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Lirade 1 h session.


-2 inköp


Inte så lätt när man stöter händer som denna.

** Hand # 2228638610 starting - 2008-10-20 01:50:58

** Hellebore [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

djensbeu sitting in seat 1 with €22.53

stegom sitting in seat 2 with €3.56

Menager11 sitting in seat 3 with €12.21[Dealer]

Hero sitting in seat 4 with €9.90

Dadek sitting in seat 5 with €4.61

Invisaliser sitting in seat 6 with €5.49

Hero posted the small blind - €0.05

Dadek posted the big blind - €0.10

** Dealing cards to Hero :2 of Spades2 of Clubs

Invisaliser folded

djensbeu raised to €0.40

stegom folded

Menager11 called - €0.40

Hero called - €0.40

Dadek called - €0.40

** Dealing the flop:Jack of Spades,2 of Hearts,6 of Spades

Hero bet - €1.60

Dadek folded

djensbeu folded

Menager11 went all-in - €11.81

Hero went all-in - €7.90


Turn (Pot : $0.00)


Queen of Spades


River (Pot : $0.00)


Queen of SpadesKing of Spades

Hero shows:2 of Spades,2 of Clubs

Menager11 shows:Jacks of Hearts,Ace of Spades

Menager11 wins €19.57 from the main pot


hade även AK mot JJ, AQ mot A8, 2par mot kåk, osv........


Sen så hade jag 2 lite kluriga händer:


Inga notes/stats på grabben. Floppen träffar min range bra, blir ändå reraisad... fold/shove?



** Hand # 2228489125 starting - 2008-10-19 23:47:11

** Acanthe [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

Hero sitting in seat 1 with €9.93

pierreqq sitting in seat 2 with €15.23

Titus1 sitting in seat 3 with €8.75

under_t sitting in seat 4 with €10.80[Dealer]

sidartha sitting in seat 5 with €20.41

bozzie7 sitting in seat 6 with €9.87

sidartha posted the small blind - €0.05

bozzie7 posted the big blind - €0.10

** Dealing cards to Hero :Ace of Hearts,Queen of Clubs

Hero raised to €0.40

pierreqq folded

Titus1 folded

under_t folded

sidartha folded

bozzie7 raised to €0.70

Hero called - €0.70

** Dealing the flop:Ace of Clubs,Jack of Diamonds,5 of Diamonds

bozzie7 bet - €0.10

Hero raised to €1.10

bozzie7 raised to €4.75

(Resultat är som vanligt i vitt)

Hero folded

bozzie7 mucks:

bozzie7 wins €7.12 from the main pot



Inga notes/stats på grabben eftersom jag sitter på laptopen. Kanske var vekt spelat, jag vet inte.. FD/SD mycke möjligt..


** Hand # 2228531635 starting - 2008-10-20 00:18:40

** Angraecum [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

SamyD sitting in seat 1 with €10.47

glasvegas sitting in seat 2 with €12.43

Hero sitting in seat 3 with €10.98[Dealer]

ketamineHCL sitting in seat 5 with €10.94

Ivortd sitting in seat 6 with €15.36

ketamineHCL posted the small blind - €0.05

Ivortd posted the big blind - €0.10

** Dealing cards to Hero :Queen of Spades,Jack of Diamonds

SamyD called - €0.10

glasvegas folded

Hero raised to €0.50

ketamineHCL called - €0.50

Ivortd folded

SamyD folded

** Dealing the flop:5 of Spades,Jack of Spades,10 of Diamonds

ketamineHCL checked

Hero bet - €0.80

ketamineHCL raised to €1.80

(Resultat är som vanligt i vitt)

Hero called - €1.80


Turn (Pot : $0.00)


6 of Clubs

ketamineHCL bet - €3.00

Hero folded

ketamineHCL mucks:

ketamineHCL wins €7.56 from the main pot



PS. Vad för HH converter använder ni er av på forumet? Jag lirar Prima

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Efter att ha legat nere på 78 euro så spelade jag upp till 88 euro innan jag gick och la mig. Inte mycke att säga om det sessionet.


Jag lirade även ett session nu när jag vaknade (<3 bankdag i lumpen). Det flöt på bra och jag fick bra betalt för min kort. Börjar det gå uppåt igen?


