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EverestPoker Game #3679649166: Tourney ID: 28115242, Table 28115242-2 - $6,000.00/$12,000.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:16:47 - 2008/09/10

Seat 2: Boretony ($354,888.00)

Seat 3: remipeio ($306,310.00)

Seat 5: Nostradam ($545,030.00)

Seat 6: harleydav26 ($214,814.00)

Seat 9: karaknobba ($115,958.00)

Boretony posts the ante of $1,200.00

remipeio posts the ante of $1,200.00

Nostradam posts the ante of $1,200.00

harleydav26 posts the ante of $1,200.00

karaknobba posts the ante of $1,200.00

karaknobba posts the small blind of $6,000.00

Boretony posts the big blind of $12,000.00

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobbaKing of Hearts 10 of Diamonds

remipeio folds

Nostradam folds

harleydav26 folds

karaknobba raises to $114,758.00 and is all-in

Boretony calls $102,758.00

*** SHOW DOWN ***

karaknobba shows King of Hearts10 of Diamonds

Boretony shows Ace of Spades10 of Spades

*** FLOP *** Ace of Diamonds6 of ClubsKing of Clubs

*** TURN *** Ace of Diamonds6 of ClubsKing of ClubsJack of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** Ace of Diamonds6 of ClubsKing of ClubsJack of Diamonds2 of Clubs

*** SUMMARY ***

Board: Ace of Diamonds6 of ClubsKing of ClubsJack of Diamonds2 of Clubs

Boretony collects $235,516.00

karaknobba finished in place 5 and won $845.35

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EverestPoker Game #3684218570: Table Suva-7 - $1.00/$2.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:38:13 - 2008/09/12

Seat 1: yenobeht ($349.30)

Seat 2: Renzz ($218.60)

Seat 4: karaknobba ($254.35)

Seat 5: MATTONE83 ($50.00)

Seat 6: Lucka754 ($215.90)

MATTONE83 posts the small blind of $1.00

Lucka754 posts the big blind of $2.00

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobbaJack of Spades Queen of Spades

yenobeht folds

Renzz raises to $7.00

karaknobba calls $7.00

MATTONE83 calls $6.00

Lucka754 folds

*** FLOP *** 8 of Spades10 of Hearts7 of Spades

MATTONE83 bets $12.00

Renzz raises to $42.00

karaknobba ?

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EverestPoker Game #3684218570: Table Suva-7 - $1.00/$2.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:38:13 - 2008/09/12

Seat 1: yenobeht ($349.30)

Seat 2: Renzz ($218.60)

Seat 4: karaknobba ($254.35)

Seat 5: MATTONE83 ($50.00)

Seat 6: Lucka754 ($215.90)

MATTONE83 posts the small blind of $1.00

Lucka754 posts the big blind of $2.00

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobbaJack of Spades Queen of Spades

yenobeht folds

Renzz raises to $7.00

karaknobba calls $7.00

MATTONE83 calls $6.00

Lucka754 folds

*** FLOP *** 8 of Spades10 of Hearts7 of Spades

MATTONE83 bets $12.00

Renzz raises to $42.00

karaknobba ?


raise 112!

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raise 112!



Gött då e vi på samma spår. Blev dock rövknullad av :Jd::9d:


Inte vatt ngt whain på länge så får väl posta lite whain



EverestPoker Game #3695959970: Table Suva-12 - $1.00/$2.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:41:29 - 2008/09/15

Seat 1: KNAKDAVON ($43.25)

Seat 2: baccarat08 ($60.60)

Seat 3: HeatBlood ($205.60)

Seat 4: Husmusen ($198.00)

Seat 5: Zedd76 ($152.50)

Seat 6: karaknobba ($198.00)

