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Standard att ta syn här med typ 17 kvar i en $10k guarantee mot randomfi? Jag personligen hatar att syna med dessa händer, men det måste väl vara EV+ i det här skedet? Average ligger på drygt 80k


Full Tilt Poker Game #6558957683: $10,000 Guarantee (49151189), Table 1 - 2000/4000 Ante 500 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:55:20 ET - 2008/05/25

Seat 1: blackenend (60,960)

Seat 2: DragonShark79 (135,803)

Seat 3: Don_Beppe (85,798)

Seat 4: sherwinr (130,043)

Seat 5: jackgator (15,012)

Seat 6: Trevize2 (68,321)

Seat 7: SirJunkie (131,567)

Seat 8: gemi9 (71,938)

Seat 9: MasterGee1 (74,467)

blackenend antes 500

DragonShark79 antes 500

Don_Beppe antes 500

sherwinr antes 500

jackgator antes 500

Trevize2 antes 500

SirJunkie antes 500

MasterGee1 antes 500

MasterGee1 posts the small blind of 2,000

blackenend posts the big blind of 4,000

The button is in seat #7

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie 7 of Hearts7 of Diamonds

DragonShark79 folds

Don_Beppe folds

sherwinr: sik 3 outter

sherwinr folds

jackgator folds

Trevize2 folds

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie raises to 10,750

MasterGee1 folds

blackenend raises to 60,460, and is all in

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie has requested TIME

SirJunkie calls 49,710

blackenend shows Ace of HeartsAce of Clubs

SirJunkie shows 7 of Hearts7 of Diamonds

*** FLOP *** 8 of Spades6 of DiamondsJack of Hearts

*** TURN *** 8 of Spades6 of DiamondsJack of Hearts2 of Spades

*** RIVER *** 8 of Spades6 of DiamondsJack of Hearts2 of SpadesAce of Spades

blackenend shows three of a kind, Aces

SirJunkie shows a pair of Sevens

blackenend wins the pot (126,920) with three of a kind, Aces

SirJunkie: nh

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 126,920 | Rake 0

Board: 8 of Spades6 of DiamondsJack of Hearts2 of SpadesAce of Spades

Seat 1: blackenend (big blind) showed Ace of HeartsAce of Clubs and won (126,920) with three of a kind, Aces

Seat 2: DragonShark79 folded before the Flop

Seat 3: Don_Beppe folded before the Flop

Seat 4: sherwinr folded before the Flop

Seat 5: jackgator folded before the Flop

Seat 6: Trevize2 folded before the Flop

Seat 7: SirJunkie (button) showed 7 of Hearts7 of Diamonds and lost with a pair of Sevens

Seat 8: gemi9 is sitting out

Seat 9: MasterGee1 (small blind) folded before the Flop



Ligger för övrigt 8/14 i turren just nu. $3k till ettan

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Puh! Här kom jag undan billigt..


Full Tilt Poker Game #6559225146: $10,000 Guarantee (49151189), Table 1 - 3000/6000 Ante 750 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:19:09 ET - 2008/05/25

Seat 1: blackenend (153,420)

Seat 2: DragonShark79 (167,029)

Seat 3: Don_Beppe (91,398)

Seat 4: sherwinr (125,843)

Seat 5: leduc001 (55,708)

Seat 6: POKETTER (566,425)

Seat 7: SirJunkie (123,831)

Seat 9: Carbona (291,346)

blackenend antes 750

DragonShark79 antes 750

Don_Beppe antes 750

sherwinr antes 750

leduc001 antes 750

POKETTER antes 750

SirJunkie antes 750

Carbona antes 750

leduc001 posts the small blind of 3,000

POKETTER posts the big blind of 6,000

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie Queen of DiamondsQueen of Spades

