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Game # 194794114 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 1,00/2,00 - Table "Silvertown"

Game ended 2005-12-19 21:39:52 GMT+01:00



tjoffe (EUR 249,95 in seat 1)

samordna (EUR 244,85 in seat 2)

NoName321 (EUR 204,40 in seat 3)

roaldperin (EUR 102,09 in seat 4)

thepuma (EUR 555,21 in seat 5)

H_Lederer (EUR 132,39 in seat 6)


Dealer: NoName321

Small Blind: roaldperin (1,00)

Big Blind: thepuma (2,00)


NoName321 was dealt: Ah - 6d


H_Lederer Call (2,00)

tjoffe Fold

samordna Fold

NoName321 Call (2,00)

roaldperin Call (1,00)

thepuma Check


Flop Ac - 2h - 2c


roaldperin Check

thepuma Check

H_Lederer Check

NoName321 Check


Turn Ac - 2h - 2c - 2s


roaldperin Bet (4,50)

thepuma Fold

H_Lederer Fold

NoName321 Call (4,50)


River Ac - 2h - 2c - 2s - Kh


roaldperin Check

NoName321 Bet (15,00)

roaldperin Raise (90,00)


vad göra?

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Sjuuuukaste saken hände idag. Och det var på Partys BBJ bord. Och BBJn var på 430k.


***** Hand History for Game 3243368894 *****

$2/$4 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, December 22, 09:28:18 EDT 2005

Table Bad Beat Jackpot #1104364 (Real Money)


Seat 8 is the button

Total number of players : 9

Seat 3: charlieb13 ( $174.25 )

Seat 5: Whats_up_Doc ( $135 )

Seat 6: hab75 ( $35.50 )

Seat 9: w2003 ( $37.75 )

Seat 10: duke5 ( $48 )

Seat 1: MrJansa ( $108 )

Seat 2: friscocanuck ( $111 )

Seat 8: JulDec ( $85 )

Seat 7: donteverfold ( $200 )


w2003 posts small blind [$1].

duke5 is sitting out.

MrJansa posts big blind [$2].


** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to MrJansa [ 5d 5c ]

friscocanuck calls [$2].

charlieb13 raises [$4].

hab75 calls [$4].

JulDec folds.

w2003 calls [$3].

avanr has joined the table.

MrJansa calls [$2].

friscocanuck calls [$2].


** Dealing Flop ** [ 5s, 7s, 5h ]

w2003 checks.

duke5 has left the table.

MrJansa checks.

friscocanuck checks.

charlieb13 bets [$2].

hab75 calls [$2].

w2003 folds.

MrJansa calls [$2].

friscocanuck calls [$2].


** Dealing Turn ** [ 6s ]

Sgt_167 has joined the table.

MrJansa checks.

friscocanuck checks.

charlieb13 checks.

hab75 checks.


** Dealing River ** [ 4s ]

MrJansa bets [$4].

friscocanuck raises [$8].

charlieb13 folds.

hab75 folds.

MrJansa raises [$8].

friscocanuck raises [$8].

MrJansa calls [$4].


friscocanuck shows [ 3s, 3c ] a straight flush, seven high.

MrJansa shows [ 5d, 5c ] four of a kind, fives.

friscocanuck wins $56.50 from the main pot with a straight flush, seven high.



Varför kunde det inte varit 8or man hade fyrtal i????

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