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Hoppas att det inte är några problem med engelskan, jag postade det här först på ett utländskt forum och är helt enkelt för slö för att översätta den :)




Just played this SnG and wanted to share some of the experience. Not sure if long posts like this are appreciated here, I only write what I would like to read myself. This was a cheap ($10) sit and go at Expekt, the prima network. Both hands take place early before the blinds have increased. Everyone starts with T1000 and blinds are 10/20. Unlike most sites the blinds increase after a set number of hands, not after a certain time period. I have no notes on any of the players (rare).


I'm dealt Q6o utg so my choice is pretty easy. It's what happens after me that is interesting. Watch me trying to read these people and make some sense of it. I've put in print my thought proccess throughout the deal.


Dreamer calls for 20 - Ok, limping in early position... I guess a smallish pair or two high suited cards would be reasonable.

erik calls for 20 - Same as before

Lim folds

happy raises 40 - Why are you miniraising? Nobody is going to fold, you're just sweetening the pot... Are you an idiot trying to "steal" or just a muppet hitting your keys randomly? I hate miniraises...

BigAl folds

Coolhand raises 120 - Ok, a real raise. Considering there was action in front this should mean QQ+ or AK/AQ.

steke folds

opta folds

Gum calls 100 - Yes you're in the BB so you get a discount but PLEASE, you are not closing the action! Aren't you worried about the limpers or first miniraisar waking up and moving in? I guess not. Well... I'm guessing an ace or a medium pair.

Dreamer folds - Good move. If your hand isn't good enough to raise with it certainly isn't good enough to call a raise with.

erik calls 100 - This can not be the right thing to do no matter what your hand is. Have you got JJ or TT maybe? Or something like KQs which seem to be so seductive. Limp/calling has to be among the most common mistakes in poker.

happy folds - Ok, guess your miniraise only ment you're a muppet. Nice "steal attempt".



4 :heart: A :heart: 7 :spade:


Gum bets 50 - Err... ok, that is barely 1/10 of the pot now. Why bet this little? Ok, I'll be nice and call it a "probe bet".

erik calls 50 - Just calling... could mean anything since the bet was miniscule.

Coolhandraises 100 - Ok, he's representing the Ace. Makes sense since he raised preflop. AK or AQ? But really, miniraising with a flushdraw out is just dumb.

Gum calls 50 - Ok... now I have you on a weak ace or a flush draw.

erik calls 50 - I don't know what you're doing except call, call, call... way to be aggressive and take charge buddy, your girlfriend must be very proud.



5 :spade:


Gum checks - Flushdraw and weak ace makes sense. The turn card should be insignificant... possibly giving a straight or draw for someone though..

erik checks - Ok, adding "check" to your impressive arsenal of poker moves.

Coolhand bets 100 - Ok, I guess you're trying to protect your Ace but you're doing a real poor job of it... are you unsure of your kicker, slowplaying a "monster" like AA or just not too aware of these pot odds things people talk about?

Gum calls 100 - Ok, has to be a flushdraw.

erik calls 100 - Ok seriously, what could you possibly have... like a... straight draw or something? Are you slowplaying a set?



K :heart:


Gum goes all-in for 880 - Alright, that seals the deal. You hit your flush. If you had a weak ace you'd probably check and hope the flush card scared your opponent enough to give you a free showdown.

erik folds - Nice playing with you erik, good luck in future hands. Might want to consider this move a bit more often... and a bit sooner

Coolhand calls all-in for 640 - You took an awful long time to decide to call this all-in bet so I can only assume you have the AK, you hit top two pair on the river but the flush arrived. Tough luck. I guess you can't lay it down, I'd have problem doing it too but maybe next time you can protect your hand instead.


My read:

Gum: Q :heart: J :heart:

Coolhand: A :club: K :diamond:



The actual result:

Gum shows 3 :spade: 3 :club:

Coolhand shows 8 :diamond: 8 :club:

Coolhand wins 2.310 with a pair of eights.