SirJunkie raises to 16,750

Carbona folds

blackenend folds

DragonShark79 folds

Don_Beppe folds

sherwinr folds

leduc001 folds

POKETTER has 15 seconds left to act

POKETTER calls 10,750

*** FLOP *** 2 of SpadesKing of Hearts2 of Clubs


SirJunkie checks

*** TURN *** 2 of SpadesKing of Hearts2 of Clubs7 of Hearts

POKETTER bets 12,000

SirJunkie calls 12,000

*** RIVER *** 2 of SpadesKing of Hearts2 of Clubs7 of HeartsKing of Clubs

POKETTER has 15 seconds left to act

POKETTER bets 18,000

SirJunkie calls 18,000

*** SHOW DOWN ***

POKETTER shows Ace of HeartsAce of Clubs two pair, Aces and Kings

SirJunkie mucks

POKETTER wins the pot (102,500) with two pair, Aces and Kings

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 102,500 | Rake 0

Board: 2 of SpadesKing of Hearts2 of Clubs7 of HeartsKing of Clubs

Seat 1: blackenend folded before the Flop

Seat 2: DragonShark79 folded before the Flop

Seat 3: Don_Beppe folded before the Flop

Seat 4: sherwinr (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: leduc001 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 6: POKETTER (big blind) showed Ace of HeartsAce of Clubs and won (102,500) with two pair, Aces and Kings

Seat 7: SirJunkie mucked Queen of DiamondsQueen of Spades - two pair, Kings and Queens

Seat 9: Carbona folded before the Flop

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så när det var min tur att få en utmärkelse så kom det oundvikliga "klassens fyllesvin"


Hehe, hur funkar detta med pokern då? Kan du lira obehindrat när du är berusad live/online eller drar det ner dina skills? Själv jobbar jag enligt hypotesen att öl/vin i blodet ger en knapp förbättring, medan sprit sänker förmågan dramatisk. Online alltså. Live lutar jag åt att berusning oavsett med vad är EV+

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Hehe, hur funkar detta med pokern då? Kan du lira obehindrat när du är berusad live/online eller drar det ner dina skills? Själv jobbar jag enligt hypotesen att öl/vin i blodet ger en knapp förbättring, medan sprit sänker förmågan dramatisk. Online alltså. Live lutar jag åt att berusning oavsett med vad är EV+


Hehe tro det eller ej så spelar jag ALDRIG på fyllan. Ja, jag är stolt ;-)


hur går det för dig nu ? du verkar köra mkt turres


Har gått riktigt knackigt de senaste månaderna och jag har väl varit inne i en längre downswing ganska länge nu. Har en dålig ovana att spärra svenska spel när det går dåligt, och då blir det ofta en vecka med turrar och $spel istället :-) Jag tycker de är ganska skoj med turrar och det känns som jag kommer att dinga ganska så kraftigt snart..


Dig verkar de ju ha gått spikrakt uppåt för, kul!

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NHL och PES naturligtvis. Halflife-boxen.


Har aldrig varit ett stort fan av sportspel, men de är väl spel man måste ha för att kunna spela med polarna antar jag :-)


Om du ens funderar på 77-handen så är du alldelles för vek


Jag funderar väl mest över 77 handen eftersom jag inte är så van mtt spelare då jag mest spelar cg. Ser inte mig själv som en vek spelare i allmänhet, men just i dessa lägen kan jag tänka mig att så är fallet.. hur bred range synar vi med i just den här situationen?


Tack för kritik, det uppskattas!

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Inom loppet av typ 5 min..


