urmy Postad 10 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 10 Maj , 2012 Bad Login - try again nix funka, kan dock vara så att bara en kan vara inloggad åt gången. kikade lite snabbt och ja, det ser illa ut. Citera
Padrone78 Postad 11 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 11 Maj , 2012 ...har ni kontakt med Purple-lounge-teamet? Citera
Rifter666 Postad 15 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 15 Maj , 2012 Senaste mailet som dök upp idag. Dear xxx, Thank you for your ongoing patience. Purple Lounge is working hard on a resolution to our current situation and we hope to give you further news by the end of the week. We are anticipating a relaunch of the gaming services in the very near future. Many thanks, The Purple Lounge Team Citera
Padrone78 Postad 16 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 16 Maj , 2012 Det innebär ju att de startar upp i samma format? Vilket måste innebära att cashen ska betalas ut?! Citera
Metaddict Postad 16 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 16 Maj , 2012 Det innebär ju att de startar upp i samma format? Vilket måste innebära att cashen ska betalas ut?! Det KAN ju vara så att dem ljuger... Citera
heltok Postad 16 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 16 Maj , 2012 någon som vågar spekulera i värdet på PL$? inte för att jag avser sälja/köpa men jag skulle gissa runt 30%. Citera
heltok Postad 22 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 22 Maj , 2012 Senaste mailet som dök upp idag. Dear xxx, Thank you for your ongoing patience. Purple Lounge is working hard on a resolution to our current situation and we hope to give you further news by the end of the week. We are anticipating a relaunch of the gaming services in the very near future. Many thanks, The Purple Lounge Team en vecka senare: Dear heltok, Thank you for your ongoing patience. We will contact all players in due course. Many thanks, The Purple Lounge Team Citera
Juanstallion Postad 22 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 22 Maj , 2012 är det bara vissa som får mejl eller? RIP Purple Lounge Citera
Padrone78 Postad 23 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 23 Maj , 2012 Det som är skumt i det hela är att om de har gått i konkurs så sitter ju knappast någon eldsjäl och svarar kunder som mailar dem. om de har gått i putten så är det en konkursförvaltare som övertar driften och att de skulle signera med purple lounge team låter bara konstigt. Jag vet inte vilka växlar jag vill dra på det men värt att diskutera är det... Citera
heltok Postad 25 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 25 Maj , 2012 http://pokerfuse.com/features/comment-analysis/four-weeks-purple-lounge-closed-community-demands-answers/ Half year results have just been published showing that the company has barely £500k left in cash. Operating costs are being covered by a secured loan from Barclay’s Bank for £750k at an interest rate of 10% over the bank’s base lending rate. The figures show an operating loss of £1.3m over the last 6 months. The company sold two web sites earlier this year, and has reported an exceptional gain of £265k. This takes the effective operating loss to £1.6m. This is a company which is losing £264k a month with only £500k in the bank plus a £750k loan. It will run out of money in well under 6 months unless it can reduce costs immediately and/or raise new investment. An analysis of its portfolio of brands shows that there is little hope of it earning enough cash to cover this rate of losses. If Media Corp does go busto, it has some assets. The half year results show total assets of £4.5m and total liabilities of £2.7m. In accounting terms, the company has a net asset value of £1.8m. However, £2.9m of the assets are listed as “Intangibles”—They consist of items such as “goodwill” and the value of the Purple Lounge brand and intellectual property such as copyrights. Poker players will probably put a lower value on the Purple Lounge intangibles than the accountants do. If the intangible assets are removed from the accounts, Media Corp has assets of £1.6m and liabilities of £1.8m. Having watched the share price collapse by 85% in the last 15 months shareholders are, if anything, more angry than poker players about this debacle. Citera
heltok Postad 30 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 30 Maj , 2012 If I hear nothing from Media Corp (PL owners) by Wednesday I'm going to report them to the City of London Police and; the Serious Fraud Office. I will also email every regulator and make a formal objection to any application for a gaming licence made by Media Corp or its subsidiaries (especially including Intabet which has just been incorporated into Media Corp, and taken over the Chairman and CEO role - Intabet doesn't yet have, but needs a gaming licence in the next few months). I will contact Media Corp's Nominated Advisor (Nomad) and warn them of Medi Corp's actions, and alert them to what I believe is a contravention of AIM rule 17 in that Media Corp did not issue a regulatory news announcement on the termination of its gaming licences in Malta. The Nomad has a regulatory responsibility and can be sued if it fails to fulfill that responsibility to monitor the companies it advises. Let you know how it goes. Citera