Efter ett tag stötte jag på denna hand:


** Hand # 2228953369 starting - 2008-10-20 12:21:01

** Starwort [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

Makopide sitting in seat 1 with €5.77

Hero sitting in seat 2 with €9.35

dpeter01 sitting in seat 3 with €12.13[Dealer]

Jurgen1974 sitting in seat 4 with €13.64

Weandago sitting in seat 5 with €9.48

moose_85 sitting in seat 6 with €14.69

Jurgen1974 posted the small blind - €0.05

Weandago posted the big blind - €0.10

** Dealing cards to Hero :

King of Hearts, Queen of Hearts

moose_85 called - €0.10

Makopide folded

Hero raised to €0.50 - standard

dpeter01 folded

Jurgen1974 folded

Weandago called - €0.50

moose_85 called - €0.50

** Dealing the flop:6 of Hearts,8 of Hearts,7 of Diamonds

Weandago bet - €1.00

moose_85 raised to €2.00

(Resultat är som vanligt i vitt)

Hero went all-in - €8.85

2 överkort + FD och deras minbet/minraise gav mig lite döpengar, vilket gav mig helt okej fold equity? Eller blandar jag ihop uttrycken nu? :roll: Det kanske inte är EV+ att spela såhär. Dom foldar kanske inte sina överpar/TP tillräckligt ofta?


Weandago went all-in - €7.98

moose_85 called - €8.98


Turn (Pot : $0.00)


Jacks of Spades


River (Pot : $0.00)


Jacks of Spades Kingds of Diamonds

Weandago shows:9d,9c

moose_85 mucks:5h,8d

Hero shows:King of Hearts,Queen of Hearts

Hero wins €26.70 from the main pot - Fin pot

Weandago wins €0.25 from side pot 1



Bankrulle: 127 euro

Session: +39 euro 8-)

Tid: 1~ H


Jag håller på att fixa en standard "stats" som jag ska infoga efter varje session, ser denna okej ut? Ska jag tillägga/ta bort nåt?

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Session 2 för dagen slutade back 10 BB :roll:.

Spelade bra men det är inte mycket att göra åt när man stöter på en sån här rackare:


** Hand # 2229066645 starting - 2008-10-20 14:50:45

** Wisniewski XIV [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

Smazka sitting in seat 1 with €22.79

Hero sitting in seat 2 with €9.85

JAYCE62 sitting in seat 3 with €7.64

folling sitting in seat 4 with €6.38[Dealer]

pierreqq sitting in seat 5 with €8.90

Roy_Bergen sitting in seat 6 with €30.89

pierreqq posted the small blind - €0.05

Roy_Bergen posted the big blind - €0.10

** Dealing cards to Hero :King of Spades,Ace of Diamonds

Smazka folded

Hero raised to €0.40

JAYCE62 called - €0.40

folling called - €0.40

pierreqq folded

Roy_Bergen folded

** Dealing the flop:8d,King of Hearts,King of Clubs

Hero bet - €0.90

JAYCE62 folded

folling called - €0.90


Turn (Pot : $0.00)


En checkraise här känns ganska passande, inga speciella drag.. och jag låter grabben reppa kungen.


5 of Club

Hero checked

folling bet - €1.60

Hero raised to €3.97

folling called - €3.97


River (Pot : $0.00)


5 of Clubs2 of Clubs

Hero bet - €2.77

folling went all-in - €1.11

Hero shows:King of Spades,Ace of Diamonds

folling shows:8 of Clubs,8 of Hearts

folling wins €12.65 from the main pot



Bankrulle: 126 euro

Session: -1 euro 8-)

Tid: 30 min


Dags för lite pizza sen dota.

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Resultat för dagen:



Bankrulle: 154 euro

Dagen: +66 euro

Tid:4 h


En hand som jag har funderat lite på:


** Hand # 2229847306 starting - 2008-10-20 22:51:01

** Absinthium [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

pierreqq sitting in seat 1 with €15.51[Dealer]

beqqo sitting in seat 2 with €8.20

CrippleAlex sitting in seat 3 with €11.73

pedzo69 sitting in seat 4 with €13.70

Hero sitting in seat 5 with €16.21

Profitus sitting in seat 6 with €8.35

beqqo posted the small blind - €0.05

CrippleAlex posted the big blind - €0.10

** Dealing cards to Hero :King of Hearts,King of Clubs

pedzo69 called - €0.10

Hero raised to €0.50

Profitus folded

pierreqq folded

beqqo folded

CrippleAlex folded

pedzo69 called - €0.50

** Dealing the flop:Queen of Spades,9 of Clubs,Jack of Clubs

pedzo69 checked

Hero bet - €0.90 - Standard cbet

pedzo69 called - €0.90


Turn (Pot : $0.00)


9 of Diamonds

pedzo69 checked

Hero bet - €2.20 - Standard second barrel

pedzo69 called - €2.20 - Denna syn ger mig dålig vibbar, jagar drag? slowspelar monster?