Full Tilt Poker Game #6572692131: Table Bedford (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:06:59 ET - 2008/05/26

Seat 1: Shovestoof ($122.05), is sitting out

Seat 2: Topcat1680 ($434.30)

Seat 3: pokerforlivo ($235)

Seat 4: BettingBrigader ($190)

Seat 5: Pansyack ($190.60)

Seat 6: SirJunkie ($211.25)

SirJunkie posts the small blind of $1

Topcat1680 posts the big blind of $2

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie King of SpadesKing of Clubs

pokerforlivo folds

BettingBrigader raises to $7

Pansyack has 15 seconds left to act

Pansyack folds

SirJunkie raises to $23

Topcat1680 folds

BettingBrigader raises to $100

SirJunkie raises to $211.25, and is all in

BettingBrigader calls $90, and is all in

SirJunkie shows King of SpadesKing of Clubs

BettingBrigader shows Ace of DiamondsJack of Spades

Uncalled bet of $21.25 returned to SirJunkie

*** FLOP *** 5 of Hearts7 of Spades4 of Hearts

*** TURN *** 5 of Hearts7 of Spades4 of Hearts3 of Spades

*** RIVER *** 5 of Hearts7 of Spades4 of Hearts3 of Spades2 of Hearts

SirJunkie shows a pair of Kings

BettingBrigader shows a straight, Five high

BettingBrigader wins the pot ($379) with a straight, Five high

SirJunkie adds $178.75

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $382 | Rake $3

Board: 5 of Hearts7 of Spades4 of Hearts3 of Spades2 of Hearts

Seat 1: Shovestoof is sitting out

Seat 2: Topcat1680 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: pokerforlivo didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: BettingBrigader showed Ace of DiamondsJack of Spades and won ($379) with a straight, Five high

Seat 5: Pansyack (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: SirJunkie (small blind) showed King of SpadesKing of Clubs and lost with a pair of Kings


Full Tilt Poker Game #6572682861: Table Dewey (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:06:10 ET - 2008/05/26

Seat 1: lookin4nuts ($200)

Seat 2: sharons48 ($89.20)

Seat 3: feffer111 ($88.65)

Seat 4: xxxbullpitxxx ($52)

Seat 5: SirJunkie ($200)

Seat 6: MrShhh82 ($242.65)

sharons48 posts the small blind of $1

feffer111 posts the big blind of $2

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie Jack of DiamondsJack of Spades

xxxbullpitxxx calls $2

SirJunkie raises to $9

MrShhh82 folds

lookin4nuts folds

sharons48 calls $8

feffer111 calls $7

xxxbullpitxxx raises to $52, and is all in

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie calls $43

sharons48 folds

feffer111 has 15 seconds left to act

feffer111 folds

xxxbullpitxxx shows 7 of Diamonds6 of Diamonds

SirJunkie shows Jack of DiamondsJack of Spades

*** FLOP *** 9 of DiamondsAce of Clubs10 of Hearts

*** TURN *** 9 of DiamondsAce of Clubs10 of Hearts8 of Spades

*** RIVER *** 9 of DiamondsAce of Clubs10 of Hearts8 of SpadesKing of Diamonds

xxxbullpitxxx shows a straight, Ten high

SirJunkie shows a pair of Jacks

xxxbullpitxxx wins the pot ($119) with a straight, Ten high

SirJunkie adds $52

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $122 | Rake $3

Board: 9 of DiamondsAce of Clubs10 of Hearts8 of SpadesKing of Diamonds

Seat 1: lookin4nuts (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: sharons48 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: feffer111 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: xxxbullpitxxx showed 7 of Diamonds6 of Diamonds and won ($119) with a straight, Ten high

Seat 5: SirJunkie showed Jack of DiamondsJack of Spades and lost with a pair of Jacks

Seat 6: MrShhh82 didn't bet (folded)


Full Tilt Poker Game #6572643163: Table Easement (6 max) - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:02:48 ET - 2008/05/26

Seat 1: ROXYRANDI ($102.60)

Seat 2: cslack8909 ($101.40)

Seat 4: SirJunkie ($101.50)

Seat 5: muckinfuddled ($14.95)

Seat 6: GenerousJim ($77.50)

cslack8909 posts the small blind of $0.50

SirJunkie posts the big blind of $1

The button is in seat #1

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie Queen of DiamondsQueen of Spades