Husmusen posts the small blind of $1.00

Zedd76 posts the big blind of $2.00

baccarat08 posts a dead small blind of $1.00

baccarat08 posts $2.00

The button is in seat #3

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobbaKing of Diamonds King of Spades

karaknobba raises to $10.00


baccarat08 folds

HeatBlood raises to $36.00

Husmusen folds

Zedd76 folds

karaknobba calls $26.00

*** FLOP *** 2 of Spades4 of Hearts7 of Spades

karaknobba checks

HeatBlood bets $45.00

karaknobba raises to $162.00 and is all-in

HeatBlood calls $117.00

*** SHOW DOWN ***

karaknobba shows King of DiamondsKing of Spades

HeatBlood shows Jack of HeartsJack of Clubs

*** TURN *** 2 of Spades4 of Hearts7 of SpadesJack of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 2 of Spades4 of Hearts7 of SpadesJack of Diamonds4 of Clubs

*** SUMMARY ***

Board: 2 of Spades4 of Hearts7 of SpadesJack of Diamonds4 of Clubs

HeatBlood collects $399.00


EverestPoker Game #3684305060: Table Bamako-1 - $2.00/$4.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:05:56 - 2008/09/12

Seat 1: Roelfs ($902.10)

Seat 2: wijkie ($388.00)

Seat 3: karaknobba ($206.40)

Seat 4: 3Art ($1,358.15)

Seat 5: r27c933v ($335.05)

Seat 6: wunder ($150.95)

karaknobba posts the small blind of $2.00

3Art posts the big blind of $4.00

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobbaQueen of Spades Queen of Hearts

r27c933v calls $4.00

wunder calls $4.00

Roelfs raises to $22.00

wijkie folds

karaknobba raises to $78.00

3Art folds

r27c933v folds

wunder folds

Roelfs raises to $246.00

karaknobba calls $128.40 and is all-in

Uncalled bet of $39.60 returned to Roelfs

*** SHOW DOWN ***

karaknobba shows Queen of SpadesQueen of Hearts

Roelfs shows 9 of Diamonds9 of Spades

*** FLOP *** King of Diamonds3 of DiamondsJack of Diamonds

*** TURN *** King of Diamonds3 of DiamondsJack of DiamondsJack of Clubs

*** RIVER *** King of Diamonds3 of DiamondsJack of DiamondsJack of Clubs4 of Diamonds

*** SUMMARY ***

Board: King of Diamonds3 of DiamondsJack of DiamondsJack of Clubs4 of Diamonds

Roelfs collects $421.80


O så denna från 30k gtd


EverestPoker Game #3676261392: Tourney ID: 21908776, Table 21908776-12 - $200.00/$400.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:14:31 - 2008/09/09

Seat 3: karaknobba ($2,950.00)

Seat 4: Roi_Ray ($5,690.00)

Seat 5: nemoestaloco ($7,180.00)

Seat 6: mattteo33 ($21,525.00)

Seat 8: muster94 ($6,375.00)

Seat 9: rafael09 ($15,540.00)

Seat 10: Chema. ($7,855.00)

karaknobba posts the ante of $50.00

Roi_Ray posts the ante of $50.00

nemoestaloco posts the ante of $50.00

mattteo33 posts the ante of $50.00

muster94 posts the ante of $50.00

rafael09 posts the ante of $50.00

Chema. posts the ante of $50.00

Roi_Ray posts the small blind of $200.00

nemoestaloco posts the big blind of $400.00

The button is in seat #3

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobbaJack of Hearts Jack of Diamonds

mattteo33 folds

muster94 folds

rafael09 raises to $1,200.00

Chema. folds

karaknobba raises to $2,900.00 and is all-in

Roi_Ray folds

nemoestaloco folds

rafael09 calls $1,700.00

*** SHOW DOWN ***

rafael09 shows 6 of Diamonds7 of Diamonds

karaknobba shows Jack of HeartsJack of Diamonds

*** FLOP *** 5 of DiamondsQueen of Spades4 of Hearts

*** TURN *** 5 of DiamondsQueen of Spades4 of Hearts3 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 5 of DiamondsQueen of Spades4 of Hearts3 of Diamonds10 of Spades

*** SUMMARY ***

Board: 5 of DiamondsQueen of Spades4 of Hearts3 of Diamonds10 of Spades

rafael09 collects $6,750.00

karaknobba finished in place 21

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FT i 11 rebajj idag igen. Når dock allri ändå fram :( Kvar i en 10k gtd 109a me sen blire sängen.