River (Pot : $0.00)


9 of Diamonds2 of Clubs

pedzo69 checked

(Resultat är som vanligt i vitt)

Hero checked - Vekt?

pedzo69 shows:King of Diamonds,T of Diamonds

Hero mucks:King of Hearts,King of Clubs

pedzo69 wins €6.99 from the main pot

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Så back, har haft ganska fullt upp med lumpen.. övat strid hela dagarna, har inte orkat lira poker riktigt. Kom hem idag drog 2 h session, +6 inköp ;-) .

Största potten för dagen, lite tveksam sådär..


** Hand # 2235283656 starting - 2008-10-24 17:46:28

** Hyacinthus [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

caidox sitting in seat 1 with €22.58[Dealer]

nikola763 sitting in seat 2 with €6.28

Mormuska sitting in seat 3 with €6.44

bibimano sitting in seat 4 with €4.16

Hero sitting in seat 5 with €27.30

killer196310 sitting in seat 6 with €13.56

nikola763 posted the small blind - €0.05

Mormuska posted the big blind - €0.10

** Dealing cards to Hero :Ace of Spades,10 of Spades

bibimano folded

Hero called - €0.10

killer196310 called - €0.10

caidox raised to €0.60

nikola763 folded

Mormuska folded

Hero called - €0.60

killer196310 folded

** Dealing the flop:7 of Clubs,Queen of Spades,Jack of Spades

Hero bet - €1.45

caidox called - €1.45


Turn (Pot : $0.00)

9 of Diamonds


Lite tveksam vad jag ska göra här.. Jag visste att han var commited, att han aldrig skulle slänga sig här.. Typisk callingstation.. Så jag tänkte typ, jag synar och om jag missar så slänger jag.. Känns lite onödigt att shova, det skulle inte ge nån riktigt effekt förutom att jag förlorar mer om jag missar mina outs..


Hero bet - €3.00

caidox raised to €13.35

caidox > ?

caidox > still there?

caidox > how are u killer

bibimano > zzzzzzzzzzzz!

Hero called - €13.35


River (Pot : $0.00)


9 of Diamonds2 of Spades

Hero bet - €7.76

caidox went all-in - €7.18

Hero shows:As,Ts

caidox mucks:7d,Qc

Hero wins €43.14 from the main pot


Här kommer en WTF-hand mot en REG :h:


** Hand # 2235266261 starting - 2008-10-24 17:33:48

** Hellebore [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

Lappen123 sitting in seat 1 with €16.62

vexola sitting in seat 2 with €15.39

mesayha11 sitting in seat 3 with €2.39

Hero sitting in seat 4 with €24.56

Maskinen079 sitting in seat 5 with €6.83[Dealer]

xxxxxxx sitting in seat 6 with €7.83

xxxxxxx posted the small blind - €0.05

Lappen123 posted the big blind - €0.10

** Dealing cards to Hero :8 of Diamonds,8 of Hearts

vexola called - €0.10

mesayha11 folded

Hero raised to €0.50

Maskinen079 folded

xxxxxxx called - €0.50

Lappen123 called - €0.50

vexola called - €0.50

** Dealing the flop:7 of Diamonds,8 of Spades,2 of Diamonds

xxxxxxx checked

Lappen123 checked

vexola checked

Hero bet - €1.50

manolomg called - €1.50

Lappen123 folded

vexola folded


Turn (Pot : $0.00)


4 of Spades

xxxxxxx checked

Hero bet - €3.50

xxxxxxx called - €3.50


River (Pot : $0.00)


4 of Spades10 of Hearts

xxxxxxx checked

Hero bet - €2.50

xxxxxxx went all-in - €2.33

Hero shows:8d,8h

manolomg mucks:2s,5d

Hero wins €15.83 from the main pot


Gjorde jag rätt här med set?


** Hand # 2235234118 starting - 2008-10-24 17:16:43

** Hyacinthus [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

caidox sitting in seat 1 with €13.11[Dealer]

nikola763 sitting in seat 2 with €9.50

guidr1504 sitting in seat 3 with €10.69

OrageTemps sitting in seat 4 with €15.74

Hero sitting in seat 5 with €10.08

killer196310 sitting in seat 6 with €10.35

nikola763 posted the small blind - €0.05

guidr1504 posted the big blind - €0.10

** Dealing cards to Hero :10 of Diamonds, 10 of Hearts

OrageTemps called - €0.10

Hero raised to €0.50

killer196310 folded

caidox called - €0.50

nikola763 folded

guidr1504 folded

OrageTemps called - €0.50

** Dealing the flop:5 of Diamonds,Jack of Clubs,King of Clubs

OrageTemps checked

Hero checked

caidox checked


Turn (Pot : $0.00)


10 of Clubs

OrageTemps checked

Hero bet - €1.30

caidox folded

OrageTemps called - €1.30


River (Pot : $0.00)


10 of ClubsAce of Hearts

OrageTemps checked

Hero bet - €3.00

OrageTemps went all-in - €13.94

OrageTemps > *

Hero folded

OrageTemps mucks:

OrageTemps wins €20.68 from the main pot



Bankrulle: 256 euro

Dagen: +80 euro

Tid:4 h, utspritt under idag och igår.

