Tja alla glada, har något som jag kände jag starkt ville posta här. Förutom att jag har flyttat till Sverige igen och "bosatt mig" efter att ha varit utan ett eget hem i ca 7 år. Sen ett skifte spelmässigt, jag håller på att gå över till ganska full tid PLOcashgame (fortfarande mkt mkt mkt fiskig, men har hopp ) som ger mig friheten att både vara vaken dagtid och sen såklart att jag kan avsluta en session när jag känner för det/när kroppen vill osv, jämfört med turneringsgrinden.
Iaf, det som egentligen drev posten är följande. Ett inlägg jag skrev på min facebook på engelska (skriver alltid engelska där för jag har dragit på mig en del internationella fbvänner genom resandet. Enklare för mig att coppa än att skriva nytt, bare with me:
***We really really need the trees (plant more and let the ones growing just be)
Everybody knows that on mental level, but not on heartlevel. Just think about our own + coming generations how much suffering there will be caused by not being aware of this.
Or from the other direction, think of all the joy that is caused by being able to breath fresh air.
As I promised earlier, today I am giving away 1% of my pokerprofits (my job), no matter how big or small it is every quarter to plant new trees.
(This is a project in India that I trust and its easy to go in and donate)
My profit these 3 months were not too exciting, $1150, which leaves "only" $11,5, but since it costs only $1,5 or so per tree it means Im contributing with 7,6 trees this quarter. And of course, my profit this time was extrempely low compared to what it usually is after a quarter, so Im looking forward to big things happening further on. Im very happy that the first step to this has been taken. My hope is also that more people will join in by posting this.
Im far from perfect (LOL) but Im thinking that "circles in the water" is created from every little action you do, therefore you have the capacity to change the whole world by what you do and how you live. This is something I feel very strong for.