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Vad tycker ni om hans spel?? jag tycker det är superkallt även om jag vet att han är proffs. Jag menar på raise och rr all in, har han jättetur så möter han TT och har flip annars mosad.

Skapligt tiltande att springa så här dåligt, 2 och 3 outarna står som spön i backen atm.

60 pers drygt kvar i turren.


Seat 1: SanntaClaus (7,547)

Seat 2: ArtOfSunTzu (4,862)

Seat 3: billy_gr (8,573)

Seat 4: Fashiii (6,115)

Seat 5: SOLID_FUNDS (11,580)

Seat 6: Chuck_Ali (14,324)

Seat 7: Stamdogg (9,985)

Seat 8: FoLd PLeeAse (22,703)

Seat 9: Fjellestad (19,081)

SanntaClaus antes 50

ArtOfSunTzu antes 50

billy_gr antes 50

Fashiii antes 50

SOLID_FUNDS antes 50

Chuck_Ali antes 50

Stamdogg antes 50

FoLd PLeeAse antes 50

Fjellestad antes 50

Chuck_Ali posts the small blind of 200

Stamdogg posts the big blind of 400

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SanntaClaus Ace of SpadesKing of Spades

FoLd PLeeAse folds

Fjellestad raises to 1,000

SanntaClaus raises to 7,497, and is all in

ArtOfSunTzu calls 4,812, and is all in

billy_gr folds

Fashiii folds


Chuck_Ali folds

Stamdogg has 15 seconds left to act

Stamdogg folds

Fjellestad folds

SanntaClaus shows Ace of SpadesKing of Spades

ArtOfSunTzu shows Ace of DiamondsJack of Diamonds

Uncalled bet of 2,685 returned to SanntaClaus

*** FLOP *** 2 of Clubs8 of Clubs7 of Diamonds

*** TURN *** 2 of Clubs8 of Clubs7 of Diamonds8 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 2 of Clubs8 of Clubs7 of Diamonds8 of Diamonds4 of Diamonds

SanntaClaus shows a pair of Eights

ArtOfSunTzu shows a flush, Ace high

ArtOfSunTzu wins the pot (11,674) with a flush, Ace high

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sexyterran, nej kanske inte. Men blir förvånad över spelen som "superproffsen" gör gång på gång som blir belönade.

häromdagen i en 109 doll turre när jag ligger 9a med 100 pers kvar så plockar jag upp AA och höjer till 5600 på 1-2k blinds.. då donkställer turren CL som har mega bra stats med Q7s.

Jackpot tänker jag men han drar runner runner färg.

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sexyterran, nej kanske inte. Men blir förvånad över spelen som "superproffsen" gör gång på gång som blir belönade.

häromdagen i en 109 doll turre när jag ligger 9a med 100 pers kvar så plockar jag upp AA och höjer till 5600 på 1-2k blinds.. då donkställer turren CL som har mega bra stats med Q7s.

Jackpot tänker jag men han drar runner runner färg.


riggade konton :( maskin på dom

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Lirar den ikväll igen, den här handen utspelar sig när det är 50 pers kvar av drygt 500 startande. Vad bör jag göra på hans riverbet?


Full Tilt Poker Game #24675492233: $24,000 Guarantee (190808975), Table 8 - 400/800 Ante 100 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:29:18 ET - 2010/10/13

Seat 1: SanntaClaus (38,225)

Seat 2: villus (30,850)

Seat 3: Mattdb9er (26,080)

Seat 4: Hockeysb97 (11,669)

Seat 6: akslow (74,327)

Seat 7: vipnyc (32,170)

Seat 8: PrimeSuspex (29,310)

Seat 9: Bennybunny18 (12,343)