Ok, that's how good my read is. Impressive huh? After seeing this hand I'm amazed how I manage to not win more SnGs. This however set up a hand later on that I was pretty happy with. One that I actually played. I probably didn't play it optimally so I'd appreciate any feedback:




I pick up T :diamond: T :spade: utg +2


Coolhand calls 20 - He's been playing a lot of hands regardless of position, this call means nothing.

opta folds

Stoneburg raise to 100 - I like TT, one of my most money winning hands. I'm putting in a normal raise of 4xbb +1 for the limper.

Everyone folds back to Coolhand...

Coolhand raises for 240 - Well this means something. If he had QQ+ he would just have pushed, and he would have open raised with a smaller pair. Has to be high cards. Probably AT-AK. He just wants to get a raise in to get the initiative, he doesn't like other people raising him.

Stoneburg calls for 160 - I want to see a flop here with position on him. Had I been out of position I would have considered pushing it since I'm pretty sure I have a better hand.



5 :heart: 5 :spade: 6 :heart:


Coolhand checks - This is a bit unexpected, maybe he realised I have a hand.

Stoneburg bets 160 - This is a probe bet. I know I give him odds to draw to the flush but I am fairly sure he doesn't have a flush draw.

Coolhand calls 160 - This tells me you have two overcards. If you had any type of pair you would have led out, if you had the nut flush draw you would have gone all-in now.



4 :spade:


Coolhand checks - Well that 4 sure as hell didn't help you

Stoneburg check - I think he would have bet if he picked up the flushdraw here so I chose to check behind. Yes I am giving him infinite odds to hit his 6 outs assuming he has two overcards to my pair but I don't want to create more volatility when I feel I have control of the hand. Also, by checking here I might induce a bluff on the river. That is actually my main reason for checking here, tell him I am weak.



T :heart: (Oh yeah baby...)


Coolhand bets 320 - First of all, you don't have the flush and it's very unlikely that you even have the T but yeah, if you did, you might be dumb enough to bet it instead of just showing it down. But thanks for bluffing though!

Stoneburg goes all-in for 560 - I make sure to "think" for a while before doing this. I really really want him to think I am weak because I think there is a *slight* chance he might call me with nothing. I say "Ace high?" in the chat.


Coolhand calls for 240


Stoneburg wins 1.990 with full house

Coolhand shows Ac Qs


I know there were some questionable parts to how I played this hand but I feel like it was my best played hand of the day. Later I pick up TT utg and limp, deciding it is as good as AA, Coolhand puts in a big raise from late position and I push. He calls me with 66 and give me the rest of his chips.


Didn't win the SnG but something else that was nice happened. I had a good time. It was a nice atmosphere, basically me and another guy chatting, rooting for Sweden (3 swedes in the SnG, we had 80% of the chips with 6 peoplel left :D). Him and I had some fun at the other peoples expense starting with me making a comment about The Muppets being in town after the first hand. I don't normally berate peoples play but these guys were just playing too crazy. Now when it's just me and him left something else happens that is weird... or odd at least, when I am finally Heads Up against this good player:


I've limped in from the SB with A5s, hit the ace and bets out. He suggests we go all-in after this hand, I say okay (our stacks are identical in size). He folds and I show him the Ace. Next hand, he goes all-in with 63s, I call with K2o and he sucks out when the river is a 3. Now I don't know if this was the +EV move by me (he was excellent at full table but I suspect I am better HU, he didn't seem to loosen up enough) but I just liked him and felt that a coinflip was a perfect way to end it.


Tre saker:


Probebeten är för liten, du har satt han på highcards, med din probebet får han odds på överkort med runnerrunner färgdrag tex. Han skall betala 160 in i en 660 pot. Dessutom finns d fler scarecards för dig, tex J, Q, K, A eller :heart: , som han kanske kan använda om han är kreativ/desperat.


