Vet inte om konversationen är fejkad, men gör ju att det lutar mer åt Blom90.
"Spirit Rock: def much gambling going on
HuckleberrySeed: what did you think of what u saw
Spirit Rock: i think that guy is playing durrrr very well
Spirit Rock: overbetting a ton
Spirit Rock: and usually having it
Spirit Rock: and getting paid everytime
System: The $30,000 KO Guarantee ($120+$9 NL Hold'em) will be starting in 8 minutes.
Spirit Rock: durrrr keeps rehitting with 10 5 and what not
Spirit Rock: and getting into trouble
Spirit Rock: yeah if there were ever a time to play durrr it might be now
HuckleberrySeed: mainly i thought he didnt mix it up enough by slowing down here and there when he was stuck
Spirit Rock: agreed
Spirit Rock: he never slowed down
Spirit Rock: and called way too much
HuckleberrySeed: theres always a point when yure playing fast and losing you gotta slow down
Spirit Rock: those hero calls can only work so much when your opponant adapts
HuckleberrySeed: yup
Spirit Rock: any idea who isildur1 is?
HuckleberrySeed: 19 yr old swede
Spirit Rock: wow
HuckleberrySeed: i heard hes pretty tough at nl
HuckleberrySeed: he seems a bit weaker at the omaha
Spirit Rock: looks to me like he has durrrr's number fo sho
HuckleberrySeed: but poker is poker
HuckleberrySeed: yup
Spirit Rock: durrr never limps on button
Spirit Rock: just raise reraise going nuts
System: The $5,000 Guarantee ($24+$2 PL Hold'em) will be starting in 4 minutes."