TH22 sits down

TH22 adds $29.25

muckinfuddled raises to $2

GenerousJim folds

ROXYRANDI calls $2

cslack8909 folds

SirJunkie raises to $8.50

muckinfuddled raises to $14.95, and is all in


SirJunkie calls $6.45

muckinfuddled shows 7 of DiamondsAce of Spades

SirJunkie shows Queen of DiamondsQueen of Spades

*** FLOP *** 8 of Spades8 of Hearts5 of Hearts

*** TURN *** 8 of Spades8 of Hearts5 of HeartsAce of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 8 of Spades8 of Hearts5 of HeartsAce of Diamonds8 of Clubs

muckinfuddled shows a full house, Eights full of Aces

SirJunkie shows a full house, Eights full of Queens

muckinfuddled wins the pot ($30.80) with a full house, Eights full of Aces

SirJunkie adds $13.45

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $32.40 | Rake $1.60

Board: 8 of Spades8 of Hearts5 of HeartsAce of Diamonds8 of Clubs

Seat 1: ROXYRANDI (button) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: cslack8909 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: SirJunkie (big blind) showed Queen of DiamondsQueen of Spades and lost with a full house, Eights full of Queens

Seat 5: muckinfuddled showed 7 of DiamondsAce of Spades and won ($30.80) with a full house, Eights full of Aces

Seat 6: GenerousJim didn't bet (folded)

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Full Tilt Poker Game #6572796099: Table Dewey (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:15:38 ET - 2008/05/26

Seat 1: lookin4nuts ($200)

Seat 2: sharons48 ($219.75), is sitting out

Seat 3: feffer111 ($41.80)

Seat 4: xxxbullpitxxx ($125)

Seat 5: SirJunkie ($200)

Seat 6: MrShhh82 ($255.75)

feffer111 posts the small blind of $1

xxxbullpitxxx posts the big blind of $2

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie Jack of HeartsJack of Clubs

SirJunkie raises to $7

sharons48 stands up

MrShhh82 folds

lookin4nuts folds

feffer111 calls $6

xxxbullpitxxx calls $5

*** FLOP *** 9 of Diamonds7 of Spades7 of Clubs

feffer111 checks

xxxbullpitxxx checks

lipstickk adds $200

lipstickk is feeling happy

SirJunkie bets $16

feffer111 raises to $34.80, and is all in

xxxbullpitxxx folds

SirJunkie calls $18.80

feffer111 shows Queen of Diamonds7 of Hearts

SirJunkie shows Jack of HeartsJack of Clubs

lookin4nuts: 2 gut shot calls and one idiot f.cks another one :)

*** TURN *** 9 of Diamonds7 of Spades7 of Clubs4 of Hearts

*** RIVER *** 9 of Diamonds7 of Spades7 of Clubs4 of Hearts5 of Diamonds

feffer111 shows three of a kind, Sevens

SirJunkie shows two pair, Jacks and Sevens

feffer111 wins the pot ($87.60) with three of a kind, Sevens

feffer111 adds $80

SirJunkie adds $41.80

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $90.60 | Rake $3

Board: 9 of Diamonds7 of Spades7 of Clubs4 of Hearts5 of Diamonds

Seat 1: lookin4nuts didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: sharons48 (button) is sitting out

Seat 3: feffer111 (small blind) showed Queen of Diamonds7 of Hearts and won ($87.60) with three of a kind, Sevens

Seat 4: xxxbullpitxxx (big blind) folded on the Flop

Seat 5: SirJunkie showed Jack of HeartsJack of Clubs and lost with two pair, Jacks and Sevens

Seat 6: MrShhh82 didn't bet (folded)


Full Tilt Poker Game #6572807015: Table Bedford (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:16:33 ET - 2008/05/26

Seat 1: Shovestoof ($126.05)

Seat 2: Topcat1680 ($425.55)

Seat 3: pokerforlivo ($129.20)

Seat 4: BettingBrigader ($428.25)

Seat 5: Pansyack ($190.60)

