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Full Tilt Poker Game #6723192173: $32,000 Guarantee (50385847), Table 143 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:36:26 ET - 2008/06/06

Seat 1: Jerrbudd (5,355)

Seat 2: arkanprod (7,270)

Seat 3: elee4677 (8,920)

Seat 4: Nosaint28 (6,190)

Seat 5: Makalster (5,780)

Seat 6: mrAce7 (10,620)

Seat 7: antesvante (13,433)

Seat 8: inthetrenches (4,228)

Seat 9: Sawmill17 (5,580)

antesvante posts the small blind of 100

inthetrenches posts the big blind of 200

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to antesvante Queen of Clubs7 of Diamonds

Sawmill17 calls 200

Jerrbudd folds

arkanprod folds

elee4677 folds

Nosaint28 calls 200

Makalster folds

mrAce7 folds

antesvante calls 100

inthetrenches checks

*** FLOP *** Ace of Spades7 of Clubs7 of Spades

antesvante checks

inthetrenches checks

Sawmill17 checks

Nosaint28 bets 800

antesvante calls 800

inthetrenches folds

Sawmill17 folds

*** TURN *** Ace of Spades7 of Clubs7 of SpadesQueen of Hearts

antesvante checks

Nosaint28 bets 2,400

antesvante raises to 12,433, and is all in

Nosaint28 calls 2,790, and is all in

antesvante shows Queen of Clubs7 of Diamonds

Nosaint28 shows 8 of Hearts7 of Hearts

Uncalled bet of 7,243 returned to antesvante

*** RIVER *** Ace of Spades7 of Clubs7 of SpadesQueen of HeartsAce of Diamonds

antesvante shows a full house, Sevens full of Aces

Nosaint28 shows a full house, Sevens full of Aces

antesvante ties for the pot (6,390) with a full house, Sevens full of Aces

Nosaint28 ties for the pot (6,390) with a full house, Sevens full of Aces

Nosaint28: nh'

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 12,780 | Rake 0

Board: Ace of Spades7 of Clubs7 of SpadesQueen of HeartsAce of Diamonds

Seat 1: Jerrbudd didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: arkanprod didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: elee4677 didn't bet (folded)

Seat 4: Nosaint28 showed 8 of Hearts7 of Hearts and won (6,390) with a full house, Sevens full of Aces

Seat 5: Makalster didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: mrAce7 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 7: antesvante (small blind) showed Queen of Clubs7 of Diamonds and won (6,390) with a full house, Sevens full of Aces

Seat 8: inthetrenches (big blind) folded on the Flop

Seat 9: Sawmill17 folded on the Flop

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PokerStars Game #17968391969: Tournament #90846418, $20+$2 Hold'em No Limit - Match Round V, Level I (10/20) - 2008/06/07 - 00:13:56 (ET)

Table '90846418 4' 2-max Seat #2 is the button

Seat 1: antesvante (2030 in chips)

Seat 2: spenzen (970 in chips)

spenzen: posts small blind 10

antesvante: posts big blind 20

*** HOLE CARDS ***

spenzen: calls 10

antesvante: raises 60 to 80

spenzen: calls 60

*** FLOP *** 4 of Diamonds9 of Hearts8 of Hearts

antesvante: bets 100

spenzen: raises 790 to 890 and is all-in

antesvante: calls 790

*** TURN *** 4 of Diamonds9 of Hearts8 of Hearts2 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 4 of Diamonds9 of Hearts8 of Hearts2 of ClubsAce of Hearts

*** SHOW DOWN ***

antesvante: shows 10 of SpadesQueen of Diamonds (high card Ace)

spenzen: shows Queen of Spades4 of Clubs (a pair of Fours)

spenzen collected 1940 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 1940 | Rake 0

Board 4 of Diamonds9 of Hearts8 of Hearts2 of ClubsAce of Hearts

Seat 1: antesvante (big blind) showed 10 of SpadesQueen of Diamonds and lost with high card Ace

Seat 2: spenzen (button) (small blind) showed Queen of Spades4 of Clubs and won (1940) with a pair of Fours



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PokerStars Game #17968391969: Tournament #90846418, $20+$2 Hold'em No Limit - Match Round V, Level I (10/20) - 2008/06/07 - 00:13:56 (ET)

Table '90846418 4' 2-max Seat #2 is the button

Seat 1: antesvante (2030 in chips)