Check på turn när du fastslagit att han har överkort i syfte att ta hela hans stack är fint (om det varit cashgame) men här ger du fi 20-30% att ta poten ifrån dig. Poten, 820 chips. är för stor för att ge att ge gratiskort, iaf i SnG.


Du har full båt när rivern träffar, om din fi har flushen, Tx eller tre svarte petter kort på sin hand är ointressant du skall alltid gå all in där, oavsett vad fi gör.


Sen avslutar du din story med att säg att du gav bort 20% av prispengarna till en -EV situation, inte vidare klurigt... :? men jag gillar ditt analytiska tänkade och resonemang...


Du har helt rätt vad gäller probe-beten på flop. Dåligt av mig helt enkelt, insåg inte att jag gav honom odds när jag gjorde betet.


Antar att optimalt spel hade varit att beta lite mer på floppen (250 t.ex.) och sedan gå all-in på turn. Dock hade jag antagligen inte vunnit en särskilt stor pott då, men det borde vara klart mer +EV i längden. Som tur är funkade ju mitt "Fancy Play" den här gången. Hade väl varit mer försvarbart om jag kunnat busta honom, som det var så täckte han mig så jag fick inget extra EV av att slå ut någon.


Att jag ger bort 20% med en -EV situation på slutet bjuder jag på. Tycker det kändes som en juste avslutning och det är ändå så mycket tur när man är HU och blindsen stiger så snabbt att marginalen jag ger bort kan jag bjuda på, bara för att killen var trevlig och kul att spela med.


En stor "läcka" jag har som människa är att jag är för snäll mot folk jag gillar ;)


Jag skulle nog säga att du överanalyserar och överskattar folk rätt extremt mkt. Ska kommentera några av dina kommentarer som exempel :)


Dreamer calls for 20 - Ok, limping in early position... I guess a smallish pair or two high suited cards would be reasonable.

...or small suited connectors, or gapped suited connectors, or just connectors, or AXs, or AT, or AJ, or even a monster.

(Vet inte varför jag skrev på engelska)

Hans limp betyder mao INGENTING.


happy raises 40 - Why are you miniraising? Nobody is going to fold, you're just sweetening the pot... Are you an idiot trying to "steal" or just a muppet hitting your keys randomly? I hate miniraises...

Försöker få in lite mer pengar i potten, jag skulle göra så med många händer som har fina implicita odds. Men hans mini-raise behöver inte betyda nånting, han kan lika gärna fegspela ett monster(många på lägre limits försöker med detta)


Coolhand raises 120 - Ok, a real raise. Considering there was action in front this should mean QQ+ or AK/AQ.

Eller 99+, eller AJ/ATs, eller suited connectors(T9s+), eller - om han är LA - låga suited gapped connectors(74s? :D)

Kan även vara en steal, men tvivlar starkt pga blindsnivån.





Jag kommer ihåg en av de första sakerna jag fick höra här på pf.nu - även en av de bästa/viktigaste för mitt spelande - , nämligen, ett av de största misstagen nybörjare gör är att sätta fi på för små handdistributioner. (Antingen Hjort eller gdaily som sa detta)


Till mitt försvar ska jag säga att den handdistributionen jag sätter limparna på är mycket större än jag skrev, "any suited" och "any ace" ingår där ("any two cards" för vissa), de distributionerna jag börjar med är snarare vad jag tycker vore hyfsat rimligt att spela så. Därför jag skrev "would be reasonable", framgår naturligtvis inte i texten att jag menar så, därför förtydligar jag lite nu :)


Överskattar motståndaren måste jag dock erkänna att jag gör, det är väl lite slutsatsen av den första handhistorien. Jag har dem på "vettiga" händer (enligt mig) och de visar upp rätt så bisarra kort. Är väl i och för sig bättre att överskatta än att underskatta, även om båda är -EV, vill minnas att Hjort påpekade det. Förr underskattade jag, nu överskattar jag... kanske kan jag i en avlägsen framtid lära mig att bara skatta...

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