Seat 6: SirJunkie ($269.25)

Pansyack posts the small blind of $1

SirJunkie posts the big blind of $2

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie [Kh Kd]

Shovestoof folds

Topcat1680 folds

pokerforlivo raises to $7

BettingBrigader folds

Pansyack folds

SirJunkie raises to $22

pokerforlivo calls $15

*** FLOP *** [6c 7c Ac]

SirJunkie checks

pokerforlivo checks

*** TURN *** [6c 7c Ac] [Kc]

SirJunkie checks

pokerforlivo checks

*** RIVER *** [6c 7c Ac Kc] [Jc]

SirJunkie checks

pokerforlivo bets $22

SirJunkie calls $22

*** SHOW DOWN ***

pokerforlivo shows [8h 8s] a flush, Ace high

SirJunkie shows [Kh Kd] a flush, Ace high

SirJunkie ties for the pot ($43) with a flush, Ace high

pokerforlivo ties for the pot ($43) with a flush, Ace high

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $89 | Rake $3

Board: [6c 7c Ac Kc Jc]

Seat 1: Shovestoof didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: Topcat1680 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: pokerforlivo showed [8h 8s] and won ($43) with a flush, Ace high

Seat 4: BettingBrigader (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: Pansyack (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 6: SirJunkie (big blind) showed [Kh Kd] and won ($43) with a flush, Ace high

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Full Tilt Poker Game #6572940298: Table Dewey (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:27:35 ET - 2008/05/26

Seat 1: lookin4nuts ($276)

Seat 2: lipstickk ($281.40)

Seat 3: feffer111 ($270.75)

Seat 4: FoldingRuth ($200)

Seat 5: SirJunkie ($200)

Seat 6: MrShhh82 ($379.75)

feffer111 posts the small blind of $1

FoldingRuth posts the big blind of $2

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie Ace of HeartsJack of Spades

SirJunkie raises to $7

MrShhh82 calls $7

lookin4nuts folds

lipstickk folds

feffer111 calls $6

FoldingRuth folds

*** FLOP *** 4 of DiamondsQueen of Hearts6 of Spades

feffer111 checks

SirJunkie checks

MrShhh82 checks

*** TURN *** 4 of DiamondsQueen of Hearts6 of SpadesJack of Diamonds

feffer111 checks

SirJunkie bets $10

MrShhh82 raises to $34

feffer111 has 15 seconds left to act

feffer111 folds

SirJunkie calls $24

*** RIVER *** 4 of DiamondsQueen of Hearts6 of SpadesJack of DiamondsJack of Hearts

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie bets $62

MrShhh82 raises to $277

SirJunkie calls $97, and is all in

Uncalled bet of $118 returned to MrShhh82

*** SHOW DOWN ***

MrShhh82 shows Queen of DiamondsQueen of Spades a full house, Queens full of Jacks

SirJunkie mucks

MrShhh82 wins the pot ($406) with a full house, Queens full of Jacks

SirJunkie adds $200

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $409 | Rake $3

Board: 4 of DiamondsQueen of Hearts6 of SpadesJack of DiamondsJack of Hearts

Seat 1: lookin4nuts didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: lipstickk (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: feffer111 (small blind) folded on the Turn

Seat 4: FoldingRuth (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: SirJunkie mucked Ace of HeartsJack of Spades - three of a kind, Jacks

Seat 6: MrShhh82 showed Queen of DiamondsQueen of Spades and won ($406) with a full house, Queens full of Jacks

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Full Tilt Poker Game #6573125903: Table Belmondo (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:42:50 ET - 2008/05/26

Seat 1: SirJunkie ($272.40)

Seat 2: DanielDerZivi ($237)

Seat 3: Thismyname ($206.45)

Seat 4: theboyfaedundee ($200)

Seat 5: Rosco-AntDog ($164.45)

Seat 6: Fullhiizzyy ($69.05)