Seat 2: spenzen (970 in chips)

spenzen: posts small blind 10

antesvante: posts big blind 20

*** HOLE CARDS ***

spenzen: calls 10

antesvante: raises 60 to 80

spenzen: calls 60

*** FLOP *** 4 of Diamonds9 of Hearts8 of Hearts

antesvante: bets 100

spenzen: raises 790 to 890 and is all-in

antesvante: calls 790

*** TURN *** 4 of Diamonds9 of Hearts8 of Hearts2 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 4 of Diamonds9 of Hearts8 of Hearts2 of ClubsAce of Hearts

*** SHOW DOWN ***

antesvante: shows 10 of SpadesQueen of Diamonds (high card Ace)

spenzen: shows Queen of Spades4 of Clubs (a pair of Fours)

spenzen collected 1940 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 1940 | Rake 0

Board 4 of Diamonds9 of Hearts8 of Hearts2 of ClubsAce of Hearts

Seat 1: antesvante (big blind) showed 10 of SpadesQueen of Diamonds and lost with high card Ace

Seat 2: spenzen (button) (small blind) showed Queen of Spades4 of Clubs and won (1940) with a pair of Fours



Hur tänkte du där?


Var en liten gamble. Men mot hans range har jag typ odds att ta den synen.


Ofta har han JT, FD mellanpar no kicker etc etc där.

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PokerStars Game #17969150741: Tournament #90369638, $100+$9 Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (150/300) - 2008/06/07 - 01:02:35 (ET)

Table '90369638 20' 9-max Seat #7 is the button

Seat 1: tetvet (12805 in chips)

Seat 2: worldfamous (9760 in chips)

Seat 3: MacHugh37 (2680 in chips)

Seat 4: 222shay222 (20255 in chips)

Seat 5: Le Colli (3810 in chips)

Seat 6: soccerphag (4333 in chips)

Seat 7: CrazySkiIls (2104 in chips)

Seat 8: Booger B (6964 in chips)

Seat 9: antesvante (15882 in chips)

tetvet: posts the ante 25

worldfamous: posts the ante 25

MacHugh37: posts the ante 25

222shay222: posts the ante 25

Le Colli: posts the ante 25

soccerphag: posts the ante 25

CrazySkiIls: posts the ante 25

Booger B: posts the ante 25

antesvante: posts the ante 25

Booger B: posts small blind 150

antesvante: posts big blind 300

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to antesvante King of ClubsKing of Spades

tetvet: folds

worldfamous: raises 600 to 900

MacHugh37: folds

222shay222: folds

Le Colli: raises 2885 to 3785 and is all-in

soccerphag: folds

CrazySkiIls: folds

Booger B: folds

antesvante: raises 12072 to 15857 and is all-in

worldfamous: calls 8835 and is all-in

Uncalled bet (6122) returned to antesvante

*** FLOP *** 5 of Diamonds6 of Diamonds7 of Hearts

*** TURN *** 5 of Diamonds6 of Diamonds7 of Hearts6 of Clubs

*** RIVER *** 5 of Diamonds6 of Diamonds7 of Hearts6 of Clubs10 of Hearts

*** SHOW DOWN ***

antesvante: shows King of ClubsKing of Spades (two pair, Kings and Sixes)

worldfamous: shows Ace of DiamondsAce of Spades (two pair, Aces and Sixes)

worldfamous collected 11900 from side pot

Le Colli: shows King of DiamondsQueen of Hearts (a pair of Sixes)

worldfamous collected 11730 from main pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 23630 Main pot 11730. Side pot 11900. | Rake 0

Board 5 of Diamonds6 of Diamonds7 of Hearts6 of Clubs10 of Hearts

Seat 1: tetvet folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 2: worldfamous showed Ace of DiamondsAce of Spades and won (23630) with two pair, Aces and Sixes

Seat 3: MacHugh37 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 4: 222shay222 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 5: Le Colli showed King of DiamondsQueen of Hearts and lost with a pair of Sixes

Seat 6: soccerphag folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 7: CrazySkiIls (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 8: Booger B (small blind) folded before Flop

Seat 9: antesvante (big blind) showed King of ClubsKing of Spades and lost with two pair, Kings and Sixes

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Full Tilt Poker Game #6725759239: $30,000 Guarantee (50948652), Table 30 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:14:03 ET - 2008/06/07

Seat 1: miked400598 (8,433)

Seat 3: Shortmat1444 (6,046)

Seat 4: danynino (13,815)

Seat 5: antesvante (27,668)

