Opteron Postad 26 November , 2006 Rapport Postad 26 November , 2006 New Feature: Ghost Cards! Want to stay in the game even after you fold? ***s new Ghost Cards feature allows you to see your folded pocket cards so that you can better track and analyze your game. Enable this feature by ticking 'Show Ghost Cards' under the Lobby's 'Settings' tab. * Monitor and calculate the odds of certain hands forming. * Justify a good fold by seeing what hand you would have had. * Control your discipline – Do your hands keep hitting after you've folded? Consider playing looser. Never flop a winner? See if your game improves by playing tighter. * And, we know it’s painful, but try to make a learning experience of it in those times when you fold 7,4 and out comes 7,7,4 on the flop! Most players find Ghost Cards a great feature, despite the occasional twinges of regret at throwing away rubbish that would have been gold. Have fun with it but don't say we didn't warn you! Flytt till Onlinepoker - Myssion Citera
MannenMedH Postad 26 November , 2006 Rapport Postad 26 November , 2006 haha, wtf... gissar på pacific jag med... Citera
ulaf Postad 26 November , 2006 Rapport Postad 26 November , 2006 Man kan ju till och med byxa på den sajten! Citera
Paradroid Postad 26 November , 2006 Rapport Postad 26 November , 2006 Pokerchamps / Betfair har haft det sedan de öppnade. Citera
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