Rosco-AntDog posts the small blind of $1

Fullhiizzyy has 5 seconds left to act

Fullhiizzyy is sitting out

Fullhiizzyy has timed out

SirJunkie posts the big blind of $2

The button is in seat #3

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie Ace of HeartsAce of Diamonds

DanielDerZivi raises to $7

Thismyname folds

Rosco-AntDog has 15 seconds left to act

Rosco-AntDog folds

SirJunkie raises to $22

DanielDerZivi calls $15

*** FLOP *** 7 of Hearts9 of Clubs8 of Diamonds

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie bets $28

DanielDerZivi has 15 seconds left to act

DanielDerZivi has requested TIME

DanielDerZivi raises to $78

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie raises to $250.40, and is all in

DanielDerZivi calls $137, and is all in

SirJunkie shows Ace of HeartsAce of Diamonds

DanielDerZivi shows 8 of Spades8 of Hearts

Uncalled bet of $35.40 returned to SirJunkie

*** TURN *** 7 of Hearts9 of Clubs8 of Diamonds6 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 7 of Hearts9 of Clubs8 of Diamonds6 of DiamondsKing of Diamonds

SirJunkie shows a pair of Aces

DanielDerZivi shows three of a kind, Eights

DanielDerZivi wins the pot ($473) with three of a kind, Eights

SirJunkie adds $164.60

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $475 | Rake $2

Board: 7 of Hearts9 of Clubs8 of Diamonds6 of DiamondsKing of Diamonds

Seat 1: SirJunkie (big blind) showed Ace of HeartsAce of Diamonds and lost with a pair of Aces

Seat 2: DanielDerZivi showed 8 of Spades8 of Hearts and won ($473) with three of a kind, Eights

Seat 3: Thismyname (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: theboyfaedundee is sitting out

Seat 5: Rosco-AntDog (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 6: Fullhiizzyy is sitting out

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Full Tilt Poker Game #6573153035: Table Dewey (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:45:03 ET - 2008/05/26

Seat 1: lookin4nuts ($246.15)

Seat 2: lipstickk ($240.70)

Seat 3: feffer111 ($106)

Seat 4: FoldingRuth ($325.55)

Seat 5: SirJunkie ($287.75)

Seat 6: Blonde24 ($203.55)

lookin4nuts posts the small blind of $1

lipstickk posts the big blind of $2

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie 10 of Hearts10 of Spades

feffer111 raises to $4

FoldingRuth folds

SirJunkie raises to $15

Blonde24 folds

lookin4nuts folds

lipstickk folds

feffer111 calls $11

*** FLOP *** 7 of SpadesJack of Spades9 of Diamonds

feffer111 checks

SirJunkie checks

*** TURN *** 7 of SpadesJack of Spades9 of Diamonds10 of Clubs

feffer111 checks

SirJunkie bets $22

feffer111 raises to $44

SirJunkie calls $22

*** RIVER *** 7 of SpadesJack of Spades9 of Diamonds10 of ClubsAce of Hearts

feffer111 has 15 seconds left to act

feffer111 bets $47, and is all in

SirJunkie calls $47

*** SHOW DOWN ***

feffer111 shows King of Clubs8 of Hearts a straight, Jack high

SirJunkie mucks

feffer111 wins the pot ($212) with a straight, Jack high

SirJunkie adds $18.25

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $215 | Rake $3

Board: 7 of SpadesJack of Spades9 of Diamonds10 of ClubsAce of Hearts

Seat 1: lookin4nuts (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 2: lipstickk (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 3: feffer111 showed King of Clubs8 of Hearts and won ($212) with a straight, Jack high

Seat 4: FoldingRuth didn't bet (folded)

Seat 5: SirJunkie mucked 10 of Hearts10 of Spades - three of a kind, Tens

Seat 6: Blonde24 (button) didn't bet (folded)

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En träff en gång mot den här pajasen? Har han par så stackar han ju av..