EverestPoker Game #3696772699: Tourney ID: 28239717, Table 28239717-19 - $2,500.00/$5,000.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:09:23 - 2008/09/15

Seat 1: cicobari ($32,296.00)

Seat 2: ciccio-ct ($89,086.00)

Seat 3: @joel123@ ($99,569.00)

Seat 4: dapa_69 ($141,508.00)

Seat 5: TheSamB ($96,940.00)

Seat 6: karaknobba ($39,284.00)

Seat 8: barralex ($6,945.00)

Seat 9: nichonifroid ($21,490.00)

Seat 10: Grioze ($129,882.00)

cicobari posts the ante of $500.00

ciccio-ct posts the ante of $500.00

@joel123@ posts the ante of $500.00

dapa_69 posts the ante of $500.00

TheSamB posts the ante of $500.00

karaknobba posts the ante of $500.00

barralex posts the ante of $500.00

nichonifroid posts the ante of $500.00

Grioze posts the ante of $500.00

nichonifroid posts the small blind of $2,500.00

Grioze posts the big blind of $5,000.00

The button is in seat #8

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobba3 of Hearts 3 of Clubs

cicobari folds

ciccio-ct folds

@joel123@ raises to $10,000.00

dapa_69 folds

TheSamB folds

karaknobba raises to $38,784.00 and is all-in

barralex folds

nichonifroid folds

Grioze raises to $129,382.00 and is all-in

@joel123@ folds

Uncalled bet of $90,598.00 returned to Grioze

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Grioze shows Ace of ClubsKing of Hearts

karaknobba shows 3 of Hearts3 of Clubs

*** FLOP *** 10 of DiamondsQueen of SpadesAce of Hearts

*** TURN *** 10 of DiamondsQueen of SpadesAce of Hearts9 of Diamonds

*** RIVER *** 10 of DiamondsQueen of SpadesAce of Hearts9 of Diamonds6 of Diamonds

*** SUMMARY ***

Board: 10 of DiamondsQueen of SpadesAce of Hearts9 of Diamonds6 of Diamonds

Grioze collects $94,568.00

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Testade lite skott på Nl1k igår som sagt. Köpte in me 50bb o det gick ganska bra faktiskt även om ja kan bli lite väl tajt ibland :oops:


Bjuder på två HHs


Denna e ett praktexempel på en för tight spelad hand. Har inte ens 50bb så de e AI som gäller här right?

EverestPoker Game #3703348617: Table Harare-0 - $5.00/$10.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:48:52 - 2008/09/17

Seat 1: fjutsie ($1,388.90)

Seat 2: krul ($1,066.25)

Seat 3: karaknobba ($443.00)

Seat 4: Does888 ($2,255.00)

Seat 5: eltobelli ($83.75)

Seat 6: jjj333 ($85.00)

eltobelli posts the small blind of $5.00

jjj333 posts the big blind of $10.00

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobbaKing of Clubs Ace of Clubs

fjutsie raises to $35.00

krul folds

karaknobba raises to $120.00

Does888 folds

eltobelli calls $78.75 and is all-in

jjj333 folds

fjutsie raises to $453.75

karaknobba folds

Uncalled bet of $333.75 returned to fjutsie

*** SHOW DOWN ***

eltobelli shows 6 of Hearts7 of Hearts

fjutsie shows Ace of DiamondsKing of Spades

*** FLOP *** 4 of Hearts2 of SpadesKing of Diamonds

*** TURN *** 4 of Hearts2 of SpadesKing of Diamonds7 of Spades

*** RIVER *** 4 of Hearts2 of SpadesKing of Diamonds7 of Spades5 of Hearts

*** SUMMARY ***

Board: 4 of Hearts2 of SpadesKing of Diamonds7 of Spades5 of Hearts

fjutsie collects $261.25

fjutsie collects $69.50


Lite kul småkul hand. Does888 sitter på 12 nl1k bord och spelar 33/31. Kan ju undra va han satte mig på.


