någon utav killarna som hade 3 barn??


Ja han kan ju inte jobba 6 timmar om dagen om han har 3 barn, LOL.

Kan inte nån försöka infiltrera det där gänget? Bara hänga med utan att göra någon avgörande nytta för dem, för att kunna sätta dit dem vid ett senare skede.
Ja, det känns verkligen meningsfullt.


Seriöst, det här är inte mer tragiskt än att motståndarna råkar bli bättre. Det enda som händer är att några personer som haft tur nog att kunna dra in pengar på poker får skaffa ett vanligt jobb. Boohoo, liksom.

Ja, det känns verkligen meningsfullt.


Seriöst, det här är inte mer tragiskt än att motståndarna råkar bli bättre. Det enda som händer är att några personer som haft tur nog att kunna dra in pengar på poker får skaffa ett vanligt jobb. Boohoo, liksom.


Hmm, det hade jag inte väntat mig att du skulle skriva... :-?


När bottarna skrämmer iväg för många människor tror jag sidorna kommer ordna det så att det helt enkelt inte går att få tag på handhistoryn.

PO och PT skulle ju inte gå att använda men då vet man ju iaf att det bara är människor man spelar mot.



Snubblade över den här bloggen när jag googlade lite... En av anledningarna till att jag spelar på Stars...




After my recent third place finish in that $30 PLO MTT I was feeling kinda sick about how it ended (not my run as much as the tourney in general; after I was eliminated the two guys got all-in with crap after playing each other tight all day).


So I spit out a letter to the guys over there.


>Ok, I'm prolly just imagining things, but the play 3-handed in this

>MTT as really bothered me.

>Maybe I was just so aggressive, that both players felt like they

>needed to just wait for me to overdo it. So they stayed out of each

>other's way.

>But I'd like someone to please look at it, because sometimes I got the

>feeling they already had some deal in place. Then I was eliminated and

>the big stick won on the next hand or the hand after (and both players

>had trash).


>So for my peace of mind, could you give it a once over? Only

>3-4-handed play would be necessary.


>Also, I forgot to copy and paste the last hand of the MTT from the

>hand history box. Could I see it?



>-Ryan Killian




After a few days I thought I'd been ignored, but they guys were just working thourougly.


Thank you once again for reporting your concerns to us. Although we do

monitor the games for collusion, we always appreciate vigilant players such

as yourself reporting any strange or unusual play to us for review. I have

completed my investigation into the accounts of the players "BOT84"

and "TotalScience".


The first thing that we look for in such cases is a relationship between

the two players. In this instance, they live toth live in the St. Louis

metro area. They have also logged in from a common computer or internet



I then look for frequency of play together. I am looking to see if these

players seem to be seeking each other out. Although a high frequency of

play is not necessarily an indictment, it can be a harbinger of unethical

play. In this case, they have not played at the same ring game table any

time in the past month, and this is the first tournament that they have

played at the same table. We also contacted the players, and they admitted

to knowing each other, and even sharing a computer from time to time, but

have avoided playing with each other at the same table.


With that said, the real question comes in the play of the tournaments. One

of the advantages of online poker is that there is a full record of every

hand, and after the fact, we can look through the hands with all cards face

up; as a result, cheaters cannot hide what they are doing.


I reviewed this tournament with all cards face up, looking for any forms of

collusion. First of all, the players were playing from distinct locations

when this event was played. Most of the play in this event was consistent,

and there didn't really appear to be plays that were maliciously or

intentionally collusive. However, as an experienced PLO player, I can tell

you that there were some hands in which I felt that they were avoiding

confrontation. This was reviewed by 4 other specialists as well, and the

consensus was at worst, they avoided confrontation a couple times, as most

of their play was consistent, including several confrontation hands which

were exonerating. There were several perfect stack balancing opportunities

which passed without incident, as well as many pot building opportunities

that were not taken advantage of. It very unclear if this even was affected

by the possible lack of confrontation, but in your position I can certainly

understand why you had your suspicions. In fact, we are not comfortable

with any possibility existing that this event was affected. It is our

policy to compensate those that are affected by unethical play, and even

though I can't really conclude that unethical play occurred, we feel a need

to compensate you because it was possible that this event was affected.


Therefore, we have advanced you from 3rd to 2nd in this event, and credited

your account with $194.40. We do this at our expense, just because the

possibility exists, and the integrity of our games must be maintained.


Furthermore, we have restricted the accounts of the two players so that

they can not play in SnG tournaments together, or share a table in a ring

game. They will also not be able to play in small MTT events, in which

there is a likelyhood that they can share a table.


As you can see, we have a lot of tools at our disposal which help us keep

our games honest and fair. In addition, the thousands of honest, vigilant

players who point out situations that merit investigation are an important

part of our arsenal. Thank you for doing your part to protect the integrity

of our games.





PokerStars Support Team


Pretty cool, but I felt robbed still. I want to be on top of a damn tournament, and I felt like i was the cream of the remaining crop. But I was facing players who wouldn't confront each other, and I couldn't dodge a suckout...

När bottarna skrämmer iväg för många människor tror jag sidorna kommer ordna det så att det helt enkelt inte går att få tag på handhistoryn.

PO och PT skulle ju inte gå att använda men då vet man ju iaf att det bara är människor man spelar mot.



Om du kan se korten så kan en bot det också.

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