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  1. ny version av tourney manager eller rättare sagt en update. Nya funktioner som rakeback vad jag sett än så länge.hoppas det stödjer holdem turneringar med
  2. Ett marknadsföringsjippo som nästan är lägre än wasa pokers
  3. ok citerar sidan: radera gärna om det bryter emot lagen. Hittade detta på nätet.... Ett brev från en viss Russ Georgiev....Ngn som vet om detta stämmer. I sådana fall är det nog läge för Ken att flytta till yttre Mongoliet eller dyl..... Russ blåser Ken..... Russ Georgiev är en härlig liten retsticka! Gå gärna in på http://www.pokermafia.com och läs mer om Russ. Här kommer ett mail från Russ som involverar Ken Lenaard. Isn't it amazing how you attack all my posts, even the last ones like emails from Ken Lennard. Most people have NO CLUE to who he is, do you? About two or three years ago, I and two other cheats flew to Stockholm during the Swedish Open, or it could have been the Spanish Open (sounds funny, I know). I had to be sure Chris Bjorn wasn't in Stockholm, since he and I don't get along and could ruin the scenerio. I was assured he was playing in a tournament in London. I flew to Stockholm with two other cheats for private games Ken Lennard was going to provide. Previously, a member of our team had a medical emergency the day prior to leaving, so we didn't go. But, Ken kept emailing stating there was at least $100,000 to $500,00 to be made in a couple of days. The first time I asked for a guarantee of $1,000 a day each, plus expenses for all of us. I was guaranteed this upon arrival. I had Ken checked out, and all seemed right on. One of our main targets was Eric 123. After backing out the first time, Ken stated we could do it again after 6 months. Checking everything out, we didn't bother asking for anything since he never let up. I have at least 30-50 emails from him, besides numerous phone tapes I brought two world class mechanics along, one an expert with marked cards with audio and video. I arrived on a Friday, but the other two arrived on Saturday, basically about twenty hours late, due to late flight departure. Ken and I picked the other two up and we arrived at his family's Hotel in Stockholm. We had four rooms, three on the bottom floor and one on the second floor. Here we set up shop. A hole was drilled in the ceiling, where we placed a camera covered by a smoke detector. Meanwhile, we had marked cards, invisible to the naked eye in the game, with audio ear pieces to tell Ken and our other player all the cards in the game. We had a VCR machine that allowed 'Freeze frame', thus making sure we knew every card all players had. They were playing 300-600 Euro at a casino in Stockholm during this time, but Ken who was sure he'd get the players, was not able to bring them over. The game at the time was 6 handed, with three Finnish players and three Swedish players. Ken, was basically a tough guy, who turned chicken. After not being able to get the players over, we still had our mechanic, the best in world under pressure. We needed Ken to take us into the casino to win, since it wasn't possible to just go in for some reason. One of the games was triple draw low, which was an automatic win for us, unless you could beat the 'nuts' every hand. Five days were spent flying, setting things up and such, but nothing was made. Ken seemed to have no credibility with the players. Then, he tried going behind my back. When he saw the cards on TV like they were face up, he went crazy. He wanted the system for himself to cheat these people. While he went around my back to approach these other two, they played him like an accordion. I was in though, as I had gone back with them for over thirty years. He flew to the US during Xmas of 2003 possibly 2004 (to lazy to check), if I'm not mistaken, to get the camera and marked cards. Since we were jacked off by Ken, we did the same to him. We offered him the merchandise for $25,000, but he was quite a bit short. He thought the guys would let him in on a score so he could purchase the equipment. WRONG. Here, he was played like a violin. He'd be