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FLT - SH, trycka på med mellanpar?


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Imbroke14 har suttit och mobbat mig lite vid bordet genom att cappa flop m.m så jag varit tvungen att vika ner mig.



***** Hand History for Game 3284916003 *****

1/2 Texas Hold'em Game Table (Limit) - Fri Dec 30 05:32:21 EST 2005

Table Table 64853 (6 max) (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button

Total number of players : 6

Seat 1: ImBroke14 ( $15.51)

Seat 2: peekonrush ( $57.08)

Seat 3: chipsos ( $122.75)

Seat 4: Sylvia25_ ( $65.25)

Seat 5: COCAINEYO ( $55.18)

Seat 6: brodern ( $36)

chipsos posts small blind (0.50)

Sylvia25_ posts big blind (1)


Hittar A7o och höjningen känns given.


** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to brodern [ Ad, 7h ]


brodern raises (2) to 2

ImBroke14 raises (3) to 3

chipsos folds.

Sylvia25_ folds.

brodern calls (1)


Träffar mittenparet och tänker cr eftersom jag vet att han kommer beta ut. han höjer tillbaka och jag cappar. Rätt?


** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, Jh, 5s ]

brodern checks.

ImBroke14 bets (1)

brodern raises (2) to 2

ImBroke14 raises (2) to 3

brodern raises (2) to 4

ImBroke14 calls (1)


På turn dimper ett mindre roligt kort ner, ska jag beta ändå?


** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kh ]

brodern bets (2)

ImBroke14 calls (2)


River ger mig 2par men han kan ha träffat färgen. Känner att jag måste betta här.


** Dealing River ** : [ As ]

brodern bets (2)


Spelar jag handen rätt?


* RP, flytt av "SH" för formateringen - QoS *

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#Game No : 3284910821

***** Hand History for Game 3284910821 *****

$1/$2 Texas Hold'em - Friday, December 30, 05:30:57 EDT 2005

Table Table 64853 (6 max) (Real Money)

Seat 1 is the button

Total number of players : 6

Seat 1: ImBroke14 ( $19.51 )

Seat 2: peekonrush ( $57.08 )

Seat 3: chipsos ( $116.50 )

Seat 4: Sylvia25_ ( $56.25 )

Seat 5: COCAINEYO ( $57.18 )

Seat 6: brodern ( $48.50 )

chipsos posts small blind [$0.50].

Sylvia25_ posts big blind [$1].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to brodern [ Ks Ts ]


brodern raises [$2].

ImBroke14 raises [$3].

chipsos folds.

>You have options at Table 68749 (6 max) Table!.

Sylvia25_ folds.

brodern calls [$1].

>You have options at Table 68749 (6 max) Table!.

** Dealing Flop ** [ Qh, 2h, 9d ]

brodern checks.

ImBroke14 bets [$1].

>You have options at Table 65201 (6 max) Table!.

brodern raises [$2].

ImBroke14 raises [$2].

brodern calls [$1].

>You have options at Table 68749 (6 max) Table!.

** Dealing Turn ** [ Qc ]

brodern checks.

ImBroke14 bets [$2].

>You have options at Table 65201 (6 max) Table!.

brodern folds.

ImBroke14 does not show cards.

ImBroke14 wins $14.75

Game #3284911909 starts.




Denna var inte mot mig...



#Game No : 3284906226

***** Hand History for Game 3284906226 *****

$1/$2 Texas Hold'em - Friday, December 30, 05:28:36 EDT 2005

Table Table 64853 (6 max) (Real Money)

Seat 3 is the button

Total number of players : 6

Seat 1: ImBroke14 ( $28.01 )

Seat 2: peekonrush ( $57.08 )

Seat 3: chipsos ( $120.50 )

Seat 4: Sylvia25_ ( $48 )

Seat 5: COCAINEYO ( $53.93 )

Seat 6: brodern ( $50 )

Sylvia25_ posts small blind [$0.50].

COCAINEYO posts big blind [$1].

** Dealing down cards **

ImBroke14 calls [$1].

chipsos calls [$1].

Sylvia25_ folds.


** Dealing Flop ** [ 3h, 2s, Qs ]


ImBroke14 checks.

chipsos checks.

** Dealing Turn ** [ 5h ]

COCAINEYO bets [$2].

ImBroke14 raises [$4].

chipsos folds.

COCAINEYO raises [$4].

ImBroke14 calls [$2].

** Dealing River ** [ 7h ]

COCAINEYO bets [$2].

>You have options at Table 68749 (6 max) Table!.

ImBroke14 calls [$2].

COCAINEYO shows [ Qh, 2h ] a flush, queen high.

ImBroke14 doesn't show [ Ac, 6c ] high card ace.

COCAINEYO wins $18.75 from the main pot with a flush, queen high.

Game #3284907847 starts.



+ några andra jag inte hittar. Den sista handen här missade jag när jag spelade så kanske släppte jag potterna lite väl lätt...

Han verkade ju inte så het nu när man ser hur han har spelat.

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