edde13 Postad 30 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 30 Maj , 2012 =) skönt med folk som tar det lite längre.. Nån som hört något mer? Citera
kaskii Postad 31 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 31 Maj , 2012 Dagens efterlängtade pressrelease var ju inte direkt positiv, även om man realistiskt sett kanske inte skulla att ha vågat hoppats på mer; http://mediacorpplc.com/Pages/Press.aspx?id=20133356#article_20133356 Citera
heltok Postad 31 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 31 Maj , 2012 Dagens efterlängtade pressrelease var ju inte direkt positiv, även om man realistiskt sett kanske inte skulla att ha vågat hoppats på mer; http://mediacorpplc.com/Pages/Press.aspx?id=20133356#article_20133356 http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-views-gossip/purple-lounge-liquidated-parent-company-washes-hands-responsibility-pay-players-1205395/ I've done the research on this one and it looks bad: 1. It's not fraud to use player funds for operational expenses such as paying salaries; the segregation requirement is a regulatory issue, not a legal accounting rule in the UK. 2. The parent MediaCorp is not liable for the debts of its subsidiary Purple Lounge. The concept in law is called "piercing the veil" and it can only happen in some very rare circumstances. The fact that PL had its own employees and received money from MDC are big legal evidence against making MDC liable for the debts. doh. ska vi gissa att värdet på PL$ fallit till 0.05? Citera
Rifter666 Postad 31 Maj , 2012 Rapport Postad 31 Maj , 2012 Ja, det är väl bara acceptera att pengarna är borta och lusten till onlinepoker med dom... Citera
a01axean Postad 5 Juni , 2012 Rapport Postad 5 Juni , 2012 Man ser ju rött när större delen av rullen är borta. Detta känns mer som en planerad plundring/räddning från MediaCorps sida. Varför ska mina sura grindslantar gå till att rätta till en blunder dom har gjort? Detta är inget annat än ett rån! Citera
Metaddict Postad 21 Juni , 2012 Rapport Postad 21 Juni , 2012 något nytt? Nu orkar dem inte ens mejla sitt skitsnack om att dem ska höra av sig till alla osv osv... Citera
a01axean Postad 12 Juli , 2012 Rapport Postad 12 Juli , 2012 MediaCorp försöker starta ny pokersite. (Kräktes lite i mun när jag läste detta) http://pokerfuse.com/news/poker-room-news/liquidator-appointed-for-purple-lounge/ Citera
Rifter666 Postad 13 Juli , 2012 Rapport Postad 13 Juli , 2012 MediaCorp försöker starta ny pokersite. (Kräktes lite i mun när jag läste detta)http://pokerfuse.com/news/poker-room-news/liquidator-appointed-for-purple-lounge/ Driver dom eller. Tror dom på allvar dom kommer få några spelare alls efter skinnat dom som hade pengar på pourple lounge. För dom pengarna är väl borta för alltid eller är dom låsta nånstans. Citera
heltok Postad 10 Augusti , 2012 Rapport Postad 10 Augusti , 2012 något nytt som hänt? And look where Mr Jagatia has gone to - Ascend Capital plc - Justin Drummond's latest venture. It appears that birds of a feather really do flock together. NEW MEDIA CORP DIRECTORS Parent of failed Purple Lounge online poker room appoints two new directors The departure of former finance director Nilesh Jagatia earlier this week appears to have triggered board changes and appointments at Media Corp plc. On Friday company chairman, Phil Jackson, announced the appointment of Mark Butt (34), managing director of subsidiary Eyeconomy, to the board of Media Corporation plc as an executive director, at the same time welcoming finance manager Clive Eplett, who replaces Jagatia. Butt, has been with the company as managing director of Eyeconomy since 2007, and his appointment to the main board gives the digital advertising business the board level recognition it deserves, Jackson said. Eplett trained and qualified as a chartered accountant in 1984 with Deloitte Haskins & Sells and subsequently spent two years with Coopers & Lybrand before joining SFI Group plc in 1991 where he became finance director and subsequently joint managing director. He left SFI in September 2001 since when he has focussed on acting as either part-time or interim financial director, usually to growing businesses but often working with those facing difficulties. The erstwhile financial director at Media Corp plc, Nilesh Jagatia, has joined former Media Corp chairman Justin Drummond in his new venture - Ascend Capital plc - as a director. http://ascendcapital.com/ dags att scamma folk på nytt ställe alltså Citera
Terribleturk Postad 11 Maj , 2014 Rapport Postad 11 Maj , 2014 Gick igenom gamla mejl och kom på att jag försökte ta ut pengar från sajten (ca 2k us) men fick aldrig degen gah! Citera
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