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Jahopp då har man kört ett stark morgnpass... sova va är det för något???


Jobba upp mig från 3112$ till 3397$ så det känns bra nu kan man krypa ner o kolla på lite CSI med bra samvete puss puss


jahopp vädret och att du precis gick o la dig hindrar dig väl från att komma o heja på mig o J@sp idag?


Derby mot torstorp lixom, 14:30 på najen!!

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Jaha då har man varit inne i norrköping och vunnit livegame turneringen... Inköpet var 500kr och texas holdem stod på programmet... 17 startande ( bara ) men lika skön att vinna för det...


Har spelat en drös med bord nu i 2 timmar har inte gått någe vidare... Här är en av de jobbigaste... Är ju bara att kolla på hans stack så förstår ni att han klonka ganska bra... Kul att man floppar nutz så har han floppat nutznutz...


** Game ID 976869432 starting - 2006-10-08 05:50:18

** Infinite Loop [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- playin_poker sitting in seat 1 with $68.42

- bluenaz sitting in seat 2 with $285.95

- HERO sitting in seat 3 with $107.45 [Dealer]

- RockNRoll169 sitting in seat 4 with $169.65

- RuAmZ1 sitting in seat 5 with $28.48

- I_knock_you sitting in seat 6 with $725.27


RockNRoll169 posted the small blind - $0.50

RuAmZ1 posted the big blind - $1.00


** Dealing card to HERO 6 of Spades, 5 of Spades

I_knock_you raised - $6.00

playin_poker folded

bluenaz called - $6.00

HERO called - $6.00

RockNRoll169 folded

RuAmZ1 folded


** Dealing the flop: 7 of Hearts, 4 of Diamonds, 3 of Diamonds

I_knock_you checked

bluenaz bet - $13.00

HERO raised - $36.00

I_knock_you raised - $180.00

bluenaz folded

HERO went all-in - $65.45


** Dealing the turn: 8 of Diamonds


** Dealing the river: Ace of Hearts

HERO shows: 6 of Spades, 5 of Spades

I_knock_you shows: 5 of Diamonds, 6 of Diamonds

I_knock_you wins $232.40 from the main pot



Rullen stannade på 3261$...TILT

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Från 3451$ till 3604$...


Läste sönder en kille på bordet iaf...


** Game ID 978447571 starting - 2006-10-09 03:31:50

** Jos?a [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- gemgem sitting in seat 1 with $95.34

- kingCaligula sitting in seat 2 with $79.76

- Grantster sitting in seat 3 with $36.12 [Dealer]

- stegars sitting in seat 4 with $180.86

- HERO sitting in seat 5 with $109.88

- TheJoca sitting in seat 6 with $98.84


stegars posted the small blind - $0.50

HERO posted the big blind - $1.00


** Dealing card to HERO: 3 of Spades, 3 of Clubs

TheJoca folded

gemgem raised - $6.00

kingCaligula folded

Grantster folded

stegars folded

HERO called - $6.00


** Dealing the flop: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Clubs, 7 of Clubs

HERO checked

gemgem bet - $5.95

HERO called - $5.95


** Dealing the turn: 5 of Spades


gemgem bet - $11.60

HERO called - $11.60


** Dealing the river: 4 of Diamonds

HERO checked

gemgem bet - $45.25

HERO called - $45.25

gemgem shows: 8 of Spades, 2 of Hearts

HERO shows: 3 of Spades, 3 of Clubs

HERO wins $135.10 from the main pot



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Från 3627$ till 3603$ efter många timmars grind... Ska ta en välbehövlig paus nu sen blir det nattgrind...


