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Heter Jenny och spelar svs o,5-1 samt 1-2 och har precis reggat mig här för att få lite konstruktiv kritik på mitt spel så att jag kan kan se händer med era ögon.


Hand1: Överspela TP.......


***** Hand History for Game 967613770 *****

$200 NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, March 9, 17:44:55 ET 2009

Table Bertil 22 (Real Money)

Seat 9 is the button

Total number of players : 7

Seat 3: Net ( $472.22 )

Seat 5: Jimbio ( $295 )

Seat 6: lelle57 ( $364.5 )

Seat 7: zozo6 ( $111.25 )

Seat 8: angelhug ( $397 )

Seat 9: charlie47 ( $210.43 )

Seat 10: Tumba55 ( $159.58 )

Tumba55 posts small blind [$1].

Net posts big blind [$2].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to angelhug [ Jh Jc ]

Jimbio folds.

lelle57 folds.

zozo6 calls [$2].

angelhug raises [$10].

charlie47 folds.

Tumba55 folds.

Net calls [$8].

zozo6 folds.

** Dealing Flop ** [ 2h, 5c, 7c ]

Net checks.

angelhug bets [$20].

Net calls [$20].

** Dealing Turn ** [ 2s ]

Net checks.

angelhug bets [$48].

Net calls [$48].

** Dealing River ** [ Qs ]

Net checks.

angelhug checks.

Net shows [ 2c, Ac ] three of a kind, twos.

Net wins $155.03 from the main pot with three of a kind, twos.


Hand2: Vek floppraise bäddar fint...


Table Adam 5 (Real Money)

Seat 6 is the button

Total number of players : 9

Seat 3: bullen35 ( $116.89 )

Seat 6: Dr.Jakoby ( $180.53 )

Seat 7: ClarkGable ( $52.25 )

Seat 8: angelhug ( $195.5 )

Seat 9: Moerkret ( $41.76 )

Seat 10: N200 ( $73.68 )

Seat 2: MrGC ( $222.41 )

Seat 4: medion ( $94.85 )

Seat 1: atlas40 ( $197.5 )

ClarkGable posts small blind [$0.5].

angelhug posts big blind [$1].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to angelhug [ 7c 7s ]

Moerkret folds.

N200 folds.

atlas40 folds.

MrGC folds.

bullen35 calls [$1].

medion calls [$1].

Dr.Jakoby folds.

ClarkGable raises [$2.5].

angelhug calls [$2].

bullen35 calls [$2].

medion calls [$2].

** Dealing Flop ** [ 7d, 3c, Kc ]

ClarkGable bets [$4].

angelhug raises [$8].

bullen35 calls [$8].

medion folds.

ClarkGable folds.

** Dealing Turn ** [ 8h ]

angelhug bets [$21].

bullen35 calls [$21].

** Dealing River ** [ 2c ]

angelhug bets [$40].

bullen35 calls [$40].

bullen35 shows [ Tc, Ac ] a flush, ace high.

angelhug shows [ 7c, 7s ] three of a kind, sevens.

bullen35 wins $150.16 from the main pot with a flush, ace high.


Hand3: Vad skall han ha ??


***** Hand History for Game 963811239 *****

$100 NL Texas Hold'em - Thursday, March 5, 19:28:52 ET 2009

Table Adam Turbo 3 (Real Money)

Seat 1 is the button

Total number of players : 9

Seat 3: angelhug ( $208.07 )

Seat 1: josse10 ( $15 )

Seat 2: emanuel3 ( $97.21 )

Seat 4: Geronimo1 ( $245.92 )

Seat 5: Papsen1 ( $19 )

Seat 6: Dalas ( $63.55 )

Seat 7: Von_Criss ( $213.45 )

Seat 8: Rovaren ( $199.5 )

Seat 9: Ornvik ( $45.5 )

emanuel3 posts small blind [$0.5].

angelhug posts big blind [$1].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to angelhug [ Td Kd ]

Geronimo1 calls [$1].

Papsen1 calls [$1].

Dalas calls [$1].

Von_Criss folds.

Rovaren calls [$1].

Ornvik calls [$1].

josse10 calls [$1].

emanuel3 calls [$0.5].

angelhug checks.