EverestPoker Game #3703384179: Table Harare-0 - $5.00/$10.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:58:03 - 2008/09/17

Seat 1: fjutsie ($1,579.65)

Seat 2: scpriz ($1,291.00)

Seat 3: karaknobba ($412.00)

Seat 4: Does888 ($1,985.00)

Seat 5: eltobelli ($190.75)

Seat 6: jjj333 ($90.00)

eltobelli posts the small blind of $5.00

jjj333 posts the big blind of $10.00

The button is in seat #4

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobbaAce of Spades Ace of Diamonds

fjutsie folds

scpriz folds

karaknobba raises to $35.00

Does888 calls $35.00

eltobelli folds

jjj333 folds

*** FLOP *** 8 of Diamonds3 of ClubsJack of Spades

karaknobba bets $55.00

Does888 calls $55.00

*** TURN *** 8 of Diamonds3 of ClubsJack of Spades10 of Spades

karaknobba bets $155.00

Does888 raises to $660.00

karaknobba calls $167.00 and is all-in

Uncalled bet of $338.00 returned to Does888

*** SHOW DOWN ***

karaknobba shows Ace of SpadesAce of Diamonds

Does888 shows Queen of Clubs10 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 8 of Diamonds3 of ClubsJack of Spades10 of Spades6 of Diamonds

*** SUMMARY ***

Board: 8 of Diamonds3 of ClubsJack of Spades10 of Spades6 of Diamonds

karaknobba collects $836.00



MTTformen känns fin men de räcker ändå aldrig ändå fram. 10k gtd deepstack med ~20 pers kvar


EverestPoker Game #3703495440: Tourney ID: 25283017, Table 25283017-19 - $600.00/$1,200.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:27:36 - 2008/09/17

Seat 1: lottie31 ($5,605.00)

Seat 2: karaknobba ($11,240.00)

Seat 3: Callagan ($22,730.00)

Seat 4: goof58 ($11,951.00)

Seat 5: zhaojin ($8,753.00)

Seat 6: pellerplay ($18,677.00)

Seat 7: Maartz ($29,930.00)

Seat 8: spitzi555 ($48,708.00)

Seat 9: MrCabdriver ($7,900.00)

Seat 10: zlicker ($6,770.00)

lottie31 posts the ante of $120.00

karaknobba posts the ante of $120.00

Callagan posts the ante of $120.00

goof58 posts the ante of $120.00

zhaojin posts the ante of $120.00

pellerplay posts the ante of $120.00

Maartz posts the ante of $120.00

spitzi555 posts the ante of $120.00

MrCabdriver posts the ante of $120.00

zlicker posts the ante of $120.00

pellerplay posts the small blind of $600.00

Maartz posts the big blind of $1,200.00

The button is in seat #5

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobbaKing of Diamonds Ace of Hearts

spitzi555 folds

MrCabdriver raises to $7,780.00 and is all-in

zlicker folds

lottie31 folds

karaknobba raises to $11,120.00 and is all-in

Callagan folds

goof58 folds

zhaojin folds

pellerplay folds

Maartz folds

Uncalled bet of $3,340.00 returned to karaknobba

*** SHOW DOWN ***

MrCabdriver shows Ace of DiamondsJack of Clubs

karaknobba shows King of DiamondsAce of Hearts

*** FLOP *** 7 of Spades2 of Clubs6 of Clubs

*** TURN *** 7 of Spades2 of Clubs6 of Clubs5 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 7 of Spades2 of Clubs6 of Clubs5 of Clubs4 of Clubs

*** SUMMARY ***

Board: 7 of Spades2 of Clubs6 of Clubs5 of Clubs4 of Clubs

MrCabdriver collects $18,560.00

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Hälp me ny musik!