Denna hand sabba allt... Satte han på AA och skulle folda på turn men Punkrockkid snacka in synen...TILT


** Game ID 982606197 starting - 2006-10-11 22:03:50

** Sagunto [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- Slegga_4 sitting in seat 1 with $112.50

- speldjavulen sitting in seat 2 with $131.93

- HERO sitting in seat 3 with $268.12 [Dealer]

- tunan1 sitting in seat 4 with $183.76

- SaggitariusS sitting in seat 5 with $115.23

- Hanzom77 sitting in seat 6 with $126.76


tunan1 posted the small blind - $0.50

SaggitariusS posted the big blind - $1.00


** Dealing card to HERO: Queen of Clubs, King of Clubs

Hanzom77 folded

Slegga_4 folded

speldjavulen folded

HERO raised - $3.00

tunan1 folded

SaggitariusS raised - $9.00

HERO called - $9.00


** Dealing the flop: King of Hearts, King of Spades, 2 of Spades

SaggitariusS bet - $14.00

HERO called - $14.00


** Dealing the turn: Ace of Hearts

SaggitariusS bet - $32.00

HERO raised - $64.00

SaggitariusS went all-in - $61.23

HERO called - $93.23


** Dealing the river: 6 of Hearts

SaggitariusS shows: Ace of Spades, King of Diamonds

HERO mucks:

SaggitariusS wins $229.96 from the main pot

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Från 3612$ till 3762$ några sjukt sköna händer...



Har en förkärlek till 82 i clubs...




** Game ID 983722944 starting - 2006-10-12 17:45:59

** Addiction [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- nouic sitting in seat 1 with $61.63

- peterch sitting in seat 2 with $58.81

- tobka035 sitting in seat 3 with $94.95

- chisy99 sitting in seat 4 with $22.34

- Spearmint-_- sitting in seat 5 with $99.00

- Speedy_g10 sitting in seat 6 with $214.45 [Dealer]


nouic posted the small blind - $0.50

peterch posted the big blind - $1.00

HERO posted to play - $1.00


** Dealing card to HERO: 2 of Clubs, 8 of Clubs

tobka035 raised - $2.00

chisy99 folded

HERO called - $2.00

Speedy_g10 raised - $6.00

nouic folded

peterch folded

tobka035 folded

HERO called - $6.00


** Dealing the flop: 3 of Diamonds, 7 of Clubs, 2 of Spades

HERO checked

Speedy_g10 bet - $7.37

HERO called - $7.37


** Dealing the turn: 6 of Hearts

HERO checked

Speedy_g10 checked


** Dealing the river: 2 of Diamonds

HERO bet - $12.00

Speedy_g10 called - $12.00

HERO shows: 2 of Clubs, 8 of Clubs

Speedy_g10 mucks:

HERO wins $51.54 from the main pot


End of game


Och så denna svårspelade :D



** Game ID 983725593 starting - 2006-10-12 17:48:22

** Schweinfurt [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- HERO sitting in seat 1 with $95.00 [Dealer]

- Mr-Stickman sitting in seat 2 with $90.30

- ace76 sitting in seat 4 with $37.44

- River-Dancer sitting in seat 5 with $107.27

- epsilonx sitting in seat 6 with $119.35


Mr-Stickman posted the small blind - $0.50

ace76 posted the big blind - $1.00


** Dealing card to HERO: 4 of Clubs, 4 of Hearts

River-Dancer folded

epsilonx folded

HERO called - $1.00

Mr-Stickman called - $1.00

ace76 bet - $2.00

HERO called - $2.00

Mr-Stickman called - $2.00


** Dealing the flop: 8 of Diamonds, 4 of Spades, 4 of Diamonds

Mr-Stickman checked

ace76 bet - $3.00

HERO called - $3.00

Mr-Stickman folded


** Dealing the turn: 9 of Spades

ace76 bet - $5.00

HERO raised - $10.00

ace76 called - $10.00


** Dealing the river: 8 of Hearts

ace76 checked

HERO went all-in - $80.00

ace76 went all-in - $23.44

ace76 shows: Queen of Spades, Queen of Clubs

HERO shows: 4 of Clubs, 4 of Hearts

HERO wins $76.88 from the main pot


End of game

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Från 3762$ till 4187$ ibland är poker för lätt...


