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Skulle du nånsin syna med AA i handen ovan, dvs utan position. Känns ju som att han i princip kan sätta mig på KK/AA där med min image när jag pushar.


har inte den imagen så jag vet inte ;)


nä men det handlar ju faktiskt lite mer om att vara balanserad när du kommer upp i nivåerna och möter samma spelare ofta, där det förr inte varit lika viktigt och man gott kunnat 4betta pre med endast AA/KK. men jag pushar nog oftast där också.. synar och leder ut på flop ibland.


edit; oj det är ju han som 4bettar... vettefan.. push gonatt ~

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har inte den imagen så jag vet inte ;)


Way to insinuera att jag skulle vara nit. :)

nä men det handlar ju faktiskt lite mer om att vara balanserad när du kommer upp i nivåerna och möter samma spelare ofta, där det förr inte varit lika viktigt och man gott kunnat 4betta pre med endast AA/KK.


Jo, absolut. Grejen var att jag av flera skäl råkade få en tight image på det här bordet. Så även om min 5-betsrange där i vanliga fall inte bara är KK/AA, så är den ju typ det nu iom att jag vet att han tror att jag är tight, så när han fyrbetar har han med största sannolikhet bra. Tror inte han slår om min typ första trebet på bordet med luft liksom. Och han vet såklart att jag vet att hans fyrbetsrange där är ganska smal pga min image, så när jag 5-betar blir min hand ganska obvious.


Vet inte om allt detta bara låter retarded, kommentera gärna, nu blir det iaf sängen.

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Full Tilt Poker Game #3730793780: Table Duke (deep 6) - $2.50/$5 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:32:41 ET - 2007/10/01

Seat 1: WumplePwn ($1,007.15)

Seat 3: Pasterbator ($1,731.85)

Seat 4: erusugen ($1,384.70)

Seat 5: rakata ($923.50)

WumplePwn posts the small blind of $2.50

Pasterbator posts the big blind of $5

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to erusugen 5 of Diamonds3 of Diamonds

erusugen raises to $17.50

rakata folds

WumplePwn folds

Pasterbator has 15 seconds left to act

Pasterbator calls $12.50

*** FLOP *** 6 of Spades9 of Hearts4 of Diamonds

Pasterbator checks

erusugen bets $28

Pasterbator has 15 seconds left to act

Pasterbator raises to $88

erusugen has 15 seconds left to act

erusugen calls $60

*** TURN *** 6 of Spades9 of Hearts4 of Diamonds7 of Spades

Pasterbator has 15 seconds left to act

Pasterbator bets $166

erusugen has 15 seconds left to act

erusugen has requested TIME

erusugen raises to $585

Pasterbator has 15 seconds left to act

Pasterbator raises to $1,626.35, and is all in

erusugen calls $694.20, and is all in

Pasterbator shows Ace of Spades3 of Spades

erusugen shows 5 of Diamonds3 of Diamonds

Uncalled bet of $347.15 returned to Pasterbator

*** RIVER *** 6 of Spades9 of Hearts4 of Diamonds7 of Spades9 of Spades

Pasterbator shows a flush, Ace high

erusugen shows a straight, Seven high

Pasterbator wins the pot ($2,769.90) with a flush, Ace high

erusugen is sitting out

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $2,771.90 | Rake $2

Board: 6 of Spades9 of Hearts4 of Diamonds7 of Spades9 of Spades

Seat 1: WumplePwn (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: Pasterbator (big blind) showed Ace of Spades3 of Spades and won ($2,769.90) with a flush, Ace high

Seat 4: erusugen showed 5 of Diamonds3 of Diamonds and lost with a straight, Seven high

Seat 5: rakata (button) didn't bet (folded)

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Full Tilt Poker Game #3745194364: Table Chad (deep 6) - $2.50/$5 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:29:37 ET - 2007/10/03

Seat 2: 6speed ($1,633)

Seat 3: CCUUURRSE ($1,000)

Seat 4: WC4Life ($1,328.25)

Seat 5: erusugen ($1,129.25)

6speed posts the small blind of $2.50

CCUUURRSE posts the big blind of $5

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to erusugen Ace of DiamondsQueen of Clubs

WC4Life raises to $17.50

erusugen raises to $60

6speed folds


WC4Life calls $42.50

*** FLOP *** 9 of Diamonds8 of HeartsAce of Hearts

WC4Life checks

erusugen has 15 seconds left to act

erusugen checks

*** TURN *** 9 of Diamonds8 of HeartsAce of Hearts2 of Hearts

WC4Life bets $127.50

erusugen has 15 seconds left to act

erusugen calls $127.50

*** RIVER *** 9 of Diamonds8 of HeartsAce of Hearts2 of Hearts9 of Clubs

WC4Life has 15 seconds left to act

WC4Life bets $1,140.75, and is all in

erusugen has 15 seconds left to act

erusugen has requested TIME

erusugen calls $941.75, and is all in

Uncalled bet of $199 returned to WC4Life

*** SHOW DOWN ***

WC4Life shows 7 of Clubs10 of Clubs a pair of Nines

erusugen shows Ace of DiamondsQueen of Clubs two pair, Aces and Nines

erusugen wins the pot ($2,264) with two pair, Aces and Nines

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $2,266 | Rake $2

Board: 9 of Diamonds8 of HeartsAce of Hearts2 of Hearts9 of Clubs

Seat 2: 6speed (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: CCUUURRSE (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: WC4Life showed 7 of Clubs10 of Clubs and lost with a pair of Nines

Seat 5: erusugen (button) showed Ace of DiamondsQueen of Clubs and won ($2,264) with two pair, Aces and Nines

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Full Tilt Poker Game #3745288537: Table Reed (heads up) - $2/$4 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:42:58 ET - 2007/10/03

Seat 1: erusugen ($612.60)

Seat 2: paul k g ($402.80)

paul k g has 5 seconds left to act

paul k g posts the small blind of $2

erusugen posts the big blind of $4

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to erusugen Queen of SpadesQueen of Diamonds

paul k g raises to $12

erusugen raises to $39

paul k g raises to $66

erusugen has 15 seconds left to act

erusugen raises to $612.60, and is all in

paul k g has 15 seconds left to act

paul k g calls $336.80, and is all in

erusugen shows Queen of SpadesQueen of Diamonds

paul k g shows Queen of Hearts10 of Clubs

Uncalled bet of $209.80 returned to erusugen

*** FLOP *** 4 of Diamonds8 of Diamonds2 of Spades

*** TURN *** 4 of Diamonds8 of Diamonds2 of SpadesKing of Hearts

*** RIVER *** 4 of Diamonds8 of Diamonds2 of SpadesKing of Hearts9 of Clubs

erusugen shows a pair of Queens

paul k g shows King Queen high

erusugen wins the pot ($805.10) with a pair of Queens

paul k g is sitting out

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $805.60 | Rake $0.50

Board: 4 of Diamonds8 of Diamonds2 of SpadesKing of Hearts9 of Clubs

Seat 1: erusugen (big blind) showed Queen of SpadesQueen of Diamonds and won ($805.10) with a pair of Queens

Seat 2: paul k g (small blind) showed Queen of Hearts10 of Clubs and lost with King Queen high

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