Får lite smått panik på min spelningslista! Känns som man hört allt en miljon gånger obehöver ngt nytt att lyssna på. Det har tillome gått så långt att jag nån gång satt på radion i bilen istället för att lyssna på någon av min skivor :S


Skriver upp lite band så ni får en hint om vad det gör sig om för musik sen e de bara posta tips!


In Flames



Senses Fail

Blink 182



Raised Fist

Sonic Syndicate

Foo Fighters



Bloodhound gang

Blinded Colony

Taking Back Sunday

Limp Bizkit




Gillar även musik i stil med

Infected Mushroom och

Cosmic Gate vilket e riktigt fint att grinda till


Band jag är riktigt trött på:

Hardcore Superstar

Backyard Babies


Tipsa på! Är öppen för de flesta förslag även om de inte stämmer in helt på min smak =)

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Pantera e helt okej =) Tackar för tipset!


Dagen tillbringad i Växjö och dagen kan sammanfattas med förljande:




En varm, överbefolkad, klaustrofobiframkallande butik som kryllar av tonårstjejer som ska känna på allt och prova allt! Som tur är ligger donken brevid där man kunde sätta sig tills bruden va klar.

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kan ju rekommendera Rammstein alt. Live.


Rammstein e ju en klassiker men tycker att det tappar lite för de e på tyska men inte alls på något sätt dåligt =)


Hittade denna


Sevendust - Bitch live @ woodstock 99 grym låt så ja tankade några album me Sevendust. Inte alls samma grej :( Låter inte ens som de e samma sångare för fan :S

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EverestPoker Game #3717030267: Table Suva-5 - $1.00/$2.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:46:03 - 2008/09/21

Seat 1: Kingolli555 ($20.00)

Seat 2: JFLamm ($194.45)

Seat 3: jackiesss ($439.79)

Seat 4: Loccitant ($25.30)

Seat 5: karaknobba ($316.00)

Seat 6: Monkeysan ($344.60)

Loccitant posts the small blind of $1.00

karaknobba posts the big blind of $2.00

The button is in seat #3

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobbaAce of Hearts Jack of Diamonds

Monkeysan folds

Kingolli555 raises to $7.00

JFLamm calls $7.00

jackiesss calls $7.00

Loccitant folds

karaknobba calls $5.00

*** FLOP *** 6 of Clubs5 of SpadesAce of Clubs

karaknobba checks

Kingolli555 checks

JFLamm checks

jackiesss bets $15.00

karaknobba calls $15.00

Kingolli555 folds

JFLamm folds

*** TURN *** 6 of Clubs5 of SpadesAce of Clubs9 of Spades

karaknobba checks

jackiesss bets $16.00

karaknobba calls $16.00

*** RIVER *** 6 of Clubs5 of SpadesAce of Clubs9 of SpadesAce of Diamonds

karaknobba bets $56.00

jackiesss raises to $112.00


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Jadu 87an sitter ju på turn men vet ärligt talat inte vad jag tänkte. Brukar inte höja i de läget me AJ. Rivern känns ju som att det i princip inte finns ngt jag slår förutom AT kanske men de ja mena e om man synar ner fast man är i princip alltid slagen?