Här bestämde ja mig för att bluffa färgen om jag skulle missa stegen :D


** Game ID 984342020 starting - 2006-10-12 23:45:40

** Rovinj [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- HERO sitting in seat 1 with $96.55

- 8Hanuman8 sitting in seat 2 with $136.10

- MrXylloX sitting in seat 3 with $27.70 [Dealer]

- mrkenadams sitting in seat 4 with $104.40

- david90 sitting in seat 5 with $8.47

- MeDopp sitting in seat 6 with $110.35


mrkenadams posted the small blind - $0.50

david90 posted the big blind - $1.00


** Dealing card to HERO: 5 of Hearts, 7 of Hearts

MeDopp called - $1.00

HERO called - $1.00

8Hanuman8 folded

MrXylloX called - $1.00

mrkenadams called - $1.00

david90 checked


** Dealing the flop: 6 of Diamonds, King of Spades, 8 of Spades

mrkenadams checked

david90 bet - $4.00

MeDopp raised - $9.00

HERO called - $9.00

MrXylloX folded

mrkenadams folded

david90 folded


** Dealing the turn: 10 of Hearts

MeDopp bet - $9.00

HERO called - $9.00


** Dealing the river: Jack of Spades

MeDopp bet - $1.00

HERO raised - $22.00

MeDopp folded

HERO shows: 5 of Hearts, 7 of Hearts

HERO wins $65.65 from the main pot


End of game



Lite jobbigt när hela bordet synar men floppen kan ja ju inte klaga på...



** Game ID 984325235 starting - 2006-10-12 23:35:53

** Homoptera [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- HERO sitting in seat 1 with $143.85

- mrfive sitting in seat 2 with $132.34 [Dealer]

- tommy2k sitting in seat 3 with $99.29

- ankstrajks sitting in seat 4 with $138.10

- sexy_lady15 sitting in seat 5 with $64.62

- topi15000 sitting in seat 6 with $110.04


tommy2k posted the small blind - $0.50

ankstrajks posted the big blind - $1.00


** Dealing card to HERO: King of Diamonds, King of Hearts

sexy_lady15 called - $1.00

topi15000 raised - $3.50

HERO raised - $9.00

mrfive called - $9.00

tommy2k called - $9.00

ankstrajks folded

sexy_lady15 folded

topi15000 called - $9.00


** Dealing the flop: Jack of Diamonds, 4 of Spades, King of Spades

tommy2k checked

topi15000 checked

HERO bet - $21.00

mrfive raised - $42.00

tommy2k folded

topi15000 folded

HERO went all-in - $113.85

mrfive went all-in - $81.34


** Dealing the turn: 4 of Hearts


** Dealing the river: 2 of Hearts

mrfive shows: 10 of Spades, Ace of Hearts

HERO shows: King of Diamonds, King of Hearts

HERO wins $281.68 from the main pot


End of game


Måste ta med ett move som Punkrock har fått mig att göra ibland...



** Game ID 984308055 starting - 2006-10-12 23:26:16

** Black Celebration [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money


- MeDopp sitting in seat 1 with $95.36

- 8Hanuman8 sitting in seat 2 with $97.45

- BYXARBJOERN sitting in seat 3 with $101.25 [Dealer]

- HERO sitting in seat 4 with $104.81

- USA4me sitting in seat 5 with $257.73

- fudgy87 sitting in seat 6 with $58.38


HERO posted the small blind - $0.50

USA4me posted the big blind - $1.00


** Dealing card to HERO: Ace of Diamonds, King of Diamonds

fudgy87 folded

MeDopp folded

8Hanuman8 raised - $4.00


HERO called - $4.00

USA4me folded


** Dealing the flop: 4 of Clubs, 7 of Spades, 5 of Diamonds

HERO checked

8Hanuman8 bet - $7.00

HERO called - $7.00


** Dealing the turn: 2 of Diamonds

HERO checked

8Hanuman8 bet - $12.00

HERO went all-in - $94.31

8Hanuman8 folded

HERO mucks:

HERO wins $126.96 from the main pot


End of game

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Det där var typ det absolut snyggaste spel jag någonsin har sett tror jag. Jag är bara lite nyfiken på hur du visste att det skulle komma ett :diamond: på turn? Trodde jag var ensam om att veta sådant.


För att vara lite seriösare, Vad gör du om turn inte är ett :diamond: ? Fortsätter du checksyna för värde?



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