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Full Tilt Poker Game #1659128730: $11 + $1 Sit & Go (Turbo) (12150970), Table 1 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:55:13 ET - 2007/01/23

Seat 2: Redshoes85 (3,320)

Seat 3: dacoach01 (1,285)

Seat 4: HacTaBHuK996 (1,755)

Seat 5: allinbaby11 (1,365)

Seat 7: dekutree (2,590)

Seat 8: Shopaholic11 (2,425)

Seat 9: timoshei (760)

dekutree posts the small blind of 40

Shopaholic11 posts the big blind of 80

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to dekutree [Qh As]

timoshei folds

Redshoes85 raises to 160

dacoach01 folds

HacTaBHuK996 folds

allinbaby11 folds

dekutree calls 120

Shopaholic11 calls 80

*** FLOP *** [Qd 2c 2h]

dekutree has 15 seconds left to act

dekutree bets 480

Shopaholic11 raises to 2,265, and is all in

Redshoes85 folds

dekutree calls 1,785

Shopaholic11 shows [Qc Js]

dekutree shows [Qh As]

*** TURN *** [Qd 2c 2h] [6d]

*** RIVER *** [Qd 2c 2h 6d] [Jd]

Shopaholic11 shows two pair, Queens and Jacks

dekutree shows two pair, Queens and Twos

Shopaholic11 wins the pot (5,010) with two pair, Queens and Jacks

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 5,010 | Rake 0

Board: [Qd 2c 2h 6d Jd]

Seat 2: Redshoes85 folded on the Flop

Seat 3: dacoach01 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: HacTaBHuK996 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: allinbaby11 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 7: dekutree (small blind) showed [Qh As] and lost with two pair, Queens and Twos

Seat 8: Shopaholic11 (big blind) showed [Qc Js] and won (5,010) with two pair, Queens and Jacks

Seat 9: timoshei didn't bet (folded)


Full Tilt Poker Game #1659165326: $11 + $1 Sit & Go (Turbo) (12151112), Table 1 - 50/100 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:04:59 ET - 2007/01/23

Seat 1: dafatman50 (1,910)

Seat 2: ld9297 (3,925)

Seat 3: stewsue (1,110)

Seat 4: MightyDog1957 (2,880)

Seat 6: senseoffense (810)

Seat 7: dekutree (520)

Seat 9: Pay My Bills B (2,345)

dekutree posts the small blind of 50

Pay My Bills B posts the big blind of 100

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to dekutree [As 9d]

dafatman50 folds

ld9297 calls 100

stewsue folds

MightyDog1957 folds

senseoffense folds

dekutree raises to 520, and is all in

Pay My Bills B folds

ld9297 calls 420

dekutree shows [As 9d]

ld9297 shows [8s Js]

*** FLOP *** [Ks 8c 5d]

*** TURN *** [Ks 8c 5d] [Qs]

*** RIVER *** [Ks 8c 5d Qs] [3s]

dekutree shows Ace King high

ld9297 shows a flush, King high

ld9297 wins the pot (1,140) with a flush, King high

dekutree stands up

The blinds are now 60/120

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 1,140 | Rake 0

Board: [Ks 8c 5d Qs 3s]

Seat 1: dafatman50 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: ld9297 showed [8s Js] and won (1,140) with a flush, King high

Seat 3: stewsue didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: MightyDog1957 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: senseoffense (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 7: dekutree (small blind) showed [As 9d] and lost with Ace King high

Seat 9: Pay My Bills B (big blind) folded before the Flop


Full Tilt Poker Game #1659166784: $11 + $1 Sit & Go (Turbo) (12151057), Table 1 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:05:21 ET - 2007/01/23

Seat 1: Fred0921 (2,920)

Seat 2: Frenchmen13 (1,465)

Seat 4: Pocket Taquitos (575)

Seat 5: Pay My Bills B (1,500)

Seat 6: dekutree (1,095)

Seat 7: bill4895 (1,750)

Seat 8: dmoney138 (2,615)