SanntaClaus antes 100

villus antes 100

Mattdb9er antes 100

Hockeysb97 antes 100

akslow antes 100

vipnyc antes 100

PrimeSuspex antes 100

Bennybunny18 antes 100

Bennybunny18 posts the small blind of 400

SanntaClaus posts the big blind of 800

The button is in seat #8

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SanntaClaus 3 of Diamonds3 of Hearts

villus folds

Mattdb9er folds

Hockeysb97 folds

akslow folds

vipnyc calls 800

PrimeSuspex folds

Bennybunny18 folds

SanntaClaus checks

*** FLOP *** 3 of Spades4 of Clubs8 of Spades

SanntaClaus checks

vipnyc has 15 seconds left to act

vipnyc checks

*** TURN *** 3 of Spades4 of Clubs8 of Spades4 of Hearts

SanntaClaus has 15 seconds left to act

SanntaClaus bets 2,100

vipnyc calls 2,100

*** RIVER *** 3 of Spades4 of Clubs8 of Spades4 of HeartsQueen of Clubs

SanntaClaus has 15 seconds left to act

SanntaClaus bets 7,200

vipnyc has 15 seconds left to act

vipnyc has requested TIME

vipnyc raises to 14,400

SanntaClaus has 15 seconds left to act

SanntaClaus has requested TIME????

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Ja frågan om det är bäst EV+ på all in i längden men jag resonerade som att det var 2 eller 3 händer han rimligen kunde ha det var A4, K4s eller 88.

Fick ingen bra känsla på hans miniomslag så jag synade bara.



SanntaClaus calls 7,200

*** SHOW DOWN ***

vipnyc shows [4d 4s] four of a kind, Fours

SanntaClaus mucks

vipnyc wins the pot (35,800) with four of a kind, Fours

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idag mötte man ännu ett geni i 20k garr 75 doll på FT. Hur tänker folk egentligen, vore intressant att veta.


Full Tilt Poker Game #24823602310: $20,000 Guarantee (191989033), Table 6 - 1500/3000 Ante 400 - No Limit Hold'em - 06:47:56 ET - 2010/10/19

Seat 1: imbrogio (170,260)

Seat 2: wesaxis (130,538)

Seat 3: clubofhearts (128,243)

Seat 4: flosi19 (124,530)

Seat 7: SoCal47 (90,061)

Seat 8: ningi007 (127,877)

Seat 9: SanntaClaus (29,491)

imbrogio antes 400

wesaxis antes 400

clubofhearts antes 400

flosi19 antes 400

SoCal47 antes 400

ningi007 antes 400

SanntaClaus antes 400

SoCal47 posts the small blind of 1,500

ningi007 posts the big blind of 3,000

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SanntaClaus Ace of HeartsAce of Diamonds

SanntaClaus has 15 seconds left to act

SanntaClaus raises to 6,575

imbrogio has 15 seconds left to act

imbrogio raises to 12,000

wesaxis folds

clubofhearts folds

flosi19 folds

SoCal47 folds

tipuzzailculo (Observer): wowwwwwwwwwwww

ningi007 folds

SanntaClaus has 15 seconds left to act

SanntaClaus raises to 29,091, and is all in

imbrogio calls 17,091

SanntaClaus shows Ace of HeartsAce of Diamonds

imbrogio shows King of HeartsQueen of Spades

*** FLOP *** Jack of Spades8 of Spades7 of Spades

*** TURN *** Jack of Spades8 of Spades7 of Spades6 of Spades

*** RIVER *** Jack of Spades8 of Spades7 of Spades6 of SpadesAce of Spades

SanntaClaus shows a flush, Ace high

imbrogio shows a flush, Ace high

imbrogio wins the pot (65,482) with a flush, Ace high

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 65,482 | Rake 0

Board: Jack of Spades8 of Spades7 of Spades6 of SpadesAce of Spades

Seat 1: imbrogio showed King of HeartsQueen of Spades and won (65,482) with a flush, Ace high

Seat 2: wesaxis folded before the Flop

Seat 3: clubofhearts folded before the Flop

Seat 4: flosi19 (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 7: SoCal47 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 8: ningi007 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 9: SanntaClaus showed Ace of HeartsAce of Diamonds and lost with a flush, Ace high

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