De va rätt bra! Ska tanka några album o lyssna vidare! =)




Har endel me Bullet for my Valentine. Lyssnat sönder Tears dont fall så mkt att jag inte tål att höra den :P Men har bara lite så ska tanka mer av de =)




Haha nae han e fan inte välkommen där ;)



EverestPoker Game #3721705450: Tourney ID: 25283019, Table 25283019-30 - $400.00/$800.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:07:46 - 2008/09/22

Seat 1: maradiego ($17,250.00)

Seat 2: saglier33400 ($3,520.00)

Seat 3: rafidu13 ($8,605.00)

Seat 4: booop ($4,770.00)

Seat 5: giagiaaq ($16,750.00)

Seat 6: tornio ($16,015.00)

Seat 7: karaknobba ($6,640.00)

Seat 8: argos31 ($24,457.00)

Seat 10: mathisom ($6,562.00)

maradiego posts the ante of $80.00

saglier33400 posts the ante of $80.00

rafidu13 posts the ante of $80.00

booop posts the ante of $80.00

giagiaaq posts the ante of $80.00

tornio posts the ante of $80.00

karaknobba posts the ante of $80.00

argos31 posts the ante of $80.00

mathisom posts the ante of $80.00

mathisom posts the small blind of $400.00

maradiego posts the big blind of $800.00

The button is in seat #8

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobbaJack of Diamonds Ace of Diamonds

saglier33400 folds

rafidu13 raises to $1,600.00

booop folds

giagiaaq folds

tornio folds

karaknobba raises to $6,560.00 and is all-in

argos31 folds

mathisom calls $6,082.00 and is all-in

maradiego folds

rafidu13 folds

Uncalled bet of $78.00 returned to karaknobba

*** SHOW DOWN ***

mathisom shows Jack of SpadesJack of Clubs

karaknobba shows Jack of DiamondsAce of Diamonds

*** FLOP *** 9 of Diamonds5 of Hearts2 of Spades

*** TURN *** 9 of Diamonds5 of Hearts2 of SpadesQueen of Hearts

*** RIVER *** 9 of Diamonds5 of Hearts2 of SpadesQueen of Hearts8 of Diamonds

*** SUMMARY ***

Board: 9 of Diamonds5 of Hearts2 of SpadesQueen of Hearts8 of Diamonds

mathisom collects $16,084.00


Med mindre än en ante kvar efter denna handen lyckas jag jobba upp stacken till 15k (!) igen o kommer tillome ITM men sen sket de sig i även denna.


Spelat ganska mkt nl400/600 o endel nl1k så de har varit sväningt som fan. Köper dock inte in fullt på nl1k utan 50bb inköp så man inte rövknullar rullen helt om man blir badbeatad.


Första tentan på fredaså borde egentligen inte spela innan den men vafan lite kul måste man ju få ha =)


Dagens spel:


EverestPoker Game #3727133806: Table Suva-6 - $1.00/$2.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:55:50 - 2008/09/24

Seat 1: Blue_Baron ($256.30)

Seat 2: r3m0 ($283.15)

Seat 3: jsb9 ($190.00)

Seat 4: bifffeno ($331.85)

Seat 5: karaknobba ($305.45)

Seat 6: maradonacare ($321.90)

Blue_Baron posts the small blind of $1.00

r3m0 posts the big blind of $2.00

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to karaknobbaKing of Clubs King of Spades

jsb9 raises to $190.00 and is all-in

bifffeno folds

karaknobba raises to $305.45 and is all-in

maradonacare folds

Blue_Baron folds

r3m0 folds

Uncalled bet of $115.45 returned to karaknobba

*** SHOW DOWN ***

jsb9 shows 2 of Spades2 of Diamonds

karaknobba shows King of ClubsKing of Spades

*** FLOP *** 5 of ClubsAce of Hearts5 of Spades

*** TURN *** 5 of ClubsAce of Hearts5 of Spades9 of Spades

*** RIVER *** 5 of ClubsAce of Hearts5 of Spades9 of SpadesQueen of Spades

*** SUMMARY ***

Board: 5 of ClubsAce of Hearts5 of Spades9 of SpadesQueen of Spades

karaknobba collects $380.00


hEHE de e lätt ibland keep it up

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