Seat 9: chengfu (1,580)

dekutree posts the small blind of 60

bill4895 posts the big blind of 120

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to dekutree [As Kc]

dmoney138 raises to 360

chengfu folds

Fred0921 folds

Frenchmen13 folds

Pocket Taquitos folds

Pay My Bills B folds

dekutree raises to 1,095, and is all in

bill4895 folds

dmoney138 calls 735

dekutree shows [As Kc]

dmoney138 shows [Qc Ah]

*** FLOP *** [7c Ac 5d]

*** TURN *** [7c Ac 5d] [6s]

*** RIVER *** [7c Ac 5d 6s] [Qd]

dekutree shows a pair of Aces

dmoney138 shows two pair, Aces and Queens

dmoney138 wins the pot (2,310) with two pair, Aces and Queens

dekutree stands up

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 2,310 | Rake 0

Board: [7c Ac 5d 6s Qd]

Seat 1: Fred0921 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: Frenchmen13 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: Pocket Taquitos didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: Pay My Bills B (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: dekutree (small blind) showed [As Kc] and lost with a pair of Aces

Seat 7: bill4895 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 8: dmoney138 showed [Qc Ah] and won (2,310) with two pair, Aces and Queens

Seat 9: chengfu didn't bet (folded)

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Oväntad river?


Full Tilt Poker Game #1659599432: $11,000 Guarantee (11769614), Table 27 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:47:09 ET - 2007/01/23

Seat 1: The_Kid_Alnz (4,635)

Seat 2: scribs12 (4,265)

Seat 3: gavinz1970 (2,685)

Seat 4: dekutree (7,580)

Seat 5: PChizzle (6,610)

Seat 6: Clock_8 (2,960)

Seat 7: Tiberius II (3,050)

Seat 8: khop1 (8,360)

Seat 9: Ruvo (8,675)

The_Kid_Alnz posts the small blind of 40

scribs12 posts the big blind of 80

The button is in seat #9

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to dekutree [Ah Kd]

gavinz1970 folds

dekutree raises to 240

PChizzle folds

Clock_8 folds

Tiberius II folds

khop1 calls 240

Ruvo folds

The_Kid_Alnz folds

scribs12 calls 160

*** FLOP *** [4d Ac 3d]

scribs12 checks

dekutree bets 640

khop1 folds

scribs12 raises to 4,025, and is all in

dekutree calls 3,385

scribs12 shows [9d Jd]

dekutree shows [Ah Kd]

*** TURN *** [4d Ac 3d] [Qs]

*** RIVER *** [4d Ac 3d Qs] [8d]

scribs12 shows a flush, Jack high

dekutree shows a pair of Aces

scribs12 wins the pot (8,810) with a flush, Jack high

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 8,810 | Rake 0

Board: [4d Ac 3d Qs 8d]

Seat 1: The_Kid_Alnz (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: scribs12 (big blind) showed [9d Jd] and won (8,810) with a flush, Jack high

Seat 3: gavinz1970 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: dekutree showed [Ah Kd] and lost with a pair of Aces

Seat 5: PChizzle didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: Clock_8 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 7: Tiberius II didn't bet (folded)

Seat 8: khop1 folded on the Flop

Seat 9: Ruvo (button) didn't bet (folded)

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Den här då! EN GÅNG I LIVET!!



Full Tilt Poker Game #1660666421: $11,000 Guarantee (11769614), Table 62 - 2500/5000 Ante 600 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:05:53 ET - 2007/01/23

Seat 1: DrSeemann (75,712)

Seat 3: fitzbluff (135,046)

Seat 4: dekutree (99,273)

Seat 5: jugariyo (144,233)

Seat 6: sjakkamongo (279,242)

Seat 7: lombardo11 (56,541)

Seat 8: FactorMyAA (26,108)

DrSeemann antes 600

fitzbluff antes 600

dekutree antes 600

jugariyo antes 600

sjakkamongo antes 600

lombardo11 antes 600

FactorMyAA antes 600

jugariyo posts the small blind of 2,500

sjakkamongo posts the big blind of 5,000

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to dekutree [8d 8s]

lombardo11 folds

FactorMyAA folds

DrSeemann folds

fitzbluff folds

dekutree raises to 17,500

fitzbluff: ya 5$$

jugariyo calls 15,000

sjakkamongo folds

*** FLOP *** [3c 6c 8c]

jugariyo bets 20,000

fitzbluff: to the end

dekutree raises to 81,173, and is all in

jugariyo calls 61,173

dekutree shows [8d 8s]

jugariyo shows [Ac 3h]