** Dealing Flop ** [ 9d, 7d, 5h ]

emanuel3 bets [$1].

angelhug raises [$5].

Geronimo1 calls [$5].

Papsen1 folds.

Dalas folds.

Rovaren raises [$24].

Ornvik folds.

josse10 folds.

emanuel3 folds.

angelhug calls [$19].

Geronimo1 folds.

** Dealing Turn ** [ 5d ]

angelhug checks.

Rovaren bets [$45].

angelhug calls [$45].

** Dealing River ** [ 8d ]

angelhug checks.

Rovaren is all-In.

angelhug calls [$129.5].

Rovaren shows [ 7c, 7s ] a full house, sevens full of fives.

Rovaren wins $400.73 from the main pot with a full house, sevens full of fives.


Hand4: Överspela flushen och sen syna en megabet... snyggt jobbat..


***** Hand History for Game 966812086 *****

$100 NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, March 8, 18:45:01 ET 2009

Table Adam Turbo 4 (Real Money)

Seat 6 is the button

Total number of players : 9

Seat 3: r0yalty ( $59.69 )

Seat 6: angelhug ( $204.57 )

Seat 1: Barca66 ( $185.75 )

Seat 4: eerik ( $46.95 )

Seat 5: ANDZON ( $77.6 )

Seat 7: sampalaine ( $195.87 )

Seat 8: en_idiot ( $197.52 )

Seat 9: fltim ( $18.78 )

Seat 10: Rovaren ( $208.66 )

Barca66 posts small blind [$0.5].

r0yalty posts big blind [$1].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to angelhug [ 6c Ac ]

eerik calls [$1].

ANDZON folds.

angelhug calls [$1].

sampalaine folds.

en_idiot calls [$1].

fltim calls [$1].

Rovaren folds.

Barca66 folds.

r0yalty checks.

** Dealing Flop ** [ 2c, 9h, 7c ]

r0yalty checks.

eerik checks.

angelhug checks.

en_idiot bets [$3].

fltim calls [$3].

r0yalty folds.

eerik folds.

angelhug calls [$3].

** Dealing Turn ** [ 5d ]

angelhug checks.

en_idiot bets [$4].

fltim folds.

angelhug calls [$4].

** Dealing River ** [ 5c ]

angelhug bets [$44].

en_idiot raises [$168].

angelhug calls [$124].

en_idiot shows [ 9d, 9s ] a full house, nines full of fives.

en_idiot wins $349.54 from the main pot with a full house, nines full of fives.

Game#966813267 starts.

#Game No : 966813267


Hand5: Lägg aldrig AA.....


***** Hand History for Game 962864454 *****

$100 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, March 4, 19:38:40 ET 2009

Table Adam Turbo 8 (Real Money)

Seat 9 is the button

Total number of players : 9

Seat 1: angelhug ( $213.29 )

Seat 10: KungKnose ( $203.3 )

Seat 2: Musse ( $155.38 )

Seat 8: AntiAnte ( $87.95 )

Seat 3: Proson62 ( $196.67 )

Seat 4: SeKes ( $148.92 )

Seat 5: Srof ( $74.25 )

Seat 6: forzainter ( $27.43 )

Seat 9: m4gic ( $42.17 )

angelhug posts small blind [$0.5].

Musse posts big blind [$1].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to angelhug [ Ah Ad ]

Proson62 folds.

SeKes folds.

Srof calls [$1].

forzainter folds.

AntiAnte folds.

m4gic folds.

KungKnose calls [$1].

angelhug raises [$6.5].

Musse folds.

Srof folds.

KungKnose calls [$6].

** Dealing Flop ** [ Kc, 9d, 3c ]

angelhug bets [$16].

KungKnose calls [$16].

** Dealing Turn ** [ 7c ]

angelhug bets [$48].

KungKnose raises [$96].

angelhug calls [$48].

** Dealing River ** [ Kh ]

angelhug checks.

KungKnose bets [$40].

angelhug calls [$40].

KungKnose shows [ 9c, Jc ] a flush, king high.

KungKnose wins $312.01 from the main pot with a flush, king high.

Game#962865574 starts.

#Game No : 962865574


Tack och kram på er!


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