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Anledning till att du hoppar på mig? Vem har sagt att jag fortfarande spelar $1 sitngo's förövrigt?


Men om du är trevlig och kanske t.o.m tillför något intelligent så kanske du skulle slippa "påhopp".

Eller har aldrig tanken slagit dig att det kan ha ett samband ?


Till Dagboksinnehavaren: Lycka Till !!!

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Bankrulle: 265 euro

Sessionj: -15 euro :evil:



lamt session med utdragningar hit o dit.. och några QQ vs AA osv.


The kluring of the day:


** Hand # 2236716795 starting - 2008-10-25 16:30:26

** Leucanthemum Vulgare [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

Schwepps sitting in seat 1 with €2.04

xela4 sitting in seat 2 with €6.93[Dealer]

Hero sitting in seat 3 with €22.09

nob413 sitting in seat 4 with €11.25

Ruud_Dend sitting in seat 5 with €9.13

Sypo sitting in seat 6 with €13.69

Hero posted the small blind - €0.05

nob413 posted the big blind - €0.10

** Dealing cards to Hero :King of Spades,Queen of Clubs

Ruud_Dend folded

Sypo raised to €0.50

Schwepps folded

xela4 called - €0.50

Hero called - €0.50

nob413 folded

** Dealing the flop:7 of Hearts,Jack of Hearts,Queen of Hearts

Hero checked - betta pot?

Sypo checked

xela4 checked


Turn (Pot : $0.00)


King of Diamonds

Hero bet - €1.20

Sypo folded

xela4 went all-in - €6.43


Jag är rädd för slowspelad färg eller träffad stege.. men Fi stackar även av med ett antal andra händer som KJ, JQ, AK osv..

Hero folded

xela4 mucks:

xela4 wins €9.03 from the main pot

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Bankrulle: 300 euro

Sessionj: +35 euro

Tid:Ett par dagar


Det har blivit snålt med poker på sistone.. haft massiv skyddsvaktsutbildning så jag har varken haft tid eller ork.. Jag ska försöka spela ihop 10 inköp denna helg sen så hoppar jag tillbaka till NL20 igen :)


Vann en finfin pot:


** Hand # 2240080249 starting - 2008-10-27 19:57:35

** Gouet commun [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 NL - Cash Game) Real Money

chimpas sitting in seat 1 with €11.38

sveab sitting in seat 2 with €3.10

Paschendale sitting in seat 3 with €5.83[Dealer]

soprano1509 sitting in seat 4 with €12.74

Hero sitting in seat 5 with €27.31

ceryork sitting in seat 6 with €3.93

soprano1509 posted the small blind - €0.05

Hero posted the big blind - €0.10

** Dealing cards to Hero :2 of Clubs ,2 of Spades

ceryork raised to €0.20

chimpas raised to €0.60

sveab called - €0.60

Paschendale folded

soprano1509 called - €0.60

Hero called - €0.60

ceryork called - €0.60

** Dealing the flop:2 of Diamonds,Ace of Spades,7 of Diamonds

soprano1509 checked

Hero bet - €2.40

ceryork called - €2.40

chimpas called - €2.40

sveab folded

soprano1509 raised to €7.20

Hero went all-in - €24.31

ceryork went all-in - €0.93

chimpas went all-in - €8.38

soprano1509 went all-in - €4.94


Turn (Pot : $0.00)


6 of Clubs


River (Pot : $0.00)


6 of Clubs7 of Clubs

soprano1509 shows:Queen of Hearts,Ace of Diamonds

Hero shows:2 of Clubs, 2 of Spades

chimpas mucks:10 of Hearts, Ace of Hearts

ceryork mucks:Ace of Clubs ,10 of Diamonds

Hero wins €15.51 from the main pot

Hero wins €21.23 from side pot 1

Hero wins €2.59 from side pot 2

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  • 1 month later...

Fan vad nice att se att du kor egen dagbok, skrev ett inlagg till dig pa 0,5/1 Gemensammadagboken trodde du hangde daer regelbundet, sjalv lirar jag svenska efter att lirat upp en rulle pa pacific "lol" hann lira i 2-3 dagar innan jag blev utskickad till havs igen. Hade varit nice o chilla lite i vent och snacka hander naer jag kommer hem i slutet av Dec, lr kanske att du gor ett lite besok ner till mig, alex och bazzen, vi kor ett och annat live game haer nere ibland med RIKTIGT bra varde.



Aja ska ner till byssan igen och jobba, skot om dig boi!

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