called at his hotel and if he was there, he was told the game would probably be the next day. If he wasn't there, a message was left the game was on. He spent about two weeks waiting for a game to get the equipment to take back to Sweden, from the money he thought he'd get from cheating with these guys in the US. Meanwhile, we were hoping he'd come up with the $25,000, for we'd have given him BOGUS equipment, since he'd chickened out and gone behind my back in Stockholm. I have at least 25 more emails from Ken Lennard, plus tapes of phone conversations. Passport records can verify I and the others were in Stockholm during the winter of 2003, possibly 2004, plus passport records would show Ken flew to the US during Xmas of one of these years. It's realy amazing you'd challenge something so easy to be proved, besides the fact so few people know on RGP know who Ken Lennard is. With these posts, the boys in Stockholm will know, since he caled them to come over numerous times. They also know the games were six handed, with three Swede's and three Dane's. The Danish guys apparently won the money. They supposedly were cheating, thorug collusion. It matters not what you state Razzo, for the passports would tell the story. Chris Bjorn will know, since how would I know he was in London at the time. Why would I care? The only reason I'd care, would be he'd have ruined the game if he was around. As it was, Ken had little credibility with these guys, since he owed one quite a chunk of money and most thought he was broke. I played online in Ken's apartment, stayed in his family's hotel, plus ate in his friends restaurant. Stockholm and Sweden seemed like a nice place to visit, but at that time I had gone for business. I'm positive Casey Kastle had NO KNOWLEDGE of what was happening, as Ken was planning to make a big score. When he saw the marked cards appear on TV like they were face up, he thought he'd hit the lottery. The problem was he didn't have the credibility nor the money to purchase the equipment, nor provide a game. Razzo, you can bet whatever you want and get 10-1 odds all of the above happened. The passports records alone would verify all of this. You called my bluff Razzo, now reap the rewards. I will be posting emails from players for months now. Let one of them dispute they sent them. So far I have posted three named players who sent me emails. Dan Negreanu, David Sklansky and Russ Hamilton. I was called out on all as lying. All the parties verified they sent the emails. Tell me I'm lying, for I'll show you their RGP response. Russ Georgiev
  4. Vad är det för skvaller angående Ken Lenaard som florerar. Läste på en annan sida om det. Kan väl inte vara sant.
  5. det här tänkte jag på. Resultat 2006-06-15 2020,50$ 2006-06-16 -63$ resultat: 1994,50$ Det fick jag inte ihop när jag snabbkollade
  6. angående ditt resultat som du sa var fel, så är det felräknat den 2006-06-16 vad jag kan se bärjar på -63$ dagen summan i inlägget nedan stämmer ej då. *edit ser att du editerat*
  7. Höll på att köra av vägen till jobbet idag då tjejen i morronzoo gänget la sin kommentar. Såhär lät det när det diskuterade texas holdem poker och matte kom in i bilden. Tjejen: Jag är urdålig på det där med att räkna och sånt där. Gert Fylking: Räkna ? Tjejen: Ja, Matematik var jag urdålig på i skolan Gert Fylking: Men snälla! vad är det du skall räkna för något?. Tjejen: Är det inte 21 man skall få ? *Panelen skrattar, även glimne skrockar*
  8. Kommer säkert att stöta på dig snart antar jag eftersom jag blandar 22 och 11 på party. Nickar Nooutsorodds. Vad har du för Timpeng alltså dollar/tim min ligger på 32,21$/tim enligt Tournament Manager. Timpengen är viktig för mig då tiden inte räcker till ibland är det speed du spelar ? 10 bords ? Lycka till ! P.S Skulle vara kul med några stycken sådana här dagböcker med några som litar SNG. Både hjälpa varandra och lite innbördes tävlan för att sporra varandra. Synd man inte hade mer tid bara, fast snart semester då kanske det blir mera spel.
  9. hahahaha, i vilken film säger han detta? Måste se! Filmen i det första inlägget i denna tråd.
