I just watched some poker with Lederer as commentator. A situation like this came up, Mike "The Mouth" received QQ and another guy KK. Both of them had med-large stacks and there were 7-8 persons left, with a few very small stacks. Mike raised with his queens, don't remember exactly how much but I believe it was around 3xBB, not a large portion of his stack. Lederer then saw the kings and said: "There is no way Mike is getting away from this. There is nothing you can do when you get the queens against kings, all of you money is going to be lost 4/5 times. You have to call." Well, what happend was the kings went all-in and queens called and lost. But the thing that surprised me was that Howard claimed that it was impossible to fold queens heads-up when 7-8 left, even with a quite big stack, a few small stacks left and a very steep prizepool...
Sorry about the crappy english...