*** TURN *** [3c 6c 8c] [5s]

*** RIVER *** [3c 6c 8c 5s] [As]

dekutree shows three of a kind, Eights

jugariyo shows two pair, Aces and Threes

dekutree wins the pot (206,546) with three of a kind, Eights

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 206,546 | Rake 0

Board: [3c 6c 8c 5s As]

Seat 1: DrSeemann folded before the Flop

Seat 3: fitzbluff folded before the Flop

Seat 4: dekutree (button) showed [8d 8s] and won (206,546) with three of a kind, Eights

Seat 5: jugariyo (small blind) showed [Ac 3h] and lost with two pair, Aces and Threes

Seat 6: sjakkamongo (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 7: lombardo11 folded before the Flop

Seat 8: FactorMyAA folded before the Flop

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Kom till finalbord på Full Tilt 11k gtd, kom på 6e plats och vann $730.


Spelade helt ok och drog faktiskt aldrig ut.. sluthanden var mellan mig och en pajas när vi har ungefär lika stora stackar.


Jag: BB

Idiot: Button

Idioten gör en standardraise och jag vet att han har skräp och gör resteal med a6.. Pajasen synar med j8s och naturligtvis kommer J redan på floppen. GG . en skön vinst ändå med tanke på hur sng-lirandet har gått senaste tiden.

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Det här e ju en riktig sköning.


Full Tilt Poker Game #1666370069: $22 + $2 Sit & Go (Turbo) (12210998), Table 1 - 20/40 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:33:00 ET - 2007/01/24

Seat 1: jpapalo (1,485)

Seat 2: dekutree (1,500)

Seat 3: korponikus (1,285)

Seat 4: koolcatkass (1,380)

Seat 5: Pocket 10ss (2,060)

Seat 6: Pokerpudel (1,360)

Seat 7: DiamonCloser (1,650)

Seat 8: Beretta391 (1,890)

Seat 9: SHIPITlebron (890)

Pokerpudel posts the small blind of 20

DiamonCloser posts the big blind of 40

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to dekutree [Jh Kh]

Beretta391 folds

SHIPITlebron folds

jpapalo folds

dekutree raises to 120

korponikus calls 120

koolcatkass folds

Pocket 10ss folds

Pokerpudel folds

DiamonCloser folds

*** FLOP *** [4s Kd Jd]

dekutree bets 200

korponikus calls 200

*** TURN *** [4s Kd Jd] [Td]

dekutree checks

korponikus bets 700

dekutree raises to 1,180, and is all in

korponikus calls 265, and is all in

dekutree shows [Jh Kh]

korponikus shows [Ks Kc]

Uncalled bet of 215 returned to dekutree

*** RIVER *** [4s Kd Jd Td] [2s]

dekutree shows two pair, Kings and Jacks

korponikus shows three of a kind, Kings

korponikus wins the pot (2,630) with three of a kind, Kings

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 2,630 | Rake 0

Board: [4s Kd Jd Td 2s]

Seat 1: jpapalo didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: dekutree showed [Jh Kh] and lost with two pair, Kings and Jacks

Seat 3: korponikus showed [Ks Kc] and won (2,630) with three of a kind, Kings

Seat 4: koolcatkass didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: Pocket 10ss (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: Pokerpudel (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 7: DiamonCloser (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 8: Beretta391 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 9: SHIPITlebron didn't bet (folded)

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syna en PF.nu-räv med any2 is tha shit! tydligen... ;)


faktiskt var det lite meningen att bjussa på lite marker. FUSK is da shit, men dekutree hade ju lyckats hitta skräp. Handen innan ställer en snubbe med typ 2000, jag synar med Q6 för att dekutree skulle få komma ITM.


Jajaja, jag var bara där för att dunka ändå:)

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