  10. Du är fanemej min idol ... Kul att gamblers klonkar.
  11. Då var man klar för idag. vände till plus i slutet efter alla fjärde platser Hade ju haft en grym start annars. Placeringarna (4, 5, 6) ser ut såhär i %: (22,4-12,2-12,2) av 49 spelade Dagens resultat: 57$ 6st 11$ (1-0-1) 7st 22$ (2-0-1) ROI 40,91% ITM 38,46% Totalt 49st ROI 30,34% ITM 28,57% BR 1182$
  12. Denna handen trodde jag mig vara slagen men men.... en får tacke. ***** Hand History for Game 4618489166 ***** NL Texas Holdem $11 Buy-in Trny:25364959 Level:2 Blinds(30/60) - Thursday, June 29, 15:00:22 ET 2006 Table Speed #1183745 (Real Money) Seat 10 is the button Total number of players : 10 Seat 2: rscottsdale ( $2240 ) Seat 5: carltimmer ( $1979 ) Seat 6: alex_shifrin ( $2409 ) Seat 7: N1nja_Tune ( $1940 ) Seat 8: trooper8065 ( $2702 ) Seat 9: Nooutsorodds ( $1810 ) Seat 4: hurtme1752 ( $1900 ) Seat 10: eceed ( $1820 ) Seat 3: kenevans711 ( $1960 ) Seat 1: Noo8ooN ( $1240 ) Trny:25364959 Level:2 Blinds(30/60) ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Nooutsorodds [ Ac Kc ] kenevans711 folds. hurtme1752 folds. carltimmer folds. alex_shifrin folds. N1nja_Tune folds. trooper8065 calls [60]. Nooutsorodds raises [245]. eceed folds. Noo8ooN folds. rscottsdale folds. trooper8065 calls [185]. ** Dealing Flop ** [ 8c, Tc, 4h ] trooper8065 bets [60]. Nooutsorodds raises [355]. trooper8065 calls [295]. ** Dealing Turn ** [ 6h ] trooper8065 checks. >You have options at Speed Attitude Adjust Table!. Nooutsorodds bets [600]. trooper8065 calls [600]. ** Dealing River ** [ As ] trooper8065 bets [632]. Nooutsorodds is all-In [610] trooper8065 shows [ Jd, 9d ] high card ace. Nooutsorodds shows [ Ac, Kc ] a pair of aces. trooper8065 wins 22 chips from side pot #1 with high card ace. Nooutsorodds wins 3710 chips from the main pot with a pair of aces.
  13. Installerat tournament manager. Har saknat det sedan SNGtracker krascha i samband med partyuppgraderingen. Tänker köra det parallellt med Poker office 2. Det kraschar visserligen lite då och då men får leva med detta. I topp ligger som väntat plats 4 med ca 20% av gångerna. Fan jag är för aggro. Fast då det går hem så är det bärmare 1:a än 3:a så jag skall filura på detta fenomen. Dagens fynd: USB fläkt. fläktar fint i armhålan //Filurhajen
  14. uppdatering märkte jag just när jag logga in. Undra vad de gjort nu tro
  15. typ som idahopotato gjorde på UB. Räcker 500000$ på en kväll ? kanske sådant de väntar på eller får nys om via irc eller annan kanal.
  16. Jag har spelat 218 men känner mig lite osäker på var jag står. Spela ca 50 till så vet du nog var du står. ammat klart ? 50 till !!! minst snarar 75-80
  17. Man kanske skall dela in dem i två grupper. En med mycket liten väntetid och en med mera väntetid. På vissa nätverka kan man ju sitta 3-5 minuter innan det börjar arta sig Då kvittar stegen gentemot väntetiden kanske
  18. Dagen är räddad!!!!!!!! Check raise all-in på den kalenderflickan. jösses i min låda.
  19. har du gått ner nu då eller har du så det "räcker"
  20. Hörru mysoxen! Nyfiken fråga, säg att du tex startar upp 4st sng samtidigt och går långt i 2 och tidigt ut i de andra 2. startar du då upp 2 igen direkt eller spelar du klart de andra 2 först. Själv kör jag runt 3 åt gången tills de är färdiga. mycke 2 blir det..... /hej
  21. Började dagen med att spela en 55$ turnering på Party hamna strax över 100/263. Pinguklimat vid bordet. lirade därefter 6 st sittisar tror jag skall sova sedan. Dagens spel 6st 11$ (2-0-0) + 34$ (-55$ turnering) Totalt resultat: 1125$ ROI 26,87% ITM 25% Sleep well !
  22. Spelade en turnering nu på partypoker och där satt en som hette JohnnyBax, undra sa flundran om det är pokerstars bax tro ?
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