Seat 6: opapas (6,707)

miked400598 antes 25

Shortmat1444 antes 25

danynino antes 25

antesvante antes 25

opapas antes 25

miked400598 posts the small blind of 120

Shortmat1444 posts the big blind of 240

The button is in seat #6

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to antesvante Queen of DiamondsJack of Hearts

danynino folds

antesvante raises to 650

opapas folds

miked400598 calls 530

Shortmat1444 folds

*** FLOP *** 3 of Hearts8 of HeartsJack of Diamonds

miked400598 checks

antesvante bets 1,100

miked400598 calls 1,100

*** TURN *** 3 of Hearts8 of HeartsJack of DiamondsQueen of Clubs

miked400598 checks

antesvante bets 2,300

miked400598 raises to 6,658, and is all in

antesvante calls 4,358

miked400598 shows 10 of Spades9 of Spades

antesvante shows Queen of DiamondsJack of Hearts

*** RIVER *** 3 of Hearts8 of HeartsJack of DiamondsQueen of Clubs8 of Spades

miked400598 shows a straight, Queen high

antesvante shows two pair, Queens and Jacks

miked400598 wins the pot (17,181) with a straight, Queen high

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 17,181 | Rake 0

Board: 3 of Hearts8 of HeartsJack of DiamondsQueen of Clubs8 of Spades

Seat 1: miked400598 (small blind) showed 10 of Spades9 of Spades and won (17,181) with a straight, Queen high

Seat 3: Shortmat1444 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: danynino folded before the Flop

Seat 5: antesvante showed Queen of DiamondsJack of Hearts and lost with two pair, Queens and Jacks

Seat 6: opapas (button) folded before the Flop

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Railar lite...känns konstigt att de 5 största stackarna sitter på samma bord när det är 10 pers kvar. Ska det inte vara ungefär samma antal chips på borden?


Mmm helt sick.... Men men bara att hoppas att man kan utnyttja det och vara ännu större chippie på FT

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5a iaf svante, gratz :)


Tack antar jag.. Ta inte illa upp, men hatar när folk grattar då man bustar långt innan man borde. Vinnarskalle du vet. Kanske känns bätre senare, men tvivlar på det.


Edit: Är även marginellt back för kvällen/natten så det är lite segt det med...

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Full Tilt Poker Game #6737400354: Big Double - B (50498840), Table 10 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:14:27 ET - 2008/06/07

Seat 1: Ganpathy (3,440)

Seat 2: Ynenk03 (2,615)

Seat 3: CBrink_Man (6,230)

Seat 4: NightFox07 (6,320)

Seat 5: porkchopmitch (2,760)

Seat 6: antesvante (10,040)

Seat 7: PFLion (3,235)

Seat 8: SDrake (2,135)

Seat 9: JimmytheHat19 (3,762)

CBrink_Man posts the small blind of 40

NightFox07 posts the big blind of 80

The button is in seat #2

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to antesvante Jack of DiamondsAce of Clubs

porkchopmitch folds

antesvante raises to 240

PFLion folds

SDrake has 15 seconds left to act

SDrake calls 240

JimmytheHat19 folds

Ganpathy folds

Ynenk03 folds

CBrink_Man folds

NightFox07 folds

*** FLOP *** 6 of Spades5 of Spades2 of Spades

antesvante checks

SDrake checks

*** TURN *** 6 of Spades5 of Spades2 of Spades4 of Diamonds

antesvante checks

SDrake bets 325

antesvante calls 325

*** RIVER *** 6 of Spades5 of Spades2 of Spades4 of Diamonds10 of Hearts

antesvante checks

SDrake bets 1,570, and is all in

antesvante calls 1,570

*** SHOW DOWN ***

SDrake shows Ace of Hearts9 of Hearts Ace Ten high

antesvante shows Jack of DiamondsAce of Clubs Ace Jack high

antesvante wins the pot (4,390) with Ace Jack high

SDrake stands up

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 4,390 | Rake 0

Board: 6 of Spades5 of Spades2 of Spades4 of Diamonds10 of Hearts

Seat 1: Ganpathy didn't bet (folded)

Seat 2: Ynenk03 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Seat 3: CBrink_Man (small blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 4: NightFox07 (big blind) folded before the Flop

Seat 5: porkchopmitch didn't bet (folded)

Seat 6: antesvante showed Jack of DiamondsAce of Clubs and won (4,390) with Ace Jack high

Seat 7: PFLion didn't bet (folded)

Seat 8: SDrake showed Ace of Hearts9 of Hearts and lost with Ace Ten high

Seat 9: JimmytheHat19 didn't bet (folded)

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