Full Tilt Poker Game #6573289318: Table Dewey (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:56:06 ET - 2008/05/26

Seat 1: lookin4nuts ($200)

Seat 2: lipstickk ($210.70)

Seat 3: feffer111 ($562.30)

Seat 4: FoldingRuth ($244.25)

Seat 5: SirJunkie ($200)

Seat 6: Blonde24 ($200)

feffer111 posts the small blind of $1

FoldingRuth posts the big blind of $2

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie 9 of Spades10 of Spades

SirJunkie raises to $7

Blonde24 folds

lookin4nuts folds

lipstickk folds

feffer111 calls $6

FoldingRuth folds

*** FLOP *** 3 of SpadesJack of Diamonds8 of Clubs

feffer111 bets $2

SirJunkie raises to $10

feffer111 raises to $18

SirJunkie calls $8

*** TURN *** 3 of SpadesJack of Diamonds8 of Clubs3 of Diamonds

feffer111 bets $22

SirJunkie calls $22

*** RIVER *** 3 of SpadesJack of Diamonds8 of Clubs3 of Diamonds9 of Clubs

feffer111 checks

SirJunkie checks

*** SHOW DOWN ***

feffer111 shows 7 of HeartsJack of Clubs two pair, Jacks and Threes

SirJunkie mucks

feffer111 wins the pot ($93) with two pair, Jacks and Threes

SirJunkie adds $47

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $96 | Rake $3

Board: 3 of SpadesJack of Diamonds8 of Clubs3 of Diamonds9 of Clubs

Seat 1: lookin4nuts didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: lipstickk (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: feffer111 (small blind) showed 7 of HeartsJack of Clubs and won ($93) with two pair, Jacks and Threes

Seat 4: FoldingRuth (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: SirJunkie mucked 9 of Spades10 of Spades - two pair, Nines and Threes

Seat 6: Blonde24 didn't bet (folded)

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Full Tilt Poker Game #6573539146: Table Bedford (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:15:51 ET - 2008/05/26

Seat 1: Shovestoof ($214.90)

Seat 2: CHANGEPURSE ($86)

Seat 3: soren24 ($163.40)

Seat 4: pjh1243 ($200)

Seat 5: FPS80 ($232.35)

Seat 6: SirJunkie ($330.50)

soren24 posts the small blind of $1

pjh1243 posts the big blind of $2

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to SirJunkie 6 of Spades6 of Diamonds

FPS80 raises to $7

SirJunkie calls $7

Shovestoof folds


pjh1243 adds $2

soren24 folds

pjh1243 folds

*** FLOP *** Queen of ClubsJack of Clubs6 of Hearts

FPS80 has 15 seconds left to act

FPS80 bets $8

SirJunkie has 15 seconds left to act

SirJunkie raises to $34

FPS80 has 15 seconds left to act

FPS80 raises to $112

SirJunkie raises to $323.50, and is all in

FPS80 calls $113.35, and is all in

SirJunkie shows 6 of Spades6 of Diamonds

FPS80 shows Queen of HeartsQueen of Spades

Uncalled bet of $98.15 returned to SirJunkie

*** TURN *** Queen of ClubsJack of Clubs6 of HeartsAce of Clubs

*** RIVER *** Queen of ClubsJack of Clubs6 of HeartsAce of Clubs9 of Hearts

SirJunkie shows three of a kind, Sixes

FPS80 shows three of a kind, Queens

FPS80 wins the pot ($464.70) with three of a kind, Queens

SirJunkie adds $101.85

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $467.70 | Rake $3

Board: Queen of ClubsJack of Clubs6 of HeartsAce of Clubs9 of Hearts

Seat 1: Shovestoof didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: CHANGEPURSE (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: soren24 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: pjh1243 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: FPS80 showed Queen of HeartsQueen of Spades and won ($464.70) with three of a kind, Queens

Seat 6: SirJunkie showed 6 of Spades6 of Diamonds and lost with three of a kind, Sixes

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